Recent experience of kids ordering from adult menu on DxDP


DIS Veteran
Jun 22, 2012
I know I am always curious to know the latest on this, so I thought I would share from our Aug 26 - Sept 4 trip with my 9 year old.

We had 19 TS restaurants in total. 10 of those were buffet, so no impact there. Of the other 9 meals, the only restaurant that wouldn't allow it was Whispering Canyon, which I found interesting since it was allowed last year at this time when we were there. Turned out to be a non issue since we were both ordering the skillet anyway. Of the other 8, all but 1 encouraged us to have my 9yo order off of the adult menu. The 1 that I actually had to ask and they reluctantly agreed was Le Cellier.

Next year he will be 10 and this will no longer be a concern, of course my dining costs will go up, but no more worrying about who will or won't allow the adult menu ordering for kids.
Thanks for posting this ! Heading to wdw in November with the dxdp and have been curious about this.

Did yoU have any experience substituting soup or salad for dessert?
Thanks for the information! I will also be heading to wdw in Nov. with my 9yr old DD and the Dxdp. If you don't mind, I would really love to know the other 7TS places that encouraged your child to order off the adult menus.
Disney's official stance on their website is that children must order from the children's menu. What happens with one family may not happen with another family as seen in previous threads (example here: And because adults on the deluxe dining plan cost nearly 3 times as much as children, I'll politely point out this recently established policy:
Disney's official stance on their website is that children must order from the children's menu. What happens with one family may not happen with another family as seen in previous threads (example here: And because adults on the deluxe dining plan cost nearly 3 times as much as children, I'll politely point out this recently established policy:

That rule has not, as yet, been applied to the dining plan discussions of how to use the as-yet undifferentiated DxDDP and QSDP credits, and a couple of dining board moderators actively participate in threads on the subject. Perhaps it is because the credits aren't separated, perhaps it is because CMs actively promote this unofficial policy. Either way, I trust that if and when they decide it is something we can no longer discuss, a moderator will let us know.
Entering Magic Kingdom at 4pm for a 7pm party start on a party ticket is an unofficial policy, as it applies to everyone with a party ticket. If it doesn't apply to everyone, as in the case of these dining credits, as noted in the thread above and many others like it - it's not an unofficial policy, it's a CM's whim. The caveat YMMV should be heavily applied in any discussion about it. I'm not certain I would like to plan a trips' worth of meals based on a CM's whim (or based on what some anonymous people on a message board said could or could not be done).
Thanks for sharing! That's great that you were allowed so many choices for your son! Do you mind listing all the restaurants as that will help other planners?
Whether or not I'd count on it for a whole trip would depend on what my dining plans looked like. An itinerary heavy on character meals and buffets? It probably doesn't make sense to upgrade just to give the kid better meals at a couple of menu-service locations. One full of signature meals where the adult choices are still more complex than the child's tastes, and the kids menus contain actual, appetizing food? Again, probably better to roll the dice on paying OOP here and there than to upgrade for the child to use a significant number of credits for kids' meals.

Really, this is something that comes into play at a relatively small percentage of WDW restaurants - the one-credit restaurants that are neither character nor fixed price/buffet/family style, where kids are limited to seriously lousy choices while adults have access to much more appealing choices. How many of those restaurants are in the plans would determine, for me, whether I'd upgrade my child to adult or roll the dice on the continuation of this unofficial policy-not-policy at the restaurants themselves. (Unless, of course, the child truly eats like an adult - my 9yo will be listed as 10 on our reservation because I can say with complete certainty that she will not want a kids' meal at any of the restaurants I have booked, with the sole exception of the kids' yogurt crepes at BoG).
Thanks for sharing! That's great that you were allowed so many choices for your son! Do you mind listing all the restaurants as that will help other planners?

I wouldn't find it helpful as what happens to one guest may not happen in the future.
Thanks for posting this ! Heading to wdw in November with the dxdp and have been curious about this.

Did yoU have any experience substituting soup or salad for dessert?

No, because the appetizer is included on the DxDP, we could already get soup or salad if we wanted.
Thanks for the information! I will also be heading to wdw in Nov. with my 9yr old DD and the Dxdp. If you don't mind, I would really love to know the other 7TS places that encouraged your child to order off the adult menus.

The places where we were encouraged were:

Coral Reef
Beaches & Cream
The Plaza
Skipper's Canteen
Cali Grill
Disney's official stance on their website is that children must order from the children's menu. What happens with one family may not happen with another family as seen in previous threads (example here: And because adults on the deluxe dining plan cost nearly 3 times as much as children, I'll politely point out this recently established policy:

I wasn't posting this as a way to circumvent rules. This is a topic that is brought up often on these boards and it is widely known that many WDW restaurants encourage this practice. Technically, there are only TS credits in a pool on DxDP and not distinguished between adult and child. If Disney wanted to distinguish them, they easily could. If a moderator feels my post is breaking any rules, then please delete.

I will add, that I don't think anybody inquiring about this go into it "expecting" this to happen and are very aware that it could change from family to family and could even change from restaurant to restaurant depending on the server. I'm just sharing my personal experience from this last trip, which is pretty consistent with my last 3 deluxe dining plan trips.
Entering Magic Kingdom at 4pm for a 7pm party start on a party ticket is an unofficial policy, as it applies to everyone with a party ticket. If it doesn't apply to everyone, as in the case of these dining credits, as noted in the thread above and many others like it - it's not an unofficial policy, it's a CM's whim. The caveat YMMV should be heavily applied in any discussion about it. I'm not certain I would like to plan a trips' worth of meals based on a CM's whim (or based on what some anonymous people on a message board said could or could not be done).

I can't imagine anyone would plan their trip around their child being able to order off of an adult menu. I'm fully prepared to either pay for an adult meal for my child, have him order of the kids menu and I'm sure most with common sense would do the same. The other option, if you really want to get technical on this, is to have the 1 adult order 2 meals for themselves and share with the child. Sharing doesn't "break any rules" and neither does ordering yourself multiple meals at one sitting. I doubt I would go to this extent myself, but I see nothing wrong with it.
As long as that "throwaway room" thread continues to be stickeyed in the theme park attractions forum, I don't think there's any reason to complain about threads that break the rules (and I don't think this one does anyway).
I wasn't posting this as a way to circumvent rules. This is a topic that is brought up often on these boards and it is widely known that many WDW restaurants encourage this practice. Technically, there are only TS credits in a pool on DxDP and not distinguished between adult and child. If Disney wanted to distinguish them, they easily could. If a moderator feels my post is breaking any rules, then please delete.

I will add, that I don't think anybody inquiring about this go into it "expecting" this to happen and are very aware that it could change from family to family and could even change from restaurant to restaurant depending on the server. I'm just sharing my personal experience from this last trip, which is pretty consistent with my last 3 deluxe dining plan trips.

I am always helped when I read of other people's experiences. It's good to know what is typically allowed/encouraged and yet be flexible enough to adjust knowing that something is not guaranteed.

For example, we share a lot on the DDP (i.e. 3 meal credits between 4 people). But I was not allowed to share at Trex in Disney Springs. That was fine and I was in no way upset with the restaurant. That said, I haven't gone back since. I would likely return if I hear reports of people being allowed to share (Have never had any problems at Yak & Yeti, which is owned by Landry's as well). Anyway, I am happy to tell people of my experiences and mention the places that have allowed me to share credits with no problems. I also know to stay clear of Via Napoli if I want to share thanks to other people's reports.
I wouldn't find it helpful as what happens to one guest may not happen in the future.

True, but you could say that about almost everything at Disney since so many of their policies are unwritten/unofficial and even the written policies usually have fine print indicating they're subject to change at any time.

Reading about others experience is how we develop the general consensus on what works and doesn't regarding all those unofficial policies. Of course it always has the caveat that unwritten policy can change at any time, but unless and until that happens it remains helpful. It is by sharing experiences with unofficial policies that we know which DDP restaurants disallow sharing, how different places handle for-two menu items, which items are upcharges or excluded from dining plans, and lots of other information that isn't spelled out in any official form by Disney. And we'll be relying entirely on experiences, come January, to puzzle out how the alcoholic beverage entitlement will be implemented. I don't see how this specific topic is any different.
The places where we were encouraged were:

Coral Reef
Beaches & Cream
The Plaza
Skipper's Canteen
Cali Grill

We had the same experience at Cali Grill, Sci -fi (we split an adult credit, wonder if that would be considered "circumventing the rules" - it was plenty of food)... at coral reef we had the CP package so because he had a kid package he had to order off the kid menu, but the brought him an enormous amount of steak and fries and he would have had steak anyway so it didn't matter. We traveled way back in December but had no issue anywhere with the kiddo ordering off the adult menu on DxDDP either. We also found it was encouraged at most places.

going oop next time, too bad because it could be a last hurrah as mine will be turning 10 too :) but we only have a few days in the parks before a cruise so dining will be less of a focus.
We had the same experience at Cali Grill, Sci -fi (we split an adult credit, wonder if that would be considered "circumventing the rules" - it was plenty of food)... at coral reef we had the CP package so because he had a kid package he had to order off the kid menu, but the brought him an enormous amount of steak and fries and he would have had steak anyway so it didn't matter. We traveled way back in December but had no issue anywhere with the kiddo ordering off the adult menu on DxDDP either. We also found it was encouraged at most places.

going oop next time, too bad because it could be a last hurrah as mine will be turning 10 too :) but we only have a few days in the parks before a cruise so dining will be less of a focus.

We had the same experience at Tony's last year with a parade viewing package as you had with your CP package, so it's probably safe to assume that if you are booking a "special" dining package of some sort, and it's booked as a child, that they will be ordering off of the kids menu.

I'm undecided on what to do for our next trip. If we do go next year (our plan is to actually go to DL instead, but I booked a bounce back at WDW just in case we change our minds), he will be 10. I booked a free dining bounce back, so we will have the regular plan, but with the upgrade now for 2 adults to go to DxDP, it will most likely make more sense to just use the regular DDP and pay OOP for any of the meals we use over and above the allotment. The only disadvantage there is no appetizer included, but I'm not a huge appetizer fan and if there is one I really want, I could just pay OOP for that as well. I guess I'll get the calculator out once we decide definitively on our destination.
We had the same experience at Tony's last year with a parade viewing package as you had with your CP package, so it's probably safe to assume that if you are booking a "special" dining package of some sort, and it's booked as a child, that they will be ordering off of the kids menu.

I'm undecided on what to do for our next trip. If we do go next year (our plan is to actually go to DL instead, but I booked a bounce back at WDW just in case we change our minds), he will be 10. I booked a free dining bounce back, so we will have the regular plan, but with the upgrade now for 2 adults to go to DxDP, it will most likely make more sense to just use the regular DDP and pay OOP for any of the meals we use over and above the allotment. The only disadvantage there is no appetizer included, but I'm not a huge appetizer fan and if there is one I really want, I could just pay OOP for that as well. I guess I'll get the calculator out once we decide definitively on our destination.

yeah it just does not make sense this time and I am picking up a bunch of things that don't make as much sense on the DDP, like via napoli, LTT lunch (i'll order a kid meal since I can't eat much) etc. I think our last trip was probably our last hurrah on the DDP! but it was sure worth it that trip!


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