POPpers are back from POP 9/29-10/6 and made GREAT friends!Chat until next trip!! Part 2

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To go into more detail from Mr. FDNY - Disney actually has a formula they are using to pick the winners...like the first person to leave Splash Mountain at 2:34pm will get a prize, or a group of 10 entering MGM at 9:51am will win... And here I was gonna make a T-Shirt saying "Disney Dream Squad - Make me One in a Million!" Actually, I still might make that! :teeth:

Two weeks from today - I'll be getting my picture taken at Donald's in the AK right before eating breakfast at 8am!!! Then off to EE and Dinosaur and KS and ITTBAB...back to the room for a nap before MNSSHP!!!!
pambo'shouse said:

It was around 88 degress here today but at least the humidity was lower. We don't turn on the heater until January. :rotfl:

I'm flying to Nashville tomorrow for a MOPS convention. Those of you leaving before I'm able to DIS again have a great trip. When I get back on Sunday I'll be down to six days. :cool1: :cool1: :cheer2: :cheer2:


NOPE no heat here! Of course we're all freezing this morning....but it's a rule (tradition) here you don't turn on the heat till October 1st....just put on a pair of warm fuzzy socks & another shirt!

Its TONIGHT for me - Ill get off work, go home, tie up loose ends, go to bed until 3am and OFF WE GO!!! :hyper: :drive: :yay:

I wanted to show you guys what I did last night.... this is what will be in *my* window. So if you see *this* stuff, know thats me!!! :wave:


Not even one day for me!! YAY!!!!!!! :yay: :banana: :woohoo:
dreamergirl78 said:
OMG that was funny. Ross and is clever ideas. How about the one with the leather pants? :rotfl: :happytv:

Leather Pants = :lmao:

As well as the teeth whitening one!!! HA!!! :happytv:
CathrynRose said:

Its TONIGHT for me - Ill get off work, go home, tie up loose ends, go to bed until 3am and OFF WE GO!!! :hyper: :drive: :yay:

I wanted to show you guys what I did last night.... this is what will be in *my* window. So if you see *this* stuff, know thats me!!! :wave:


Not even one day for me!! YAY!!!!!!! :yay: :banana: :woohoo:

VERY COOL! I need to jazz up my mickey heads.....HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!! Don't soak up all the pixie dust...leave some for us!!!!!!
Hey CathrynRose - when do you come home? We are gonna overlap right???? I forgot how long your trip is????
scrappinmom said:
Hey CathrynRose - when do you come home? We are gonna overlap right???? I forgot how long your trip is????

I check out.... :guilty: October.... :guilty: 3rd... :sad: :sad: :sad:

Although I wanted THIS past 10 days to whiz on by - I hope the NEXT 10 days draaaaaags like molasses going up hill, on a cold day!! pixiedust:
You guys and gals are very entertaining. I don't do a lot of posting, but plenty of reading and I was very excitd to read about the Year of Million Dreams... we're planning on being at park opening most days, maybe that will increase our chances of winning something???

8 more days to go!!!
CathrynRose said:
I check out.... :guilty: October.... :guilty: 3rd... :sad: :sad: :sad:

Although I wanted THIS past 10 days to whiz on by - I hope the NEXT 10 days draaaaaags like molasses going up hill, on a cold day!! pixiedust:

oh good ! We'll be there frmo 9/30-10/3 together !
mkjmom said:
You guys and gals are very entertaining. I don't do a lot of posting, but plenty of reading

8 more days to go!!!

Hi There! :wave: You should post more often!!! We are a fun group...& friendly too...I don't think too many of us bite - often :rotfl: :rotfl: So you must be checking into POP on the 29th? Have you posted your ADR's? Who's in your "cast"

ok done with questions....need more coffee
Good Morning all! My you guys have been busy. I went out to eat and to the movie Cars with my dd last night. Got home and my other dd was at my house so I didn't even go on the computer. I am so jeleous of all of you that get to go to the parks on the 1st. Our plane leaves at 1:00. Maybe we can sqeeze a few hours in at an early morning opening. It would be awsome to win something. The good news is that we leave THIS Sunday and will be at MCO at 12:00 noon! :sunny: Keep up all the good planning. PS I had to go to Cars with my dd because I was planning to decorate our room window with the princesses and she didn't like the idea. So now its a Cars poster I got free from an oil change and some other stuff. Everyone have a great day! :cool1:
Im bumping my window decor! Cuz I spent "sleeping hours" doing it. :teeth:

Soooo - if you see THIS stuff in a window, know thats moi'! :yay:

And you did an awsome job. i will be on the look out for your door!
dreamergirl78: We arrive at 12:10 pm, so I guess you're later than we are!

I don't expect to win any "random prizes" or anything. My dream is a trip alone with DH, no boss, no kids, no grandkids, no pets, and no extremely obnoxious and annoying landlord! No bad weather would be nice, but not essential! I'll have plenty of good food to eat (thanks for free dining), even if the menus aren't the same or the portions aren't as large, I didn't pay for it, don't have to cook it, serve it or clean it up--what more can I dream of? :thumbsup2
The weather is looking mighty fine for us POPpers - mighty fine.

Something I learned from living there - the weather reports are useless, though. Just useless. It's the same, every day.

You know how Chicago'n's or other places - the weather means something to us? "Whats the weather going to be like?" is a common question in our house, every morning.

I have to keep telling myself - its the same, everyday, there. No need to worry. Floridian's dont watch the weather.... it's the same. They watch it for Tropical Storms....thats it.

SO - be confident POP'ers. We are ALLLLL GOOOODD! :banana:

ANND!!! Something I *think * I mentioned before - partly cloudy. It doesnt mean what WE think partly cloudy means. Partly Cloudy there is big poofy, chunky clouds in the sky. What WE here, in Chicago would call " a gorgeous day!!! " :thumbsup2
CathrynRose said:

Its TONIGHT for me - Ill get off work, go home, tie up loose ends, go to bed until 3am and OFF WE GO!!! :hyper: :drive: :yay:

I wanted to show you guys what I did last night.... this is what will be in *my* window. So if you see *this* stuff, know thats me!!! :wave:


Not even one day for me!! YAY!!!!!!! :yay: :banana: :woohoo:

Hooray :banana: :banana: :banana:
Good Morning Poppers :grouphug:

One more day down or everyone !!
Today is day 5 or us :banana: :Pinkbounc

CathrynRose - Have a great trip. I will look for your room !! :wave2: Will you be coming to any of the meets ?!

What if we post what meets everyone is planning on attending ?! :woohoo: I wanna know who I am going to be seeing. :grouphug:
Msslaydbug said:
What if we post what meets everyone is plannin gon attending ?! :woohoo: I wanna know who I am going to be seeing. :grouphug:

Ill be at the 29th & 30th - I will not be able to make it to the 1st.... Ill be strolling out of EPCOT then. :teeth:

As previously suggested - any earlier POP'ers wanna plan a meet, or no?

Hi Poppers!!!

I can't believe I missed the 200th page!!! :( Oh well! party:

CathrynRose-Have a great time tomorrow!!!! :cool1:
We'll be at the meet on 9/30. Like CathrynRose, we will be at Epcot most evenings (many of our ADR's are for Epcot restaurants).

And today is the day that it hit me that I'm actually going back to WDW really soon! I was looking at the Picture of the Day thread, and thinking how nice it would be to be able to go to WDW soon. That's when it hit me--I am going soon! I've been so swamped with projects and problems that I never really thought about the fact that I'll actually be seeing all those wonderful things again instead of just watching the pictures on my computer!

I have two computers on my desk here at work. This one, which I use for most of my work, and a second one which is connected to my huge document scanner. That one runs a continuous slide show of all of my WDW/DCL pictures, and that's where I look when I need to be reminded why I come to work every day!
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