Pixie Dust, or Pixie MOUNTAIN? A Grand (Roy) Disney TR *NEW TR LINK 8/11!*

Joe and I saw it too, how funny!!!!!
What did you think of it?
And I am so sorry I didn't call back, I ended up having to make work calls all afternoon yesterday and time got away from me yesterday :( We will talk soon!

Also, how many times do you think it's going to get shut down due to weather??? I think it was a bad choice on Disney's part...
From the little bit I've actually taken the time to read lol I think it'll be shut down quite often..........more often than the boats even. Too windy, too rainy, lightning, even more windy or rainy than when they stop the boats.

How fun to get to see Mickey!! Only in Disney is sweaty dancing with a mouse a fun surprise.:)
:laughing: He seems to always be there! Classic Mickey and Donald in his sailor suit; Mr. Smee, they're like regulars during training. A couple others I see often are Capt. Hook and the Chipmunks so I rotate who I see but then every once in awhile they throw in some rare ones :goodvibes

Even though I hate the way the new gondola station is going to take away the peaceful atmosphere around the International Gateway, I am excited about the project in general. The only way that I am not going to take a ride on this thing is if it turns out to be claustrophobic. :)
I think it'll only feel claustrophobic if it stops for a long period of time; I'll just be very nervous if I ride it. I can do all roller coasters no problem; TOT, no problem! But put me on the teacups, Astro Orbiter, a carousel or feris wheel and no way! This is up there with those things lol.

We ran into character training with Rapunzel a few years ago. A CM pulled us into a closed off section and took pictures with her. It was fun but not as good as Mickey.
We saw Rapunzel once over by the IG, it was just Steve and I and we both went up and met her :) Years ago with the boys we saw Merida there before she started meeting in MK and the boys were young enough that they were excited to meet her!

I have no idea how you do it. When there is that much heat and humidity, I just don't feel like eating.
You know it got to us later in the week and by the last day we hit F&W we ate less than we thought we would unfortunately. It was ridiculously hot this particular day, but our appetites overcame our discomfort lol

I sure hope the weather is cooler at Thanksgiving.
OMG it'll definitely be cooler than Sept., unless some freak front comes in! We've been there for 2 previous Thanksgivings (2015 and 2016) and I had quite a few clients there last year so I monitored the weather. When we were there those years the highs were a mix of mid-70's to low 90's but NO humidity, which makes a huge difference. Then the lows at night and in the morning would be anywhere from high 50's to low 70's, so you really need to pack a little bit of everything which is a pain but overall we think the weather is great! One reason Thanksgiving is my 2nd favorite time to go with May being my 1st :thumbsup2

This morning I got an email that the MB's were being shipped.
I saw that post about only yours shipping and I meant to message you but as usual my brain farted :rolleyes: That's happened to clients and I just call on it no problem; glad your others have shipped!

Confession: I have never seen a Halloween movie. Not one of them
Um......if you lived closer I'd make fun of you loads and loads. I LOVE all horror movies! I think I saw the original Halloween for the first time when I was 10 :P

I have no shame in admitting that now I am content to sit down and watch a Disney princess movie on a Friday night. Times change.
Well I do admire this about you but I'd still make fun of you for the above :D

I would love to try Yachtsman someday.
We've actually only eaten there once, just Steve and I, on our very first adults only trip. I can't believe we've never been back because it's insanely delicious but for whatever reason it never happened, so I'm extremely excited for it!

I'm so happy to report - spoiler alert - that I finally had one of these. It was awesome!
Yes it is! I fondly refer to it as "sunshine in a (plastic) glass :sunny:

I've been scratching my head ever since I heard they were adding the gondola system. I don't get it. And it really does ruin the landscape.
I suppose it's to alleviate some for sure transportation issues that will arise when SW Land opens, but it just does NOT fit in. Not theme wise or landscape wise or anything :mad:

So, when the entertainment guy in Chicago reviewed it, he said when watching this movie, you have to pretend that all the other sequels didn't exist. It's meant to just pick up 40 years later. Now, I LOVE the first Halloween!!
That makes sense! Yes I love the original also; I'm a huge horror movie AND Stephen King fan, too. Also very much love the original Nightmare on Elm St. which, as you may know, stars a very young, adorable, and at that time unknown Mr. Johnny Depp:love:

"It's not a cage....it's a trap!"

Jimmy is approaching that age faster than I like to think!!
Ricky lasted awhile but sadly Chris outgrew the cute Disney shirt phase much earlier :sad1: I can see HP going a little further though since it's not as "cute" if you know what I mean!

Ugh the gondolas. I'm not a fan of this project. I don't want to ride one because they scare me.
Ha! They kind of scare me, too, which is weird since I used to ride them just fine and can ride big scary roller coasters. Lack of a/c scares me too :rotfl2: However I guess if enough other people ride them, the boats and bus crowds won't increase :scratchin

I'm also afraid of what it's going to do to the International Gateway entrance. I like staying in the Epcot area resorts and I think this is going to take away from that. Maybe I'll change my mind once they are up and running but I doubt it. I think I'm in the minority though and most people are excited about them.
I agree, maybe it won't be as bad as you and I and a handful of others think; we'll have to wait and see :rolleyes:

I love that little meet and greet spot next to America. We've stumbled upon it twice and characters are a lot of fun.
Yes! I stumbled across it like, 5 times in the past and then started looking for it. I've seen a couple neat rare characters!
I love your visit with Mickey! You have been lucky with character palooza’s, we have hit one in Epcot so far!
The gondolas sure are an eye sore so far, not sure how I will feel about them. I do know right now I don’t like them!
OK this makes me feel so much better!! I too wear a poncho and my husband, boys, friends all make fun of me but I HATE having half wet butt syndrome and wet thighs squeaking together for 2 hours after getting off:scared: Thanks for making me feel better!! :hippie::hippie:
:rotfl2:Ugh the wet thighs are the worst!
That cheesecake looks yummy! I'm so disappointed I was too sick to try it
Believe me I know the feeling. Without rehashing the whole story, back on our Thanksgiving 2015 trip, I woke up T-day morning with a horrendous stomach bug. Not only did I miss the whole day with my family, we cancelled our holiday meal at the Wave ( I did beg them to go without me). Then, I attempted to go to our late night ADR at Beaches and Cream with them; ordered my tomato soup sans my beloved grilled cheese sandwich, took like 3 spoonfuls - and quick walked back to our room at BWV as fast as I could so I didn't throw up in front of anyone :crazy2: Being sick in Disney sucks; having all that delicious food around makes it worse!

We tried the Filet at the Canada booth and both ended up tossing ours. We both got super fatty cuts which was disappointing.
That's how Steve's was last year :headache:

I have *SO* many pictures where DH and I look like we're drowning in sweat. In all of them DH's shirt is drenched like he just rode Splash Mountain over and over. It's pretty comical now, but wasn't then!
And that's how I looked our last day! I had bought a new shirt in DS and wanted to wear it so bad (I'll post a pic later) but it was 100% cotton, which is not conducive to sweat :scared: so about an hour into our MK day it looked like someone poured a cup of water down my back............

Following! I just got caught up
:welcome: I'm glad you're here!

- The Roy. WOW. Please please show all the pics you have. I love pics of places I'll never see!
Oh don't worry I still have a nice amount of pictures to post :thumbsup2:thumbsup2

- Helen and the Dapper Dans - all the tears, all the feels.
Right? I was touched to be witness to that :cloud9:

- How to insert gifs: I just search for gifs in the Google search bar (ex. "Mickey gif"), click on the Images tab, find the one I want, click on it to bring it up (I don't even bother going to the website, just enlarging it is enough). Right-click and copy image, then in your body of text that you're typing, click where you want it to go, then right-click and paste. Super easy actually. And doesn't count against the 10 photo limit.
:thanks: you actually make it sound easy! Which means I'll still have trouble lol but will definitely attempt it now!

- More!!! I need more and am so jealous you're going for Thanksgiving!!
Well regardless of my Roy stay I get jealous reading about your WL CL stay! But yes I absolutely love going over Thanksgiving, am looking forward to it, and cannot wait to be back at my beloved WL even if it's only for 3 nights of our trip :goodvibes

Oh I'm so jealous of your upcoming trip! DH almost had us booked on a short trip right before Christmas. Which is truly insane since we will be back in January anyway.
No no, never insane; completely rational ::yes:: There is no such thing as two Disney trips being too close together! Speaking of Xmas time, both this year and last Steve has brought up going for NYE, and then he shuts it down mainly because flights from NY are like, $700 pp :scared1: but one of these years we'll do it.

I'm with you on the HOT! We were miserable just a few days later!
Holy crap SO hot! Worse than August, and I will fight anyone who argues that with me :rotfl:

I'm back and just trying to catch up on some trip reports!
Welcome back and thanks for joining in! Looks like you and your boyfriend had a great trip, just hope your husband isn't pissed :rotfl2:

This is just amazing
The whole trip was incredible!

Are you sure all your gowns and purses could even fit in there?
One never travels with ones entire wardrobe :snooty: so I wouldn't know.
Yeah I keep my gowns split between our summer homes and have the staff rotate them each season.
I'll stop now.

When I read this last night and again this morning, I thought it said, "Lounge Goddess," which is actually a more fitting title :wizard:
Now I want to change my DIS name to Lounge Goddess :rolleyes1

I try to kind of leave my hood off until after the picture though, but I usually end up in a crazy weird pose with my hands up trying to get my hood on :crazy2:
I do the same thing! I try to make it look like, "meh, I don't really need this for my hair or anything. See, no hood!" And then I sneak it on as we go up the huge hill lol and try my best to have it in place before the drop! I have plenty of pictures with me adjusting it!

I can't believe how many of these things there are, they even go over some very busy roads, which was very surprising to me.
I know, you can see them from so many places around property :mad:

Love those ears :love:
:thanks: I only own one other pair and I bought them way back in 2014, so you know these really caught my eye :) So happy they ended up being comfy!

You have good luck with that! I looked at those doors one day when we were in EPCOT, but I didn't know they came out at a certain time and we decided to just keep walking.
Yeah it took me a few times to figure out there's a "set" yet secret time they come out lol, and it was really luck this time that I happened to think of it and check the time and we just managed to be there at that time. But you know at any given moment they could change that.

I've stumbled on the character training before. It's so nice being at the right place at the right time.
It is! Sometimes I completely forget about it, then at night realize we walked by right around that time. It's usually our last Epcot day too so I'm glad we caught it. Have to try again next month :)
I love your visit with Mickey! You have been lucky with character palooza’s, we have hit one in Epcot so far!
Thank you! I'm definitely better at hitting it in Epcot! Years ago we managed to find it in HS, twice in one trip, I believe in 2014 but that was after waiting and waiting for it in 2103 for like, 45 minutes lol. Steve was NOT happy! The last few years I either forget when we're there, or we wait on days they don't do it, or we wait and then someone gets impatient (someone who isn't me............) and it stinks because I feel like the characters are better there!
Well regardless of my Roy stay I get jealous reading about your WL CL stay! But yes I absolutely love going over Thanksgiving, am looking forward to it, and cannot wait to be back at my beloved WL even if it's only for 3 nights of our trip :goodvibes
Have you considered adding club level access when you are at the WL next month? For $99 per night it would be well worth it for your family of four. :)
Aren't we all happy whenever we change our plans? It's what we DIS'ers do best. Instead of 50's Prime Time on arrival night we're trying Ale & Compass dinner, and I switched Chef's de France for Yachtsman finally. At some point I'll post our plans, in between all my cool Sept. updates and still do come room pics and MORE pixiedust:
No some of us are happy when there are no plans :P

Can't wait to see what you think of Ale and Compass. We almost ate there but Jason usually veto'd it for something else. And so excited for Yacthsman. Will this be your first time there?

I mentioned this earlier in my report but the "tiny egg noodles" in the stroganoff are spaetzle which is awesome. They were cooked perfectly, the sauce is heaven, the meat is tender.
You do know your "heaven" sauce has mushrooms in it right :confused3


Can you see it? I swear, as usual, I resized it!! Now, I had the filet AT Le Cellier years ago and loved it, however last year neither of us enjoyed the festival filet.
And there it is again. Big ole nasty mushrooms. you were my mushroom hating sister and now I'm all alone on no-mushroom island :P

I wasn't with him when he got this; he told me he thought it was a beer and wasn't happy when he saw it was wine since he doesn't drink red wine :confused3 Yes I know you don't drink red wine, but what in the description made you think it was beer??? OK then.
Clearly "red blend" and "Chateau" are just code for lager and Milwaukee

1. He confirmed more than once that this was full of HEAT, and this was then confirmed by the nice older gentleman who was having it for the 6th time in 2 days.
I'll still never forget Steve laughing at me trying to eat that hot African dish knowing what I was experiencing. Something tells me the 6th time gentleman may have been enjoying the same thing :-)

What happened to the bangs? You protected them so carefully!

It was good! Bubbly and refreshing, not overly sweet but most likely too sweet for my good pal @kastoney who likes things sour puckerup:
What can I say, sour matches my sparkling personality :P


Yup, I caught character training again!!! Again! And first up I sweated all over the main man himself.
You have the best luck though odd it was Mickey back there. We saw characters here finally but it was Rafiki - who Casey has met a million and 1 times - and some lion character we didn't recognize. Afterwards I kicked myself for not stopping only because I had no idea who in the heck that was

Besides seeing you meet the characters at Artist Point I now want to do a dining report with pictures of only food description cards :thumbsup2
I think you've found our contribution to the "epic" report - unheard of character photos for me and description cards for you :D
Yes I love the original also; I'm a huge horror movie AND Stephen King fan, too.
OOoh, I love Stephen King, too!!! I've been going back and reading some some of his older stuff lately--SO good! I need to read Pet Semetary because I still never have, and I really want to see the movie remake!

Ricky lasted awhile but sadly Chris outgrew the cute Disney shirt phase much earlier :sad1: I can see HP going a little further though since it's not as "cute" if you know what I mean!
I can definitely see HP sticking around for awhile, but I agree, it is definitely not cute!! I remember being devastated when he was a growing from baby to toddler clothes and everything stopped having cute little animals on the feet and butts!!!
What did you think of it?
And I am so sorry I didn't call back, I ended up having to make work calls all afternoon yesterday and time got away from me yesterday :( We will talk soon!

It was what it was. Joe and I always try to see a scary movie this time of year, and there weren't too many choices...But I do love JLC!!! She looks good!

Yes, we will talk soon!!!! I have a question about luggage and changing resorts...

From the little bit I've actually taken the time to read lol I think it'll be shut down quite often..........more often than the boats even. Too windy, too rainy, lightning, even more windy or rainy than when they stop the boats.

Disney didn't think this one through...
Le Cellier Wild Mushroom Beef Filet Mignon with Truffle-Butter Sauce


Can you see it? I swear, as usual, I resized it!! Now, I had the filet AT Le Cellier years ago and loved it, however last year neither of us enjoyed the festival filet. Steve wanted to give it another go and he said this year it was much better. Last year it was like a lump of fat but this year it was cooked perfectly.
We tried this and I loved it. I have never had it before so I didn't have any expectations. No fat on mine. And I didn't even mind the mushrooms. I don't love them but don't hate them.

Château Des Charmes Equuleus Red Blend, St. David’s Bench

I wasn't with him when he got this; he told me he thought it was a beer and wasn't happy when he saw it was wine since he doesn't drink red wine :confused3 Yes I know you don't drink red wine, but what in the description made you think it was beer??? OK then.
This cracks me up. Really, Red Blend said beer to him...


Well, drink and sweat, which as I alluded to above I am deathly afraid of doing now but I do it for Disney. Do you see the sweat beading up and shining off Steve's forehead :rotfl2:You can actually see it on my face too but it's funnier on his. I swear to heaven it was HOTTER THAN AUGUST!!! The alcohol we were holding helped until it didn't :crazy2: Steve had our traditional Grey Goose Slush from France while I opted to try the
Seriously, it was soooooo hot!!! Is it always still that hot. And Grey Goose Slush YUM!!!!

The bread was for me and unfortunately I was disappointed. I had high hopes because cheese + bread, but it was basically a puffy airy bread thing with a very faint taste of cheese. Like, if you were eating a bad meal and needed to fill up in bread it would be ok, but that's it.
I had originally wanted to try the bread but I saw a couple meh reviews and I was filling up way too fast. So, I skipped it.

For those of you who've read a few of my TR's, you may remember that I have pretty good luck with a certain something that sometimes happens on the side of the American pavilion sometimes. This normally happens right around 2:20'ish, and today I felt like trying my luck! We'd had great luck so far this trip so, why not? Steve thought I was silly but he humored me and we sat outside Liberty Inn, and about 5 minutes la
Seriously.... I need you to text me on my EPCOT day and remind me of this! You have the best luck with this!
Have you considered adding club level access when you are at the WL next month? For $99 per night it would be well worth it for your family of four. :)
I have considered it; I have mentioned it to Steve; and I am 99.9% certain we'll be adding it :thumbsup2

No some of us are happy when there are no plans :P
:laughing: I do admit one of the things I love about going sans kids is that we plan so much less. However with the attitude of one, and the other one not liking to be bored, combined with going at a busy time, I feel I must plan what I can :rolleyes: But just like our kidless trips you know even when I make plans we end up changing them!

Can't wait to see what you think of Ale and Compass. We almost ate there but Jason usually veto'd it for something else. And so excited for Yacthsman. Will this be your first time there?
Second time at Yachtsman for Steve and I, first time for kids. I do believe Chris will be in filet heaven...........
I just wasn't happy with anything for our arrival night as far as dinner; we're going to HS (oh excuse me, MGM). Almost did 50's but when Chris looked over my shoulder he threw a fit since back in......2011? Our server told him to get his elbows off the table
So we can't go there. Not wanting MM and we aren't thrilled with HBD, so as much as I didn't want to leave the park Ale & Compass dinner menu really looks good. And I love trying a new place or two each trip.

I'll still never forget Steve laughing at me trying to eat that hot African dish knowing what I was experiencing. Something tells me the 6th time gentleman may have been enjoying the same thing :-)
:rotfl2:That was funny :D Yes he probably was, along with his wife who had also had the shrimp before. They were probably early 80's and were talking to Steve like he was a little kid :tongue:

What happened to the bangs? You protected them so carefully!
Listen, this was not a "man, it's hot today" trip; this was a "Holy Mother what is happening why is the world melting away" trip. I did my best to keep those babies lookin' good, but even a plastic poncho in 110% humidity couldn't help. I finally gave up and thew it all into a ponytail, big shiny forehead be damned! And that was my look for the rest of the trip, which really didn't bother me after a few drinks each day :drinking1

I think you've found our contribution to the "epic" report - unheard of character photos for me and description cards for you :D
"Ariane had the 8oz filet with a bearnaise sauce (insert picture of menu description or buffet placard) while Kari had the grilled pork belly appetizer to start(insert picture of you hugging Piglet)"

OOoh, I love Stephen King, too!!! I've been going back and reading some some of his older stuff lately--SO good! I need to read Pet Semetary because I still never have, and I really want to see the movie remake!
Oh you must read it! That's actually the book that got me hooked after my 7th grade English teacher suggested we read him. After you read it, and before the remake comes out, watch the original movie. I'm going to see the remake also but just from the previews I can tell it's going to be different and since I don't like change I know I won't like it as much as the original. Which btw Stephen King is in :goodvibes I also met him years ago when he was giving the commencement speech at Vassar College!

I remember being devastated when he was a growing from baby to toddler clothes and everything stopped having cute little animals on the feet and butts!!!
Oh man, you're bringing back memories :sad1: Remember those cute, one piece summer rompers for the boys? I LOVED them! I was so upset when my boys grew out of them!

But I do love JLC!!! She looks good!
She looks great!

Yes, we will talk soon!!!! I have a question about luggage and changing resorts...
OK I'm calling you Monday :hyper2: Tomorrow the family is coming over for Chris's bday so as soon as everyone is gone Mon. morning ( and I wait until a reasonable time because I believe you're an hour behind me lol) I'll call ya!

We tried this and I loved it. I have never had it before so I didn't have any expectations. No fat on mine. And I didn't even mind the mushrooms. I don't love them but don't hate them.
Yeah it seems to be better this year. I don't actually like mushrooms themselves despite what @kastoney thinks, but I do like the flavor more than I used to!

I had originally wanted to try the bread but I saw a couple meh reviews and I was filling up way too fast. So, I skipped it.
You missed nothing :snooty: I only took 2 bites because stomach room during F&W is too precious to waste on no-good food!

Seriously.... I need you to text me on my EPCOT day and remind me of this! You have the best luck with this!

That cheesecake was one of my hands-down faves this year!!! So GOOD!

As for the cheesecake, holy crap this was delicious!


And there's one I actually didn't care for. Had it 2 years ago and didn't bother this time.

but as you can imagine it still didn't top his Flower and Garden shrimp.

Sounds like I need to check that one out in May!!!

Moqueca: Brazilian Seafood Stew featuring Scallops, Shrimp and White Fish with Coconut-lime Sauce and Steamed Rice
That sounds pretty amazing; still may try it next year even with the mediocre review.
OK I'm calling you Monday :hyper2: Tomorrow the family is coming over for Chris's bday so as soon as everyone is gone Mon. morning ( and I wait until a reasonable time because I believe you're an hour behind me lol) I'll call ya!

Well, I will wait to hear from you!!! We were at a wedding over the weekend (waaaay too many Jameson and Cokes and JELLO shots), but we are home now and recuperating...:rolleyes2 Damn, to be 20 again...Jello shots are the BOMB!!!! I will be posting pics on my latest TR...:rolleyes1:rolleyes1:rolleyes1
Well, Ricky started doing this last Thursday :car: all by himself! I'm excited for him and proud of him, but also a nervous wreck lol. He and Steve are beginning to shop for a car. Can't say I'm not looking forward to having to be a taxi a little less!

Teasing me with Chocolate

Continuing on with my "surprise" character training meets:


Oh, NOW my resizing works?
Anyway SMEE! Too bad I didn't have my "Hi, It's SMEE" shirt on. I did tell him about the shirt and promised to wear it next time; I might even buy him one because his looks a bit small; his zipper is showing with this one:

I skipped some of the other characters like Donald in is sailor suit and Baloo who had long lines. I almost went to King Louie but he was making everyone dance with him and #idontdance. Instead I went over to these cuties!


We were now finally done in WS and made our way out but we couldn't leave without one more F&G drink:

Showcase Plaza: Wild Goose: Frozen Wild Berry Acai with Grey Goose Vodka


I was still full from all my eats and drinks but OMG this was delicious and refreshing! I ended up having almost half and swearing I was going to return for one another day; sadly I didn't.
I had one more place I wanted to go before we left the park and as luck would have it, my fellow NY TA friend Cathy and her son had just arrived in Epcot and were currently waiting in line for Soarin'. I told them where we were headed and they agreed to meet us.
Last year for the first time we saw the Ghirardelli chocolate displays and I wasn't going to miss them this time, they're amazing! So we took a look around the Festival Center, waited for Cathy and Brandon, and then went to see this years; displays:
and, large once again


Wakanda! Hard to tell, my pictures don't do it justice


Another crappy picture but I absolutely loved the Headless Horseman display :hmghost:


This MIGHT be my favorite, as much as the Toy Story one is amazing and I love the Headless Horseman! There was a Coco one but I didn't take a picture so my last one is this:


Adorable! All done by resort pastry chefs. You have to wonder how they'd taste.........
after walking through we picked up Chris's request, which was Ghirardelli chocolate, because I can't pick that up at WalMart or Target any old day lol.

Now it was time to take a break; it was roughly 2:30-3, we had a FP for 6 and wanted to chill/change for a little while. We had also invited Cathy and Brandon to come see our suite :goodvibes so they were going to do a little bit more and then come over.

When we got back to the resort we went straight to the room to change-quick pic of the table in the circular hallway outside our suite door:


When we first walked in the door I put my purse and ears down on the table in the entry way, next to the umbrella stand - isn't that what we all do when we enter our WDW resort rooms? And noticed a card on the table.
It was the one with "DeVizio Family" on it; the other was in our room when we arrived the day before but I forgot to post that picture:


How nice! Then Steve noticed the light on our phone was blinking that we had a message; he listened and it said to call down to GS because we had a package waiting. What? I assumed it was just our "magical extras" cards - when I book with my rate we get them with our MB's and then another set when we check in. So Steve called down and they said they had nothing. No biggie.
I walked into the bedroom for a sec, and this was sitting next to the TV!


They weren't there when we checked in; such a nice little touch!
Cathy wasn't on her way yet so we decided to go down to the lounge and see what they had out:


Here come my awesome reviews:
Meatballs of some sort that were really good, and a bruschetta bread with some stuff on it that Steve liked lol


Fresh veggie salad with tomatoes/cucumbers/croutons/feta/onion/olives/light oil and vinegar dressing


Grilled/roasted veggies. Over there you can see the "famous" strawberry soup they serve at 1900 Park Fare; I've never tried this as it doesn't appeal to me and Steve didn't either but it went pretty fast!


Chicken nuggets for the little ones :goodvibes

Blurry cheese pic:


I had a better picture of the strawberry soup and all the breads but can't find it, however here are some of our plates:

myplate.jpg Yeah, this is mine. I wasn't starving yet and I didn't want to fill up because I didn't know what we were doing for dinner, so I tried the meatballs; wish I could remember what they were because they were good! Greek I think? Because the sauce was tatziki. And the bread is Citricos KALAMATA OLIVE BREAD which they had every day. There may be one piece on my plate in this picture, but I had 3 more after this one.

One of Steve's plates:


A little healthier, a little upside-down. He loved the veggies and who does not like cheese? I know he had some of the "bigger" offerings too but again, no picture. Sorry!
Soon Cathy texted that they were on the monorail over; we were going to have to meet them in the lobby because, ahem, she wouldn't have access to the club elevator :snooty: I'd wanted a couple of my DIS friends to see the suite and was waiting to see if it would work out, in the meantime I was excited to get to show it off to another friend!

That cheesecake was one of my hands-down faves this year!!! So GOOD!
It sounded like it might be awesome and it SO lived up to my expectations!

That sounds pretty amazing; still may try it next year even with the mediocre review.
I would; some of the offerings that stay the same vary from year to year, so it could very well be really good next year :thumbsup2

Well, I will wait to hear from you!!!
Good to talk to you today and work out some plans :hug:

Jello shots are the BOMB!!!!

The live arrangements are one of my favorite things about the deluxes. They are so pretty and always so perfect for the colors and vibe for each resort.

Such a nice touch!!

Here come my awesome reviews:
Meatballs of some sort that were really good, and a bruschetta bread with some stuff on it that Steve liked lol


What a nice spread! Just lovely!

I would; some of the offerings that stay the same vary from year to year, so it could very well be really good next year :thumbsup2

Example: The Kahlua Slider got rave reviews for years; this year I tried it and the bread was literally slimy from sitting in juices. Yuck. Ruined.
Can't say I'm not looking forward to having to be a taxi a little less!


All done by resort pastry chefs.

such talent

We had also invited Cathy and Brandon to come see our suite :goodvibes so they were going to do a little bit more and then come over.

How fun to share. I would totally want to see that.

They weren't there when we checked in; such a nice little touch!

I love having a flower arrangement in the room while on vacation.
Gah, the Dis ate my quotes (AGAIN!)

Anyway, that drink looked darn delicious!!! My father-in-law is a huge grey goose snob LOL so he calls anyone who mixes it with anything a peasant. When we go to WDW I always like to order a slush or something just to spite him! :)

the mid-day offerings Club Level are pretty awesome!! I'm getting more jealous by the update!


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