Peeps 2. The Sweaty Asian Strikes Back. Pt 2. Feb '10. 2/21-Final Chapter. Link to TR

Wow! You are getting SO CLOSE! I remember when you started this thing... I was thinking, "That is SO FAR AWAY!!" Now.. it's here!:cool1:

I can't wait to see what craziness pops up on your Trip Report. If I don't get to you beforehand... have a wonderful time!! Take lots of pics!! And be safe!!

I know I can't believe it's been 8 months in the making! It's upon us now!

I can't wait to see what happens as well....
Love the shoes!!!!! Yeah, I thought of you today when I saw the national weather and they had rain covering most of Florida! Though, in October when I checked before our trip they had cool weather predicted and we had record heat the whole time, so hopefully you can get one nice waterpark day at least.
Gosh. The last time I went to DL was back in the spring of 1995 for a Band trip. We stayed in a hotel that, at the time was across the street from DL. We literally walked out a back exit and were walking through the DL parking lot. I can't imagine how much it has changed after 15 years.

It's almost completely different!

seanaci said: the wheels turning in my head. We want to go to DL for halloween one of these years. Doubt we'd be able to afford to stay at the's a nice dream.

Redarging lucky you are to live that close to DL/DTD. And what a GREAT idea...a gift card for souvies! That'll be going down in my blog for good tips. :D

DLR is not like WDW. At DLR, you can stay offsite no problem.

I bought the gift card to set a budget limit for myself. Hope it works.
Love the shoes!!!!! Yeah, I thought of you today when I saw the national weather and they had rain covering most of Florida! Though, in October when I checked before our trip they had cool weather predicted and we had record heat the whole time, so hopefully you can get one nice waterpark day at least.

I'm hoping the forecast is wrong.
Hi Jordan! You may have already seen this, but I thought of you when I was reading it and wanted to pass it along just in case...

MRYPPNS turned me on to Jack Spence's blog, "The 'World' According to Jack" and he recently posted a four part series, "Have a Seat in Walt Disney World". Each part is about the various seating options at one of the four parks. It was very interesting and provided a wealth of information for someone who might want to do some people watching or even take a nap. ;)

Have a Seat in Walt Disney World - part I

I have seen it!!!!!

I'll be doing some bench sitting fo sho!

Thanks for the link!:thumbsup2
If you end up not staying with the church, what direction do you think you will take next? Sounds like the restaurant business is out.

By the way, I like your buys. I'm glad you finally got some things knocked off your list. I'm assuming since your not on here much may have been shopping?? :confused3 Maybe some shoes, or have you given up on the shoes?

I actually bought my luggage yesterday!!! :yay: I'm pleased as punch I finally got what I wanted and at a price that was pretty decent. For less than $300 I got my 29, 25, 21 inch along with a seperate bag for my cosmetics. It's wonderful to finally have a major purchase off the list. Take a look. :)
BIG SIGH :cloud9: Silly I know. :goodvibes

Hopefully I'll find my other baggallini, and my Chaco's or another pair of Yellow Box flip flops are up next. Well see what I can find most comfy wise.

I'm sure you'll let us know if you found your other items on your shopping list. :yay: Can't wait to see if I was right about you being out shopping.

I'm staying at the church! So no immediate plans to go anywhere right now.

Bag talk...really?;)

I bought shoes.....:thumbsup2

A Peep Cat!!!:lmao:
Hey Jordan,

I'll bet you're super busy getting all readied up for your trip. Tying up loose ends at work is never easy!

Just a heads up.... I put up the new thread for our PTR. When you get a chance come sign on and say hi! Eveyone's welcome to join in-- see you there!

Already subbed in!
That picture of Pop at night with the water is sooo pretty. I really need to check out more of the hotel I stay at. I have a tendancy to go to other hotels and walk around and I have never done that at Pop.

So what is the official coutdown? Sorry, I have not been around and have lost count.

It's a great hotel and it's great late at night to walk to the "Bridge to Nowhere".

3 days!
From one who's in the "same line of work", I understand. Down time is really important to prevent "burn out". Take what you need! You especially don't want to get sick now!! :angel:

Thanks Liesa. I'm fighting something right now. I've been trying to sleep A LOT!!!!
hey jordan hope your week is going good and you are getting ready to leave for your much needed vacation, i posted a few new trivia things for the day, and was wondering if you could add a few things to your list of things to search out and take pictures of.

first is the giant rock between canada and UK, if it has an opening in it that allows for the light and speakers to come out for the illumiations.

also between 10-10:30 they have the fuel burn off after the show, i would love to see this, but dont think it will happen since we will have to get little parker back to bed after the show and wont be able to see it.

thanks dude

I will do my best to get those pix. The burn off may be hard to get. I could probably get it on an evening EMH. I'm only there for one evening EMH at Epcot, but am not scheduled to be there....I'll be babysitting til late...I'll still try!


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