~~~SEWING my way to POFQ ~ American Girl outfits & Custom Park Bags! ~~~

200 Pages? Easy Peasy!

This group could do that in their sleep!

Have a great time today!

We always like to go for 10 days. It gives up one break day two days in each park and a toss up day... for whatever we decide we want to do. (even though I have to have that toss up day planned too...obsessive much?)

I was positive I grabbed quotes but they aren't here....so hre goes with my feeble mind!

Be careful about the internet young lady....sorry...couldn't resist that! Seriously, not all embroidery sites are created equally. When you are first starting out it came be pretty upsetting to get a design off on of those lesser sites. I don't want you to think you shouldn't try them, just be careful. I always (at least now that I have learned) test them on scrap fabric before I put them on something important.

That way you will know if it is going to really mess up what you are working on. If you have problems, don't automatically think you are terrible...it very well could be just a bad design...

Nini is right, 200 pages is a piece of cake! :lmao:

Doing my part....

David, Rachel and Lisa all worked Tuesday morning at the Governor’s Tourism Convention held in Concord. They volunteered as “actors” at the luncheon that was held, representing different icons from our area. David was Charlie, the USS NC Battleship Mascot, Rachel was an artist and Lisa was a Southern Belle. They were paid and also fed lunch (They didn’t include parents, to bad, the food looked good). Here are a few pics, I don’t have any with David’s hand and croc feet on, they had kicked us out by the time he put them on.












Andrea, LOVED all the pics of Alexa, she is such a beauty! LOVED all of the clothes she had on...and you made all of them :worship: The Koi pond is so peaceful and your dogs are adorable. It did not escape me that Alexa had a shirt on WITH the matching dog appliqué! :love: I know I never answered here about the hair, but you got my thoughts on our TR...Remind me to tell you a bedtime story about Locks of Love when you come for your sleepover visit...:rolleyes1

Chiara, don't think I ever said I LOVE the Nerds skirt and the shirt graphic for Lisa!

Already said I love your sewing Lisa, but will say it again and Megan is pretty as always. I had a hard time picturing Megan as Mayim Bialik, because all I can see Mayim Bialik as is Amy Farrah Folwer on the Big Bang...:lmao::lmao:

D~ I am sorry your trip is coming to a close and praying EVERYONE wakes up feeling rested and ready for another fun-filled day at Disney. We ALWAYS take lots of rests, because of Lisa, so 10 days isn't enough for us.... I can't wait to see and hear about all of the fun and although I don't facebook (another outcast it seems) just from reading on here I KNOW what you did at AK!!! :woohoo:

As for Lisa B's 10,000 plus post count....let me say look how long she has been a DIS member :rolleyes1:rolleyes1 Yes, she was away for awhile...but still....I have been here less than two years and I have over 4,000...now THAT is :scared1::scared: (and all of this is said tongue in cheek, of course because I LOVE Lisa (smooch my friend) I honestly never pay attention to my post count, until somebody points it out or what page my TR is on, :lmao::lmao: just call me Ms. Oblivious....or Clueless...or whatever....)

Michelle, I captured your BD for my calendar too...Lisa B, I already had yours! Seems I am the youngest one here, I will only be 29 my next birthday...I will have to pick up a lot of wisdom from you ladies!

So that is my help in filling up D~s report. I have to say au voir, I have a dishwasher that needs emptying! Just know that while I haven't been able to comment the past few days, I have TRIED to keep up to no avail. Switch over to a TR ASAP D~ so we can fill that one up to 200 as well! :woohoo:

And I am sorry if I missed anyone, NOT trying to ignore you!!!!
Doing my part to make it to 200 :thumbsup2 I can't believe how fast your trip has gone by!! I don't think I would make it 10 days! We're so used to long weekends, I think 5 days is our longest trip.

Judging from from the pictures I've seen, it's been really crowded at WDW this week! I'm looking forward to your trip report to see how you handled the crowds. I think you should start your trip report right away, not that people haven't been doing an excellent job keeping your PTR going while you've been gone!

Have a great time today and for the rest of your trip!! Safe travels home.
Marianne, I came back to say I LOVE LOVE LOVE ALL of your things as well, especially the Seuss stuff, you KNOW how I feel about Seuss!!!! Plus I got to see the fabric before it turned in to the most adorable things!!!! Please keep learning how to embroider on the machine because I WILL own one someday and I will need LOTS (and I mean LOTS) of help!!!!! And you KNOW I have mad love for Finn and Phalen! :love::love:
D~ as for Alli's stomach she may be sensitive to the FL water. I am and I even use bottled water for brushing my teeth.

Hope you guys have a great day.

I am off to my second IEP meeting of the week. This is the all important one for Kindergarten and the services and kind of class he will get next year. I am so very nervous and stressed about this. I am hoping that they will be reasonable. We are talking about the City of NY though.

I am going to try and get some project done today since I don't have to work.
are you really Andrea ....we can just think of it as having more wisdom than our younger DIS friends :
nice your DH gave you a massage! that's a lot of mulch

I got married at 34 and had megan at 36 1/2 we got lucky though and only tried for 3 months....sorry you had problems Andrea

Chiara gave me permission to share the great graphic she created for our HI cruise embarkation photo....


they turned out great :worship: thank you again Chiara!!

and here's Megan in her formal choir outfit from last night


We discussed this at your last birthday. I turn 48 on JULY 12 (mark your calendars girls -- I love presents!).

We tried for just 3 months with ds and 4 months for dd, then we tried for months and had a m/c and then did lots of fertility treatment to no avail. I am all whacked out hormonally -- there were several cycles they couldn't even do IUI's b/c my hormones were too many up or my cysts (which I never had prior to having children) were too bad. I'm thankful for the two I have and now understand that all the movie stars having kids in their 40's use donor eggs -- that was offered as our best chance but I, personally, couldn't go there.

Your shirts are great! OK, I have to ask, is SIL's name on there? :lmao:

Megan looks fabulous! Just lovely :)

((((hugs)))))) I agree infertility sucks big time.been there done that. :(
Read above -- we really had no issues with our first two (thankfully!) but no luck after that. Not only does it suck emotionally, it sucks physically and financially as well (I was just thankful my insurance covered my gazillion ultrasounds!).

Clue 1: When I was born, there were only 48 states.

I can safely say you are older than me :) I knew you had to be since you are so very wise. Though I feel like I am so very senile. I was trying to help ds (4th grade) with his math last night and he was working on probability and one of the problems he had was so advanced I couldn't explain it properly and he couldn't explain the way he was doing it either -- I had dh look at it and thankfully dh said the one problem looked to be more college level than 4th grade! Dh is younger than me so he can remember more.

Mine birthday is June 7th if anyone is planning a BIG Birthday Party for me:lmao:

I have actually had cellulitis on my legs before:rolleyes1 I had the bright idea :idea: to have my legs waxed before our trip in 2006 and a few days before we left my legs were burning. I had to take antibiotics and put cream on my legs. It was no fun.:sad2:

What I think this was is Bursitis and my elbow is feeling so much better. I still don't know how I got it :confused3 I've never had joint problems before.

:hug:Infertility does suck!:sad1: I was married at 24 and when I turned 29 we started talking about having children and it took 2 years to have my first child.

-------------------------------------------:dance3:But on some good news.... tomorrow I can do the Double Digit Dance :dance3:------------------------------------------
You are way younger than us old folks on here!

I'm glad it wasn't cellulitis -- with the redness and heat it sounded like it was the start of it and never mess with cellulitis.

I would have died if it took two years to have a child -- at least you started younger so you had some time. I had one friend that I felt awful for -- she had a m/c with her first pg (no fertility tx) and then it took about 1.5 years for her to get pg again. She got pg the cycle she took her break from clomid. But then how scary it was for not knowing whether or not she'd maintain the pg. She fortunately did great and now has three children without any further fertility tx.

Oh and I forgot to add... I think we are ready to go home - note to self -10 days is just a bit too long... If we were to do 10 days again - we'd need to have 2 days off instead of 1. The one thing I did like, is that when ever we were here previously - we felt so rushed - this trip we move at a much slower pace and took lots of breaks. It was very nice...

D~ <--- Who is working towards her 3,000th post - and would love it if her PTR would hit 200 pages. ;)
Your report will have no problem hitting 200 pages -- likely will happen today (though I still have three beds out front to rake out and mulch, so I won't be able to participate too much today).

Nini is right, 200 pages is a piece of cake! :lmao:

Doing my part....

David, Rachel and Lisa all worked Tuesday morning at the Governor’s Tourism Convention held in Concord. They volunteered as “actors” at the luncheon that was held, representing different icons from our area. David was Charlie, the USS NC Battleship Mascot, Rachel was an artist and Lisa was a Southern Belle. They were paid and also fed lunch (They didn’t include parents, to bad, the food looked good). Here are a few pics, I don’t have any with David’s hand and croc feet on, they had kicked us out by the time he put them on.


Andrea, LOVED all the pics of Alexa, she is such a beauty! LOVED all of the clothes she had on...and you made all of them :worship: The Koi pond is so peaceful and your dogs are adorable. It did not escape me that Alexa had a shirt on WITH the matching dog appliqué! :love: I know I never answered here about the hair, but you got my thoughts on our TR...Remind me to tell you a bedtime story about Locks of Love when you come for your sleepover visit...:rolleyes1

Michelle, I captured your BD for my calendar too...Lisa B, I already had yours! Seems I am the youngest one here, I will only be 29 my next birthday...I will have to pick up a lot of wisdom from you ladies!

Very quick b/c I have 18 mins to get dressed, make the kids' lunches, brush teeth etc b/f getting out the door (good thing it's a mulch - no make up day).

Love the pics!!!

Thanks for the compliments :)

If you're turning 29 then I made a typo earlier -- I will be 28 this year :upsidedow

Must run..........
I just wanted to hop on and let you all know that Alli is staying behind this morning.

She woke up and her tummy is still iffy, she is stuffed up and has a sore throat. :( She wasn't stuffy last night before bed, so we are thinking the sore throat is from being stuffy??? Not sure. I don't have a flashlight to look in her throat - so I can't tell if there are any spots (for strep), she said it doesn't hurt when she swollows - just a general sore? She is going to see how her morning goes. I gave her ibuprofen (that's all I have until the store down stairs opens...). She might try an meet us in front of MK later this morning for our LTT lunch - if she feels up to it. Other wise V and I are coming back after lunch and we'll see how she feels then.

Yuck-os on the fertility problems. Been there, done that!

I had no problems getting pregnant with first one. Then hubby was sent to Korea for a year so we had to wait for the next one. After two years of trying, the army put me on clomid for a year. (In the meantime I had EVERY embarrassing test known to MANkind ...in front of an audience...teaching hospital!) After one year they had me take a break. I got pregnant right away. The whole pregnancy the baby was measuring large. At the time they didn't do routine ultra sounds and they were hearing multiple heartbeats.

While clomid has a low ocurance of multiple births, it IS possible...but I didn't want to know! I also discovered I had TIAs while pregnant. They were concerned I would have a stroke so they wanted labor to be in a completely controlled environment. It ended up being an induction that took 12 hours!!!! He was already screaming when I was getting kicked under the ribs...I just knew there were a thousand babies in there...nope...just one HUMONGOUS baby...10 lbs 2 oz and 24 1/2 inches long!! He was wearing six 6 months when we came home from hospital (he had a heart condition so he had to stay a little over a week)

We were resigned to only having two kids...when a little over six months later I found out I was pregnant again!!

My last two were born after my hysterectomy...so I'll leave that up to your imaginations!

My cousin in law tried for a solid year with invitro ... at over $10,000 a pop (this was 19 years ago) they only had enough in savings for one year and then had to stop. She got pregnant in the last month...and lost it a few weeks later...only to discover she was carrying twins and only lost one!

We are now concerned with my daughter... her husband was in the last month of chemo when they got married. They had to wait at least three years before trying. Now they are afraid to try. They did save some swimmers before the chemo...but they have to try for two years before they can use them... Next month they will be married for 5 years...

Ok...I have done my part for moving this along! Now I have to try and get a doctor's appt when they open in about 30 seconds!

We had no problems having C. I was 30 when I had her. I got pg 22 months later and had my first MC after seeing the heartbeat and everything. 10 days later we took C on her first Disney trip with no planning my Dad wanted to do something nice for us since I was devestated.

Tried again had another MC this one was earlier. Went on clomid since my cycles were now totally screwed up I hated that stuff. I turned into sybil. Wound up PG and had another MC this one was a late MC I was 14 weeks. took a break. Made the Decision if we weren't pg by the time I turned 35 we would stop. I turned 35 and we stopped trying.

Six months after my 35th birthday with no drugs and no trying we were pg. I had every test known to man and so many sonograms I lost count. I had J and that journey began.

Almost 2 years ago we had another surprise but that too wound up in a miscarriage. I am officially done. Seriously another miscarriage would put me in the looney bin with no visitation. My heart bleeds for those who suffer from infertility. I always tell people my problem wasn't getting pregnant it was staying pregnant.

I have a SIL who is Fertile Myrtle. I was always super jealous of the ease she had children.

okay need to put my documents for Js IEP and I need to make a list of things to do since my niece brought her lacrosse stuff for me to put her name on.
D~ hope hope Alli feels better....no more sharing water bottles for us, that's why we both got sick in DLR last month.
the a/c could be an issue too if you're not used to it, can really dry you out!
maybe some warm tea and more rest she feel better!

Michelle- a great day for a white wedding...sorry just had to throw that in, Andrea and Judy you should remember that song :lmao:

oh and Judy, I KNOW how old you are :rolleyes1, just remember that :rolleyes1 :rotfl: hmmm so you had Christian when you were 8 :confused3 I don't think so my friend :rotfl::rotfl:

Nini - hope your DD & SIL will get through his last chemo and be blessed with children :goodvibes

Andrea - don't even get me started on math...lucky for me Megan is doing quite well in it...I was very good in math until algerbra...but the new way they teach math makes no since to me...so if she struggles down the road we will have a tutor to help out!

and as far as "the other" since my mom is paying for the cruise and the shirts I had no control that "the other" is coming...believe me wish she wasn't, but won't let her ruin our vacation, we are all doing what we want and will meet up when it works out with the rest of the family!

Chiara - good luck today with J's school :goodvibes:goodvibes

on my post count...think I was around 4,000 posts when I came back in Aug 2010 :eek: guess I am on here a bit to much :rotfl2::rotfl2: but I can't help it I love my "family in the box" :love: and will never leave again :goodvibes

well have done my part to get to 200 pages...you're welcome D!
sure we will hit it today :cheer2:
I have exactly two minutes before we leave on my insane day...but I was GOING to say to Andrea I don't know why she thinks she knows how old I am and to not believe everything Lisa B tells her, because Lisa thinks I am older than I am, THEN I see Lisa really DOES want to tell....:lmao::rotfl2::lmao: Go ahead then, try to prove it....:rotfl::rotfl2: Just remember , if it doesn't come from me, it might not be true....:rolleyes1:rolleyes1 I like to see who is spreading my business...

Hugs for Alli!!! :hug::hug:

And you to Chiara, I HATE IEP meetings!

Now I am off to the races!
I have exactly two minutes before we leave on my insane day...but I was GOING to say to Andrea I don't know why she thinks she knows how old I am and to not believe everything Lisa B tells her, because Lisa thinks I am older than I am, THEN I see Lisa really DOES want to tell....:lmao::rotfl2::lmao: Go ahead then, try to prove it....:rotfl::rotfl2: Just remember , if it doesn't come from me, it might not be true....:rolleyes1:rolleyes1 I like to see who is spreading my business...

Hugs for Alli!!! :hug::hug:

And you to Chiara, I HATE IEPO meetings!

Now I am off to the races!

you know I'd never tell Judy :goodvibes you told me how old you are...unless you didn't tell me the truth :sad2::rotfl::rotfl: I would never reveal a ladies age :thumbsup2

good luck today with your crazy schedule, hope you did get some rest last night my sweet "heart sister" :goodvibes:goodvibes

hey look you got us to page 199 :woohoo::woohoo:
She woke up and her tummy is still iffy, she is stuffed up and has a sore throat. :( She wasn't stuffy last night before bed, so we are thinking the sore throat is from being stuffy??? Not sure. I don't have a flashlight to look in her throat - so I can't tell if there are any spots (for strep), she said it doesn't hurt when she swollows - just a general sore? She is going to see how her morning goes. I gave her ibuprofen (that's all I have until the store down stairs opens...). She might try an meet us in front of MK later this morning for our LTT lunch - if she feels up to it. Other wise V and I are coming back after lunch and we'll see how she feels then.


Does she have allergy problems? I live in FL and my allergies have been going nuts lately! Even on daily medication my nose is staying stuffy. I thought it was from all the pollen, but someone was telling me they heard it was from some mold that is on trees this time of year :confused: Anyway, that wouldn't explain the stomach problems, but hopefully it will go away when you get out of this yellow cloud (pollen) that's hanging over FL right now!
When you have young kids they like to say things at the strangest times... I got so tired of my son asking me how old I was...(it was part of his echolalia...asking the same question over and over and over ..) so one day I told him I was 105.

After a while he stopped asking...on my next birthday...he announced to the world that since it was my birthday he knew how old I was...and announced... 106! I was glad he had gotten the math right... but he is convinced his dad is only 18...and wants to know why dad has a n older wife! (and yes...this is the same son that thinks you can got o Moms R Us )and get a new mom!

Yuck-os on the fertility problems. Been there, done that!

I had no problems getting pregnant with first one. Then hubby was sent to Korea for a year so we had to wait for the next one. After two years of trying, the army put me on clomid for a year. (In the meantime I had EVERY embarrassing test known to MANkind ...in front of an audience...teaching hospital!) After one year they had me take a break. I got pregnant right away. The whole pregnancy the baby was measuring large. At the time they didn't do routine ultra sounds and they were hearing multiple heartbeats.

While clomid has a low ocurance of multiple births, it IS possible...but I didn't want to know! I also discovered I had TIAs while pregnant. They were concerned I would have a stroke so they wanted labor to be in a completely controlled environment. It ended up being an induction that took 12 hours!!!! He was already screaming when I was getting kicked under the ribs...I just knew there were a thousand babies in there...nope...just one HUMONGOUS baby...10 lbs 2 oz and 24 1/2 inches long!! He was wearing six 6 months when we came home from hospital (he had a heart condition so he had to stay a little over a week)

We were resigned to only having two kids...when a little over six months later I found out I was pregnant again!!

My last two were born after my hysterectomy...so I'll leave that up to your imaginations!

My cousin in law tried for a solid year with invitro ... at over $10,000 a pop (this was 19 years ago) they only had enough in savings for one year and then had to stop. She got pregnant in the last month...and lost it a few weeks later...only to discover she was carrying twins and only lost one!

We are now concerned with my daughter... her husband was in the last month of chemo when they got married. They had to wait at least three years before trying. Now they are afraid to try. They did save some swimmers before the chemo...but they have to try for two years before they can use them... Next month they will be married for 5 years...

Ok...I have done my part for moving this along! Now I have to try and get a doctor's appt when they open in about 30 seconds!

Hey! I have something in common with your ds -- I was 10 pounds 2 ounces as well :) Only I was 21 inches long so needless to say my grandpa nicknamed me chubby and it stuck until I was around 4 years old. I finally thinned out once I started getting taller -- maybe around age 6? By age 8 I was a string bean. Not so much a string bean anymore :confused3

I love babies and pg and hearing everyone's stories. I am a sucker for the baby shows on Discovery and the Adoption stories show -- I stopped watching them though after our failed infertility tx and the fact that we couldn't adopt since we couldn't sell our house.

And I know your secret to having children after a hysterectomy.

We had no problems having C. I was 30 when I had her. I got pg 22 months later and had my first MC after seeing the heartbeat and everything. 10 days later we took C on her first Disney trip with no planning my Dad wanted to do something nice for us since I was devestated.

Tried again had another MC this one was earlier. Went on clomid since my cycles were now totally screwed up I hated that stuff. I turned into sybil. Wound up PG and had another MC this one was a late MC I was 14 weeks. took a break. Made the Decision if we weren't pg by the time I turned 35 we would stop. I turned 35 and we stopped trying.

Six months after my 35th birthday with no drugs and no trying we were pg. I had every test known to man and so many sonograms I lost count. I had J and that journey began.

Almost 2 years ago we had another surprise but that too wound up in a miscarriage. I am officially done. Seriously another miscarriage would put me in the looney bin with no visitation. My heart bleeds for those who suffer from infertility. I always tell people my problem wasn't getting pregnant it was staying pregnant.

I have a SIL who is Fertile Myrtle. I was always super jealous of the ease she had children.

okay need to put my documents for Js IEP and I need to make a list of things to do since my niece brought her lacrosse stuff for me to put her name on.
I so, so feel for you and my heart absolutely aches for you. I don't think anyone can understand what a m/c does to a person until she experiences one for herself -- it was the worst experience of my life -- mine happened early -- 7 weeks (fetus was 5.5 weeks). I think it would be even more devastating to experience one later in a pg.

And the fertile myrtles can easily make one jealous. I have an acquaintance that has 8 children -- though she had nine -- lost one to SIDS -- that would be utter terror for me. But I still get jealous b/c I always wanted six children -- I cut it back to four since we got married late and financially four is about all we can handle as our kids go to private school. But two it is, and I adore the two I have :)

I just wanted to hop on and let you all know that Alli is staying behind this morning.

She woke up and her tummy is still iffy, she is stuffed up and has a sore throat. :( She wasn't stuffy last night before bed, so we are thinking the sore throat is from being stuffy??? Not sure. I don't have a flashlight to look in her throat - so I can't tell if there are any spots (for strep), she said it doesn't hurt when she swollows - just a general sore? She is going to see how her morning goes. I gave her ibuprofen (that's all I have until the store down stairs opens...). She might try an meet us in front of MK later this morning for our LTT lunch - if she feels up to it. Other wise V and I are coming back after lunch and we'll see how she feels then.

Oh no! I am so sorry she isn't feeling well. I hope it's nothing serious and that she's just overtired. Hopefully you and V will have some good times alone and Alli will feel better this afternoon -- any kind of sinus drainage is always worse in the morning.

Andrea - don't even get me started on math...lucky for me Megan is doing quite well in it...I was very good in math until algerbra...but the new way they teach math makes no since to me...so if she struggles down the road we will have a tutor to help out!

on my post count...think I was around 4,000 posts when I came back in Aug 2010 :eek: guess I am on here a bit to much :rotfl2::rotfl2: but I can't help it I love my "family in the box" :love: and will never leave again :goodvibes

well have done my part to get to 200 pages...you're welcome D!
sure we will hit it today :cheer2:
DS is actually very strong in math -- this one problem was a doozy though! His teacher is very tough and she pushes him b/c he's good at math. He's in 4th grade and he was the only child in a class of 4th through 6th graders to pass his fractions test :teacher: Multiplication and division of fractions were taught by the sub when regular teacher was out on maternity leave and sub had some *issues* which may be why most kids didn't grasp it, but ds figured it all out. I was good at math up until calculus.

Well done on helping us move to 200. We're almost there. I just bought 20 more bags of mulch and unloaded them (I can only do 10 per trip) so now I'm taking my break. It's still a little damp outside to get started working. I will post photos on D's ptr once I'm done with the front yard :rotfl:

I have exactly two minutes before we leave on my insane day...but I was GOING to say to Andrea I don't know why she thinks she knows how old I am and to not believe everything Lisa B tells her, because Lisa thinks I am older than I am, THEN I see Lisa really DOES want to tell....:lmao::rotfl2::lmao: Go ahead then, try to prove it....:rotfl::rotfl2: Just remember , if it doesn't come from me, it might not be true....:rolleyes1:rolleyes1 I like to see who is spreading my business...

Now I am off to the races!
I know you are 29, just like you said. It is not impossible to have a child at age 8 -- but so help me if my 8 yo does!

Have fun at the races!

Does she have allergy problems? I live in FL and my allergies have been going nuts lately! Even on daily medication my nose is staying stuffy. I thought it was from all the pollen, but someone was telling me they heard it was from some mold that is on trees this time of year :confused: Anyway, that wouldn't explain the stomach problems, but hopefully it will go away when you get out of this yellow cloud (pollen) that's hanging over FL right now!
I never thought of allergies -- I grew up in WI and never had allergies there but now that I live in VA I surely do -- and my allergies are terrible right now (likely b/c I've been doing oodles of yard work this week, but even allergy medication is barely helping).

When you have young kids they like to say things at the strangest times... I got so tired of my son asking me how old I was...(it was part of his echolalia...asking the same question over and over and over ..) so one day I told him I was 105.

After a while he stopped asking...on my next birthday...he announced to the world that since it was my birthday he knew how old I was...and announced... 106! I was glad he had gotten the math right... but he is convinced his dad is only 18...and wants to know why dad has a n older wife! (and yes...this is the same son that thinks you can got o Moms R Us )and get a new mom!

Well now I really know why he wants to head to Moms R Us -- a 106 year old mom probably isn't the coolest thing around. I might want to trade you in as well. And I didn't know you were a cradle robber! Or is cougar the new term?
home from our IEP meeting for J. It wasn't as bad as I thought. We did get the special class size 6:1:1 so 6 students 1 teacher and 1 aide.

We were able to get 2 OT sessions per week at school which is the same as what we have and we have to make sure the school can provide the setting and the only thing I am not happy about is the speech I only got 4 from the 6 I have but we might be able to get more.

The are classifying him as Autistic which only scratches the surface but helps with the services.

I am going to go to a meeting later in the month to see what I can utilize my health insurance for to get more services. I would be able to get OT and Speech through them.

So I am going to go finish cleaning my basement and try to work on something later.

I am relieved to have it over though.

Helping to reach your goal of 200 pages! You are almost there! Sorry to hear A is sick; hopefully it was just food or the water and not an actual bug that you might catch!

I would love to do 10 days at WDW, but I think we would have to have at least 1-2 down days. The most we have ever done is 6 days.

Enjoy the rest of your trip and have safe travels home!

Chiara - so happy the IEP went so well! hope you can get the extra therapy too!

Andrea - can't wait to see your yard when its all done!

Nini - wow you do pretty good for being 106 :rotfl:

my bff and her DH tried for 3 years to get pg and when I got pg with megan it was so hard to tell her.....9 months later, megan makes her appearance and my bff gets pg the same week! we always say Megan put a good word in for them before she made her way to us :goodvibes

we planned on only having one when I did get pg, partly due to our age and the fact we were moving around so much! plus I had morning sickness almost 24 hours a day for the first 5 months, and wasn't eager to do that again....having Megan was worth it all!!!
Chiara - so happy the IEP went so well! hope you can get the extra therapy too!

Andrea - can't wait to see your yard when its all done!

Nini - wow you do pretty good for being 106 :rotfl:

my bff and her DH tried for 3 years to get pg and when I got pg with megan it was so hard to tell her.....9 months later, megan makes her appearance and my bff gets pg the same week! we always say Megan put a good word in for them before she made her way to us :goodvibes

we planned on only having one when I did get pg, partly due to our age and the fact we were moving around so much! plus I had morning sickness almost 24 hours a day for the first 5 months, and wasn't eager to do that again....having Megan was worth it all!!!
My yard is coming along slowly today -- I had to quit early. I have a massive headache. My allergies are getting the best of me.

You are lucky your pregnancy sickness lasted only 5 months -- I had it 9 months with ds but only 7 months with dd :) I was medicated -- which helped immensely -- it cut way down on the vomiting and would give me a few hours at a time where I felt decent. How I gained all that weight throwing up all the time was beyond me!

D~ hope A is feeling better -- I am much worse but I am quite certain mine is all allergies.


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