Single parent...contemplating first trip alone

Traveling as a single mom is something I've always done..I've rarely had extra help. Since my DD was 2 weeks old I've traveled and flown by myself with her. You can do it!!!.. A few things to help.

Make sure bedtime Is priority. Being well rested is a must for both of you. This will help reduce meltdowns from both of you.

Drinks and food. Make sure you have favorite snacks and drinks on hand and easily available for both of you. Having these in a small pack and Carry them every where can be a lifesaver!

Have some simple activities for your DD that interested her to help with lines and keeping her entertained when necessary...a few new items work wonders.

Last -- I have more but these are my best....lower your expectations...just see things through your DD eyes and just have things at her level and pace and with some planning you will have a great vacation!

We are going in June too so you won't really" be alone". :flower3:
One more tip, start a tradition on this trip, something that you and your daughter will do every time you go to Disney whether just the two of you or with the extended family or friends. You two will break apart for a limited time from the pack to do what is just your own thing. This can be to ride a certain ride together, attend a dinner show, go to a dinner just the two of you, do an activity, whatever. As an example, my son and I go to Downtown Disney at least one night just us, usually the last night of the trip. First we go to the lego store where he can get something if he has money left, then we eat at T-Rex, next we go pick out an ornament together at Disney Days of Christmas and then finally we go to Goofy's Candy Co or Ghiradellis for dessert. If there is time we will do DisneyQuest, but since that is being replaced, we will have to do a movie, or bowling or this new NBA thing next year. This is our thing and no matter who we go with, we break away to do this every time, just my son and I.
Also glad to hear you have decided to go. I few from Australia on my own with my 3 kids last year (much to my Mother's worry lol). Planning and organisation before you go is key I think .... but when there go with the flow within a rough daily plan. I think you will feel very proud of yourself once you have been. I know I felt I had achieved a huge accomplishment when I managed to pull off what I used to think was an unattainable dream. Sending good wishes for your trip.
Also glad to hear you have decided to go. I few from Australia on my own with my 3 kids last year (much to my Mother's worry lol). Planning and organisation before you go is key I think .... but when there go with the flow within a rough daily plan. I think you will feel very proud of yourself once you have been. I know I felt I had achieved a huge accomplishment when I managed to pull off what I used to think was an unattainable dream. Sending good wishes for your trip.

Wow, all the way from Australia?! You are awesome!
Thanks MsMamaBear - It was a very healing trip for me (still paying for it haha) but the memories we made are priceless will never regret it.
I am soo glad you decided to go! I agree that organization is a huge key to a successful (no stress) vacation! I took my twins on vaca alone for the first time in July of this year. They are 13! It was our first, not because I usually have help, because it had been almost 10 years since I had taken a vacation. I finally decided to go for it because exMIL gave us a week at her timeshare near Downtown Disney and I could not refuse!!! I was soo nervous with it being my first time renting a car and the first time being the only adult on a trip but my goodness it was fantastic! Of course my duo being older puts a little different perspective on it but having experienced it, my first thought while reading your post was GO, GO, GO and then reading you are going to do it made me smile! My children and I shared soo many great things but seriously, I will never forget we were walking down a path in AK and the 3 of us were just laughing uncontrollably. I don't even remember now what we were laughing about but I remember stopping for a second to take it in and think how cool it was that all it took for us to laugh our fool heads off was walking down a path in AK! Many people tell me I am heading towards the years when they will want nothing to do with me and that was not lost on me while we did everything together for an entire week!
I'm not a single parent, but DD 8 and I just returned from a few days at WDW just the two of us. DD is mostly a good kid but has sensory disorder and I suspect ADD which can get overwhelming for her at times, but for the most part she did awesome. We did get up fairly late most days and didn't hit it really hard which was good. We didn't get super tired and I actually felt relaxed at the end of it which was great. You can definitely do it!
I'm so glad to hear you've decided to go! DS (7) and I are taking our first solo trip in December. It's a little nerve wracking, as this is the first vacation that I've ever taken without an "adultier adult". But I'm so excited to spend fun time alone - just the two of us. Our first trip to Disney was about a year after my divorce and my parents came with us. I remember thinking the entire time that Disney would be the perfect vacation for just DS and I - buses everywhere so I don't have to drive, family friendly, safe, and FUN! Ever since that trip, I've been saving and planning for this one!

Once we get back, I'll be sure to share any tips!
I'm so glad to hear you've decided to go! DS (7) and I are taking our first solo trip in December. It's a little nerve wracking, as this is the first vacation that I've ever taken without an "adultier adult". But I'm so excited to spend fun time alone - just the two of us. Our first trip to Disney was about a year after my divorce and my parents came with us. I remember thinking the entire time that Disney would be the perfect vacation for just DS and I - buses everywhere so I don't have to drive, family friendly, safe, and FUN! Ever since that trip, I've been saving and planning for this one!

Once we get back, I'll be sure to share any tips!
I am so happy to read this, I am certain you will have a fabulous time! There really is something to be said for just you and your child(ren in my case) deciding what fun thing to do next! I will be looking forward to reading about your trip!
I took my daughter for the first time alone when she was four. I can honestly say it was the best trip I had taken for years. We had so much fun and we were so relaxed not having to worry about accommodating others' needs. You will have a great time:-)
Just found this thread. :) I'm actually getting ready to do this in about 2 weeks....sort of. My daughter is 6 and we're going on a family trip with my mom, brother and his family, but they're coming down to meet up with us a few days after we arrive. This will be my very first vacation since I separated from my husband (the divorce will be final on November 2nd) and I honestly can't wait to have that alone time with her. I think it's great that you decided to do it, and I agree about starting a new tradition for just the two of you. Have a great time!
I took my older son for his 4th birthday in January just the two of us, and it was FANTASTIC. We had such a great time. With one kid, it's so easy. One night we were kind of tired so we went back to the hotel and got room service, another night we stayed late and rode Thunder Mountain and watched the fireworks. I really just made it a "preschooler-led" trip.
I think finding some time for just the two of you would be great. I have found over the years having my son help with the plains is a great way to have quality time before going. When he was younger we would look at the rides and see what looked like fun. How that he is older he helps with everything. Have fun on your trip.
I just found this thread, but let me add to the encouragement. I have never been anything but a single parent, and the first trip on my own with the kids was scary - even scarier was the first Disney trip. Our situation is complicated by my son's Autism. But, you can do this. We plan, we book fast passes, we plan ADRs. Then we have to be flexible enough to watch for the signs that we need to change the plan. I am outnumbered by my kids (2) and we have been to WDW 3 times this year by ourselves. We leave Friday for our 4th trip. So, I assure you that once you get over the fear, you will be fine. I took just my daughter last year for a long weekend of girls time (she was 7) and it was amazing. My son adds a layer of complication and requires additional planning and thought, but she and I just got to enjoy. It was awesome. We did our first Disney trip when they were 6 and 8 and they look at it as the best vacation of their lives, even two years and 6 trips later, the first was the most special. We are doing a Disney cruise over Thanksgiving with my parents and my brother, and that will mark the first vacation where I have had help. I don't think it will change much other than I might get some alone time. We have mastered the single parent vacation for our family, and I don't hesitate to take them anywhere at this point. So go. Have fun. Learn your new normal and just enjoy each other. I know it is overwhelming, but it is vacation and you are building fun memories. The rest will work itself out.
I just found this thread, but let me add to the encouragement. I have never been anything but a single parent, and the first trip on my own with the kids was scary - even scarier was the first Disney trip. Our situation is complicated by my son's Autism. But, you can do this. We plan, we book fast passes, we plan ADRs. Then we have to be flexible enough to watch for the signs that we need to change the plan. I am outnumbered by my kids (2) and we have been to WDW 3 times this year by ourselves. We leave Friday for our 4th trip. So, I assure you that once you get over the fear, you will be fine. I took just my daughter last year for a long weekend of girls time (she was 7) and it was amazing. My son adds a layer of complication and requires additional planning and thought, but she and I just got to enjoy. It was awesome. We did our first Disney trip when they were 6 and 8 and they look at it as the best vacation of their lives, even two years and 6 trips later, the first was the most special. We are doing a Disney cruise over Thanksgiving with my parents and my brother, and that will mark the first vacation where I have had help. I don't think it will change much other than I might get some alone time. We have mastered the single parent vacation for our family, and I don't hesitate to take them anywhere at this point. So go. Have fun. Learn your new normal and just enjoy each other. I know it is overwhelming, but it is vacation and you are building fun memories. The rest will work itself out.

I love this! Awesome!
We just got back a few weeks ago from a solo trip of just my DS and I. It was so incredibly easy for us to move around and get to places. We did early morning in the parks, back to the resort for a break/swimming, then back to the parks. It was so much easier than I thought. You guys will have tons of fun. I suggest being familiar with the resort, transportation system at the resort, and take time to laugh and have fun!
I'm really looking forward to it being just my daughter and me I on our next Disney vacation. I know it will be a much better time for just the two of us because we've never had the pleasure of traveling with others who love Disney as much as we do!

Looking at the price increases for everything since our last visit in 2013, I am now planning to go in the summer of 2017 instead of 2016. Since our next Disney vacation will probably be the last one for a few years I think 8.5 would be the perfect age for us to experience Disney for the first time alone and also allow me to have the budget for an 8 day/7 night stay at POR. We stayed at POR in 2013 and absolutely loved the resort! We won't be staying in the Royal Guest Rooms like we did in 2013 though.

Now that I know my next Disney vacation is 20 months away I can take my time planning the Disney vacation of our dreams and properly save so that we can create an amazing experience for ourselves.
I'm really looking forward to it being just my daughter and me I on our next Disney vacation. I know it will be a much better time for just the two of us because we've never had the pleasure of traveling with others who love Disney as much as we do!

Looking at the price increases for everything since our last visit in 2013, I am now planning to go in the summer of 2017 instead of 2016. Since our next Disney vacation will probably be the last one for a few years I think 8.5 would be the perfect age for us to experience Disney for the first time alone and also allow me to have the budget for an 8 day/7 night stay at POR. We stayed at POR in 2013 and absolutely loved the resort! We won't be staying in the Royal Guest Rooms like we did in 2013 though.

Now that I know my next Disney vacation is 20 months away I can take my time planning the Disney vacation of our dreams and properly save so that we can create an amazing experience for ourselves.

One of the many things I have learned the hard way is every pay check I get a Disney gift card with the same amount on it . Our church sell the gift cards to help the school and I get a $ 25.00 every pay day. I will put them in a bag and keep adding to it. It is fun to see how much you have saved with out thinking about it. I have already stated for our next trip.
One of the many things I have learned the hard way is every pay check I get a Disney gift card with the same amount on it . Our church sell the gift cards to help the school and I get a $ 25.00 every pay day. I will put them in a bag and keep adding to it. It is fun to see how much you have saved with out thinking about it. I have already stated for our next trip.

Funny you mentioned gift cards because that's exactly what I have been researching this morning and am planning to do! I'm going to sign up for a red, debit card at target so that I can get 5% off when I purchase the gift cards.
I'm so glad you are going! Not a single mom, but my DH just doesn't enjoy it as much as DD and I do. We went on our first solo right before she turned 4. She is now 17, and we have had many other Mom and I trips. I give much credit to these trips for the bond she and I have. I am constantly asked what I do/did to have raised such a special young lady-and I believe that these trips have a great deal to do with the person she has become. I would tell her prior to trips what the expectations were, and she always exceeded anything I asked of her! One of my favorite memories is checking into POR heading to our room-she wanted to carry her own luggage and help with mine up the stairs! She wanted to be a "big girl helper". I can still picture her in my mind, with her Sully suitcase like it was yesterday! These are memories that will last forever, for both of you!!


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