OFFICIAL Avengers: Endgame Discussion Thread (will contain spoilers once the movie is out)

I think what might have worked better is after Bruce suggested the return of the stones to them moment they were taken could remove the alternate timeline, the Ancient One would explain how that doesn't work, and simply creates another alternate timeline. Then out of of frustration Bruce could ask why Dr. Strange gave Thanos the Time Stone. Then the Ancient Once could decide to give Bruce the Time Stone, not because of any timeline damage or repair but because she has ultimate faith in Steven Strange, no matter what timeline.
Here's my question...the parallel 2014 Thanos is created when War Machine/Nebula go for the Power Stone and things go wrong. Steve, theoretically returns the Power Stone to the moment it was taken, and according to The Ancient One's visual display in her talk with Bruce, this alternate time line is supposed to disappear. So who is fighting the Avengers in 2023?

You also can't change the past, though, so the battle couldn't be erased. Time travel is a hot mess basically.
Yesterday was the day the hubster and I went to see it to “preview” it for the kid (he basically had a full breakdown after Infinity War, so he demanded we see it first to let him know who doesn’t make it so that he can emotionally stabilize himself, lol) and today I took the kiddo to see it. I’ve never seen a movie two days in a row, but if it’s going to be any movie...let it be this one! I wasn’t bored for a second. It really shines on rewatch as well.
I finally saw it! I had tickets yesterday and when it was time to leave my child decided he didn't want to go. After much yelling, cajoling, bribing and more yelling, we didn't see it. At bedtime he was all "I want to see it now" So instead of the great seats I had yesterday we snagged second row seats for today. At least I got to see it! I think next time I'll just plan for him to visit his grandparents and go by myself. Any way :) It was pretty awesome. I hate time travel stuff, always gets so messy. I'm trying not to think about it too much. I get the Steve back in time bit and then aging forward, but it messes up Agent Carter and I have to wonder how he just figured he'd sit on the sidelines of any other big problems that popped up over time. But I was also glad he got that happy ending. The part where all the heroes assemble though, that was awesome.

I look forward to whatever the next round of movies bring, and hope for more Captain Marvel (because she was awesome) and that Thor looses the belly...

Now I wait for Agents of SHIELD to return on May 10th and wonder if they will tie in or not.
Yeah you need to just agree with all the time travel rules they make and not question them/think too much about it.

I have seen it twice and loved it both times...will catch it one more time in a couple weeks in a calm theater.
Yeah you need to just agree with all the time travel rules they make and not question them/think too much about it.

I have seen it twice and loved it both times...will catch it one more time in a couple weeks in a calm theater.

Agreed. They are movie makers, not scientists. I go to movies to enjoy them not pick apart every little thing.
If you have to agree with their time travel rules, you have to be ok with Cap sitting on the sidelines while Hydra infiltrates SHIELD and Bucky is designed to be an assassin. It’s a “nice” ending but doesn’t make much sense from this cap.

Well, since he knows how everything is going to turn out there isn't a need for him to get involved...right?
This is why I wasn't thrilled when I heard they were time travelling. Things just get way to complicated and theres no easy way to really explain a lot of these events other than its just a movies so just sit back and suspend disbelief. I mean if 2014 Thanos time jumps, and dies in 2023 but still leaves behind another alternate Thanos to go along with what had been depicted by all the other films I would think everyone who makes the time jump would have someone (a alternate copy of themselves?) stay behind when they were time jumping. I'm probably overthinking it....and now that the Fox/Disney deal is done I'll wait for Deadpool to come back and clean up the timeline ;)

I suspended disbelief about time travel and science and paradox's and alternate timelines and just enjoyed the movie for the fun it was.

Yep. It's not a reality show/docudrama. It's FICTION!, LOL

Besides, as I've mentioned before, you've got a talking raccoon, rock, tree, to name a few.
Is it hard to suspend belief and just watch and let them do with time travel what they want to do?
It's not like any of us know what the rules of time travel are.

And lastly, remember, we do not know how Cap got to the bench. We don't know that he aged in real time and walked to the bench. He may have used time travel in some way to get transported there

I didn't think Marvel went the multi-verse way
Dr. Strange is almost totally multi-verse stuff
I know I'm in the minority here but this movie wasn't firing on all cylinders for me. Ultimately, I left the theater a bit underwhelmed. I didn't "hate" it. I definitely didn't "love" it, though. My wife and 8yo daughter felt the same way. Ironically most of the things that bothered me had nothing to do with overthinking the time travel arcs unlike many others who couldn't get past (no pun intended) those inherent issues.

Just a few of the reasons this movie just didn't do *it* for me:
  • Professor Hulk was weird. Especially the diner scene introducing him.
  • And speaking of Hulk, I wanted to see him in the final fight. I understand his role but I kept expecting him to come out and redeem himself against Thanos from his poor outing in Infinity War.
  • Beer gut, loathsome, bearded Thor dragging throughout nearly the entire movie. I didn't expect full transformation in a single scene via a lightning bolt but it just drug on for far too long. I guess at least they were consistent?...
  • The ending fight; I'm not sure what I wanted there but what we got wasn't it.
  • The 'savior' implementation of Captain Marvel bothered me (which some of you already discussed).

And, not to be so pessimistic, I'll list some of my/family favorites:
  • Cap whispering "Hail Hydra"
  • Cap getting Mjolnir and Thor saying "I knew it"
  • Cap being Cap; the overly cheesy good guy shtick works for me
  • The moment of arrival of all the other heroes in the big battle
  • The time travel movie references (BTTF, Quantum Leap); my daughter laughed at the BTTF reference
  • Strange holding the #1 sign up to Iron Man was pretty powerful to me; and in that moment the implication wasn't there but once we saw IM sacrifice himself you realize that he and Strange both understood the implication of the "one shot" they had to defeat Thanos. That one stuck with me.
  • As the father of an 8 year old girl the "girl power" moments are pretty cool. People can get upset all they want but I'm fine with it. Of course, I also really enjoyed the Ghostbusters reboot with my daughter and nearly the rest of the world hated it so...

There were certainly some good things about Endgame but my overall impression leaving the theater was more along the lines of "hmph" rather than "that was awesome". If I had to rate it, speaking for myself, my wife and daughter, it was more along the lines of a 7/10 (I'd put the majority of Marvel films at 8 or 9/10). Personally, I think the buildup, hype, expectation of these blockbuster type movies may be spoiling me. So, I'll watch it again and hopefully the second time around will be better now that I'm not going in with the expectation and hype.

Just my $0.02 and I'm quite certain that my feelings aren't going to be replicated by others here. So no need to get upset if I didn't love the movie like you did. ;)
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Just a random note for you fellow parents out there:
The cursing was a bit gratuitous. Obviously, we know a PG-13 movie will have these things. It just seemed more frequent than the previous Marvel films. I wouldn't keep my 8yo from seeing it again because of this but it's just something to consider for those who may be more intolerant or have younger ears with them.
I saw the movie yesterday. The busiest I have ever seen it at my local movie theater. IT was paced so well the three hours just flew by. I felt it was right where they left Cap. But I loved Agent Carter the series so I guess that's just an alternate reality now. I wanted to cry with joy at then end.

Loved the women coming together to fight.

They mentioned some of my favorite Time Travel movies and shows. Loved Back to the Future and Quantum Leap shout outs. Will buy when it comes out.


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