Sensing Pixie Dust I Am! A Star Wars Weekend PTR! New PTR Link pg. 77!

I am so in! My Charles would love to go to Disney for SWW...I'm thinking that once Katie and her boyfriend move down to FL, that will be a selling point to go visit them :scratchin Oh, and I love your ticker -- Star Wars and Tink, so perfect!
I'm in. We are going again this June for SWW. Last year, DH said never again in June, too hot. Then Free Dining came out and DH said,"Let's go". We will be there June 1-June 8. We are staying at the Family Suites at All Star Music. We told the boys last night and they are super excited. We have never been to any TS restaurants so this will be a first for us. Le Cellier, here we come!
:yay: you've started! Christmas will always be there, the grand opening of the new Star Tours is only once!
Hello my dear friend!!!! I have FINALLY made it through the rest of your wonderful TR for this year's trip......just in time for the beginnings of NEXT YEAR'S PTR!!!!!! YA YA YA YA YA YA!!!! :) SO glad to be here, reading give us some scoop! :)
Holy Moly....5th page?

I loved your intro! Perfect!

I can't wait to see the new star wars attraction. I think its going to be very cool! What fun!
Yes please feel free to share a post about your Han Solo love, I will gush right along with you LOL :rotfl2:

:rotfl: I don't think I will be able to write a Star Wars/Disney PTR without him sneaking in at some point. LOL!

Count me in for this one!

Hi, Lauren!!! :yay:

sounds great, i'm subbing! I can't wait to hear of all your adventures. I especially like your TRs and PTRs because I can relate to Chelsea. I am 12 years old, and I often find myself in the same situations as her. Cant wait....
-Abbi aka LionKingDramaQueen

Welcome to my PTR, Abbi! One day I would love to convince Chelsea to get on the DIS.


That is okay. We love you anyway. :goodvibes

Wait, isn't that all of us... okay okay, if the shoe fits... :laughing:


I am guilty as charged! :laughing: Yesterday, I was browsing through the Star Wars designs for shirts. I "must" make some for our SWW!

You sure did! I almost can't believe it. My mom, Claire, and I are going for a week in March! I am so super excited, I can hardly handle it!

I am so excited for you, Julie! Can't wait to see Claire's reactions to all the sights and fun of Disney!!!


Now you know I'm silly! I'm glad you enjoyed the FB pics! :banana:

Loved, loved, loved them all! Silliness is always fun! :thumbsup2

Oh yay, another fun trip!! Can't wait to read all about it!!

Hi, Mary!!! Can't wait to read all about the tons of Christmas fun I am sure you had on your trip!

I also have been hooked on Star Wars since the very first one! We were there for SW weekend in 2007! Here's a link to our day, just so the pics will get you even more excited! How cool that the new Star Tours will be open!:yay: ALSO PAGE 4

Cool! Thanks for the link! I can't wait to see what Disney and George Lucas have concocted for this new ride!

Darn, darn, double darn!!!! I just saw this link and it was posted yesterday and already 4 pages!! Go Mrs. Popular!!!!!!! ;) :banana::banana:

Hi, Heather! I am so glad you are here! :goodvibes

I'm here!! Cannot wait to hear all your plans which I hope include a DIS meet with me!!:yay:

Cannot wait to ride Star Tours & see all the changes.:goodvibes

We will have to make sure we meet up! There are going to be a lot of DISers down there at the same time! We should have lots of fun!

You popular girl! I'm here too. This trip sounds like it will be a blast!! My son is also a huge Star Wars fan so I hope to get lots of good advice from you. :goodvibes

Hi, Kelli! I can't wait to plan all the fun we are going to have on this trip!
I'm in! Stars Wars weekends are a blast! Can't wait to hear the plans.

Hi, Crissy! We had a lot of fun at our last SWW! Just seeing the stormtroopers make me all giddy! LOL!

I'm in! Can't wait to hear about all your plans!

Welcome! Thanks for coming over!

I need to get back and finish up the last one :sad2: but I wanted to hop over here and tell you how excited I am about you having another trip!!! :yay: And for fun!!! I am not a big fan of SW...not even a little one:rotfl: but after seeing pictures of the parades, characters etc. on other reports I have secretly wanted to attend :rolleyes1 Again I am sooooooooooooo happy for you and another trip!!!!!!:hug:


Hi, Tracy!!!

:lmao: Not even a little bit? C'mon, how can you resist Han Solo and all his scoundrel-like sarcasm? Now, I am going to have to try and convert you! :laughing:

I bet you would enjoy it. I don't know a thing about Star Wars. I don't know the good guys from the bad guys and who is who's father. I just know there was some big thing about somebody being somebody's father. :laughing:

MeMom, you always make me laugh! Yes, the fact that Darth Vader is Luke's father was a pretty big thing when The Empire Strikes Back first came out.

BUT, we were there for a Star Wars Weekend a few years ago, and the parade was pretty cool. I guess if you knew who the people were, it would have been even cooler. ;) The thing I remember most about it is that it was so very hot, and the big brown furry guy had to have been dying inside that costume. Sweat was dripping off of us as we watched the parade, and I thought how hard it must have been on the people that were marching along wearing all that make-up and those heavy costumes.

I wouldn't mind going again for a SWW. Maybe next time I'll do a little research so I can recognize some characters.

I can't imagine being in those costumes in the middle of a Florida summer!

There are six movies and an entire cartoon series called The Clone Wars. Connor and I would be more than happy to sit down and have a Star Wars marathon with you. Connor could fill you in on all the ins and outs of the films. Oh, maybe I will make him do a video for the PTR where he does just that. :rotfl: He needs a haircut first though. He is looking a little shaggy these days.

Star Tours, the ride, is still one of my favorite rides, in spite of my lack of knowledge. :upsidedow

I have always loved that ride! Can't wait to see what Disney does with it since there is so much more new technology out there than there was twenty years ago when it first opened.

I am so in! My Charles would love to go to Disney for SWW...I'm thinking that once Katie and her boyfriend move down to FL, that will be a selling point to go visit them :scratchin Oh, and I love your ticker -- Star Wars and Tink, so perfect!

Hi, Megs!!! So glad to have you here! Thanks for the compliment on my ticker -- I had fun making it! Having Katie and Patrick down there will be a great selling point!

I'm in. We are going again this June for SWW. Last year, DH said never again in June, too hot. Then Free Dining came out and DH said,"Let's go". We will be there June 1-June 8. We are staying at the Family Suites at All Star Music. We told the boys last night and they are super excited. We have never been to any TS restaurants so this will be a first for us. Le Cellier, here we come!

Hi!!! Glad to have you here! Free Dining is awesome, isn't it? It's funny that both our husbands were swayed by the prospect of all that food. LOL!

Oh, I know exactly what you mean! He was my first love. *sigh*

Mine, too!!! As I got older, it just became a huge crush on Harrison Ford. Charles likes to tease me, but I always tell him, he knew going into the marriage that I had a thing for Han Solo and Indiana Jones. :laughing: Even at 68 years old, he's still got it! LOL!

:yay: you've started! Christmas will always be there, the grand opening of the new Star Tours is only once!

Hi!!! Oh, good point, Brook!!! I will have to keep telling myself that about Christmas and the opening of the new Star Tours -- especially while I sit here and see everyone's great pictures from the Christmas season.

Hello my dear friend!!!! I have FINALLY made it through the rest of your wonderful TR for this year's trip......just in time for the beginnings of NEXT YEAR'S PTR!!!!!! YA YA YA YA YA YA!!!! :) SO glad to be here, reading give us some scoop! :)

Hi, Jen!!! I need to get an update together, don't I? I think I need to share some pictures of our white Christmas first! ;)

Holy Moly....5th page?

I loved your intro! Perfect!

I can't wait to see the new star wars attraction. I think its going to be very cool! What fun!

Hi, Mary Ellen! I had a lot of fun with the intro -- "researching" how all those opening crawls are worded. LOL!

Connor and I are very excited about the new Star Tours -- Chelsea and Charles will like it, I am sure, but they aren't the die-hard fans that Connor and I are.

I'm here! What an exciting trip! Star Wars weekend and the new Star Tours! :cool1:

Hi, Carissa! We are very thrilled to have another trip to plan! Disney really is our favorite place to vacation!
Jackie, I have to tell you this story since I know you and Connor like The Clone Wars. I nanny for a special needs girl and sometimes I babysit her and her 4 year old brother. He loves Star Wars. A couple of weeks ago I was flipping through trying to find something for him to watch and and he saw that The Clone Wars was on. He yells, "Stop, stop, I want to watch The Clown Wars." :rotfl: He can't say the clone. It is pretty funny. Yesterday he told me, " Did you know you can scream your head off?" I said you like, "he is screaming his head off", he said yes. I said you know that doesn't really happen. He replied, "good". :lmao:
Tee shirts this trip are a MUST! You have to!! Oh do do do!!! :thumbsup2

Where are you eating? Where are our details??!! What DIS meets do you have all lined up??!! popcorn::

Come on -- we are a waitin'... :rotfl:
I agree with HD. You need to do some special t-shirts for this trip!
Oh and did you say something about an update? Can't wait popcorn::
Hello my dear friend!!!! I have FINALLY made it through the rest of your wonderful TR for this year's trip......just in time for the beginnings of NEXT YEAR'S PTR!!!!!! YA YA YA YA YA YA!!!! :) SO glad to be here, reading give us some scoop! :)
THERE YOU ARE JEN!!!! I haven't see you here in SO long!!! :banana:
I'm here, I'm here!

I've seen several TR about the Star Wars weekend, and it looks awesome!!
I just loved Han Solo, he was & still is the guy for me! :lovestruc

I could sit through a marathon of SW with Conner as I do have all of the movies in my library. I'm a nut fo rthose kinds of movies. Good old Star Trek & Mission to Mars on the Wonderful World of Disney tv series is what put me on the path to the darkside of space epics.:woohoo:
Tee shirts this trip are a MUST! You have to!! Oh do do do!!! :thumbsup2

Where are you eating? Where are our details??!! What DIS meets do you have all lined up??!! popcorn::

Come on -- we are a waitin'... :rotfl:

There is no try, there is only do-- Yoda
Jackie, I have to tell you this story since I know you and Connor like The Clone Wars. I nanny for a special needs girl and sometimes I babysit her and her 4 year old brother. He loves Star Wars. A couple of weeks ago I was flipping through trying to find something for him to watch and and he saw that The Clone Wars was on. He yells, "Stop, stop, I want to watch The Clown Wars." :rotfl: He can't say the clone. It is pretty funny. Yesterday he told me, " Did you know you can scream your head off?" I said you like, "he is screaming his head off", he said yes. I said you know that doesn't really happen. He replied, "good". :lmao:

:lmao: Too funny about both the Clown wars and the screaming your head off! I love little kids and their literal translations of sayings.

Tee shirts this trip are a MUST! You have to!! Oh do do do!!! :thumbsup2

It is my big goal for planning this trip -- to actually do t-shirts. There are so many cute Star Wars designs out there, it will be hard to choose. Too bad I only have one day planned at SWW. Would it be crazy to make Connor change his shirt several times? :laughing:

Where are you eating? Where are our details??!! What DIS meets do you have all lined up??!! popcorn::

Come on -- we are a waitin'... :rotfl:

:rotfl: I need to load some pictures into Photobucket and then I should be able to update. I was debating doing some trip details first or posting Christmas/snow pictures first. Decisions, decisions. ;)

I'm here. Several pages late, but here nonetheless!

Hi, Jill! I am so glad you are here!

Well, my sadness over your TR ending didn't have to last long, did it? Thanks! :hug:

Welcome! I wanted to get this PTR up and running while I had some time on my hands. I have a feeling the next couple of months are going to be slightly crazy since soccer season is starting for us on the 10th.

I agree with HD. You need to do some special t-shirts for this trip!
Oh and did you say something about an update? Can't wait popcorn::

T-shirts are so necessary for this trip! :thumbsup2

THERE YOU ARE JEN!!!! I haven't see you here in SO long!!! :banana:

It's nice to have Jen back on the DIS, isn't it? :goodvibes

I'm here, I'm here!

I've seen several TR about the Star Wars weekend, and it looks awesome!!

Hi, Jess! Thanks for joining in the fun!

I just loved Han Solo, he was & still is the guy for me! :lovestruc

I could sit through a marathon of SW with Conner as I do have all of the movies in my library. I'm a nut fo rthose kinds of movies. Good old Star Trek & Mission to Mars on the Wonderful World of Disney tv series is what put me on the path to the darkside of space epics.:woohoo:

Ah, Han Solo! :lovestruc

Funny but Star Wars is the only really sci-fi films that I like -- I really think it is because of the aforementioned Han Solo. :laughing:

There is no try, there is only do-- Yoda

:lmao: I do need to follow Yoda's mantra.
I vote for both snow/Christmas pictures and trip details, but whichever comes first I look forward to reading about it.:surfweb:

I am headed out to Town Center today, and plan to go by the Disney store.


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