Our little thread of BIG changes, the neverending saga of the Resort Changers

I'm here, I'm here!

Jeanette - thank you for our new home
Big :hug:back at ya girl!!

I knew you'd get it! Thank you for leaving some breadcrumbs for me to find your spiffy new thread - Orange Bird loves bread crumbs...and Citrus Swirls...

You're too kind considering how very MIA I have been from your thread. Those 3 threads of mine and some scheduling changes for me have made for decreased DIS time. But know that I think of all of you often and occasionally lurk to keep up with the many changes you all make, but mostly Jeanette's

You guys are the best:grouphug:. We're still booked 12/23 - 12/31 at WL. WL will not change, but not 100% on whether WDW will
Dh is saying he doesn't like all the changes at Epcot and Mk compared to when we first started going. You are one of the busiest DIS hostesses ever and absolutely amazing, my friend. You will always be in my royal court :hug: Happy to have you here at home. And that orange swirl YUMMMYYYYYY!!! :lovestruc

And :bday: to your DD15:goodvibes

Hi Janet, PAS, Linda, Kook, Sheila, and all my RCer friends!So happy to see our new home! Hope all is well with every one of you....
Wonder when I will be able to do MB....:confused3 Can't wait to see you in 44 days!!!

:hug: YAY Deena!!!!!

Miss I am feeling overwhelmed I have to still pack and do some shopping etc etc , it's coming too fast now
But it's all good!!!!!! Breathe, soon you will be in WDW :lovestruc

Changing threads.... a great temporary relief for this resort changer.

pas - from last thread, I am glad to get more encouragement for WL! I think the girls will love it and it really is a beautiful location. Since I'm trying not to change resorts, I've been playing with the different room categories... that's not the same thing, right???
All changes count, and it's not bad!! How about OFC-Old Faithful Club...the amazing Club level at WL:worship:

About thread changing, way back when stepdisney started a new RC thread, Kook and I posted to both because we could choose between the two...so yes resort changes are indecisive by nature I suppose...happy to help with a change for you (thread change) to keep the WL reservation intact.
Well, the permits were filed today for the room refurbs at GF!!!!!
This made my day Candace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jeanette: You do a wonderful job of keeping us all housed, you are the bestest!!

Well, I tried a last minute change on DH today but he is holding strong and swears that all our penny pinching will be worth it. He predicts I will be holding onto his arm hugging him saying "You were right....It is magical here at the Boardwalk" through tears of course.
This thread is like a big family reunion, I am SO happy :grouphug: I applied for the moms panel before I joined the Dis. For what it's worth WE ARE A DISNEY MOMS PANEL, and perhaps one of the bestest!!! :love:


I have also tried for the Moms panel a few times and never made it... so, now I offer my non-Disney endorsed advice to anyone I meet! ºoº
We are Disney experts to our friends and family which is awesome!!! IMO

I am sooooo late to the party!!!
Yay glad you found us!! I was a slacker and didn't PM everyone, all apologies.

Finally made it! Was working all day, watched Tangled while eating dinner and now DFi and I are watching Hercules. We decided we're going to MNSSHP next year as Rapunzel and Flynn! We also have a new tentative Wedding date. It's going to be October 10th, 2014. We will be leaving October 8th to meet with the consultant, hang out in the parks the day before the wedding and our Disneymoon will start on the 11th and end the 19th!

Now I hope I won't become a date changer as well as a resort changer.
:rotfl: I like your new avatar Hannah!!! Sounds like next October is shaping up perfectly, I think you are the first wedding since Deena's right???

Thanks again for all that you do.

Hi Sue!!! Great job on the reno. AND THANK YOU Melissa for posting them!!

I'm here, I just haven't had the energy to post. I have read a few posts here and there. I've been trying to get a mountain of laundry done and get some cleaning done. I swear, I don't know where all these clothes came from. I bought 36 new clothes hangers today, and I have a feeling that won't be enough to get all of the clothes hung up. The inlaws left Friday afternoon to have a weekend away. I made Mexican cornbread for dinner and then baked 5 dozen orange cookies. It would have been 6 dozen, but my silly head thought it was an awesome idea to bake the first dozen on wax paper. Tomorrow we'll go over to my sister's house, since it is her birthday, for lunch. We're going to have homemade chili and queso and the white chocolate raspberry bundt cake I bought her from Nothing Bundt Cake.

Nothing new on my 2014 WDW trip. Since I am not the only one in control of this ressie, I will probably not have any changes in the resort. The dates of August 29 - Sept 1. Honestly, I'm as excited about my friend showing me the places they film "The Walking Dead" as I am going to WDW. Well, I'm going to get back to laundry.
:hug: We miss you Kim, but we get busy...Walking Dead is awesome!!

Hi guys! I'm here - but still need to catch up on reading this one!
I'm pretty far behind too!!

So much to do and so little time 2 weeks from today I will be in Disney!
:cloud9: 2 weeks Sheila!!! :hug:

4 days out and I'm still changing! : The boys desperately want their Poly time, so I changed to YC/Poly split. Big shocker for us to end up back at our 2 faves.
:rotfl: Not a bad change at all!!!

I should point out that today marks the 1 week anniversary of my Sugarloaf reservation. 1 whole week with no changes!!!
This one will stick, both of ours!!!!!

Congrats on your FINAL COUNTDOWN! I hear the song in my head now!
Me too:laughing:

Well, I'm just gonna :stir: a little....and point out that WL CL is about the same price as CR MK view
My thoughts for her exactly!!!!!!!!!!!

I didn't know we had a new thread!!!!

So, my coworker is in Disney. She had booked a LM room at AoA. When they check in they got walked to the Grand! Guess where we may be staying next year.
Sorry sis, I am a slacker :hug: Possible you and the kids would be joining Candace and I at SL????????popcorn:: AoA to the Grand...NICE!!!!!!

It's been less than 24 hours since booking Animal Kingdom Lodge for our honeymoon and we've already decided to change it to Wilderness Lodge. lol
You will LOVE WL! Are you in a honeymoon room??? :welcome: to our little home here on the DIS!!
Oh how I miss everyone!! :grouphug:

All has been busy here. Lots of work, WDW, and life happening. We have been super deep into Vinylmation collecting and trading. We now have over 700! Since July I have had an Ulcer, my intestines were tangled (there was a big fancy word for this--but all I know is that I wanted to die), and shortly after they collapsed. I'm still not 100% right, and rely heavily on mashed potatoes, applesauce and cottage cheese. Anything else, I prepare myself to pay dearly for--but I'm tired of this running my life. Truthfully, I haven't gone to the follow up specialist that I'm supposed to because I'm stubborn. I'm sure I'll go as soon as my scripts run out.

I was so excited about going on the Dream for our anniversary, but after a couple trips to the ER, and missing work unpaid----we had to cancel :sad: :sad: I was so heartbroken, because after going thru all this mess, all I wanted to do was get away. My work isn't exactly ideal, and the longer I'm there, people show their true colors, and it's wearing on me. So I saved as many pennies as I could, and waited for a FL resident rate.... that didn't happen :(

HOWEVER... there was a Magic leaving out of Miami for 4 days instead of 3 that matched with our approved time off, and we got an amazing FL resident rate on it!!! We're going to see the brand new Magic!! Just pray that they get her all fixed up in time for November 6th!!! Of course it took me days of research and back and forth to find my "perfect" room (out of the available ones). I'm still very much a changer at heart!!

Also!! I went to the Vinylmation event in September and my friend and I had a YC-CL room for one night.... we were upgraded to an AMAZING suite!! It was beautiful. That is my "home"--I just love the YC so much.

I have been on a little more as we're preparing for our cruise. I wish I had more time to keep up around here. I miss all of you very very much and think of you often!!

Love, Pixie Dust, and Happy Changing!! :lovestruc
My heart skipped a beat when I signed in to DIS and my fingers moved to autopilot, straight to my long, lost home. Hi cha cha Changelings!!! :grouphug:

It has been so long I don't even know where to begin.... okay.. yes I do, I am planning a trip for August :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

Things were so hectic last year that we did not make it to our beloved Disney. I could barely look at a commercial without crying. After we realized that we would be paying for my son's college out of pocket :faint: we had to cancel our trip. On top of this, we were dealing with health issues with my both of my parents. :sad2:

Fortunately, things are looking up and my DH said to me "you better start planning for August" :goodvibes So.... here I am, back home and ready for some serious cha cha changgginnggg with my favorite changlings. So....What did I miss while I was gone??? Who is our current queen?

So glad to be back. ::yes::
So much to do and so little time 2 weeks from today I will be in Disney!

Have a great a Day Guys!

I can't wait to hear about your trip!! The two weeks will hopefully fly by.

4 days out and I'm still changing! :rotfl2: The boys desperately want their Poly time, so I changed to YC/Poly split. Big shocker for us to end up back at our 2 faves. :lovestruc

The weirdest thing is that I will now have 5 sets of MagicBands. I got two from the YC CL/GF CL split, plus we got a random set that appears to be connected to a long canceled stay. Now it says there will be two new sets from the current split at our resorts upon check in :confused3

Sounds like a great split.

I ALMOST fell victim to a lofty dream of CR-MK View yesterday but eventually decided I'd rather save the money and hold off on MK view until both girls are older... oldest DD has been begging to do WL and I think there's enough stuff to look at around the hotel to entertain youngest DD. We took oldest DD to WL when she was 17 months and she spent the better part of the trip staring at bushes and watching people, so I think WL has enough to entertain the to-be 14 month old. ((or so I am co :scratchinnvincing myself!))

On the bright side, I have two tentative trips to start planning for in the future! :woohoo: My extended family is looking to do Disney in '15 (non-Disney hotel on property) and DH's MIL is itching to go back in '16 when the two grandbabies are 3 (my nephew is 2 months younger than DD) (probably Disney hotel) ((I know 3 means they cost but since that family doesn't get a chance to do Disney much, they wanted to wait until nephew was old enough to start to really enjoy it))

One of these days I'll get that dream MK view as well.

It's been less than 24 hours since booking Animal Kingdom Lodge for our honeymoon and we've already decided to change it to Wilderness Lodge. lol

IMHO, you can't go wrong with either of the lodges. They are both stunning.

:hug: We miss you Kim, but we get busy...Walking Dead is awesome!!

Football season does keep me busy. The Walking Dead is awesome. It's one of the shows that I don't miss.

Oh how I miss everyone!! :grouphug:

All has been busy here. Lots of work, WDW, and life happening. We have been super deep into Vinylmation collecting and trading. We now have over 700! Since July I have had an Ulcer, my intestines were tangled (there was a big fancy word for this--but all I know is that I wanted to die), and shortly after they collapsed. I'm still not 100% right, and rely heavily on mashed potatoes, applesauce and cottage cheese. Anything else, I prepare myself to pay dearly for--but I'm tired of this running my life. Truthfully, I haven't gone to the follow up specialist that I'm supposed to because I'm stubborn. I'm sure I'll go as soon as my scripts run out.

I was so excited about going on the Dream for our anniversary, but after a couple trips to the ER, and missing work unpaid----we had to cancel :sad: :sad: I was so heartbroken, because after going thru all this mess, all I wanted to do was get away. My work isn't exactly ideal, and the longer I'm there, people show their true colors, and it's wearing on me. So I saved as many pennies as I could, and waited for a FL resident rate.... that didn't happen :(

HOWEVER... there was a Magic leaving out of Miami for 4 days instead of 3 that matched with our approved time off, and we got an amazing FL resident rate on it!!! We're going to see the brand new Magic!! Just pray that they get her all fixed up in time for November 6th!!! Of course it took me days of research and back and forth to find my "perfect" room (out of the available ones). I'm still very much a changer at heart!!

Also!! I went to the Vinylmation event in September and my friend and I had a YC-CL room for one night.... we were upgraded to an AMAZING suite!! It was beautiful. That is my "home"--I just love the YC so much.

I have been on a little more as we're preparing for our cruise. I wish I had more time to keep up around here. I miss all of you very very much and think of you often!!

Love, Pixie Dust, and Happy Changing!! :lovestruc

I hope you get all the medical stuff straightened out. I am the same way about going to the doctor and being stubborn not wanting to go. I need to make an appointment to get more meds.

We had a nice quiet weekend. I finished the rest of our laundry. Yesterday I baked 6 dozen orange cookies, but had to toss the first dozen out. Silly me thought it was a great idea to cook them on wax paper. Today, we ate lunch at my sister's house for her birthday and the white chocolate raspberry bundt cake was really good. My sister confirmed that they will be moving out of the DFW area. She is looking at Washington DC or Denver. Her allergies are just bothering her too much to stay here. When we got home, I made my lunches for the week. I made one Italian seasoned boneless thin pork chop per day, with Le Cellier's mushroom risotto. Now I just have to hope that the DH doesn't get into the garage frig and eat it himself. Well I'm off to watch the 4th episode of Downton Abbey's season 4. I know it's not on in the states, but I have my ways.:rolleyes1
Oh how I miss everyone!! :grouphug:

All has been busy here. Lots of work, WDW, and life happening. We have been super deep into Vinylmation collecting and trading. We now have over 700! Since July I have had an Ulcer, my intestines were tangled (there was a big fancy word for this--but all I know is that I wanted to die), and shortly after they collapsed. I'm still not 100% right, and rely heavily on mashed potatoes, applesauce and cottage cheese. Anything else, I prepare myself to pay dearly for--but I'm tired of this running my life. Truthfully, I haven't gone to the follow up specialist that I'm supposed to because I'm stubborn. I'm sure I'll go as soon as my scripts run out.

I was so excited about going on the Dream for our anniversary, but after a couple trips to the ER, and missing work unpaid----we had to cancel :sad: :sad: I was so heartbroken, because after going thru all this mess, all I wanted to do was get away. My work isn't exactly ideal, and the longer I'm there, people show their true colors, and it's wearing on me. So I saved as many pennies as I could, and waited for a FL resident rate.... that didn't happen :(

HOWEVER... there was a Magic leaving out of Miami for 4 days instead of 3 that matched with our approved time off, and we got an amazing FL resident rate on it!!! We're going to see the brand new Magic!! Just pray that they get her all fixed up in time for November 6th!!! Of course it took me days of research and back and forth to find my "perfect" room (out of the available ones). I'm still very much a changer at heart!!

Also!! I went to the Vinylmation event in September and my friend and I had a YC-CL room for one night.... we were upgraded to an AMAZING suite!! It was beautiful. That is my "home"--I just love the YC so much.

I have been on a little more as we're preparing for our cruise. I wish I had more time to keep up around here. I miss all of you very very much and think of you often!!

Love, Pixie Dust, and Happy Changing!! :lovestruc

Deena: So sorry to hear what you have been dealing with. :hug: But so excited to hear about your cruise! Our first in on Nov 14 too. Very excited and nervous all at the same time. Can't wait to hear about yours! Hope you feel a bit better soon and your work situation improves too.

My heart skipped a beat when I signed in to DIS and my fingers moved to autopilot, straight to my long, lost home. Hi cha cha Changelings!!! :grouphug:

It has been so long I don't even know where to begin.... okay.. yes I do, I am planning a trip for August :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

Things were so hectic last year that we did not make it to our beloved Disney. I could barely look at a commercial without crying. After we realized that we would be paying for my son's college out of pocket :faint: we had to cancel our trip. On top of this, we were dealing with health issues with my both of my parents. :sad2:

Fortunately, things are looking up and my DH said to me "you better start planning for August" :goodvibes So.... here I am, back home and ready for some serious cha cha changgginnggg with my favorite changlings. So....What did I miss while I was gone??? Who is our current queen?

So glad to be back. ::yes::

Step: Wow, so funny I was reading the old Resort Changer threads today to see when I joined in and noticed you were not around much anymore. :worship: SO nice to hear from you, and sorry to hear of your parents health issues. It is a worry to have aging parents.:worried: Glad to hear you have another trip planned! Oh and you know Jeanette is still reigning queen over here!:love:

I can't wait to hear about your trip!! The two weeks will hopefully fly by.

Sounds like a great split.

One of these days I'll get that dream MK view as well.

IMHO, you can't go wrong with either of the lodges. They are both stunning.

Football season does keep me busy. The Walking Dead is awesome. It's one of the shows that I don't miss.

I hope you get all the medical stuff straightened out. I am the same way about going to the doctor and being stubborn not wanting to go. I need to make an appointment to get more meds.

We had a nice quiet weekend. I finished the rest of our laundry. Yesterday I baked 6 dozen orange cookies, but had to toss the first dozen out. Silly me thought it was a great idea to cook them on wax paper. Today, we ate lunch at my sister's house for her birthday and the white chocolate raspberry bundt cake was really good. My sister confirmed that they will be moving out of the DFW area. She is looking at Washington DC or Denver. Her allergies are just bothering her too much to stay here. When we got home, I made my lunches for the week. I made one Italian seasoned boneless thin pork chop per day, with Le Cellier's mushroom risotto. Now I just have to hope that the DH doesn't get into the garage frig and eat it himself. Well I'm off to watch the 4th episode of Downton Abbey's season 4. I know it's not on in the states, but I have my ways.:rolleyes1

Wookie: I wish I could be organized like you for meals and lunches. I am a bit unorganized and rushed in that department usually. :(

Hugs to all
Oh how I miss everyone!!
:hug: I had no idea Deena, and I am so very very sorry :hug: I thought you were just busy at work (and I know it's not your favorite place) YAY for a SWEET suite at YC and a cruise right around the bend. Please take care, and let me know if you ever need something...please think about getting to a GI doc, they can help you manage your symptoms much better :flower3: Much love to you sweetie!!! :hug:
Wookie: I wish I could be organized like you for meals and lunches. I am a bit unorganized and rushed in that department usually. :(

Hugs to all

Thanks. I just got tired of eating junk at lunch when I am working. When your chasing kids, 4 and under, all day, good food for energy is important. This is only the third week I have been organized enough to do it. The first week I made this smoked sausage with broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, snow peas and water chestnuts over white rice. Last week was boneless, skinless lemon pepper chicken breast with broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, snow peas and water chestnuts over wild rice. I even precut the meat into bite size pieces, so I don't have to cut food around the kids. Sometimes, the infants don't comply and take naps at the same time as the older kids.
My heart skipped a beat when I signed in to DIS and my fingers moved to autopilot, straight to my long, lost home. Hi cha cha Changelings!!! :grouphug:

It has been so long I don't even know where to begin.... okay.. yes I do, I am planning a trip for August :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

Things were so hectic last year that we did not make it to our beloved Disney. I could barely look at a commercial without crying. After we realized that we would be paying for my son's college out of pocket :faint: we had to cancel our trip. On top of this, we were dealing with health issues with my both of my parents. :sad2:

Fortunately, things are looking up and my DH said to me "you better start planning for August" :goodvibes So.... here I am, back home and ready for some serious cha cha changgginnggg with my favorite changlings. So....What did I miss while I was gone??? Who is our current queen?

So glad to be back. ::yes::

STEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:welcome: home :hug: SO happy you found your way back! Now it is a party! party: I am sorry you didn't get your summer trip last year, but yay for August...and you are in good company for summer. Glad things are getting better for you and your parents. How's teaching? Are you still doing 9th grade??? Ugh college tuition, I feel you, I recently returned for my Masters in Nursing cha-ching. I've done my bestest to keep our thread happy and ever changing, but you are very missed...with you and Kook checking in, all is good. So for the RCer with the most recent ch-ch-changes is Candace (AKA mousemommy) ::yes:: I am so happy you are here, you made my night !!! Sorry, for being such a sap! But to me...you will always be the Queen, I'm just helping continue the legacy :goodvibes
Football season does keep me busy. The Walking Dead is awesome. It's one of the shows that I don't miss.
We just watched it..since zombies freak me out, I just redid our magic bands...7 of us=seven colors...perfect, and no fighting from the girls either ;)

Step: Wow, so funny I was reading the old Resort Changer threads today to see when I joined in and noticed you were not around much anymore. :worship: SO nice to hear from you, and sorry to hear of your parents health issues. It is a worry to have aging parents.:worried: Glad to hear you have another trip planned! Oh and you know Jeanette is still reigning queen over here!:love:
Jen you reminded me I never linked our old threads like I used to...again slacker. Step is one witty lady, sweet, funny, and a bitten and infected by our WDW changing bug :rotfl:

Link to old RC thread.... http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=2758528
:wave2: Totally out of the loop, that's me! Way too far behind - as in months behind:upsidedow Hope all of you are happily planning your next trips. As always, the new thread is great! Well done ladies!! Just wanted to stop by and say hello.

Have a wonderful week!!:goodvibes
:wave2: Totally out of the loop, that's me! Way too far behind - as in months behind:upsidedow Hope all of you are happily planning your next trips. As always, the new thread is great! Well done ladies!! Just wanted to stop by and say hello.

Have a wonderful week!!:goodvibes

Yes I am the geek who is SUPER quick responding to everyone but wanted to say hi Heather!:wave2: I was thinking of you recently too, and hope your school year is going well. :goodvibes
We just watched it..since zombies freak me out, I just redid our magic bands...7 of us=seven colors...perfect, and no fighting from the girls either ;)

Jen you reminded me I never linked our old threads like I used to...again slacker. Step is one witty lady, sweet, funny, and a bitten and infected by our WDW changing bug :rotfl:

Link to old RC thread.... http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=2758528

I haven't watch tonight's episode yet. I was watching Downton Abbey, so I'll watch it tomorrow.

:wave2: Totally out of the loop, that's me! Way too far behind - as in months behind:upsidedow Hope all of you are happily planning your next trips. As always, the new thread is great! Well done ladies!! Just wanted to stop by and say hello.

Have a wonderful week!!:goodvibes

:wave2: Totally out of the loop, that's me! Way too far behind - as in months behind:upsidedow Hope all of you are happily planning your next trips. As always, the new thread is great! Well done ladies!! Just wanted to stop by and say hello.

Have a wonderful week!!:goodvibes
:hug: I am so warm and fuzzy to see all my RC family coming together. Miss you Heather (and those early morning pics):flower3:

we need to locate kaffinito....:coffee:
I haven't watch tonight's episode yet. I was watching Downton Abbey, so I'll watch it tomorrow.
Wait til next week's preview WOWZA

Yes I am the geek who is SUPER quick responding to everyone but wanted to say hi Heather!:wave2: I was thinking of you recently too, and hope your school year is going well. :goodvibes

I am so geeky too, it's all good Jen. We can geek out together:hug:
My heart skipped a beat when I signed in to DIS and my fingers moved to autopilot, straight to my long, lost home. Hi cha cha Changelings!!! :grouphug:

It has been so long I don't even know where to begin.... okay.. yes I do, I am planning a trip for August :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

Things were so hectic last year that we did not make it to our beloved Disney. I could barely look at a commercial without crying. After we realized that we would be paying for my son's college out of pocket :faint: we had to cancel our trip. On top of this, we were dealing with health issues with my both of my parents. :sad2:

Fortunately, things are looking up and my DH said to me "you better start planning for August" :goodvibes So.... here I am, back home and ready for some serious cha cha changgginnggg with my favorite changlings. So....What did I miss while I was gone??? Who is our current queen?

So glad to be back. ::yes::

So happy to see you here! :hug: Sorry to hear about the parental issues, but I am so glad that you are going to Disney in August! Can't wait to hear about your trip! :cool1:
Hannah I had just been thinking of you recently!!! The Glass Menagerie is on Broadway and it reminded me of you because of the blue roses. :goodvibes Congrats on your engagement. That is wonderful!

I canceled all of my ADRs today for our canceled trip next week :sad1: I am so bummed. I am really looking forward to next year, though! I need to choose a month already. It looks like I am going to have a hard time though because it seems state testing it spread through the entire month. I have to write in to school and have them give me the exact dates so I can start planning.


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