Spring Break at Aulani, April 10-15, 2016 Trip Report (in progress)

Thanks for sharing the Safeway receipt! That was some pricey watermelon 8-) I'm surprised to see that milk is actually priced similarly to the price that I pay.
Aulani Day 3, Tueday, April 12, 2016

Due to the time difference, instead of the night owl I usually am at home, I went to bed before 10 almost every night at Aulani, esp. the first couple nights. But on the second night DD woke me up at 11:15 p.m. crying about "the noisy fridge" that's about 30 ft from her murphy bed. It really wasn't that noisy, but she's not used to having weird noises I guess, and plus there are no doors separating the kitchen from the living room. I tried to convince her it really wasn't that loud, and it would quiet down, and I can't remember what other stuff I told her at that hour (equivalent of 2 a.m. at home). Finally, out of options, I just left her alone and she eventually fell asleep again. Thank goodness because we really were all exhausted.

I next woke up at 4 a.m. Then 6:15. And I lingered in bed until 6:40, when I couldn't stand keeping still on that squeaky bed any more. Kids were very happy to see the start of the day again, they've been having such a great time. It was the same routine as the day before, cereal, eggs, ham, etc. DH went downstairs at 7:30 again. I implored him to bring a phone this time as he was just going to find a spot "somewhere". He refused because "it's not that big of a place!"

DS, DD, and I went downstairs at 8. The line at Keiki Korner (by the lazy river) was super long, so we went to the one by the infinity pool and got our wrist bands, towels, as well as the very last small, green life vest. The person behind me wanted one too, but was told to seek one back at Keiki Korner or Rainbow Reef, because they have more of those there.

So of course we looked everywhere for DH but couldn't find him. The place isn't that big, he's right, but was he at the main pool, infinity pool, or...? After walking round and round I got frustrated, so we grabbed one seat by the infinity pool (it was probably 8:15 or 8:20 by now; see, there were still chairs to be had, though this was under the old policy, when people would come down and reserve seats at the crack of dawn; as of 4/24/16 they no longer allow people to take up seats unattended before 8 a.m.). We left our stuff on the chair, then went to find D. This time we found him within a few minutes. He had secured two chairs by the main pool. But he walked around some more and found four chairs west of the lagoon behind the beverage shack. Our view was somewhat blocked by the shack, but the ocean was also visible and we were very happy:


(The fence is actually straight; this was a panoramic shot so it looks a little warped.)

We spent the next two hours in the infinity pool. DS has had swimming lesson for the past few summers but he still wasn't a very strong swimmers, so DH made him swim back and forth between various points of the pool, work on his breathing technique, etc. As for DD, on the first day she was very hesitant in the water even with the life vest on (she never progressed beyond bubble face at swim school last summer), but after that second morning she was happy to float back and forth on her own, and definitely got more comfortable in the water. She didn't need me to hold on to her all the time, which was a relief.

Eventually we got too cold, so we went to the hot tub, but it was too hot for DD and DS so they both refused to get in. So I suggested that we go back to the lazy river, to which they happily agreed. Now, I don't know this for sure, but it felt like the lazy river had the warmest water and easiest to get into in the morning.

We timed the rounds and it was probably 8-9 minutes per round, though this was probably because we were swimming along with the current rather than floating along on the tubes. We did maybe 4-5 rounds before we got hungry and left for lunch.

I first went to Ulu Café and ordered double servings of hash potatoes and bacon (which would be perfect and allergen-free for DD), then retrieved three hotdogs for DS, DD, and myself (bunless for DD), and chili and cheese and rice (what a weird combo, but it was on the menu) for DH from Mama's Snack Stop. It was nice to enjoy our lunch against that beautiful view above. I sighed a very happy sigh...

DS and DD were signed up for "Aunty's Aloha Party" at Aunty's at 12:30, which means they were to report there at 12. At 11:45 DH took DS back up to the room while DD and I went to the Lava Shack to get soft-serve Dole Whip. This was special because the pineapple flavor one is dairy-free, which means DD could have it safely! She was so happy!!!! In fact she ate it so quickly back at the hotel room that she got brain freeze! I told her to eat more slowly next time, and coaxed her to put the uneaten half in the freezer, then rushed her to change quickly so we could be down at Aunty's w/o getting a lecture this time. I think we made it into the door at 12:01 p.m, whew!

Yay! Adult time!!! DH said he would walk around while I went to the concierge desk. I was mainly there to ask about whether we needed to reserve a taxi to go to the Honolulu Airport on Friday ("no, you don't need to," she said; we were to find out later that it would've been a better idea to reserve one though we weren't really impacted by this decision), retrieve the Daily Iwa so I could find out what activities were available. Then DH met up with me and we spent some time in the gift shop, buying postcards, a Christmas ornament, and a Disney pin. I'm not really a collector, but bought several while on the Disney cruise last summer, so I felt like I should buy one from Aulani too as a keepsake (though wasn't the ornament enough?). Oh well, what the hey.

Next we checked in at Ama Ama to see whether we could switch our dinner reservation to 5. Yes! They said, and DD's food allergies were noted in our reservation, so that was taken care of.

Now we had probably less than hour before it was time to get the kids, so we hurried to the adult pool, found one chair by the cabanas, parked our stuff on there, then hopped into the pool, where two men were carrying their women on their back and bumping into each other and generally having a great time. They were playing bumper cars, they said, and would we care to join them? I laughed and said no, thank you. ;) DH and I hung out in a shady corner, but after a while it almost felt weird to not hear kids' raucous voices here. We kinda missed our kids, it was strange!

To be continued... ("Game of Thrones" is calling, lol)
Love your report! Thank you for the detail and for taking the time to write it:)
I had booked a one-bedroom villa with island garden view, and had called Aulani a couple months ago to request (as many had suggested here) a room that's on a high floor (to possibly get an ocean view), facing the Waikolohe Valley, in the Ewa Wing (so it's away from the parking structure on the other side). We were very pleased to receive a room in exactly that--on the 16th floor, the top floor, even. First look at our home for the next 5 nights at 4:50 p.m.:

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This was the view from the balcony outside our master bedroom:

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Enjoying your trip report (I'm still reading the first post so can't wait to read more)! Glad you got most of your requests for your room! Nice view for an island garden view :) If you had been placed in a room facing the Waikolohe Valley, that would have been either a poolside garden view or ocean view room since island garden view rooms do not face the Waikolohe Valley. The island garden view 1bedroom villas that are over the convention center aren't bad at all either - at least they are higher up so that at least you would have gotten a nice view of the mountains.
Enjoying your trip report (I'm still reading the first post so can't wait to read more)! Glad you got most of your requests for your room! Nice view for an island garden view :) If you had been placed in a room facing the Waikolohe Valley, that would have been either a poolside garden view or ocean view room since island garden view rooms do not face the Waikolohe Valley. The island garden view 1bedroom villas that are over the convention center aren't bad at all either - at least they are higher up so that at least you would have gotten a nice view of the mountains.

ah, thank you for the tip! i was wondering where the waikolohe valley would come in. ;) we were thrilled with our room so no complaints there!
Aulani Day 3, Tueday, April 12, 2016, Part 2


At 1:25 we picked up DS and DD, who eagerly showed us the "kupe'e" (bracelet) they made using orchids. They were beautiful, and I was happy to hear they had a good time.

Now it was finally time to get some photos with the characters. Unlike the Personal Navigators on the Disney Cruise, the Daily I'Wa does not include the time and location of their appearances. Instead, you call an extension (x2447) in the morning to find out where and when the characters will be. On this day we got lucky because the CM at the Lava Shack was kind enough to offer me a slip of paper that had all that information written down, so we just followed it.

Mickey and Minnie were supposed to be at the [insert name of that island over the bridge near the lazy river; I had a hard time remembering the Hawaiian names] at 1 p.m. Since it was already 1:20 I figured we wouldn't be able to make it in time, so we settled for Stitch. However, when we got to the island, Mickey and Minnie were still there. Alas, a CM was already at the very back of the line, signaling the end of that particular meet-and-greet, so we decided to stand in the short line that had formed for Stitch.

Within a few minutes Mickey and Minnie said their good-bye and left the scene, giving DS and DD high-five's on their way past us. Then Aunty, who was at Aunty's (duh!) with the kids earlier, showed up with her ukulele:


She began playing as soon as Stitch showed up. Onwards with the photos! We lingered a bit afterwards, then caught sight of Goofy too. But he wasn't there to take photos, and just stood on one of the bridges over the lazy river waving to the crowd.


Guess what, it was time for snack again, lol! Went back to the hotel room, where the kids had some of that very expensive watermelon as well as some of the leftover Dole Whip. Then we headed back out to the lagoon and hung out there until 4. DD was very happy to swim around with DH and me, while DS mostly hung out on the beach playing with sand.

I also swam all the way out to the red buoy. It didn't take very long (maybe 5 or 6 minutes?), and I'm not in the best physical shape either. I must admit, however, that halfway there I started thinking, oh my goodness, what if I have a muscle spasm and sink??? I kept looking back but people got smaller and smaller, and I wondered if anyone would even notice. But thankfully there were three other ladies swimming behind me, so I figured maybe one of them would say something. ;) Once I got to the big red ball, I touched it, just to signal to myself that I did it, then turned around and swam back. It was a very relaxing swim under that beautiful blue sky. I did start getting a bit tired about 2 minutes before getting to the sand area, so it was perfect.

At 4:15 we were back in the hotel room to shower and get ready for our 5 p.m. dinner reservation at Ama Ama. We wanted to eat early partially because it was already 8 p.m. back home, but mostly because we wanted to catch the Starlit Hui that night. I had read here that you want to start lining up at 6:45, and 5 p.m. would allow us to have a leisurely dinner.

Our waitress, Melinda, was great with DD's food allergies. She swapped out DD's bread with fresh fruits, suggested that the grilled steak with local vegetable would be safe, and offered dairy-free sorbet (strawberry flavor) for dessert. We were very happy with her, and asked for the manager at the end of the meal to praise her.

The kids' desserts:



Our side of Ama Ama wasn't very "deep"--there are three of four rows of tables width-wise, and I understood why. This was so that everyone could get a good ocean view. Our table was in the second row. With the shades down, this is what we saw:


Towards the end of the meal, they raised the shades, so the view was a lot more clear:


Here's another sunset photo from near Ama Ama's entrance:


We left around 6:30, but didn't arrive at Starlit Hui until 15 minutes later. I counted there were about 40 people ahead of us as we walked past them, but maybe 10-15 more showed up to be with their families at the front, and hundreds more walked past us to join the line throughout the waiting period.

The chairs you see in the photo are for those with knee problems or other physical issues, btw. Most people got to sit on the mats.

The wind started picking up while we were waiting, so I asked DH to go back to the room to get us some jackets. Thank goodness he did because it got quite chilly, though most people were still in their t-shirts and shorts. Maybe we're just wimps, lol.

The line started moving at 7:10 (yay!!!), but the CMs cut it off right behind us so they could control the flow of traffic. We stood around for 2-3 minutes, waiting for the families in front of us to get seated. We then grabbed a mat and followed a CM to where we would sit. We got the third row from the front, off to the left. Not bad for having ~50 people in front of us. :)

Uncle came out at 7:25 to do an intro, then six hula ladies led the kids (and a few adults) in the Aulani Hula. It's interesting to me that all this time I had been pronouncing Aulani "owl-la-ni" with an emphasis on the La, but Uncle and other CMs were saying "Ah-ooh-la-ni", with the emphasis on the Ah part.

At 7:50 I thought it would be best to take DD to the bathroom one more time, so we hurriedly walked past all the people and went back to Ama Ama, where the closest bathrooms were. Good thing there weren't too many people waiting. We got out of there in 8 minutes, walked by two of the pre-show activities because DD expressed interest (weaving and kupe'e making), then made it back to our seats right before the show started promptly at 8.

The show was great! There was singing, hula dancing, fire dancing, storytelling through dancing, etc.


One of my favorites is the dueling ukuleles. Don't want to spoil it for you so I'll just leave it at that. ;)

Stitch, Goofy, Chip & Dale, Minnie, and Mickey joined the stage for the final act:


After the dances left at 8:30, the characters stayed for another 15 minutes, dancing with the crowd (they stayed on stage though; I guess they don't want to be mobbed). We left shortly thereafter, then put the kids to bed.

This was the only day when I remembered to pick up the Daily Iwa at night (did it in the morning all the other days), so I went downstairs, got one from the lobby, then went back upstairs, had an apple for snack, and went to bed.

Another fun day at Aulani!
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Loving all the photos!! Do you know if the Starlit Hui is on the same nights every week? Trying to plan for when we are there. Thanks!! Can't wait to read more :goodvibes
You are doing a fantastic job with your trip report!!! Looking forward to the next installments popcorn::
Loving all the photos!! Do you know if the Starlit Hui is on the same nights every week? Trying to plan for when we are there. Thanks!! Can't wait to read more :goodvibes

i researched on here before our trip and learned they were usually on Sun, Mon, and Thu, but the week we were there it was Tue and Thu because there was an on-site LPGA tournament event on the lawn that particular Monday (you can see the "tent" in the lower-left corner of this photo, taken from our balcony). i arranged our Ama Ama dinners according to the Sun/Mon/Thu schedule, but after we arrived and learned that the Starlit Hui would be on Tuesday instead I had to scramble and change our Tue dinner reservation time.

my friend who's there right now said she went to the performance last night (Mon).
i researched on here before our trip and learned they were usually on Sun, Mon, and Thu, but the week we were there it was Tue and Thu because there was an on-site LPGA tournament event on the lawn that particular Monday (you can see the "tent" in the lower-left corner of this photo, taken from our balcony). i arranged our Ama Ama dinners according to the Sun/Mon/Thu schedule, but after we arrived and learned that the Starlit Hui would be on Tuesday instead I had to scramble and change our Tue dinner reservation time.

my friend who's there right now said she went to the performance last night (Mon).

Fantastic! Thanks!! We have an early reservation for Ama Ama on Thursday and we arrive on a Monday........hmm! May try both!!
non sequitur: remember how DH said in the airport upon departure that he left our phone chargers, cables, waterproof and regular digital cameras at home? i forgot to mention that, as we were unpacking our stuff in the hotel room, DH suddenly said, "look, i found them!" he lifted up the ziplock bag that had all of them, woohoo!!! so the cables we bought at Target were not necessary after all. we decided to return them while we had the rental car on day 4, but ended up not going at all. i was able to return the cables for a full refund at the target back home.

here's a discussion of our waterproof camera as i'm too lazy to write it up again. ;) it's a great camera and we'll certainly take it with us again on our next beach vacation.
Fantastic! Thanks!! We have an early reservation for Ama Ama on Thursday and we arrive on a Monday........hmm! May try both!!

definitely go on the first day the show is available as i've heard they will cancel it due to inclement weather. do not wait until the last day!

and it was simple to switch your Ama Ama reservation times. we did t twice during our stay there.
Our Ama Ama reservation is at 5 on Thursday....I am thinking we would have enough time to do Starlit Hui too. Maybe I could have my parents and kids meet us there on the lawn. We will attempt on Monday, but don't know if the kids will be able to handle staying up that late. Thanks again!!
Our Ama Ama reservation is at 5 on Thursday....I am thinking we would have enough time to do Starlit Hui too. Maybe I could have my parents and kids meet us there on the lawn. We will attempt on Monday, but don't know if the kids will be able to handle staying up that late. Thanks again!!

5 p.m. is definitely plenty. for those first few days i was surprised my kids stayed up and didn't go to bed until 8-9 as they're usually in bed by 8 at home (5 p.m. hawaii time), so your kids might be able to do it too.
Good to know! 8pm is our kids bedtime as well!! I am pretty sure my oldest could stay up, he is a night owl. =)
Aulani Day 4, Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Remember I wrote on Day 1 that I woke up to DS coughing in his bedroom a few hours before we got on the plane? Well, it happened again, except this time he coughed and coughed and coughed and coughed around midnight. Since he showed no sign of stopping on his own, I got up and gave him honey to soothe his throat. When that didn't help, I told him to do his deep breathing exercise, you know, breathe iiiiin, breathe oooouuuutttt, vvvvveeeerrryyyyy slooooooowwwwwlllllyyyyy. After 5 minutes of that, he still showed no signs of improvement, so I told him to go out to the balcony because I didn't want him to wake up DD (couldn't tell if she was awake by then, probably, but not sure) or our neighbors. He also sounded slightly croupy (ack!) and I had heard that cold air helps.

One word on neighbors: Although the resort was supposedly at 95% capacity that week, we didn't hear our neighbors once. Maybe we heard people walking down the hallway one time, but never from next door. Don't know if it was the great soundproofing or there happened to be no one next door. But anyway, it was nice.

Back to my coughing son... On the balcony, he again coughed and coughed and coughed, in fact he coughed so much that he threw up. Aaaargh! I tried to soak up as much as I could with the Kleenex we had from the bathroom, and I also threw water to clean up the rest. This was in complete darkness, too. I'll spare you the details. But if you're a parent, you know what I'm talking about, so I'll just leave it at that. ;) After I don't know how long (I didn't want to look at the clock, too depressing), eventually he stopped, and DH, DS, and I all went back to bed.

At 4:15 I woke up again to more coughing, this time from DD!!!! BUT thankfully it was just a few small coughs. I tossed and turned and fell asleep again. At 7 I woke everyone up. This morning we had a very slow start as we were all very tired, so no eggs and ham--it was just cereal and fresh berries this time. ;)

DH went downstairs at 8 to get a life vest for DD, and we met up with him maybe 10-15 minutes after. This time we secured some chairs towards the back of the infinity pool, and this was our view (taken later in the day):


At 8:30 as was our habit we went into the lazy river first. Despite much coaxing, DS and DD refused to join me at the water slides, so I went down the open, gentler slide by myself. This is the one whose entrance was on the right as you waited on the staircase. I waited with my inner tube and chatted with my neighbors, then went down it. Wasn't too bad, though it was much faster and more twisty than I expected. When I came out at the bottom near the entrance to the lazy river, DH (with our camera), DS, and DD were waiting for me to capture it on video. We did a couple more rounds of lazy river before heading into the infinity pool:


Spent about an hour there, then we got out around 10 to have snacks at our chair before going back to our hotel room. Why did we get out so early today? We actually had grandiose plans for the day, because I wanted to go to the turtle place at Paradise Cove and this awesome beach called Ka'ena Point Beach, which is located at the westernmost point of Oahu. I had read about it here on the disboards (post #611 in this thread). The picture just looked so stunning on that page that we just had to pay a visit.

Anyway, we went back to the hotel room and I think I made sandwiches for everyone. Then we went downstairs to Alamo to pick up our rental car. A fairly easy process, it was. It was right outside the hotel on the right side (with your back to the ocean). There were one party of four adults ahead of us. After they left, we handed the agent our paperwork, then went downstairs into the garage to claim our car. As we waited there, the party ahead of us climbed into a small SUV and drove off. But right before that, DS (or was it DD?) exclaimed, hey, that's our car! Turns out it was the same car we had driven from HNL to Aulani three days ago, and DS/DD recognized the license plate. Funny!

After we got into our new car, we drove across the street to the ABC store, picked up some straw mats (that for some reason Target didn't have) for our beach excursion, plus some Kona coffee for family back home.

Here are three random photos of their grocery section:




Pulled out of the parking lot at 12:46. I can't believe it took us that long to get outta the Aulani area to be on our way... We got out of the pool more than 2.5 hrs ago!!!

But first we had to decide if we wanted to go to the turtle lagoon first. We thought, nah, we can always do that on the way back, it was getting close to 1 so we better get on our way to Ka'ena Point. As we drove out of the area along the greens of the Ko O'lina Golf Club, due to the LPGA tournament taking place that week, we caught a glimpse of Michelle Wie:


Just kidding! No, I don't know if it was Michelle Wie, but she supposedly was there that week playing in the tournament. ;)

Ka'ena Point, according to Google Maps, is 19 miles away from Aulani and would take us 38 minutes to get there. Just follow Hwy 93 all the way up to the northwest point, to the end of the highway. We drove through all these small towns, passing a couple McDonald's, a KFC, and the usual places you see everywhere else. There was some traffic, but nothing horrendous. Just a lot of stop lights, it felt like. The water along the way was blue and turquoise and simply beautiful:


At 1:20 we were still driving, moving at 25 miles an hour, and it felt like we were never going to get there...

Suddenly we drove past Makaha Beach Park, which is a name I recognized from that Disboards thread mentioned above, so I knew we must be close. I saw that there was a lifeguard there and a place to wash off, so I made a note to myself that if we couldn't find Ka'ena Beach or if it didn't work out somehow, we could always turn around and come back here.

After a few more minutes we saw this beach in the distance, and based on the location, figured it must be our destination:


The traffic came to a sudden halt. There were probably 7-8 cars in front of us, waiting for something. After waiting in the car for 5-10 minutes I got impatient--what the heck were we waiting for??? We were like this (makes tiniest distance between thumb and index finger) from our beach!!!! I got out of the car and walked ahead. I stopped about two cars up because (don't laugh) because a lady had pushed the door open and her legs were hanging out. She seemed friendly when I looked at her, so I asked her what the deal was. Turns out a crew (of what? I forgot to ask) had found some unexploded ordinance up ahead and were disarming it! They were only allowing cars to pass by every 15 minutes. Now I'm thinking of that scene from "The English Patient", where all these tanks were passing by on a bridge above and the poor bomb guy was trying to defuse the bomb below... Anyway, the lady said they had already been waiting for 10 minutes. I sighed and said that we were on our way to Ka'ena Point. The lady (who was apparently a local) said oh, it is well worth the wait, it is beautiful and you should go. I thanked her, then went back to the car. Within a few minutes they re-opened access and we were on our merry way.

Parked our car, used the bathroom (and the Disboards report was correct, there was indeed an outdoor shower too), and we were treated to this view (panoramic so somewhat warped):

Here's another one, looking back south:


It really was a stunning beach. The blue water was exactly what I had in mind in terms of a postcard from a Hawaiian beach (no coconut trees in the background though, hmm). I counted no more than five other people on the beach besides my family, plus a few more in the water, and that was it. Very private. There was a manned lifeguard's shack off to the right of the panoramic photo above.

The waves here were much stronger than the baby ones at Aulani's lagoon, however. Due to the riptide warnings posted nearby, we didn't dare let our kids stay by the edge of the water for more than 10 minutes. They were very happy to play with sand anyway--good thing the sand toys we bought from Target didn't go to waste. But anyway, the waves were so strong that even I got swept off my feet several times.

The weather changed briefly (see the big cloud swooping in from the left in the picture above). There was a very light, gentle drizzle which went away after a few minutes. The sea breeze and the sound of the crashing waves made us that much more aware of the power of nature.

There was a guy fishing with two fishing poles. I asked him what fish could be had here, but the waves were so loud that I couldn't quite hear his answer, and, since I don't really know fish that well (unless you give me their names in sushi, lol), I figured there was really no point in asking again anyway, so I left the guy alone. While we were there he did catch a fish, maybe less than a foot long. DS, DD, and the one other kid who was there ran to the guy, but he said it was too small to keep. He unhooked the fish and tossed it back into the ocean.

At 3 o'clock we decided to start heading back because we still had high hopes of catching a glimpse of the sea turtles at the cove next door to Aulani. We asked a couple who were hanging out nearby to take an obligatory family photo of us (which turned out to be fuzzy once I looked at it more closely in the car, because the lens of my phone was smeared with sunscreen, bah), then we showered and drove off at 3:20.

To be continued...
Thanks so much for persevering and getting to Ka'ena Point! The photos are gorgeous.
I'll have to add this beach to our list... I think we are going to drive up to north shore and then back down the western side, so we could stop then.
I'm here, I'm here!!!!

Where to start....well, the resort looks just gorgeous - I love the room you got!! For some reason the little booth in your dining area just tickled me, reminds me of one we had in the house I grew up in and it just seems very 'family mealtime' to me! Your room came well equipped, that's for sure!

The resort seems so much more expansive than I realized.

Your poor DS and his coughing fit :( I hope he didn't have a repeat performance for the rest of the trip. Poor wee boy!

As for your photos, you can't beat a Hawaiian sunset! I'm glad you were able to leave the resort too though - stunning beach!!

Thank you so much about the tip for Alamo re: checking in online. We're renting through Alamo for our Maui trip the end of this month, that will certainly save us some time!By the time we land in Maui it will be almost midnight Vancouver-time so having to get the car and then still drive to our condo....ugh, will be a long night but now I know we won't have to wait in a horrendous car rental line up!

Looking forward to the rest of your trip report!
I'm here, I'm here!!!!


(DD is in my lap watching me type this reply, and lol'ed when she saw the dancing bananas :) )

Where to start....well, the resort looks just gorgeous - I love the room you got!! For some reason the little booth in your dining area just tickled me, reminds me of one we had in the house I grew up in and it just seems very 'family mealtime' to me! Your room came well equipped, that's for sure!

yes, it was really well stocked with everything. i was very impressed. are all DVC rooms like this, i wonder? (any DVC member reading this, please feel free to chime in!)

The resort seems so much more expansive than I realized.

it looks big, but really doesn't take that long to walk from one end to the other. maybe 5 minutes?

Your poor DS and his coughing fit :( I hope he didn't have a repeat performance for the rest of the trip. Poor wee boy!

thank you. he does this maybe once every few months, so we're sort of used to it. wonder if he has seasonal allergies? but it really only happens at night, the most inconvenient time... ;)

Thank you so much about the tip for Alamo re: checking in online. We're renting through Alamo for our Maui trip the end of this month, that will certainly save us some time!By the time we land in Maui it will be almost midnight Vancouver-time so having to get the car and then still drive to our condo....ugh, will be a long night but now I know we won't have to wait in a horrendous car rental line up!

check online and see if they offer it at the maui airport. it seems like it's in many, but not all. for your sake i definitely hope they have it. :)

Looking forward to the rest of your trip report!

i'll try not to take 8 months to finish it this time, lol!

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