Reservations? We don't need no stinking reservations, we do it TODD'S way! COMPLETE

Wow so many updates to catch up on! I also can't believe you did not go to Germany for desserts though the France bakery sweets look good as well :laughing:

Haha at getting into Kona for breakfast - DH sure seems to know how to work the system!! :rotfl2:

Mmmm drinks by the pool sounds like a great idea! :cloud9:

It's a shame about Fulton's. Eek at getting the same irritating waiter and the food not being great. The salad looks yummy but wow at the amount of crab for $60! :scared1:

I guess the treats depended on our location at the time :rotfl2: Drinks by the pool was our favorite part!

Nicki, you know I'm not one to tell people what they should order where ... but why in the name of all that is Stinktown did you order ribs from a seafood joint? Honey, they don't know how to prepare ribs any more than Pappy's BBQ knows how to grill my tuna! :laughing: :hug:

You come visit up here and we will show you how ribs are supposed to taste!

Hi Bren! I know I know, what the heck was I thinking for getting ribs?? I just wasnt in a seafood-y kinda mood :lmao: I was just really jonesing for some ribs and I still am!

I knew I loved Todd for a reason and it is definitely for his love of pina coladas. :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

Well, as we talked about Fulton's the day after you were there, we've cancelled our trip. I was looking forward to it as we didn't go in 2010 (we were there in 2009), but I'm not paying $60 for four little claws. I hope it was just a fluke with the rest of the food and we'll go back another trip, but for this trip we will just stop and have a drink with Joe and Sophia. :-)

The two of you can drink them up in just 4 months! I am cancelling our ressie too so dont feel bad

Wow, Nine Dragons was good? We haven't eaten there in years because of two bad meal a long while ago. Might have to give it another try. Not surprised you did not like Fultons. We were less than impressed with our last visit, although we have enjoyed it in the past. And no way was that $60 worth of crab legs!

Yes can you believe it, Nine Dragons was just awesome!

I'm a little late to the party, but I can't wait to read more! I had a feeling that Todd might get really lucky with his lack of dining plans. I hope this doesn't ruin him forever! If he was my darling hubby, I think I would hear something like this: I don't know why you have ever stressed about those silly ADRs in the first place!

It's a bummer that your meal at Fulton's was a bust, but I hope the rest of your trip was wonderful! We're staying at POFQ for the first time in October & I can't wait!!!

Trust me, he has asked me more than once what the big deal is on he really thinks I am nuts for stressing over them the way I do. We will be back at POFQ in Oct too...we went round and round with the bounceback discounts and other resorts (since it is F&W we want to be close to Epcot) and the end result was we just love the resort and spending time there is so relaxing so why go elsewhere?

awesome reviews, Nicki...enjoyed hearing about this trip.

Sorry to hear about Fulton's being so bad. That's one place we haven't tried yet, now I'm thinking twice about it. We would definitely have a hard time spending that much on that little bit of crab!

Glad you liked the reno at POFQ...we'll be there in September for several days with son & daughter-in-law, can't wait.

Hi Cathy! I hope you try Fultons at one point because this was our only lousy meal there. LOVED the POFQ!

Glad I found you! :goodvibes

I have to say I was a bit afraid for you when you said your hubby was taking charge :lmao: I know what I would say if my hubby wanted to do that :scared1:

but so far so good ;)

Glad you found me too! Usually Todd is in charge of 2 things, the trash and the cars but this time I let him rule the trip!

Signing on!

Hi babe! So, how sad are you to be home? The countdown to Oct is on my friend!
Leaving DTD and heading back to our resort, DH was just so worried about me because I just ate a salad for dinner (forget the fact that I ate a ton of popcorn at the movie ;)) and he himself was still a bit hungry so we went to our beloved POFQ food court.

Again I told him to get whatever because I wasnt hungry, I was too hot to be hungry.

He came back with a pizza...for crying out loud is he nuts? For real? A food court, fake pizza shell pizza??


It wasnt anything to get excited about, it was freshly made and I had a munch or two and he ate some of it and the pizza fanatic that he is he actually liked it..a bit.

Back in the room he had a birthday not from me, come on this no reservation trip is enough of a gift! This was from KatMark, our BFF's Kathy and Mark!



Filled with lots of yummy snacks that kept him going throughout the week! Thanks you guys, we love you! The cooler was awesome for toting around our frozen waters too...we really needed it that week since it felt like we were at a theme park located on the sun!

Nicki, I might have made it to Cape May for 7:30, but I had a LOT more waiting for me than Tonga Toast. :rotfl:
Leaving DTD and heading back to our resort, DH was just so worried about me because I just ate a salad for dinner (forget the fact that I ate a ton of popcorn at the movie ;)) and he himself was still a bit hungry so we went to our beloved POFQ food court.

Again I told him to get whatever because I wasnt hungry, I was too hot to be hungry.

He came back with a pizza...for crying out loud is he nuts? For real? A food court, fake pizza shell pizza??


It wasnt anything to get excited about, it was freshly made and I had a munch or two and he ate some of it and the pizza fanatic that he is he actually liked it..a bit.

Back in the room he had a birthday not from me, come on this no reservation trip is enough of a gift! This was from KatMark, our BFF's Kathy and Mark!



Filled with lots of yummy snacks that kept him going throughout the week! Thanks you guys, we love you! The cooler was awesome for toting around our frozen waters too...we really needed it that week since it felt like we were at a theme park located on the sun!

That pizza looks like ALL Disney pizza. :sick:

Glad the cooler came in handy. Did it have his name on it? It was supposed to. We love you guys too and we are under four months now.

Did someone forget about my PTR?
Saturday morning MK opened at 8am, not EMH but just regular hours. We decided to take advantage of that because the heat of the late morning and afternoon was just killing us.

Someone wasnt too happy about waking up early, this was his vacation after all. Forget the fact that his butt is up at 5am every single day of his life!

So I woke up too early (that didnt make him too happy) and we had time to kill, decided to have breakfast at our resort and relax until it was time to catch a bus. 7am at the POFQ is a wonderful thing, completely empty with no lines, fresh food and every single table available.

We decided to share a few things. The Bounty platter with awesome soft creamy perfect scrambled eggs, fake plastic bacon, fake pathetic potatoes, greasy spongy biscuit and an undercooked sausage. Breakfast of Champions no? Seriously, why to we continue to order this platter of blech?

Todd grabbed a cheese danish, this was to die for! So soft and creamy and sweet and tangy...we loved it and thought it was better than Main Street Bakery!

The fruit cups looks unripe so I had the yogurt parfait, hold the yogurt :rotfl2: Just raspberries and strawberries and they were awesome!


I think I drank a gallon of ice tea and Todd that horrible Nescrape and as we sat we talked about our day at MK

Me: I want to def ride Space Mountain

Todd: Knock yourself out...I will be on the people mover

Me: You are a major buzzkill old man

Todd: Deal with it, I am 38 now, this is what happens

Did I really sign on for this?

Me: Do you have a meal plan

Todd: (Slurping coffee) I will let you know, I'm still thinking. What does MK have again?

He sorta faded out on me as I was off the chair and moving towards the door to the buses...if he thinks I am going to repeat the food for him again he is nuttier than I thought

Off to the buses, no one around, bus pulls up, we get on and go right to MK...Do not stop at POR....WINNING!

Nick - We also had bad luck at Fulton's on this trip. Went for lunch one day to get their delicious chilled seafood tower that we loved last time....horrible...crab legs were still frozen and the scallops and shrimp were totally tasteless.:sad2:

See you in October!
I love your Kona breakfast pictures.:love: I had Kona booked for the first time this year but ended up with replacing it with a character breakfast. I can't wait to go back in a few years when DD is not into character meals. Kona is first on my list for breakfast. Too bad they won't give you the pancakes with the nuts in it though, they sound awesome.

Too bad about Fulton's. I have always seen such good reviews.:confused3

That weekend was unbearably hot!

Nine Dragons looks so good. It is hard to pick Nine Dragons when there are so many places in WS too pick from.

I hope I can join in the fun because I'm really enjoying this!
I sometimes wonder why we all kill ourselves at 180 days to get the "perfect" ADRs. :lmao: and I'm as guilty as anyone. It's refreshing to read about a successful (so far!) trip with no pre-planning and no ADRs. :thumbsup2

I am 8 pages late Someone was supposed to let me know when you started this !!I think her son just had a birthday:rotfl2:
Nick - We also had bad luck at Fulton's on this trip. Went for lunch one day to get their delicious chilled seafood tower that we loved last time....horrible...crab legs were still frozen and the scallops and shrimp were totally tasteless.:sad2:

See you in October!

That is terrible...I wonder if it was the same day? I really hope they get their act together soon! October cannot come soon enough!

I love your Kona breakfast pictures.:love: I had Kona booked for the first time this year but ended up with replacing it with a character breakfast. I can't wait to go back in a few years when DD is not into character meals. Kona is first on my list for breakfast. Too bad they won't give you the pancakes with the nuts in it though, they sound awesome.

Hi Diane! I am following your dining report as well! Just wait, your DD will grow up fast enough and want to eat at all the signature places :rotfl2:

Too bad about Fulton's. I have always seen such good reviews.:confused3

Normally it is!

That weekend was unbearably hot!

Hot is an understatement! :eek:

Nine Dragons looks so good. It is hard to pick Nine Dragons when there are so many places in WS too pick from.


I agree, way too many places in Epcot to choose from but I am glad he wanted Chinese..didnt want to see his heartbroken little face when he gets turned away from all the other places :rotfl:

I hope I can join in the fun because I'm really enjoying this!
I sometimes wonder why we all kill ourselves at 180 days to get the "perfect" ADRs. :lmao: and I'm as guilty as anyone. It's refreshing to read about a successful (so far!) trip with no pre-planning and no ADRs. :thumbsup2


Hi Amanda! Welcome! You know I have to wonder that too...I make them at 180 days and at the time I think they are perfect and wind up changing them around a million times before I go

great report! i am enjoying it. :O)

Thank you!

I am 8 pages late Someone was supposed to let me know when you started this !!I think her son just had a birthday:rotfl2:

Hi Rosie! Well the nerve of that woman!

Rosie, maybe if you didn't "skim" on my PTR, you'd have seen the link for Nicki's dining review. :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

Uh oh....someones in trouble!

Kathy for me you need to do this

Rosie Nicki's Review has started !!!:rotfl2::rotfl2:

ME TOO! I miss stuff all the time!
Arriving at MK at 7:30 am is a beautiful thing, especially when they open at 8am and there is literally no one waiting to get in...I mean like a dozen people tops. The weather so far was not bad but the forcast called for 95-96 degrees so I knew we had to cram as much stuff in as possible and leave before we melted into the pavement. Now we live in FL but as Todd calls us we are "House Cats" and try not to go out in the dead heat :lmao: We go from air conditioned house to air conditioned car to air conditioned work...get the picture? This week was going to be torture

The good thing about getting to MK so early is there are no lines...I mean no crowds, no lines, nada, nothing, zilch. First off we had to go to BTTR but it was not open yet so we got FP and went to the Haunted Mansion to see the new queue which we loved! Then Fantasyland, the construction is moving right along and we cannot wait until Fall 2012!

I wanted to do Space Mountain but we did the people mover first and from above we saw it was closed. Later found out a woman rode it and came to the end she was unconscious so they shut the ride down the entire day.

Back over to Adventureland and both of us were starting to get hot. We were drinking water like we were fish and I was getting that water gut ache. Did a few more things and the crowds were picking up so at 11am I called it quits and wanted to leave.

Poor husband, the look on his face...he must of thought I was going to make us leave before he had lunch! Todd was dying for a taco salad so we went to Peco Bills. I was not hungry, just hot and very thirsty so I didnt have anything. Boy did he give me grief over this so I took a bite of taco salad to shut him up :lmao: It was pretty good! He doctors it up with everything from the toppings bar and plenty of pickles too...wonder if he is pregnant? One bite was all I could handle...I dont like to eat hot foods when I am slowly sweating to death


As we were heading out he was making me nuts about me eathing, he thought I should at least get a salad or tuna sandwich but I couldnt...the thought of food was making me queasy and I just wanted to jump in the pool...but....on the way out of Main Street I spied with my little eye a girl with a giant cupcake. Now I am a cupcake killer, I could eat every single one I see and while I wasnt hungry persay I just had to check it out....its what any girl would do right?

No lines at the Main Street Bakery so I took some new pics





Everything looked so good and fresh but I had a decision to make, Red Velvet or Oreo cupcake? I asked DH to share it with me and he couldnt decide either so we flipped a coin :rotfl: and tails one so it was Oreo


This was cupcakes from the heavens...the moistest chocolate cake ever and not too sweet either and the frosting was Oreo cookie buttercream that was super light and creamy and not gritty or overly sicky sweet. Nothing on the inside but that was fine with us. I could eat this all the time but my goal was to get the Red Velvet another day...or would I?

We left MK and the incoming crowds were getting heavier, still very manageable though. The next stop? POOL TIME! I needed to cool off fast and I think Todd's sunscreen was failing as he was getting very red...or maybe that was because I asked him

"Whats your plan for dinner Merlin?"

Its so fun to drive him mad :banana:

I've always loved following your reports, I guess it's time I post to one!

I hated hearing about Fultons, we have an ADR there in 2 weeks and it's the one my mother is looking forward to the most. I'm really hoping they were just having a bad day.

Looking forward to hearing the rest of your report!
Back at our resort we did a quick change into our suits and jumped into a nearly empty pool....gotta love this resort! We sat in the pool or the shade for a long time and drank tons of water and ice tea...I was beginning to think I had heat exhaustion!

While the pool bar looked inviting I couldnt handle a drink, too sweet. Todd had another pina colada though and it melted so fast. We called it quits when he noticed I was falling asleep so we went to the room for a nap.

When I woke up he said he decided on going to Boatwrights for dinner, it was close, it didnt look busy when we checked out POR the other night and he was tired, too tired to think of a place to eat if you ask me! Nah, he was too tired to try and get to a park at 6pm.

I must have looked like this :scared1: because he asked me what my problem was.

Me: Boatwrights gets terrible reviews on the Dis

Todd: So what, boys gotta eat. Lets MickeyNicki this bad boy

Me: Me thinks you have heat damaged your brain :cool2:

Well I cant argue with that. Got all spiffed up and took the boat over to POR and walked right into Boatwrights. On the way I was looking at the menu on my phone and they said they had fried chicken....oh my was he happy...he loves fried chicken!

What do you think happens when we get to the restaurant? No the red carpet doesnt roll out for the King Of No Clue - er - Reservations...but they do seat us right away. In fact, the entire place looks pretty empty, just a few people here and there. The food court did sound busy though.

We had a great server that kept our ice tea glasses filled the entire time. She brought out this basked of corn bread and creamy butter. The corn bread was amazing, so moist and semi sweet and the butter was not hard but rather room temp so it was perfect for spreading on the corn bread.


About this time I thought I heard: "You lied to me" and I look over at him and he is shoving the menu in my face....guess what folks, no fried chicken. Menu change and they have a sweet/spicy roasted chicken on the menu now. To say he was bummed doesnt cut it, I guess he was really looking forwards to that fried chicken.

Todd opted for, what else, a caesar salad. He said it was excellent and it was a very large portion too.


I had the french onion soup and it was awesome! Not too salty, excellent cheese and a humongous crouton that seemed to fit the bowl.


For his meal he chose the Filet Medallions with mac and cheese and asparagus. He LOVED this and devoured the entire thing. The beef was cooked perfectly and so tender, loaded with flavor and the sauce was a thick red wine style that was not salty at all. The asparagus was tender, the mac and cheese was very light and had a garlic kick to it...I tried a bite of everything and enjoyed it too. The one thing he didnt like was the crawfish fritter, it was over done and hard and the flavor was pure onion


I didnt know what I wanted so I asked the server to recommend something light and she told me to get the pasta dish. Didnt sound light to me but she said it was and I should get it vegetarian style, no shrimp or chicken. I am so glad I listened to her. The pasta was cooked to a perfect al dente, it is in a very garlicky broth which I love. There was spinach, sun dried tomatoes, onions and kalamata olives and to top it off a blob of the creamiest goat cheese and fresh basil. This dish was a flavor lovers was amazing! Not salty but you got a kick from the olives, the broth was fantastic, the entire thing was knocking me out and to top it off it was a very light dish, didnt leave you with that pasta pass out feeling. Even DH liked it.


As we were sitting there enjoying our meal more people were walking in and being seated. We had some coffee and it was pretty good too and shared a dessert. The waitress recommended the bread pudding with bananas foster and rum raisin ice cream. Again she picked a winner and we attacked it. Honestly I love it more than the one from Ohana's! Totally large enough for 2 people to share.


As we were leaving Todd turns and said to me

Todd: Make sure you tell them it was awesome

Me: Tell who?

Todd: Your Disney friends...tell them everyone else is wrong and it is a good place to eat

Me: So its a good thing that I have it booked for Oct right

Todd: Yeah but I dont think we will need that reservation, we may just walk in early or something

Me: Lets go to the gift shop...I need migraine medicine!

Over our dinner we decided to plan out our next day. Deciding that the afternoons were too hot and the mornings and nights were great we thought we should go to Epcot in the am for rope drop at 9am and then go back to the room by noon. MK was open until 3am and I figured if we rest all afternoon we could stay out later.

But I had to ask the dreaded meal question...hey, this is what he gets for going rogue on me!

Me: Food plan please.

Todd: Jeez, do you ever stop?

Me: Nope :yay:

I knew breakfast would be at the resort, lunch would be CS somewhere and that is fine with me, I just want to be a pain in his side, you know, remind him why we plan these things out in the first place.

When we got back to the POFQ he wanted to check in with the Concierge to make a dinner reservation so we didnt have to run all over the MK resorts and the park and I think that is fair, I didnt want to do this either!

Suprised to see that there were no dining openings for MK that night, duh! Of course there wouldnt be! And he had the nerve to want Tonys, as if! Many open at all three MK resorts though and as we were booking the Wave at 7pm the CM said, how about 5:40 at California Grill? It just opened up.

Are you serious? Are you kidding me? We just got a ressie for CG for the next night without a reservation?

Todd: Is that the place with the windows? (Food and ambiance he remembers but names? Not so much

I am standing there in shock, grabbing for my wallet to give her my Visa to hold it and he is looking at me like :confused:

Me: What now?

Todd: You just make this so much harder than it is

Me: :headache:

Ok I will admit it...this trip is going great, why get up at 6am to make reservations 180 days in advance? Are we all missing the point?

Sunday morning came in fast and we were up super early again, maybe too early considering Epcot didnt open until 9am! Whoops!

The weather was sunny and nice so far but it was just 7am. Food court was empty again..just how we like it.

For breakfast today we changed it up and got some fruit, it was just eh.


Cinnamon bun, this was very moist and sweet but the cheese danish was much better


Todd had the biscuits and gravy. We normally love this but not at Disney. Sorry but pasty biscuits, super salty no sausage in it at all gravy isnt a real biscuits and gravy dish!


I had the bacon, egg and cheese croissant. The croissant was greasy, the bacon was 2 thing pathetic strips and but the eggs were good. Would not get this again.


So basically breakfast is a total bust. Got right on board a bus to Epcot and away we went. Problem was we got there too early and had to stand for 45 minutes at the entrance. Luckily we were in the shade but it was starting to get hot fast!

too bad for fulton's!! dave won't ride space mountain either :( he said at 6'2" / 260 it's just uncomfy :confused3 i dunno anything about that cuz i'm 5'2" :laughing: i've never had anything from main st. bakery. there's some mix of smells in there that doesn't agree with me... but maybe I'll have to hold my nose and get that cupcake, lol. i LOVE oreos!!

it was HOT the whole last part of our stay and i was nauseous and not hungry a lot. i wanted to be in air conditioning or under water from 12-5 every day. i definately know what you were feeling.

can't wait to see what's up next!!
We really enjoyed Boatwrights on our trip in '09. Don't tell Todd, but the fried chicken was fantastic! Glad you enjoyed it.


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