~~~SEWING my way to POFQ ~ American Girl outfits & Custom Park Bags! ~~~

Cash? What's that? I used my red card so now I can quit looking for that dang receipt! I bought the items in July so I'm still in my 90 day window. I even looked in my car yesterday for the receipt. I will give dh's car a quick look today, but if it's not there I'll just haul my items back without the receipt now.

Yup - haul them back with out the receipt - it doesn't matter. :thumbsup2

Ohhhh! Ahhhh! Gorgeous! (Though I think Target bags popping out from under the skirt would have looked better with the Minnie dot!).

Thanks! :)

I generally use Walmart bags for shipping -- I hoard my Target bags for myself (greedy, I know). Though our Target now has a food section so sometimes I don't need to stop at Walmart. I am in such a better state of mind at Target. If only they would start carrying fabric!

I agree - Walmart makes me anxious and cranky. Actually, our Walmart is very nice - and I do find myself there frequently. However, any of them in the Metro - no way! They are horrible - I had to go to one last week for my bff - and it was all I could do to get out of there - I couldn't stand it. I can't even stand being in their parking lots!

Wonderful !!!!!! Loving Patience too. I should take pictures of my moms machine that was my Granny's.
:lovestruc I would love to see your Granny's machine! :thumbsup2

I really enjoyed reading your trip report! I hope you achieve the goals that you've set! Have an amazing trip!!!

Welcome - and thank you. :lovestruc

Yup that's me, official whip cracker:rotfl:

If only I could make the whip cracking sound in this font... IRL I make a great whip cracking sound. :rotfl2:

I don't do Wal-mart....just walking into the store make me tense...they always seem so crowded and messy to me :eek:
our Target's are getting the reno done right now, so excited to see how it looks when done!

See above - it does the same thing to me.

D~ your ADR's look great! you'll love visiting AKL, make sure you go outside its pretty at night....we had Boma one night at 9pm it was good for a buffet, lots of different flavors to try, but some more "americanized" flavors/items too....I just tried a little bit of everything but the REALLY spicy stuff.

Thank you. Actually - I really wanted to try out Boma this time, but I didn't think the girls would go for it. Imagine my surprise when I got home from work and it was on of their first choices. :worship: Initially A wanted to do breakfast there, then I told her that I would like to wander around AKL a bit and I'd rather do dinner - since we woudn't be rushed to get into a park. She liked that idea better. :wizard: I am really looking forward to it. Not too sure about CM though - I've heard really good and really bad things about it.

If you sewed you'd go into Walmarts. The Walmart in my neighborhood is newer and nice and generally the neighborhoods surrounding it are upscale, so the clientele is pretty good.

Sounds like the WM right across the street from my Target... It's the most decent one I've seen - and for the most part, very clean. If only there would be a fabric cutter person there when ever I need fabric cut... I usually have to stand there for 15-20 min dinging the bell, then I have to flag someone down - and usually the first 3 people don't "see" me. pirate:

The Walmart that carries fabric just remodeled, but I hate checking out there. There were two people in front of me last time. One's credit or debit card wouldn't go through and then she called her bank or whoever and then the whole thing had to be voided. Once that was done I breathed a sigh of relief. Then the next person had the SAME issue -- she just kept having the cashier take stuff off until the card cleared. Why do people buy things knowing they don't have the money to pay for them???????? This is also the store where a man set his baby (wearing just a t-shirt and diapers which were definitely FULL) on the conveyor belt. Ewwwww!!!!


Our Targets just remodeled but in one of them they cut the shoe dept down to about the third of the size it was which really irked me. Had I known D worked there I would have filed a complaint with her!

Sorry - I feel bad for the people that have to work in shoes though - they have to work really hard, stock is always rotating and clearancing... then there's always that missing shoe.... :eek:

All righty -- must get back to work on my ds's BTS t- just came down to the computer to check something on the design so why I'm now on D's trip report baffles me!

Because my PTR is awesome, that's why. LOL :cool1: And you just can't stay away... :banana:

I really hate our Walmart where I live. It is always crowded and dirty. But it is the only Walmart in the entire county so it is over utilized. There are several things that I have to go there to buy from time to time but I do dread going there. I wish that we had a Walmart like my inlaws have down in Florida. They are clean and have the food department and not overcrowded. If I have several errands to do, I sometimes drive to the Walmart in Frederick, which is about 45 or 50 minutes away. It is much nicer than our Walmart. They also have a nice Costco and a decent Ross in the same shopping center so if I can combine errands, then I can justify the extra gas expense to go there.

That's awesome that those stores are all so close together... we don't have any of them up here - but I've heard they are great stores.

Of course none of this has anything to do with D's trip report!:rotfl:

Seriously... how much of my PTR really has anything to do with my trip??? :confused3 It's all good. :lovestruc

well since I don't sew, no wally world for me....I've never been in a nice, clean, organized one! I'll stick to Targets and our local store Fred Meyer's which has everything, one stop shopping!

I am totally OK with this.... :lovestruc

So, I made it through my day at work. I got home, and dh was laid up in bed... he reached wrong this morning and threw out his back - so while my new car is in the shop tomorrow, I am taking DH to the Dr. So, I need to get upstairs to get some sewing done - because I am probably not going to get much done tomorrow. :headache:

sorry about your DH, hope its nothing major :goodvibes

how about this.....sorry no sound effects though..

she even looks a bit like Patience!

we had breakfast at CM....it was ok, but had gone down hill since our last visit in 08....but I'm not a big buffer lover anyways, and we mostly go for the characters so we don't have to wait in lines as much in the parks.
sorry about your DH, hope its nothing major :goodvibes

Me too... His back acts up on him occasionally... He injured it in the military, so it's financially covered - but he is in so much pain. Poor guy.

how about this.....sorry no sound effects though..

she even looks a bit like Patience!

I love it! Now, if only I could add it to my sidebar... maybe I can get it in my siggy??? It does look a bit like Patience... Nothing like me though. :confused3

we had breakfast at CM....it was ok, but had gone down hill since our last visit in 08....but I'm not a big buffer lover anyways, and we mostly go for the characters so we don't have to wait in lines as much in the parks.

I've heard that too... I wait in line to see the characters where ever I am - I am weird like that - especially if it's Donald. :lovestruc

go to glitter.graphics.com....search for sewing , then copy and paste!
THanks Lisa! :thumbsup2

Almost done with outfit #50... just have to add the waistband - and get on my girls for hair accessories - I think they quit with out notice and left it for mom though. :confused3

D~ <----I can't forget to add the tag.
Wahoo - I just finished outfit #50. Will post pics tomorrow. :)

On to #49...

My daughter and I are loving your PTR and the American Girl doll clothes. We stumbled upon your PTR a few days ago when it was still on page one. You have really inspired my daughter. She has been sewing like crazy today. She went to a sewing camp this summer to learn how to sew, and she loves it. Keep posting! You are giving her great ideas!

I've heard that too... I wait in line to see the characters where ever I am - I am weird like that - especially if it's Donald. :lovestruc


I am the same way! I will totally stand in line to see characters . . . although normally waiting in line makes me crazy, for characters at Disney, I don't seem to mind :confused3

LOVE :lovestruc LOVE the Mickey Vida!!!!
So, I made it through my day at work. I got home, and dh was laid up in bed... he reached wrong this morning and threw out his back - so while my new car is in the shop tomorrow, I am taking DH to the Dr. So, I need to get upstairs to get some sewing done - because I am probably not going to get much done tomorrow. :headache:
:wizard:Hope he can get quick relief tomorrow!

I've heard that too... I wait in line to see the characters where ever I am - I am weird like that - especially if it's Donald. :lovestruc
It is nice that Donald is at the character connection in Epcot now. Have you ever seen Donald in Mexico or the frontierland Donald?

Wahoo - I just finished outfit #50. Will post pics tomorrow. :)
Can't wait to see it!

So, I thought I'd do a quick intro of Miss. Patience.
She's beautiful! I would be too scared (and lazy) to do that restoration.:worship:

So, here's the planned plan for our ADRs. We have to make them on Saturday. DD #1 (13 y/o) planned all of these herself - and I think she did a magnificant job.

I realize that we will have to pay for one of these meals OOP - any recommendations for which one?

3/8 - Thursday - Arrival in the late morning/early afternoon - Cape May Cafe, Dinner
3/9 - Friday - Tusker House, Breakfast (early morning ADR for before park opens)
3/10 - Saturday - Garden Grill, Dinner
3/11 - Sunday - 50's Prime Time Cafe, Lunch
3/12 - Monday - day off from parks - O'hana, Dinner
3/13 - Tuesday - Crystal Palace, Breakfast (early morning ADR for before park opens)
3/14 - Wednesday - Liberty Tree Tavern, Lunch
3/15 - Thursday - Boma, Dinner (so we can explore AKL a bit)
3/16 - Friday - Chef Mickeys, early breakfast - go home.


Your DD did a great job! I've been to all your choices except 50's Prime Time. I don't think DH would enjoy the antics if we got a "good" server and kids love Sci Fi so we go there. I think you'll enjoy Boma-they have some really wonderful soups-I could make a meal out of the soups & salads alone. I'm not a huge fan of Chef Mickey's but I think you'll be fine there for breakfast. I just prefer to eat at CP for breakfast but you're already doing that. 1900 Park Fare is a great breakfast too.

For OOP I would go with Liberty Tree Tavern for lunch as it seems like it would be your least expensive but I've never been to 50s. Guess you should look at the menues to be sure. I tried LTT for the first time in May and really loved it. We all went in August and all enjoyed it-even my picky one.
I finally have a chance to say Im here and have been following since page one. Love all the outfits so far. Can't wait for more. Before I saw that you had DD's doing hair accessories, I was thinking you could recruit them to cut fabric for you.

Your dd did awesome with the ADR's. We have eaten at many and loved them. Some that you have, we have not gone to yet, but I plan to when my kiddos get older. As for paying oop, usually breakfast is the cheapest meal. To be sure, check on All Ears.

Hope your dh feels better quick. Nothing worse than a dh who doesn't feel well.

So, here's the planned plan for our ADRs. We have to make them on Saturday. DD #1 (13 y/o) planned all of these herself - and I think she did a magnificant job.

I realize that we will have to pay for one of these meals OOP - any recommendations for which one?

3/8 - Thursday - Arrival in the late morning/early afternoon - Cape May Cafe, Dinner
3/9 - Friday - Tusker House, Breakfast (early morning ADR for before park opens)
3/10 - Saturday - Garden Grill, Dinner
3/11 - Sunday - 50's Prime Time Cafe, Lunch
3/12 - Monday - day off from parks - O'hana, Dinner
3/13 - Tuesday - Crystal Palace, Breakfast (early morning ADR for before park opens)
3/14 - Wednesday - Liberty Tree Tavern, Lunch
3/15 - Thursday - Boma, Dinner (so we can explore AKL a bit)
3/16 - Friday - Chef Mickeys, early breakfast - go home.
My daughter and I are loving your PTR and the American Girl doll clothes. We stumbled upon your PTR a few days ago when it was still on page one. You have really inspired my daughter. She has been sewing like crazy today. She went to a sewing camp this summer to learn how to sew, and she loves it. Keep posting! You are giving her great ideas!

Welcome! I am so glad I have inspired your dd... Could she possibly inspire either of mine? :worship:

I would love to see what she has made so far. :) My youngest dd does a lot of AG sewing - and it's her favorite thing to do - that, and pin cushions. :thumbsup2

I am the same way! I will totally stand in line to see characters . . . although normally waiting in line makes me crazy, for characters at Disney, I don't seem to mind :confused3

LOVE :lovestruc LOVE the Mickey Vida!!!!

Thanks Marianne! :) I know - my kids get so sick of me... I"ll be walking and see a character and it's "oooh,ooh, ooh - must stop now", and the girls just groan. LOL

Excited to see your next creation!! :thumbsup2

Thank you. I plan to post it later today. I have to take my car into the shop and have them put in a block heater (it's cold here in the winter), and while I have the courtesy car, I am taking DH to the Dr. for his back. I wish I could talk Patience into going for a ride... :confused3

:wizard:Hope he can get quick relief tomorrow!

Thank you - I hope so too.

It is nice that Donald is at the character connection in Epcot now. Have you ever seen Donald in Mexico or the frontierland Donald?

I've seen the Donald in Mexico - but the line was just too long - even for Donald. :( One of my favorite family photos from our last trip is with Frontierland Donald - he loved me a lot. :cloud9:


She's beautiful! I would be too scared (and lazy) to do that restoration.:worship:

Thank you - she is the best $65 I have ever spent - honestly - she makes me look good. :laughing:

Your DD did a great job! I've been to all your choices except 50's Prime Time. I don't think DH would enjoy the antics if we got a "good" server and kids love Sci Fi so we go there. I think you'll enjoy Boma-they have some really wonderful soups-I could make a meal out of the soups & salads alone. I'm not a huge fan of Chef Mickey's but I think you'll be fine there for breakfast. I just prefer to eat at CP for breakfast but you're already doing that. 1900 Park Fare is a great breakfast too.

Thanks so much for your opinion. We have been to 50's PT and the girls begged to go back for this trip. Allison had Hollywood & Vine all picked out, and Victoria mentioned that she wanted to go to 50's, then Alli remembered, and she decided to switch it. Which I was very happy about.

I would like to do 1900 PF... but I think we will save that for our next trip. It's always fun to do something new, and have something to look forward to.

For OOP I would go with Liberty Tree Tavern for lunch as it seems like it would be your least expensive but I've never been to 50s. Guess you should look at the menues to be sure. I tried LTT for the first time in May and really loved it. We all went in August and all enjoyed it-even my picky one.

Yes, I am going to have to pour over menus - I wish I could do that while DH is at the Dr. today... but I can't stand surfing the net on my phone.

LTT was one of our fav dinners the last time we went... the food was delish. I just loved the William Penn pasta - however - I think they've changed the name since we were there.

I finally have a chance to say Im here and have been following since page one. Love all the outfits so far. Can't wait for more. Before I saw that you had DD's doing hair accessories, I was thinking you could recruit them to cut fabric for you

Yay!!! I am glad you made it! :thumbsup2

I don't let them do all the hair accessories, but I do let them do some of the prep work. I just hate working with the hot glue... I end up a glued mess when I am done - and I've usually glued 2 or 3 clips to my fingers - 3rd degree burns all over my hands - it's really not a pretty sight. I've thought about not doing hair accessories, but I feel that they really add to my outfits - even if it's only a bit of my dna.

Your dd did awesome with the ADR's. We have eaten at many and loved them. Some that you have, we have not gone to yet, but I plan to when my kiddos get older. As for paying oop, usually breakfast is the cheapest meal. To be sure, check on All Ears.

I will check out All Ears... I am still not 100% sure how this whole Dining Plan thing works, I am definately going to have to do more research on it. I have a feeling - just the way that some of our ADRs are planned - I might end up paying for an extra CS meal on one or two days. I always find I am super hungry at WDW because we exert so much energy walking all day. We also plan to bring some breakfast foods (pop tarts, oat meal breakfast bars) for the mornings that we have early lunch ADRs. We did this on our last trip, and it worked out well - it was just enough to get us to lunch.

Hope your dh feels better quick. Nothing worse than a dh who doesn't feel well.

Me too... and I agree. THis isn't nearly as bad as last springs episode... that was bad. He was stuck on our bedroom floor for 4 hours because he couldn't get up and I couldn't get him up. Eventually we got him onto our bed, but it took a lot of time - he was in so much pain. I was about ready to call my neighbors to help me lift him - but he's a military man and wouldn't hear of such a thing. :confused3

So, the next 5 (#50 - #45) outfits I am doing are not originals, they are outfits I have made before - they are an order for a customer (not naming names, but she knows who she is :lovestruc)... Of course, everything I make is never exactly the same as the one before it. I am including these in my 52 outfits because I hadn't made them when I started this. I also have one of her other outfits made already (Maleficent) - but I am a dork and packaged it up before I took pictures, so I am going to have to rip into it to get the photos done for her. :thumbsup2

Anyways - I will take pictures of #50 when I get home today, and get them posted. :lovestruc

Here's what I have so far... which isn't much.

Trip dates:
March 8-16, 2012


We won't be booking until much later - but we will definately be flying.

ADRs (free dining):
So, here's the planned plan for our ADRs. We have to make them on Saturday. DD #1 (13 y/o) planned all of these herself - and I think she did a magnificant job.

I realize that we will have to pay for one of these meals OOP - any recommendations for which one?

3/8 - Thursday - Arrival in the late morning/early afternoon - Cape May Cafe, Dinner
3/9 - Friday - Tusker House, Breakfast (early morning ADR for before park opens)
3/10 - Saturday - Garden Grill, Dinner
3/11 - Sunday - 50's Prime Time Cafe, Lunch
3/12 - Monday - day off from parks - O'hana, Dinner
3/13 - Tuesday - Crystal Palace, Breakfast (early morning ADR for before park opens)
3/14 - Wednesday - Liberty Tree Tavern, Lunch
3/15 - Thursday - Boma, Dinner (so we can explore AKL a bit)
3/16 - Friday - Chef Mickeys, early breakfast - go home.


ADR's look great! Tell A I said, "Fabulous job!" :thumbsup2

I've never been to Cape May for any meal - I thought about it for this trip, but since it's themed on a New England Clam Bake, I was afraid it'd be too "Disneyfied" for us, rather than what we're used to at a real clam bake.
Tusker House breakfast before the park opens is a MUST for us. I think I could eat my weight in breakfast there (and I know I eat a lot there, because I never need another meal until late in the day afterwards - even with doing the whole park after breakfast!).
Other than that, the only other places we've eaten is LTT and ChefMickey's. LTT was a lunch for us and I remember the food being good - the company, :headache: not so much (it was a trip with the ILs). Chef Mickey is one place that Phalen asked we go back to this trip and as of yet, I've been unsuccessful getting us a ressie that would work.

OK - must go now! Soaking wet hair and today is my first day back at work after summer vacation!!! Wish me luck herding cats!!!!:rotfl2:
Hi ~D! Glad I found your PTR! Love watching all your creations. I have to keep Lucy away from the thread....she hasn't had any new wardrobe editions since I started Fall sewing. Subbing so I can come back and read later....only got to page 3 before the kids got restless.
I realize that we will have to pay for one of these meals OOP - any recommendations for which one?

3/8 - Thursday - Arrival in the late morning/early afternoon - Cape May Cafe, Dinner
3/9 - Friday - Tusker House, Breakfast (early morning ADR for before park opens)
3/10 - Saturday - Garden Grill, Dinner
3/11 - Sunday - 50's Prime Time Cafe, Lunch
3/12 - Monday - day off from parks - O'hana, Dinner
3/13 - Tuesday - Crystal Palace, Breakfast (early morning ADR for before park opens)
3/14 - Wednesday - Liberty Tree Tavern, Lunch
3/15 - Thursday - Boma, Dinner (so we can explore AKL a bit)
3/16 - Friday - Chef Mickeys, early breakfast - go home.

We've eaten at Crystal Palace, 50's Prime Time Cafe, O'hana and Liberty Tree Tavern and Tusker House but not always for the same meals you are eating there. When we at at Tusker House for lunch we got special priority seating tickets for the Finding Nemo show, which was great! I am not sure which one I would pick to pay for oop but I agree to check the prices on All Ears. I would imagine that one of the breakfasts would be the way to go. If you are planning to bring some breakfast foods with you, then you probably won't have to pay for anything else. In fact, when we did the dining plan, we ended up with several snack credits leftover to use up on the last day. The kids got a few of the Mickey rice crispy treats to bring home for some friends or teachers (who were very nice about letting us take time off from school). At the 50's Prime Time Cafe, make sure you get the s'mores for dessert. They were delicious! And the waitresses were so funny too!
hope the dr appt goes well so your DH can be mobile again!

can't wait to see the next creation!

well I'm not the customer....hmmm who is the mystery person :confused3
I really hate our Walmart where I live. It is always crowded and dirty. But it is the only Walmart in the entire county so it is over utilized. There are several things that I have to go there to buy from time to time but I do dread going there. I wish that we had a Walmart like my inlaws have down in Florida. They are clean and have the food department and not overcrowded. If I have several errands to do, I sometimes drive to the Walmart in Frederick, which is about 45 or 50 minutes away. It is much nicer than our Walmart. They also have a nice Costco and a decent Ross in the same shopping center so if I can combine errands, then I can justify the extra gas expense to go there.

Of course none of this has anything to do with D's trip report!:rotfl:

I love my Aunt's Walmarts in Arkansas she lives about 10 miles from their headquarters and they are fabulous. I only go to Walmart for Fabric here LOL.

D~ I am joining in and guess I know where I will be doing some of my Xmas shopping.
So after totally trashing our Walmart in my previous post, today I had to go out shopping for a plain white t-shirt in a size 6/6x. I went to Target, Kmart, Kohls and Penneys. Those stores were a mess and not one of them had a suitable shirt. I finally went into Walmart, expecting a disaster after the holiday weekend. But no, the store was cleaner than I'd ever seen it and they had a stack of t-shirts in the right size! Plus, the shirt cost about a half of what similar shirts (although not the right color) were on sale for in the Kohls, which was right next door!
My daughter and I are loving your PTR and the American Girl doll clothes. We stumbled upon your PTR a few days ago when it was still on page one. You have really inspired my daughter. She has been sewing like crazy today. She went to a sewing camp this summer to learn how to sew, and she loves it. Keep posting! You are giving her great ideas!
You need to come join us on the Disboutiquers thread (it's under the family section). We'd love to see pics of your dd's creations!

D~ we did Tusker and CP breakfasts. Tusker was my dd's favorite meal (but I had made her a gorgeous hand appliqued dress with Daisy and Mickey on it so that added to the attention -- though she got way more attention at Park Fare). It was soooo cold the morning we did CP that I don't even recall if we got pics in front of the castle :confused3 We ate at Boma too but I can't say how fabulous it was or not -- it was a bad day with something that happened in the afternoon and I ended up just leaving the restaurant early -- I couldn't eat. The little I did eat was fabulous, but I would have loved to have tried everything. My favorite restaurants are all the ones in Epcot that my kids wouldn't be interested in. Good thing my sister used to live in FL when I was single so I'd visit every couple of months and we'd always do a day or two as Dis. I couldn't even tell you how many times I'd been there. I hate that my dh doesn't like Dis, but I already warned him that if our house sells before the spring dd and I will be absent for a week. I already made her an outfit!


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