our non-rushing (sorta) disney anniversary w/ PICS & VIDEO! new TR link - p. 136

this time next week we will hopefully be enjoying our first-ever MICKEY'S NOT-SO-SCARY HALLOWEEN PARTY!!!!! :goodvibes as long as the weather is decent, we're gonna try to make this! i think it will be a blast. i can't wait to meet all the villians! so perhaps we will be trick-or-treating along the alice in wonderland path from toontown to tomorrowland......or maybe we'll be riding erica's favorite, the haunted mansion......or maybe we will be mingling with maleficent herself!!!!! :maleficen

this time next week I will be saying how slow time is going as we get ready to leave the next morning at 5:30.

Keeping my eye on Hanna, hope she doesn't mess up the plans.

i'm sure next week will fly by for you! at least it's a holiday weekend.

just saw on the news that hanna is gonna go southwest to cuba, then back up to florida over the weekend of 9/5......great! :headache:

Today they have Hanna's projected path taking some CRAZY curve south. It looks really wierd. Oh well......maybe we can all stand and blow really hard eastward and push her out :rotfl:

great idea! :rotfl2: the guy on the news just said that hanna was gonna go southwest to cuba (that crazy curve south you're talking about), then go up north along florida's west coast next weekend. :sad2: but you never know with these things. we'll just have to keep watching!

i counted my ponchos today and i have 11. think that's enough???

I'm excitted for you both, only 5 days!!! I hope the weather is great for you and you don't have to deal with the hurricane. WDW is hurricane proof, if thats a comfort. The fall decorations look amazing, so take lots of pics for us. :wave:

i'm not worried about the dangers of the winds or anything b/c WDW is so far inland that i don't think that would be a problem. i'm just not looking forward to tromping around in ponchos the whole time! but hey....if it comes to that, we'll deal with it!

You are SO close!! How can you even stand the wait?? I hope that these storms will pass soon and that the people down in your neck of the woods don't see too much castrophe. My DSIL owns a place in Playa del Carmen, south of Cancun, and I saw on the news last night that Gustav was passing by Cancun. Those poor people in the Carribean get hit so often. There's pros and cons living in such a beautiful area.

i have work to occupy me while i wait. i want to get it ALL done before we leave so i won't have to worry about it while we're there. yeah, i definitely wouldn't want to live in the carribean during hurricane season, but that's 6 months out of the year!

They look gorgeous!

I'm sooo ready for Fall!:banana:

i'm ready for fall, but i will definitely miss summer. i can never enjoy fall that much because i know winter is coming right behind it. i'm a summer girl all the way. i'd MUCH rather be hot than cold! the thing i hate most about winter is pumping gas in the FREEZING cold! and i live in georgia!!!! :lmao:


i know!!!!!! cross your fingers for us that the weather is halfway decent!
:woohoo: :woohoo: I can't believe you leave so soon! Did you start a pre-trip report or are all the plans on here? I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything!
I noticed the Dis Unplugged site had photos of all the cool pumpkins and stuff so I thought I'd hype you guys up even more with a couple of ones from last year!


Those Halloween decorations look beautiful. Fall is my favorite time of year, Halloween to be specific. I know you will have a great time. We want to hear all about it.
this time next week we will hopefully be enjoying our first-ever MICKEY'S NOT-SO-SCARY HALLOWEEN PARTY!!!!! :goodvibes as long as the weather is decent, we're gonna try to make this!

As of right now 20% showers....pretty good I think :upsidedow

great idea! :rotfl2: the guy on the news just said that hanna was gonna go southwest to cuba (that crazy curve south you're talking about), then go up north along florida's west coast next weekend. :sad2: but you never know with these things. we'll just have to keep watching!

(fingers crossed) STAY AWAY PLEASE!!!

i counted my ponchos today and i have 11. think that's enough???

So do you think I need to bring any extra :rotfl:

:woohoo: :woohoo: I can't believe you leave so soon! Did you start a pre-trip report or are all the plans on here? I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything!

Nope no TR :rolleyes:

That's AWESOME!!
I'm hoping you have great weather for this:




P.S. Don't anybody talk to Erica. She's got 'getting ready for Disney' chores to do!
You will LOVE MNSSHP! DH and I went last year and had a blast. We even dressed up. But, you remember your little scantily clad pirate wench, well be prepared sister, you'll get to see more of that at the party. You're not supposed to, as there are "rules" for costumes, but you still get the chose few who can't figure out that it's a FAMILY event!?
this time next week we will be enjoying AK!!!! perhaps we'll be on everest right now or maybe enjoying the nemo show (a first for both of us). then later we will be having dinner at boma......i'm excited about that ADR for sure!

by the way, i hope to get another update done either today or tomorrow. i just have to upload some video.

WOW! 5 days!!!!! I can't believe it's here already! :yay:

i know.......4 days!!!! :cool1:

:woohoo: :woohoo: I can't believe you leave so soon! Did you start a pre-trip report or are all the plans on here? I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything!

we didn't do a pre-TR since i was in the middle of writing this one. i'm sure we will do a TR when we get back though! we'll post the link here for sure.

Those Halloween decorations look beautiful. Fall is my favorite time of year, Halloween to be specific. I know you will have a great time. We want to hear all about it.

oh, don't worry....we'll share! i hope the weather is decent....the fall decorations are so pretty. at least when they're dry! :laughing:

As of right now 20% showers....pretty good I think :upsidedow

i only hope it stays that way!

So do you think I need to bring any extra :rotfl:

if you bring some more we can start handing them out to other vacationers! :laughing:

I'm hoping you have great weather for this:




P.S. Don't anybody talk to Erica. She's got 'getting ready for Disney' chores to do!

thanks for the pics. i hope we get to see that too!!!!

oh, and i'm totally guilty of keeping erica on the phone this morning. but we had important things to discuss: hurricanes and politics and antibacterials sprays for the remote control! :lmao:

You will LOVE MNSSHP! DH and I went last year and had a blast. We even dressed up. But, you remember your little scantily clad pirate wench, well be prepared sister, you'll get to see more of that at the party. You're not supposed to, as there are "rules" for costumes, but you still get the chose few who can't figure out that it's a FAMILY event!?

yeah, i think some people use halloween as an excuse to dress like a prostitute and get away with it. just don't understand why they'd do that at DISNEY WORLD! but nothing really surprises me anymore!
4 days!!! :cool1: :banana: :woohoo: :yay: :dance3: :cheer2:

The time has flown by! I will cross my fingers for good weather for you. Have a great time. And then hurry home to start your trip report! :goodvibes
Hi Dawn! :goodvibes Just wanted to tell you I hope you have a great time on your trip! :dance3: You are going to love MNSSHP! :yay: :thumbsup2 Have fun!
Awww, I am sad we will miss MNSSHP this year!!! I know you will take lots and lots of pictures!! I can't wait to see the parade pics!!!
oh, and i'm totally guilty of keeping erica on the phone this morning. but we had important things to discuss: hurricanes and politics and antibacterials sprays for the remote control! :lmao:

:lmao: :rotfl: :lmao: Check out my pics below :-)

Awww, I am sad we will miss MNSSHP this year!!! I know you will take lots and lots of pictures!! I can't wait to see the parade pics!!!

I hope the weather will cooperate for us to go and take LOTS of pictures!! I WANT to goto this party!!!! :wizard:

We have almost 3 DAYS left!! :woohoo: :yay: :banana:

I did some packing today!! Here's the XL suitcase

Here's all the 'antibacterial' items for my germ-o-phobe mind :rolleyes:

And then some random things.....gum, makeup, a backpack, a sharpie for ALL the signatures I'll get, surgery items that might be needed for 'flat' Matt, and a very sad puppy that will be missing his mama :guilty:

And some pixiedust: special dust pixiedust: to help keep Hanna away and everyone in the gulf safe :goodvibes
Looks like Hanna will be off of Florida on Friday. Not good. I feel like my flight might be canceled.
this time next week we will be having breakfast at kona cafe. tonga toast, here i come!!!!!!!!!!!! we don't have definite plans for what park we will venture to this day. probably MK or epcot. then tonight we will enjoy the hoop de doo review! fun, fun, fun!

well, every time i look at hanna she changes! now her path is heading for south georgia. but i'm sure the outer bands will bring rain over orlando. not the end of the world. at least the eye is not projected to go over that area anymore!

here's the link to the path if anyone wants to see it: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/graphics_at3.shtml?5day#contents

I noticed the Dis Unplugged site had photos of all the cool pumpkins and stuff so I thought I'd hype you guys up even more with a couple of ones from last year!



4 days!!! :cool1: :banana: :woohoo: :yay: :dance3: :cheer2:

The time has flown by! I will cross my fingers for good weather for you. Have a great time. And then hurry home to start your trip report! :goodvibes

somehow i missed you when i replied to posts earlier. sorry! LOVE the fall/halloween pics. i can't wait to see it again with my own eyes!

Hi Dawn! :goodvibes Just wanted to tell you I hope you have a great time on your trip! :dance3: You are going to love MNSSHP! :yay: :thumbsup2 Have fun!

thanks! i hope we get to go. just depends on these pesky hurricanes/tropical storms!

Awww, I am sad we will miss MNSSHP this year!!! I know you will take lots and lots of pictures!! I can't wait to see the parade pics!!!

there's always next year! and you will LOVE the P&P party. trust me!

And then some random things.....gum, makeup, a backpack, a sharpie for ALL the signatures I'll get, surgery items that might be needed for 'flat' Matt, and a very sad puppy that will be missing his mama :guilty:

how cute!!!!!! which one is this? i know it's not tank but darby and dodger look alike!

i have the same dental floss. :rotfl: good to know i picked out a good brand - a dental hygenist recommends it! :laughing:

good idea about the surgery items for flat matt. i need to throw some in a ziploc bag in case flat ray needs some repairing!

And some pixiedust: special dust pixiedust: to help keep Hanna away and everyone in the gulf safe :goodvibes

SERIOUSLY!!! we need alot of this stuff!

Looks like Hanna will be off of Florida on Friday. Not good. I feel like my flight might be canceled.

oh, i hope not. maybe she won't grow very strong and it will be a non-issue. i'm certainly keeping my fingers crossed! i've pretty much come to accept that there will be lots of rain while we're there.
Looks like Hanna will be off of Florida on Friday. Not good. I feel like my flight might be canceled.
punkin said:
oh, i hope not. maybe she won't grow very strong and it will be a non-issue. i'm certainly keeping my fingers crossed! i've pretty much come to accept that there will be lots of rain while we're there.

pixiedust: :wizard: pixiedust: :wizard: pixiedust: Pixie Dust for scott's flight!

I think it will be fine Scott....just might rain a lot :sad:

how cute!!!!!! which one is this? i know it's not tank but darby and dodger look alike!

It's Dodger. He doesn't get as sad looking as his sister :sad2:

Matt says they will drive him crazy this week....he's prob right :rolleyes:

I hope the weather will cooperate for us to go and take LOTS of pictures!! I WANT to goto this party!!!! :wizard:

We have almost 3 DAYS left!! :woohoo: :yay: :banana:

I did some packing today!! Here's the XL suitcase

Here's all the 'antibacterial' items for my germ-o-phobe mind :rolleyes:

And then some random things.....gum, makeup, a backpack, a sharpie for ALL the signatures I'll get, surgery items that might be needed for 'flat' Matt, and a very sad puppy that will be missing his mama :guilty:

And some pixiedust: special dust pixiedust: to help keep Hanna away and everyone in the gulf safe :goodvibes

Awww, only 3 more days!!! Wooo hoooo! I am excited for you girls!!!!

Hey Erica, I have the vera bradley purse at the upper left hand corner of your suitcase!! I love it!!

I hope there is no rain!!!!!!!!!
well, all i have left to do is pack some last few things, finish charging my camcorder battery, finish the deposition i'm working on and turn it in on tuesday, finish my TR, clean my house and get a haircut! whew!!!!!!!

here's an updated countdown......


i think it's pretty much inevitable that we're going to have to deal with lots of rain during the trip. i'm hoping that friday night will be decent for the party, but i'm preparing myself mentally for the worst in case we don't get to go. hanna looks like it's going to hit south georgia on friday afternoon, which means central florida will most likely be getting rain before that. we shall see! these things change constantly!

i feel so sorry for the people on the gulf coast, but it seems that they've done a great job with evacuating people before gustav hits. keep those people in your prayers!

i should be back later with a TR update!

It's Dodger. He doesn't get as sad looking as his sister :sad2:

Matt says they will drive him crazy this week....he's prob right :rolleyes:

he's so cute!

sherman and eli will miss me but sherman will be in heaven during the night because he can sleep in my place! :laughing:

Have fun with the packing! The anticipation is almost as fun as the actual trip!

thanks! i'm almost done with all of it. i think erica's way ahead of me.

Awww, only 3 more days!!! Wooo hoooo! I am excited for you girls!!!!

I hope there is no rain!!!!!!!!!

we do too!!!! if there is, oh well. it will definitely be an adventure!
when i last left you we had just witnessed the most fantastic show in the sky we'd ever seen. when we picked our jaws up off the ground, we all decided to head to tomorrowland.


once we got there, we were attracted to a DJ set up in front of the carousel of progress playing music. and let me tell ya.......LUKE WAS IN A DANCIN' MOOD!!!!! :woohoo:







we also saw that mickey and friends were doing character greetings behind us, but the lines were too long for our tastes so i just snapped some pictures.



the DJ cleared the dance floor and out came some breakdancers. they were really good, although i have seen better in the street performers in savannah. still really entertaining to watch though!




here are some videos.....

after we watched the breakdancers for awhile ray and i decided to go ride space mountain.


the wait said 10 minutes but i don't think we waited longer than like 5 - really just the time it look to walk the queue. :thumbsup2

as we were loading the coaster my phone rang and it was anna...."are you on the ride yet?"

"no, but we're loading."

"dang it! those dancers have my husband up there dancing and both my camera batteries are dead!!!!!!" :headache:

i felt sooooooo bad that she didn't get to capture that moment. :sad2:

of course space mountain rocked, as always. when we got off we met anna, chris and luke and we all went on buzz lightyear together.

here's my pathetic score......


and ray's...........


yes, he beat me......again! :rolleyes:

i had been talking about how ray cracks up at me on space mountain because i giggle the whole time and anna was wanting to ride it after hearing that. she hadn't been on it since she was a kid. so i told she and chris to go ride it and we'd watch luke for awhile. we decided to take a ride on the TTA while they went on space mountain. it was so cute......you know how when the TTA first starts it kind of takes off really quick? that scared luke and he crawled up in my lap. :goodvibes

we both look kinda rough here.....you can tell it was getting late!


when we went through space mountain i told him that mommy and daddy were riding that and he said, "i don't want to ride it." :laughing: i explained to him that he didn't have to ride it, that it was a big-person ride and he could ride it when he got taller.

continued in next post: http://www.disboards.com/showpost.php?p=27279004&postcount=1941


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