Parents of the Class of 2019

I haven't yet - mostly because it's not on the official schedule we got, so I'm not completely sure of the date at this point. (I do think I saw it on something from orientation, but I need to confirm.)

I'm not worried, though, as DS's school is only about 40 minutes from another city DH frequently travels to for work. If we book too late to get something right near school, we'll just stay at his favorite place there on points and make the slightly longer drive to the events.
They told us the date at orientation. But we live an hour away so we'll just go up for the day.
Mine is giving notice tomorrow! :laughing: She wants to enjoy some down time before the year gets under way. She also has applied for a front desk job in her dorm. If she gets it, she'll have to be there 12 days early, or 3 weeks from tomorrow. Oh my. That one caught me off guard. I tried hard to feign some enthusiasm for her.

On the up side, our son just started a new job this week and is now living in the same town where she's going to school. It will be such a relief to have him there if she needs something. And he now lives 2 hours from home instead of 7 hours away. It's still a lot to adjust to, but not bad, all in all.

Eeek, 12 days early! I wouldn't like that but campus jobs can be hard to come by. DD may apply for a library job tonight. I really want her to get an on campus job and competition is tough.

That is so awesome her brother will be in her town! I would love for my girls to be in the same place but that won't be happening. DD was excited though to find out yesterday a church camp friend will be starting to teach at her school this fall so she will have another familiar face on campus. Thinks it's funny that one of the "kids" from camp could be her professor. He's of course several years older but they were part of the same group that ran around family camp together.

I don't know if we'll go to Parents Weekend but we won't need a hotel so we can just drive down if she wants us.
My son received his dorm assignment today. He is thrilled he doesn't know anyone. Because it is a local University, he will know a lot of people on campus so I think he is happy this will force him to spread out and not just hang out with high school classmates.

We shopped for his dorm room last Saturday. He really didn't want much. We still managed to spend a small fortune but the bulk was on a decent laptop. He is in a four person dorm room but they each have their own room with a door. It's a tiny space but he doesn't want it decorated. He said it will keep him focused on what he is there for.

Move in day is August 10th so we will drive down the day before. We just moved a few states away at the end of May. My youngest starts high school on August 12th. It's going to be a quick trip. It feels strange to be dropping your kid off at school in his own hometown but for me it is the best of both worlds. We have a great support base that will come at a moment's notice for him but he gets the Independence away from us like he should.
It feels really real now as I look at the rubber mate tote full of towels, sheets, and other supplies. A big part of me is ready because it is time but that small part is far from ready.
That's awesome Portocall. My DD is also going to a local university, but we are allowing her to stay there, as she's pretty independent already. Can by shy, so I think this 30,000 kids average a semester, she'll meet lots of new people. She's in a 2 person room on a co-ed floor. Shared bathrooms are at the ends of the hallway. Move in is August 24th. She's pretty much ready, though I am sure will be doing some last minute buying. And a great thing, the university said they gave her 17 credits for her AP test scores she forwarded to them. I told her, if she works hard, maybe she can graduate a semester early. Here's hoping.

So happy to read about those going to reside at school, an those commuting for their freshman year of college. So exciting and sappy to see the kids as adults. This year, I will one kid commuting and one kid residing. 2 kids in college was not a good plan. LOL
That's awesome Portocall. My DD is also going to a local university, but we are allowing her to stay there, as she's pretty independent already. Can by shy, so I think this 30,000 kids average a semester, she'll meet lots of new people. She's in a 2 person room on a co-ed floor. Shared bathrooms are at the ends of the hallway. Move in is August 24th. She's pretty much ready, though I am sure will be doing some last minute buying. And a great thing, the university said they gave her 17 credits for her AP test scores she forwarded to them. I told her, if she works hard, maybe she can graduate a semester early. Here's hoping.

So happy to read about those going to reside at school, an those commuting for their freshman year of college. So exciting and sappy to see the kids as adults. This year, I will one kid commuting and one kid residing. 2 kids in college was not a good plan. LOL
This is the third year I’ll have two in college, and then I’ll have two years with three, and then back to two for another two years.
We got back from orientation very late last night. DD really enjoyed her 2 days of orientation, but said it was very hot sleeping in the dorms, so a fan is absolutely on her list of must haves for her dorm. We found out that she can't loft her bed as high as she wants, which is a bummer for her, she really wanted to put her desk under her lofted bed to save on some space, but she'll live. She got her schedule for the first semester, but it may still change due to the AP credits not being applied as of yet.

I had a day for parent orientation, and holy cow! I haven't seen that many helicopter parents since peewee soccer! They had a brief presentation from one of the nurse practitioners in the health center who got a bit annoyed with all of the "Why won't you call me if my child needs to use the health center" garbage. I see a major rebellion in store for some of these parents.

All in all it was good, we got a few pieces of information that we didn't have before, and DD got to enjoy a bit more of the campus. She doesn't have to be on campus until move in day which will be 8/31.
This is the third year I’ll have two in college, and then I’ll have two years with three, and then back to two for another two years.

Oh, lucky you, three cars on the money train. LOL At least you will have college visits for years.
It’s hot hot hot here. I think I shared DS got Swimmers ear after a long swim grad party and his eardrum burst. So he is hanging by himself.
Today I made his medication box and started his product box and made a list of a few items we need to buy for the med box.
It's graduation party day!! - and it's already 79° at 6:15am 😲

It's supposed to be 99° and feel like 109°. It's a good thing we have the pool and AC.

Today I made his medication box and started his product box and made a list of a few items we need to buy for the med box.

I've started on a first aid/meds box, but what is a "product box"?

And yow on the ear! - I hope your DS feels better soon.
Pollyannamom, enjoy the party!

We have about half of DS' list left to buy, but aside from the microwave, they are all small things.

Are your kids taking their car to school? DS is on the fence. His school has enough parking ($50/semester) and allows freshmen to have a car. His concern is that he doesn't want to be the chauffeur for his friends. He has a few friends at his school who are from our area, and two have already offered to give him a ride home if he wants to come when they are coming home (he would give them gas money). I sort of want him to leave it here because I'm afraid he will want to come home every weekend, and I think he needs to get involved with things there. He is only going to be 2 hours away, and SIL is 40 minutes away from him if he has an emergency. His school is in a tiny little town, and it is only a few blocks to the pharmacy, a medical clinic, and a handful of restaurants. If he wants to come home for the weekend, it wouldn't be a big deal to go get him. DH only works 2 days a week, and if he happens to be working on Friday, I get off and 3:00 and can go up there.
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Pollyannamom, enjoy the party!

We have about half of DS' list left to buy, but aside from the microwave, they are all small things.

Are your kids taking their car to school? DS is on the fence. His school has enough parking and allows freshmen to have a car. His concern is that he doesn't want to be the chauffeur for his friends. He has a few friends at his school who are from our area, and two have already offered to give him a ride home if he wants to come when they are coming home (he would give them gas money). I sort of want him to leave it here because I'm afraid he will want to come home every weekend, and I think he needs to get involved with things there. He is only going to be 2 hours away, and SIL is 40 minutes away from him if he has an emergency. His school is in a tiny little town, and it is only a few blocks to the pharmacy, a medical clinic, and a handful of restaurants. If he wants to come home for the weekend, it wouldn't be a big deal to go get him. DH only works 2 days a week, and if he happens to be working on Friday, I get off and 3:00 and can go up there.
Dd doesn’t have a car, freshmen can’t have cars, and parking is $600 a year. There is a bus that goes to a train station 15 minutes away from us, plus they have ride share boards, and there is an Amtrak station on campus in an emergency (expensive). The college utilizes shuttles, and uber is used a lot. She can walk to Main Street with tons of shops and restaurants. We will get her a used bike if she wants (they need to be stored outdoors on racks).
Eeek, 12 days early! I wouldn't like that but campus jobs can be hard to come by. DD may apply for a library job tonight. I really want her to get an on campus job and competition is tough.

That is so awesome her brother will be in her town! I would love for my girls to be in the same place but that won't be happening. DD was excited though to find out yesterday a church camp friend will be starting to teach at her school this fall so she will have another familiar face on campus. Thinks it's funny that one of the "kids" from camp could be her professor. He's of course several years older but they were part of the same group that ran around family camp together.

I don't know if we'll go to Parents Weekend but we won't need a hotel so we can just drive down if she wants us.
I'm trying to keep a positive attitude. She had a phone interview this week and should know later this week. It kind of sucks not knowing for sure how early she has to be there. But yeah, it would be a great freshman year job, so we'll do whatever.

It's huge that brother is now living there. It has done so much for putting my mind at ease. Having familiar faces around during a big transition is so important. So glad your DD will have another familiar face around as well!

We're 2 hours away so can drive to campus and home same day if we choose. So far though still not planning on Parents' weekend.
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My son received his dorm assignment today. He is thrilled he doesn't know anyone. Because it is a local University, he will know a lot of people on campus so I think he is happy this will force him to spread out and not just hang out with high school classmates.
Hah! That's a different perspective. And I can totally see his point.
It's graduation party day!! - and it's already 79° at 6:15am 😲

It's supposed to be 99° and feel like 109°. It's a good thing we have the pool and AC.

I've started on a first aid/meds box, but what is a "product box"?

And yow on the ear! - I hope your DS feels better soon.
My son received his dorm assignment today. He is thrilled he doesn't know anyone. Because it is a local University, he will know a lot of people on campus so I think he is happy this will force him to spread out and not just hang out with high school classmates.

DD joined an LLC so she wouldn't be in the same dorm as her HS classmates. She is glad some of them will be on campus but being in a different building will be good.

@bigbabyblues DD will have her car at school. It's only $90/year. I don't want her to have to rely on others. I expect she will come home a lot especially to see her boyfriend. But I also think she will succeed in getting involved on campus even if she leaves some weekends. She is big into participating.
Product box- Tide and laundry stuff, paper plates (brand given to me that I don’t use), bathroom items, couple cheap real 2 forks, 2 spoons, 1 butter knife, foil, zip lock bags, yeti 32 oz cup, hand soap and refill, toothpaste, extra tooth brush, floss, bug off wipes: I shopped from my own supplies.
I saw on Pinterest a laundry bag that had printed laundry directions, he does some laundry now. But I did write reminder on an index card and put in a clear zip lock bag and I emailed it to him-seriously had free
It was super hot and I had free time, I wanted to see what we might need to get yet. Need a shampoo.
Are your kids taking their car to school? DS is on the fence. His school has enough parking ($50/semester) and allows freshmen to have a car. His concern is that he doesn't want to be the chauffeur for his friends. He has a few friends at his school who are from our area, and two have already offered to give him a ride home if he wants to come when they are coming home (he would give them gas money). I sort of want him to leave it here because I'm afraid he will want to come home every weekend, and I think he needs to get involved with things there. He is only going to be 2 hours away, and SIL is 40 minutes away from him if he has an emergency. His school is in a tiny little town, and it is only a few blocks to the pharmacy, a medical clinic, and a handful of restaurants. If he wants to come home for the weekend, it wouldn't be a big deal to go get him. DH only works 2 days a week, and if he happens to be working on Friday, I get off and 3:00 and can go up there.

My son is in nearly the same situation -- 2 hrs, 20 minutes away. Small town where everything is walkable or available by (free) bus. He definitely doesn't NEED a car, but he could take one.

He is *not* taking a car, at least not first semester. He seems fine with NOT taking one, and I'm happy with that. I want him to stay on campus and get involved. (And if he really wants to come home and can't find a ride, then I've promised to make the 5 hour round trip to go get him.) I will also be glad for it not to be a distraction/temptation as he adjusts to college life. While I think he has a good head on his shoulders and I don't expect that he'll do anything too bone-headed, I'm glad that a car won't be part of the equation. If he thinks he "needs it" second semester or next year, I'd be willing to revisit the discussion then.
We're not letting our son take his car - he's allowed to, but our tour guide said you really don't want to be known as the freshman with the car or he'll be driving everyone all over the place. His roommate lives in the same neighborhood as us, so if one kid decides to come home for the weekend, they might both come, but we'll see.
We're not letting our son take his car - he's allowed to, but our tour guide said you really don't want to be known as the freshman with the car or he'll be driving everyone all over the place. His roommate lives in the same neighborhood as us, so if one kid decides to come home for the weekend, they might both come, but we'll see.
Ours isn’t taking the car either. Our younger son will hopefully be getting his license in the fall so he’ll use it for school. We live an hour from the university and it’s no problem to pick him up. Several of his good friends from high school are going there too, so it’s possible we could carpool too.


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