Ok you guys...its on, the LIVE Nicki and Todd..Summer edition!

That Panini at Tutto looks amazing, Ive got to try to make it there one day!:thumbsup2
So at 1pm CST, I thought, "hmmmm. Nicki is ALMOST to her spa appointment!" I hope it was scrum-disneylicious!

My DIS goddesses are, for the most part, reading this thread, so I'm putting this out here - any advice, MickeyNicki, OyBolshoi, BriarRose?

My brother (Ferris,) SIL (Snow White,)and the little princess (2.5) are taking a last minute trip at the end of the month. With the help of the IPO, they got The Wave for dinner, Crystal Palace Lunch, Tony's Dinner, Kona Dinner, Cali Grill (dinner, getting a sitter) and Akershus for their last night. My brother, who knows everything (he is Ferris!) did this "all by his lonesome...."

The Wave should be ok for a sophisticated almost 3 year old young lady, right? They will have an Iphone with cartoons for her entertainment...they eat out with her all of the time.

Akershus for dinner? I think it is really brave, and I can't believe he willingly booked princesses, but he did....

Anywho, since I am more excited about this trip then they are - does it look ok? What counter service would you recommend? Ferris has LP by himself on the days there are only dinner ADR's, so no buffets, only counterservice.

Thanks for the highjack - I just love the people (and the creator) of this thread!


Hi Nicky, on this dessert menu it has profiterolles is this only available at lunch or at dinner also? I have seen pictures of this but I don't see it at allears.net

I was out for a couple of days and wow did I miss alot! I'm so sorry you were feeling ill after 9D, and really glad you both recovered so quickly (that was one huge breakfast!).:)

Here are a few weird things I have noticed...

Bathrooms at the parks are not clean like they used to be...out of soap, TP, paper towels, floors are a mess etc....DH said the mens rooms are in the same condition.

No sales in the stores like we saw in March...bummer.

Not too many Photopass people out either

Sorry to hear all of this...:sad2: I was amazed at the bathroom conditions in April considering how crowded WDW was -- have they cut back on staff & their soap budget?

I really think the resorts need to start doing different colored key cards for resorts and then making you show them NO MATTER WHAT RESORT you are staying at for pool privileges. It is unbelievable what people will do. My oldest DS and his girlfriend are going next month and they are staying at the CBR (not happy with this...but they really didn't have a choice) and she asked if pool hopping was allowed. I told her no. She said she didn't think so but wanted to ask before she tried to go elsewhere (I guess the pirate theme just isn't doing it for a 21-year old :rotfl:).

:thumbsup2 I agree with you 100%, if for no other reason than crowd control. I thought they were checking SAB really carefully, though.:confused3
Alright, I just sent in my packet and lifetime membership fee to join the MickeyNicki fan club!
I decided on the PLT Panini, with prosciutto and mozzarella, a spicy mayo with lettuce and tomato on a dense bread....HOLY ITALIAN LOVE! I was hooked...this is the kinda sandwich my grandfather made us as kids, all fresh ingredients that tasted like it was picked from the garden! It came with a little salad but I could not eat that.....stupid server should have told me! I would get this sandwich over and over again!


Wow, that is one great looking sandwich! My Nonna used to make us sandwiches like that too. With her it was her homemade bread and the lettuce and tomatoes from the garden. It sounds like a wonderful meal, and I can't wait to here about the spa!!popcorn::
MIckeyNicki- You are so funny! I love your reviews! I do have a question about eating solo? Did you feel awkward? Did you bring something to read? I'm asking this because I think on my next trip I will end up solo for majority of the time. The last thing I want to do is miss out on some good grub- just because I'm afraid to dine alone. I know- I need to get over it!
Can I say it? SLAP YO MAMA GOOD!


I'm not a huge chocolate cake/dessert fan - I like fruity things. But this description has me re-thinking our Akershus dinner or at least trying to squeeze Tutto in at one point.

You are so great with your words! Thanks for the report so far. Oh, and I'd LOVE a solo trip to WDW, but that won't be happening...
MIckeyNicki- You are so funny! I love your reviews! I do have a question about eating solo? Did you feel awkward? Did you bring something to read? I'm asking this because I think on my next trip I will end up solo for majority of the time. The last thing I want to do is miss out on some good grub- just because I'm afraid to dine alone. I know- I need to get over it!
I go to Disney solo all the time, and have eaten at the majority of the TS restaurants solo. I don't feel akward at all, and have always had a good time.
Going solo was a lot better than I thought it would be! Might become a habit :rolleyes1
It's become a $1,000+ a year habit for me. Of course I gave up smoking before I started going to Disney yearly, so the costs cancel each other out, and Disney is healthier. ;)
Nicki I want you to pick our dinner for our HWS night! We have narrowed it down to 50's Prime Time & Cape May Cafe, both are new to us. It's up to you girl!!!
( none of us eat clams or mussels)
Hi Nicki! I have been a lurker on this report and a few of your other ones and thought I would come out and say hello. I'm just catching up on this report and I am really enjoying it! Sorry you've had some not so good experiences this trip but sounds like you have had some really good ones as well so hopefully they cancel the bad ones out. :goodvibes

I was cracking up at your baby aspirin comment. I to this day can't eat anything orange flavored because to me it just tastes like the baby aspirin I had to take as a kid :rotfl:

Thanks so much for doing these reviews -- they are a huge help and you do such a great job! Every time I see one there's another place I am adding to my list for my next trip. The menu pictures are also great -- the ones online never seem to be up to date.

I will be at the food and wine festival this October too -- my dates are 10/17-10/23. Maybe our paths will cross.

Hope you enjoyed your solo day and had a great time at the spa. Looking forward to hearing more. :thumbsup2

Great Tutto review. :goodvibes I'm still hoping they will put the pasta with crabmeat back on before I go this fall.

Looking forward to your spa review. :)
I'm enjoying your live updated trip of yumminess!!!

Hey, I didn't know they had poutine as a side at Le Cellier...That stuff is AMAZING...

Now I must go and get that next time I'm in the World!
I'm pleased to see that the "healthy" (hey who are we kidding here?) version of the croissant sandwich was as tasty as it looked. And about the disappointing muffin....can I get on my soapbox about those flying rats (aka the seagulls) who will rip food out of your hands? (Churro; Frontierland...a few years back. I'm still traumatized.) It was enough to make me scream at my TV at Jillian (the Bachelorette) when she was feeding flying rats in Vancouver with her Date du Jour. "Don't feed the !@#$@#@% birds!"

Ahem. :rolleyes1

Tutto. I haven't eaten there because it seems way expensive compared to most any other restaurant there, but I think I probably should swing lunch there. The sandwich looked great, but that dessert! I was feeling some serious chocolate luuuuuuurve. :love:

And Mrs. Spratt: If you're going to do counter service, Epcot has to be the best park to do it in. Nicki took great photos of places you would normally overlook as "counter service": Kringla bakery in Norway and the Patisserie in France. Both tend to serve up lots of dessert items, but you can see that they also have light savory items, too. Plus there are great places like Tangierine Cafe in Morocco and Sunshine Seasons in the Land. Thanks for the shout out. (Hi, I'm Lori. :flower3:)
Your solo day sounds like :cloud9:. Can't wait to hear what you thought of the spa. I've heard only good things about it!
That must have been a very relaxing spa day and/or a drink heavy evening :rolleyes1 Good morning! :goodvibes
Wow! That Coral Reef menu looks delicious!!

I think I'll be showing my fiance that later, he was talking about wanting to go to a nice fish restaurant yesterday.

We ate there in January and I loved the grouper!

Nicki, I am sooooo enjoying your report (as always!). It's fun to live vicariously through you (two children equals not so much flexibility with dining lol). I am determined to try a slushie in France this time though! :thumbsup2

Thank you for taking the time out of your vacation to post these fabulous updates - very much appreciated :flower3:

Glad you are enjoying them, thanks for reading!

You are so good - a review during the middle of the day. I can not wait to go to Tutto Italia in two weeks! Yum Yum. I am glad you are enjoying your solo day. Have an amazing spa time and great dinner with your hubby tonight. :goodvibes

I needed the bread, the heat was just zapping me of all my energy! Have a wonderful meal at Tutto, I love that place!

Sounds like a great start to the day! Breakfast, lunch & drinks all look good :thumbsup2

Parks & resorts seemed very empty on Wed/Thurs last week, not too surprised that it's getting busier now. Schools are really starting to get out and it should get busier down there every week.

Enjoy the spa & dinner! :goodvibes

The Spa and dinner were incredible...I was so relaxed that when I got back to the room I sat on the bed and just got up 5 minutes ago!

Caught up again! Wow - it seems like you are having a GREAT time!!! Good to hear!!!

I am so impressed with the Swan!! Love the room, LOVE the view!!! And Bluezoo looks like a definite winner - will need to go there some time soon! Plus let me say thank you for all the menus of the restaurants we are going to in August :lmao: :thumbsup2!

I am really glad you had a fun day at Epcot, loved Tutto, one of our favourites and .......... enjoy your Spa treatment! Can't wait for your Flying Fish review!

Enjoy and have a magical day! I wish you could stay longer - I SO enjoy reading your reports! :cloud9:

I wish I could stay longer, well in fact I will be here, alone, all day again....will tell you why in a sec....the Swan is awesome!

Slap yo Mama good:rotfl2::rotfl::rotfl2:
That dessert from Tutto...OMG, girl, you did it again - there you go making my decisions for me in advance!!! That is what I'm ordering for my birthday dessert in September...oh, geez, tell me quick - are the desserts the same for dinner & lunch? I hope so, because that looks WONDERFUL.

I think the desserts are the same, if you go back a few pages I took pics of the dinner menu for Brenda. Hope you have a wonderful B-day!
That Panini at Tutto looks amazing, Ive got to try to make it there one day!:thumbsup2

I want to eat lunch there again in Oct, it was a nice light tasty meal!

So at 1pm CST, I thought, "hmmmm. Nicki is ALMOST to her spa appointment!" I hope it was scrum-disneylicious!

My DIS goddesses are, for the most part, reading this thread, so I'm putting this out here - any advice, MickeyNicki, OyBolshoi, BriarRose?

My brother (Ferris,) SIL (Snow White,)and the little princess (2.5) are taking a last minute trip at the end of the month. With the help of the IPO, they got The Wave for dinner, Crystal Palace Lunch, Tony's Dinner, Kona Dinner, Cali Grill (dinner, getting a sitter) and Akershus for their last night. My brother, who knows everything (he is Ferris!) did this "all by his lonesome...."

The Wave should be ok for a sophisticated almost 3 year old young lady, right? They will have an Iphone with cartoons for her entertainment...they eat out with her all of the time.

Akershus for dinner? I think it is really brave, and I can't believe he willingly booked princesses, but he did....

Anywho, since I am more excited about this trip then they are - does it look ok? What counter service would you recommend? Ferris has LP by himself on the days there are only dinner ADR's, so no buffets, only counterservice.

Thanks for the highjack - I just love the people (and the creator) of this thread!

I think the grabbed some great meals! The Wave was fantastic! Your niece will love The Princess Meal...our nieces have been there twice and they have enjoyed it both times.

Hi Nicky, on this dessert menu it has profiterolles is this only available at lunch or at dinner also? I have seen pictures of this but I don't see it at allears.net


I think they are, looks like a standard dessert menu.

I was out for a couple of days and wow did I miss alot! I'm so sorry you were feeling ill after 9D, and really glad you both recovered so quickly (that was one huge breakfast!).:)

We rebounded nicely...just in time to eat alot of yummy food!

Sorry to hear all of this...:sad2: I was amazed at the bathroom conditions in April considering how crowded WDW was -- have they cut back on staff & their soap budget?

We noticed this in January and March too...DH says the mens rooms were bad too

:thumbsup2 I agree with you 100%, if for no other reason than crowd control. I thought they were checking SAB really carefully, though.:confused3

Alright, I just sent in my packet and lifetime membership fee to join the MickeyNicki fan club!

Oh girl....:flower3: you are so sweet....does the fan club come with dues to pay for the food? :rotfl2:

Wow, that is one great looking sandwich! My Nonna used to make us sandwiches like that too. With her it was her homemade bread and the lettuce and tomatoes from the garden. It sounds like a wonderful meal, and I can't wait to here about the spa!!popcorn::

That is exactly where my mind was transported to...my grandmother's kitchen, outside of Boston in the dead of summer....Papa picking the tomatoes, Mama making the bread fresh, the proscuitto fresh from the Italian deli on the corner.....YUM!

MIckeyNicki- You are so funny! I love your reviews! I do have a question about eating solo? Did you feel awkward? Did you bring something to read? I'm asking this because I think on my next trip I will end up solo for majority of the time. The last thing I want to do is miss out on some good grub- just because I'm afraid to dine alone. I know- I need to get over it!

Nope not at all....no one was paying attention to me, I was loving the atmosphere of the restaurant and the down time...it was a wonderful day but I do admit I missed Todd.....it was just weird without him asking me "where to next? What are we eating next? You want to split a snack?"


I'm not a huge chocolate cake/dessert fan - I like fruity things. But this description has me re-thinking our Akershus dinner or at least trying to squeeze Tutto in at one point.

You are so great with your words! Thanks for the report so far. Oh, and I'd LOVE a solo trip to WDW, but that won't be happening...

I like fruity things too but everyone was ordering this thing so I had to see what the hype was about...it totally lived up to it.

Nicki I want you to pick our dinner for our HWS night! We have narrowed it down to 50's Prime Time & Cape May Cafe, both are new to us. It's up to you girl!!!
( none of us eat clams or mussels)

Oh no that is such a hard one because I love them both but honestly, the vibe at 50's PT was just so much fun I would like to go back there...and the drinks were top notch!

Hi Nicki! I have been a lurker on this report and a few of your other ones and thought I would come out and say hello. I'm just catching up on this report and I am really enjoying it! Sorry you've had some not so good experiences this trip but sounds like you have had some really good ones as well so hopefully they cancel the bad ones out. :goodvibes

I was cracking up at your baby aspirin comment. I to this day can't eat anything orange flavored because to me it just tastes like the baby aspirin I had to take as a kid :rotfl:

Thanks so much for doing these reviews -- they are a huge help and you do such a great job! Every time I see one there's another place I am adding to my list for my next trip. The menu pictures are also great -- the ones online never seem to be up to date.

I will be at the food and wine festival this October too -- my dates are 10/17-10/23. Maybe our paths will cross.

Hope you enjoyed your solo day and had a great time at the spa. Looking forward to hearing more. :thumbsup2

Thank you for all your kind words, so glad you decided to post! The baby aspirin thing, I am 100% with you on that one! We will be here on Oct 22, hope we can meet for a drink at F&W!


Great Tutto review. :goodvibes I'm still hoping they will put the pasta with crabmeat back on before I go this fall.

Looking forward to your spa review. :)

They say they change menus with the seasons so anything is possible...Tutto is great no matter what they serve!

I'm enjoying your live updated trip of yumminess!!!

Hey, I didn't know they had poutine as a side at Le Cellier...That stuff is AMAZING...

Now I must go and get that next time I'm in the World!

They change Le Cellier menu all the time, never really know what the heck they are serving! :lmao:


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