Peeps, restrooms & drunks. A hot, sweaty Asian TR-Pt.2 1/21-Under the sea

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Drag out those last three days, please! We want every single last detail! :laughing:

I am off to go search it out -- I need to read it again as we try to solidify our ADRs (I only have until March 8 when I need to call).

Jackie, I'll try and prolong it.....but really it's been almost a year already....:eek: Can you believe it's been that long already? Time flies....

Oh my look at the meat! (and yes I am talking about the lawry's meat cart)

Happy Birthday Wendy!

Pop looks nothing like I expected in that picture from your room. Ok now this is going to sound strange- but I think you are the Asian version of my Puerto Rican husband.
My son saw your picture and said"that guy looks like dad" And I have to agree! Now I know why you seemed so familiar to me:rotfl2:

He's my brutha from anutha mother.....:thumbsup2

the guy who does my nails has a striking resemblence to Jordan too......I've thought about bringing in Flat Jordy for a picture, but I wasn't sure how I'd explain that.............his english is very limited.:rotfl:

I'm a triplet?

Ditto! ::yes::

At least keep it going until you get a new countdown ticker....

:grouphug: Ticker-less DISers, Unite!!!:grouphug:


I may have a ticker within days......:thumbsup2


DH and I were just drooling over the food pic's at that restaurant. YUMMERS!! Looks like you guys had a fun night.

Great update and pics. Glad the Mojo is still in tact. :thumbsup2

I also had the 2lb cut...and finished it off. It was my first time at this restaurant and I loved it...

Great update. I have stayed in that Pop. I had the same view.
Happy Birthday to Wendy!!!

It was a great location....wasn't it?

:rotfl: definitely! our yoko was a cutie.

Can you imagine the other one serving you...Doh!!!!!:eek:
I didn't know you could use the words man and little friend in the same sentence. Doesn't that go against some code or something? :rotfl2:
Chapter 86. Monday, February 11th. Day 12. Part 2. Epcot from a different viewpoint.

When I last left you...I was on the way to meet the rest of the gang at Epcot before they all took off to head back home.

I tried to call both Derek and Wendy on their cell phones with no answer. I knew they were going to be in the World Showcase so I just made my way over to that part of the park...

I was alone...well sort of...Do you think it's wierd to talk out loud to a cardboard cut out?

I walked over to the World Showcase. I came upon some peeps and was going to talk with them, but they ran screaming when they saw me talking with "her":

The thing about being on your get to experience the parks from a completely different viewpoint. You have nowhere you need to ADRs to rush off to....I decided to just sit on a bench--this bench to be exact:

This is what I saw from the bench.....

Get out of my picture!!!!;)

After sitting for a few minutes, I decided to head out to try and hook up with the gang. I tried the phones again but still got no answer.

I stopped at the Norway Pavilion. I love the detail:

My new best bud enjoying the entertainment:

About this time Derek called and said they were in the World Showcase. Wendy couldn't find her cellphone, but thinks she packed it. I think we agreed to meet at the Germany Pavilion in a few minutes.

I grabbed a seat on the nearest bench and took a few more pix as I enjoyed the view.


the said bench:

after a few minutes I walked over to the Germany Pavilion and saw this heading my way:

Click here for next installment.

Up next: Now it's time to say goodbye.
WENDY!!! I'm not sure if I ever congratulated you on the birth of Ashyln, but just in case I wasn't around and didn't - CONGRATS! I haven't seen a picture of her yet (hoping there's some in here somewhere), but I'm sure she's just as wicked cute as Erin and Dylan. :goodvibes I can't believe she's 5 months old already!

Thanks! You can check out pix @ enjoy! You can also see some pix I posted on post #3211 and #3222 (both on page 215).

Awwwwwwwwwwwwww you got to meet Blue and Rosie. I am jealous. It looks like you had a great night. You sure rode alot of rides. I thought it was usually very crowded on EMH nights. I am glad I got to meet you but I wish I would have gotten to meet the rest of your crew too.

EMH was great - Dylan loved Buzz so much that we went on it three times in a row with our fastpasses... it was great because Erin usually used to always get to pick the rides but since she was asleep, it was all about what he wanted to do. So cute.

The pictures of you and your girlfriend are great...but I couldn't help but notice that it seems like she doesn't even know you exist..... :rotfl2:

I guess that's only fitting since Jordan says he treats his girlfriends like they don't exist... hee hee.

It was great reading your installment on lunch at CRT since I'm right now trying to decide if I want to try eating there or not. Perfect timing for me. :thumbsup2

Although I do love the Major Domo's pie entree, it's probably more about the experience than the food. But as long as you don't mind the whole princess thing, it's fun... and definitely if your kids love the princesses, then it's a treat and makes for great photo ops.

This is HYSTERICAL. So perfect.

Ok she has this mom of little ones crying over here. How cute is she? I hope she got candy in her lunchbox that day for a snack.

She can be cute at times... sometimes she says things and I wonder where she gets it from... she's growing up too fast.

Note to self...avoid Japan at all costs.

Let's just hope these posters don't make it over to China or you're in trouble.

Chapter 85. Monday, February 11th. Day 12. Part 1. The one where everyone leaves.

This sounds like a Friends episode... "The one where...." Ha ha ha.

I can't believe Wendy is 40! She doesn't look a day over's so not fair!

Happy Birthday Wendy!!

Thanks! Well, as it were, I was officially calling it "the 10th anniversary of my 30th birthday" so we can still say I'm 30 (ish....). Hee hee.

Love the pictures. Happy Birthday to Wendy!!! In the picture of Erin and Dylan - is that the Nala and Simba tha have magnets in their noses so when you put them together they "kiss?!" If so I had those EXACT stuffed animals when I was younger and I LOVED them!!! They looked exactly like that, too funny! :laughing:

Nope - just regular old stuffed animals...
great pictures from epcot. I love world showcase and could wander around there all day(helps there a few drinking spots to stope at along the way!!)
I can't believe it has been almost a year -- your TR was one of the first ones I started reading! :eek: Beautiful scenic photos of World Showcase! Looks like Flat Winkers was in fine form that morning!
Happy 30 and Holding Birthday Wendy!!So glad FW got to njoy Epcot with you Jordan!! Can't imagine why the Peeps ran sreaming doesn't everyone talk to Flat People !!:rotfl2:
Beautiful pictures of Epcot... and various Epcot benches. It makes me want to go sit there right now. :cloud9:
Thanks! You can check out pix @ enjoy! You can also see some pix I posted on post #3211 and #3222 (both on page 215).

Thanks Wendy! I'll go check them out. :)

Jordan - love all of the flat winkers pictures. :rotfl: Glad you finally got in touch with everyone. We never have much luck using our phones when in the parks. It's just so loud and I guess we're a bit distracted. :rolleyes1
I was alone...well sort of...Do you think it's wierd to talk out loud to a cardboard cut out?

as long as you're not singing to it.

The thing about being on your get to experience the parks from a completely different viewpoint. You have nowhere you need to ADRs to rush off to

i want to do this one day.

Get out of my picture!!!!;)

FW is a camera hog! :rotfl:

the said bench:

you should write a guidebook, "a tour of benches at the word showcase by jordan and flat winkers".
I would love to know what goes through people's minds when they see you taking pictures with Flat Winkers.:rotfl2:
I would love to be able to do WS by myself.....I always feel rushed with the kids.

when do you leave for china? a week?
looking forward towhat kind of trouble you got in on your own exploring disney for the next few days
I can't believe it has been almost a year -- your TR was one of the first ones I started reading! :eek: Beautiful scenic photos of World Showcase! Looks like Flat Winkers was in fine form that morning!

I know. I can't believe it either. I said somewhere else--it seems like just yesterday and at the same time, it seems like a lifetime ago...

I love the different feel of the parks when your by yourself. A complete different vibe.

Great pictures looking across the lagoon, looks very peaceful.

Thanks Lessa. The pix can't even compare to those great night time shots of Italy that you got, but I'll take the compliment..:)

It was soooo peaceful.

Happy 30 and Holding Birthday Wendy!!So glad FW got to njoy Epcot with you Jordan!! Can't imagine why the Peeps ran sreaming doesn't everyone talk to Flat People !!:rotfl2:

I must admit people did laugh. As I have mentioned before, I also got asked what I was doing and people said it was a great idea.
Wendy - I just got a chance to check out your pictures on your website. Ashlyn is beautiful! :goodvibes And I can't believe how much Erin and Dylan have changed since this trip! I guess it HAS been a year. :rotfl: Thanks for sharing. :thumbsup2
Beautiful pictures of Epcot... and various Epcot benches. It makes me want to go sit there right now. :cloud9:

Me, too. I never knew there were so many places just to sit and relax because we're always on the go.

Thanks Wendy! I'll go check them out. :)

Jordan - love all of the flat winkers pictures. :rotfl: Glad you finally got in touch with everyone. We never have much luck using our phones when in the parks. It's just so loud and I guess we're a bit distracted. :rolleyes1

We also take walkie talkies, but end up using our cells more.

as long as you're not singing to it.

:rolleyes1 :rolleyes1

i want to do this one day.

You can still do this when you're traveling with others. Let everyone sleep in and set up a meeting time for later in the afternoon and just enjoy one of the parks...:thumbsup2

Believe me. People don't mind when you can sleep in this morning...

punkin said:
FW is a camera hog! :rotfl:

:rotfl2: :rotfl2:

punkin said:
you should write a guidebook, "a tour of benches at the word showcase by jordan and flat winkers".


I would love to know what goes through people's minds when they see you taking pictures with Flat Winkers.:rotfl2:
I would love to be able to do WS by myself.....I always feel rushed with the kids.

when do you leave for china? a week?

I leave 2 weeks from today.

As I told Dawn, take a morning off when you're there with the fam. Let them go to one park and then meet up with them later....
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