Strategies to Survive during the HOT HOT Summer...

I've been a couple times in July/August, and I always compare it to ''opening the oven door'' when you walk outside, because it hits you like that- it can be extremely intense.
With that said, there are some keys to not having the summer heat ruin your good time. We stayed at the AK lodge July 14', and that trip was extremely enjoyable (and extremely hot!)
We would get to where we needed to get to without stopping to smell the flowers- this is a big key. Get from one building to the next, relax and cool off. When you're okay, move onto the next, but pace yourself using the indoors to your advantage. I wouldn't recommend standing in a line like Peter Pan, or the like, for extended periods of time, pick and choose what is priority and what you can live without, because the last thing you want to do is burn out (that's no fun)
We played mini golf, and had a good sweat afterwards, but it was enjoyable.
If a rides line was too long, we skipped it.
Evening is slightly better, no sun beating you down.
Drink, drink, drink. After that, drink some more.
At the park and want to cool down in a hurry? Ask for ice (it's free)
As someone said before, go in with a positive attitude and you'll probably have a great time. :figment:
Any tips on bringing infants during the summer? DS will be almost a year old and want to make sure we keep him cool and comfortable.

Some tips based on our experience:

1. Take advantage as much as possible of air conditioned attractions, restaurants and other locations. MK and Epcot are best for this. DHS isn't bad, but there's not as much to do there as there once was, and the Beauty and the Beast show is open air (covered and shaded, but still warm/hot). AK is the worst for this, and I vowed after a previous visit never to go to AK again in the summer with a child under 5.

2. Make sure you have a stroller with a shade/cover that can shield the sun. Also use a portable fan to keep a bit of air flowing through the stroller. And have some extra batteries for the fan.

3. As much as possible, stay indoors during the hot afternoon times. This is a good time to take a break at the resort and let little ones (and maybe yourselves) take a nap. If not back at your resort, then maybe a long lunch ADR in the park or at a nearby resort. Long indoor attractions are helpful here as well -- HoP, CoP, Philharmagic at MK; Movies and shows in China, Canada, France, and USA in Epcot World Showcase; Pavilions in Epcot Furure World.
A thought just came to mind that I've never tried myself, and it would only be practical for temporary relief. Has anyone resorted to using a chemical ice pack to cool off? I'm thinking this may be a possible way to beat the heat at outdoor shows.
We're here right now, here's my tips:


1. Myself, I find quality flip flops (Nike, Clarks, Sanuk etc...) better than socks and sneakers.
2. Use GLIDE anti-chaffe cream everywhere you can think of, especially on the feet.
3. Frogg Togg cooling towels
4. Wear a hat, it really helps keep the sun off your face. Myself, I really liked my wide, floppy hat, as it also shaded my neck and shoulders and yet was a lighter-weight material than a ball cap.
5. Ladies - sundresses are much cooler than shorts! But keep them knee-length or higher. Long sundresses are a no no.
6. Bring stain treatment - the heat makes you sweat of course, and the sweat can make colors in fabrics bleed. Also, if you buy any sweet treats, especially for kids, the icing melts really quickly, and the dye in the icing stains. We've had three items of clothing end up completely ruined because of heat-melting dye.
7. Drink lots - but not just water. Drink some electrolyte containing drinks. When you sweat you lose salts and if you're only replenishing your water but not your salts, you can end up a) not only sick but b) with an electrolyte imbalance which can affect your heart rate if you're prone to such things.
8. The heat can kill your appetite, so make sure you're at least snacking on high-protein foods to help keep your energy up.
9. Steal an ice cube now and then from the drink carts that are selling bottled water, and wipe your face, neck and chest off with it, lol. Trust me, you won't be the only one doing this.
10. Eat your lunch in indoor, air-conditioned restaurants.


1. Casey's Splash Pad in Fantasyland is a great place to get soaked and cool off
2. Mickey's Philharmagic is an EXCELLENT show for cooling off in, as is Carosel of Progress.
3. Step into the doorway area of a store, as they have amazing blasts of a/c.
4. Tom Sawyer's Island is a nice place for a break. Lots of shade and picnic tables to sit down on.
5. If you're in the back of the park - take the train on your way out. It's a bit longer, but it feels so good to sit down and put your feet up.
6. Skip the misting station in Tomorrowland - the water actually felt warm, and just made us feel more sticky than anything.
7. I am now a firm believer that Rope Drop is a must at this park. You're able to get more done before the peak of crowds and heat. The mid-day crowds especially back towards Peter Pan, Small World etc... were horrible.


1. Most of the rides in Future World are air conditioned, so they are a nice break.
2. In the World Showcase, duck into shops for an a/c break - they're all air conditioned.
3. In World Showcase, go to Reflections of China. It's a beautiful 14 minute show - in air conditioning.
4. While there is not as much shade here as in some parks, walk in the shade whenever you can find it.


1. Go into Honey I Shrunk the Kids playground. There's fans, water fountains and splash features that are great for a quick cool-down. Lots of places to sit, and lots of shade.
2. The Coke water bottle cooling station nearby ^^ is also good.
3. Beauty & the Beast, Disney Jr, Ariel and Frozen are all in air conditioning.


1. Walk through the caves for a shade-break (some even have benches for sitting on).
2. Ride Kali. Also, if you're going to do the Maharajah trail, do Kali first. Maharajah has quite a few powerful fans, so when you get soaked on Kali and then step in front of those fans on the trail, it is very refreshing.
3. Step into stores whenever possible.

I've been to Disney World 4x and NEVER knew that this train took you to the front of the park.. :thanks:
A thought just came to mind that I've never tried myself, and it would only be practical for temporary relief. Has anyone resorted to using a chemical ice pack to cool off? I'm thinking this may be a possible way to beat the heat at outdoor shows.

We just got back from a two and a half week visit to Disney and one of the things that saved us immensely is freezing Capri sun, kool aid packs, water, Gatorade, Powerade, and anything else we like to drink the night before going to a park, Downtown Disney, or a water park. In the morning, I would also grab a few bottles of drinks out of the fridge. This way, we had cool drinks in the morning and as the day went on, the drinks that were frozen were cold because the ice melted during the day when we were out. I also placed the frozen drinks in gallon sized ziplock bags. This way, they were easier to put into back packs or at the bottom of the stroller. As we walked on and off of trams, busses, through bag checks, etc. it was easy for us to pick them up as well. I can't tell you all how nice it was to have cold drinks all day long :-)

At the risk of TMI, I wore a sports bra with a little extra "give" in it last July, and I found that a cold bottle of water tucked in the bra in front really helped cool me down quickly on a couple of occasions when I really needed it (e.g. waiting for an afternoon parade). It also works in the back of your shorts waistband. You can drink the water once the chill is off it, and replace with a new cold one if necessary. At the time, I was so hot that I was beyond caring if I looked a little lumpy.

Here's a great combination of all three suggestions
Freeze Capri Suns or drink pouches, tuck into garment or fanny pack at waist, all day Chilly Willy.
Great Teamwork Disers!:grouphug:
Can anyone recommend an electrolyte that isn't flavored? Can't stand the flavor of things like Gatorade/PowerAde etc, plus would prefer without sugar. There are loads of electrolyte tablets listed online, but no clue how to tell a good from a bad.
I can't stomach the taste of them either. I only one I do like is Gatorade no cal orange. It doesn't have that funny pasty taste the others have. Supermarkets sometimes run sales. Try it. As for others, I haven't really tried them.
I never thought about wearing my running pants (capri length)! I've started wearing them for long distance driving and they're the most comfortable things ever. Thanks for sharing, I'll be packing all of mine for next summer!
Regrets!! I bought some frog tog towels before we left and left them home in a last minute "I feel like I've packed too much - oh just leave those home".

Day 4 today and heat/humidity was brutal. We've been using little spray mister fans constantly and they are ok but kind of a nuisance to those around you that don't want to be misted. DH9 was baking in the pre rope drop sum so we caved and bought 4 ($68 total).

Omg they were great. I'm a believer!! The fabric of these felt nicer than the frog tog. When we got stuck out in the sun on the tomorrow land speedway we just opened them up as a sun shade over our head/neck.

We had some cold bottles of water w us and just poured a little on the middle part (since moisture moves down) every once in s while. You just twirl them in the breeze every now and then to cool them back off.

Highly recommend!

Any wicking sports material clothing would be best too.
Around what time are the daily thunderstorms at the moment?

Usually it's been later afternoon to early evening.

Last week I heard of some morning. You can't really predict the storms here in advance. It's an hourly thing.

Carried ponchos all week and used them 1x so far.
I can't imagine it being any hotter than what we experience here in Vegas. The difference, of course, is the humidity vs our dry heat.
I can't imagine it being any hotter than what we experience here in Vegas. The difference, of course, is the humidity vs our dry heat.
I'm from Texas / Dallas area where the heat pockets. It was 105+ last week. Yes it's hot where you and I live but humidity is a different experience with even 80-90 "cool" temps to you and me.
I'm from Texas / Dallas area where the heat pockets. It was 105+ last week. Yes it's hot where you and I live but humidity is a different experience with even 80-90 "cool" temps to you and me.
Oh, I agree. I guess I meant to say the relative heat indexes are similar.
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Hmm - how to survive the summer heat...don't go outside! :P But seriously, try and stay inside as much as possible. Currently, it is, as my husband says, "ball's hot". And I agree. It's HOT. Even going outside in the morning is hot. So be sure to take those afternoon breaks (11/12am - 2/3pm). Today, it was STILL 85 degrees at 6pm.
If you are driving, bring or by a windshield shade. Also, for baby carseats, throw a blanket over the sheet to keep it cool while you are out of the car. That way, the metal buckles won't get so hot and hurt the baby. Learned that lesson the hard way.

For the ladies who want to wear running skirts but don't want the chaffing seams, I really like All their seams are made to minimize chaffing.

Sunscreen help: remember to put it on the backs of your shins and the top of your feet. Put that non-mickey word everywhere! Reapply often. I will usually spray sunscreen those areas and then use the normal type for arms and such. Don't know why, just seems faster that way.

Bring more underware than you need. Bring more bras than you need. I cannot tell you how much I go through just in the "god, I want some non-sweaty ones right now!" underware.

My husband uses under armor for hot days, and he likes that.

Baby help: lather those kiddos up, and if you can't get their faces done, use those face sticks - they work pretty well for me. Bring a stroller with a big canopy. I always see poor little things all sweaty because they don't have a proper stroller canopy. CityMini and Britax are good (I like Britax myself.) Bring a light linen swaddler as a blanket to hang over the stroller - it keeps at least a little sun off them.

I love my GoWalk shoes as well as my crocs.

TMI ahead:
I sometimes bring a little bit of liquid clothing soap to rinse out sweaty gross bras. I hate wearing nasty sweaty bras, and the do hold smells if not rinsed out. So - soap - bring some! :)

It can storm/rain around 3pm, but sometimes it's at 2 or 4 or whatever. Mainly around 3 though. But don't think that will help - sometimes it makes things worse and even more humid.
Don't want to make it seem horrid - it's not that, it's just that the weather can be really - hard to deal with. Much like winter up north, it requires planning and strategies to deal with the heat.

Good luck and have hot fun!
Great tips! We're going in August this year and I'm a little nervous about the heat. We've never taken mid day breaks, but I think we might have to on this trip. I'm definitely getting frogg toggs! Lots of great reviews on those.
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Let's start a thread for essentials on Surviving Disney when it's as Hot as ....:firefight

1. Socks and running shoes -or- your most 'tried and true' sport sandal etc. Pack band aids in case of blisters. Don't break in a new pair of shoes at Disney.

2. If possible, pack everything you need in a fanny pack. Carrying a huge backpack makes you that much more HOT. Honestly, you really won't need half the stuff you think you will in that huge tote bag or backpack.

3. Disney will provide cups of ice water anywhere you ask...

4. Carry a packable umbrella. You will be super thankful for the umbrella even when it's not raining. It's a LIFESAVER in the heat of the day for shade. We LOVE our umbrella more for shade than for rain protection. You will NOT regret this decision. PROMISE!:umbrella:

5. For women, Consider dri-fit capri leggings. I don't have thighs that normally rub together, but OH MY WORD they rub together during trips to Disney in the summer...sweaty thighs rubbing together & a hem on a pair of shorts make for a miserable day. The days that I wear a dri-fit tank & spandex leggings with socks and running shoes are my HAPPIEST. If you MUST wear shorts, buy some body glide. Others have noted that non-gel deodorant or diaper rash cream can also be applied to thighs to help with 'the rub'.:dancer:

6. Use sunscreen and deodorant...enough said.:wave:
7. sunglasses:cool2:
8. and if at all possible, a mid-day break with a nap, shower, or time in the pool

Please feel free to add additional tips for anyone who may not know just what to expect for Disney in the Summer.

**Disclosure**I started a similar thread that has gotten a good number of views but it was moved to Completed Trip Reports and may be a bit difficult to find for folks who are doing general research for upcoming trips. It can be found
It doesn't get hot at WDW. Medium at best. It gets hot in Las Vegas and Phoenix. I'll take medium and high humidity over hot and low humidity any day.


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