I am so glad you all love the report. I promise to have more out later today.:banana:
it's still today.

is it later yet??

looking forward to more of your installments.
loving it so far!
WOW i didnt expect to get that response. I love it. I know it is later, I am getting more out. So by tonight I promise to have the next "episode" lol.

I really am glad you all love the TR, its my first one and Im glad that everyone is enjoying it! Thank You ALL!
Still Day 2: More Rides

"Within 2 hours we were in New England killing a shark, on a subway in San Fransisco, and then back in time searching for mummys"

After Men In Black we headed towards Jaws, we loved how the town looked.. We were in Rhode Island in October and Looked exactly like that New England town. Once again we showed our Hotel Key like it was a police badge. They put us in the express line and skipped all the others.

Scott is a boat fanatic so of course the only pictures he was really excited to take was when boats were in them.



More boat pictures.


Us excited to go on Jaws, now I havent been on this ride since....2001 lol.


The Lighthouse on the ride.


Ok so Scott always stuck me on the end of the rides...Hes a scaredy
So everytime JAWS came near MY SIDE, I couldnt seem to get a picture of him. And I kept getting scared when the big wave would pop up, get me wet and open his mouth like hes gonna eat me. lol.



See I kept missing it! I know its a big fake plastic shark but still, when your on the left side of the boat its pretty scary. Our Skipper was pretty entertaining and funny.

So I got really wet, and I was very scared and covered my face on Scotts shirt, which ended up a big makeupstain on his shoulder. lol Ooops!

So after that excitement we walked towards the ride/show Disaster


I saw a cute fish! Scott said its a Trout. So since he likes fishing I thought it would be cute to take a picture.


Me and the trout!

Ok so we walked across to DISASTER! Once again we pulled out our hotel key and we got to the front. At the begining they casted some people to be apart of the show. I love the part when you go on the subway and and the fire and water come at you. Once again they said no pictures so I couldnt take photos alot. But I snuck one in.


It reminded me of the New York Subway station.

After the ride we headed outside and heard loud music, so we walked towards the sound and saw the Blues Brothers playing...

Then we noticed we were right by the Mummy. YAY we never ever have been on this and it was TIME!

As we were about to show our express pass I saw this big dude

So on this ride I had to put my purse in a locker but I kept my camera so after we could take a picture of us on the ride.
Within 5 minutes we were strapped in. ooooOOooOOo it looks pretty scary, once again people i was on the end. Scott is really a scaredy kat!

This is what I call the Cheap Way! Instead of buying a 20 dollar photo with about 15 people you dont know in it. You take your camera and zoom in on your photo..LOL i know im bad, but hey I did it for the TR!

WE loved the ride. What a great ride. It was a bit spooky, but very thrilling and exhillerating! Scott and Alexis give this ride 2 thumbs up! YEA!

As we walked outside, we got my bag from the locker and kept walking. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG its TWISTER! I loooooooooooooove this movie, gotta check out the attraction.:love: I went on it before but long long ago.

It was very loud and very scary how twisters and kill so much.



Oh by the way we got to use our Hotel Key on this ride as well! YAY!

INside the ride, everyone was screaming, it was so spooky!

Coming up
Stil Day 2: One more park for the day

"Snacks, lunch and more rides...Park 1 done by 12:30!"
Alexis, dahlink! I love your TR!! 4 more months for me!! And I'm staying at the RPH too! Glad to know the beds are comfy. You and Scott make the cutest couple!!!
Alexis, dahlink! I love your TR!! 4 more months for me!! And I'm staying at the RPH too! Glad to know the beds are comfy. You and Scott make the cutest couple!!!

Thank you Thank you! I am preparing my next post right now . I am so glad everyone is enjoying it!!!!

Your going to LOVe the RPH! its fantastic
Ok everyone, I know your all in suspense for my next post. LOL jk. I am so glad that all of you are enjoying it and I hope you stick with me. I appreciate it so much. I really do.:yay:

Stil Day 2: One more park for the day

"Snacks, lunch and more rides...Park 1 done by 12:30!"

So after Twister we were a bit hungry and wanted a snack, not a full lunch yet. So we stopped and I got a pretzel with mustard and Scott got Dippin Dots Ice cream (cookies and cream). So we sat on a bench and just relaxed and took a break from our rushed morning. Dont get me wrong though it was a great morning. So I ate my pretzel and and he ate his icecream, it hit the spot and gave us some energy to keep going!


Sorry about the mustard on the side of my mouth, I didnt realize till now haha. ooOOoPs!

After our quick snack we kept walking and I saw the Monsters Cafe...So I took a quick picture of the monsters swirling in the wind. Sooo Cute.

My favorite is Frankenstein!

So we noticed we were nearby Shrek 4D! So NATURALLY we used our hotel key and got in the Express Lane and B O O M! We were in the preshow with our 4D glasses waiting to enter the auditorium to experience SHREK 4D! Scott and I have seen all the Shreks in the movie so we just LOVE it!

Unfortunately I couldnt take pictures inside because the cast members said NO! :( boo but oh well.

I dont want to spoil the suprises in the ride, but what a great experience 4D is muuuucccchhhh beeeettttter than 3D!

After that we saw Dora the Explorer by the Rugrats building but the line was long to take a picture and we were ready to head over to Islands of Adventure...BUT we had one more stop to make....


We walked by Mels Diner, where we considered to eat but decided to eat at IOA! So on our way to I LOVE LUCY EXHIBIT we saw a great DooWop band playing at Mels Diner...I am a FAN of oldies!

The Band was EXCELLENT, I wanted to dance soo badly.


We were considering eating here because I was wanting a burger, fries and shake...ya know like the 50's. But Scott and I chose to just see what IOA has to eat (later did we regret not eating at Mels, but that is much later in the report.)

So we went to the Lucielle Ball Exhibit and I really loved it, I considered buying a T-Shirt there but I didnt really like any of the shirts they had...So I took a few pics (come on, you all should know be by now lol)!


I got goosebumps...She was such an icon.

I love her clothes

After the exhibit we walked towards the exit and headed towards Islands of Adventure

Exit...Its a Wrap!

So sad, it was great that we were done by 1:30 but we knew we missed alot of other things but we now know that it is a must we go back.

Coming up Still Day 2: Islands of Adventure

"Lets get Soaked on Popeye"

(By the way everyone I hope to have my next post by this weekend, I have so much to do this week, I start summer term this week and Organic Chemistry seems to be very demanding. I hope you all understand and Thank You soo much for all your support. I promise by this weekend the next post will be up.
Thank You all so much for the wonderful comments. Scott also has a thing for shoes, i forgot to mention that in the report. HAHA i know, they are soo shiny in the picture...LOL LOL :rotfl2:

Enjoy the rest of the week, I will be back soon to post more.
I think you should be promoted to "Official Universal TR writer!"

Anyone with me?
i say yes. she just wrote the tutorial for all of us. i think my report is going to copy hers(but with kids):thumbsup2


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