October 2015 PTR: a “Halloweenie” and her Fearless Companion conquer their first HHN!

Hi Gina,

I'm in too!!! So excited to read your ptr - thanks for sharing all this great info and pics.

Wow! You've done a lot of attractions! Love reading your TR's and PTR's. Spider-Man is a great ride and you should give it a shot. Fun Spot on I drive is a cool little park. I took my son and nephew last year and we had a good time. I'm a sucker for wooden roller coasters and the one they have is a lot of fun. Good to hear you aren't going in the summer as there is no shaded areas and it is hot! I guess we will eventually check out aquatica and discovery cove one day. Those didn't exist when I lived in Orlando. I've swam with dolphins while living in Panama City beach when it was still legal to feed them, although swimming with dolphins would be cool for my kids since they have never experienced.

Thank you!! :goodvibes

The big draw for us with Fun Spot was the go-karts....all the other rides and attractions are just a happy bonus. We got a great deal on admission as well, which makes the prospect of visiting even more fun. Regular entrance fee is $49.95....we got our tickets via Groupon for $35 each less a 30% off promo code, so $24.50 pp with the discount. Less than half price :thumbsup2 .

Definitely give Aquatica and ESPECIALLY Discovery Cove a try some day.....the latter is truly the best theme park experience we've ever had. I'm hoping we might be able to snaggle a good deal on a SW AP on the Blue Friday sale this year, and maybe be able to add a discounted DC day to our April 2016 trip. I'm crossing my fingers!

As for Aquatica.....Roa's Rapids is worth a visit there all in itself. I could allow myself to get swept around that attraction for hours!

Hi Gina,

I'm in too!!! So excited to read your ptr - thanks for sharing all this great info and pics.


I haven't been on Gringotts yet, but I imagine if you can do that you can Spiderman no problem!

That's what I'm hoping (and what Steve has suggested). But.....he also thinks I survive a ride on the Mummy, which (a) is a coaster and (b) apparently has a portion of the ride that goes backwards.....so I am wondering if I can trust the big guy's judgement!
So, its been a freakishly hectic weekend at our house......I'm almost glad I'm back at work today, for a chance to relax :rolleyes2 .

Jake's poor old car.....which was my dad's (up until he passed away) and then mine, before being handed down to the boy.....has finally come to a point that the repairs required are more than is worth putting into a 13+ year old vehicle. While the sentimental part of me wants to hang on to old Bessy until she literally blows up, I recognize that its no longer the smart decision to do so. Yet....its breaking my heart to let such a tangible link to my dad go. Every time I get in the passenger seat, its like I can feel him closer to me. All in my head, I'm sure, but still ...

At any rate, we've been helping the kiddo car shop for a suitable replacement, and we found one last Friday night (a 2011 Jetta). He's paying for it himself.....in cash....so he's very excited (and rightfully so). Let's just say its a big step up from Bessy, who hasn't even had a working interior light for oh, 5 years or so. He gets to pick up his new wheels on Wednesday night, once the dealer has finished getting her all detailed and ready to roll. I've been helping to arrange the changes with the insurance, etc.

In the midde of all the test drives and internet searches, Jake was growing sicker and sicker with what we initially thought was a cold but developed into something much worse. He finally broke down and made a trip to the emergency care clinic yesterday morning, and it turns out he has strep throat. Needless to say he is spending the day in bed as he waits for the antibiotics to take hold. And he's feeling rotten enough that my normally fun-loving fellow is downright grouchy. Another reason I was almost glad to leave for work this morning, before the angry beast awoke from his sickly slumber.

And of course, Steve's shifts at work are all completely messed up for the next two weeks as he covers a multitude of his co-workers' vacations :headache: . Every shift he works for the next 14 days is a full 12 hours, including all weekend (Friday, Saturday, Sunday). If you will permit me a small whine, its a holiday weekend here in Ontario, too....so much for doing anything fun!!! (Monday excepted.....I'm hoping its nice enough that we can at least squeeze in a beach day)

All in all....my carefully crafted, peaceful life seems a bit turned upside down for the last bit, but hopefully this week will see things settle back down to normal. As normal as we ever get in our house, that is :upsidedow .

Oh yeah, its also Florida-hot here today :sunny:. 30+ degrees Celcius, and a boat-load of humidity. It's like Mother Nature knew I wasn't going to enjoy our customary August vacation in Orlando, so she brought the weather to me here instead!!
Sounds like a pretty exciting weekend for you! We went down to Chicago (about a 2.5 hour drive) for a Bryan Adams concert on Saturday so that was pretty fun!
Aw, sorry about the car. That must be hard to let go of such a physical reminder. :hug:

My son got strep this weekend too. Same exact thing, just slowly got sicker and sicker. Thank goodness for antibiotics.
Yeah, that car thing. We need to get a car for DS, but since he's not eager to drive, we aren't pushing it yet. Soon though. Tired of being his taxi.

Hope Jake is feeling better. Not fun being sick.

Yep, meet Sticky and Icky. They have joined us for days, so humid right now. Like over 50 percent humidity. Rain to be in that mix somehow, though it hasn't lowered the temps from high 80's to low 90's.

Anyway, I do Spiderman, though have to close eyes during some of it, and mummy reminds me of a small space mountain. I didn't mind doing it. Though, I closed my eyes through some of that too. I thought Transformers was similar to Spiderman, but not as jerky. Same ride idea. I do each of them once, then let the kids do as many repeats as they want. That unlimited express pass got a work out with my kids.

Sorry to hear your holiday plans at home are awry. Beach time sounds like a good idea given the heat.

Just think, days are ticking down to meeting Jack!
We're in that "car shopping mode" again, and with every option added, I see a potential "Lo$t Orlando day"!

We'll apparently cross paths this trip...
Oct 8- 13th...but I'm having a hard time getting my kids-(15 & 22) to commit to HHN again. ...It really scared them crazy last year!

( hi Mac) :rolleyes:
Sounds like a pretty exciting weekend for you! We went down to Chicago (about a 2.5 hour drive) for a Bryan Adams concert on Saturday so that was pretty fun!

Well, your weekend definitely sounded more enjoyable and exciting than mine!! :rotfl:

I've never been to Chicago, though we've been through it. We whizzed by it en route to Wisconsin Dells back in summer 2010......huge city with very fast traffic! I must get back there someday to explore all it has to offer. I'd love to visit the Shedd Aquarium, Navy Pier and Wrigley Field. Heck, I'd love to see Brian Adams in concert, too!! :thumbsup2

Aw, sorry about the car. That must be hard to let go of such a physical reminder. :hug:

My son got strep this weekend too. Same exact thing, just slowly got sicker and sicker. Thank goodness for antibiotics.

Your poor boy.....so sorry to hear he's under the weather, too :( .

I'm baffled that strep is so prevalent in the summer. I always thought it was a winter thing :confused:. Thankfully, the medications seem to be working wonders, and I can see a huge difference in Jake today. I hope your young man is also on the mend very soon!

Yeah, that car thing. We need to get a car for DS, but since he's not eager to drive, we aren't pushing it yet. Soon though. Tired of being his taxi.

Hope Jake is feeling better. Not fun being sick.

Yep, meet Sticky and Icky. They have joined us for days, so humid right now. Like over 50 percent humidity. Rain to be in that mix somehow, though it hasn't lowered the temps from high 80's to low 90's.

Anyway, I do Spiderman, though have to close eyes during some of it, and mummy reminds me of a small space mountain. I didn't mind doing it. Though, I closed my eyes through some of that too. I thought Transformers was similar to Spiderman, but not as jerky. Same ride idea. I do each of them once, then let the kids do as many repeats as they want. That unlimited express pass got a work out with my kids.

Sorry to hear your holiday plans at home are awry. Beach time sounds like a good idea given the heat.

Just think, days are ticking down to meeting Jack!

Hmmmm....maybe I might be able to do Spiderman and Transformers, then? :scratchin Steve said he'd go on Cat in the Hat with me this time, so I'm trying to stretch my boundaries and go on at least one of his fave's. Two would make me wife of the year :teeth: .

A kid with a car is a blessing and a curse. So nice to be able to not have to ferry them around to everywhere they want to go, or always be lending them one of our vehicles. But then, you worry about their safety (especially in the foul weather) and insurance is a killer. Thankfully Jake pays most of his own vehicle expenses .... insurance, gas, maintenance (except for really, really major repairs) ... so the costs are reasonably easy to bear.

We're in that "car shopping mode" again, and with every option added, I see a potential "Lo$t Orlando day"!

We'll apparently cross paths this trip...
Oct 8- 13th...but I'm having a hard time getting my kids-(15 & 22) to commit to HHN again. ...It really scared them crazy last year!

( hi Mac) :rolleyes:

Oh, oh....don't say its that scary!! :crazy2: :faint: :scared: (what the heck have I gotten myself into?!?!)

As far as the car goes, are you looking to buy new or used? I'm hoping we are making the right call on the Jetta.....we've never owned a Volkswagen before, so we're in new territory with an import. I'm told they're very safe and extremely fuel efficient....Jake's wallet is certainly counting on the latter!
:charac2: Ok...forget the scary statement. It's just like a regular day at the Walmart...or the Mall.

VW....Love our daughter's Beetle...and our neighbor has two Jetta (Diesels), with a combined half-million miles on them. I'm looking at another Beetle purchase within the next year, but momma needs a new SUV/Van/People Hauler first. For that one, I'll probably get a VW Certified Pre-owned. She also like the Prius line and the 50+ mpg.
As with any vehicle, your mileage, (and repair bills), may vary. :crazy2:
:charac2: Ok...forget the scary statement. It's just like a regular day at the Walmart...or the Mall.

VW....Love our daughter's Beetle...and our neighbor has two Jetta (Diesels), with a combined half-million miles on them. I'm looking at another Beetle purchase within the next year, but momma needs a new SUV/Van/People Hauler first. For that one, I'll probably get a VW Certified Pre-owned. She also like the Prius line and the 50+ mpg.
As with any vehicle, your mileage, (and repair bills), may vary. :crazy2:

lol.....I know HHN is going to terrify me.....I keep telling myself its going to be terrifying in a "fun" way, but I'm not sure I'm doing very well at convincing myself of that :rotfl:.

Good to hear such positive feedback on Volkwagens :thumbsup2 . The Jetta Jake is purchasing runs on standard gasoline (the diesel options exceeded his budget) but has pretty low mileage....just 50,000 km (31,000 miles for my American friends)....so we're hoping that's a positive start if nothing else.

73 days to go until we leave for our trip!
Good heavens....I had to use my internet ninja skills to locate this PTR. I will read through and try to catch on later. I just thought that for now I should announce my arrival.
Hi Gina!!

So excited to read another report from you- your reports are my absolute favorite!

Regarding Spiderman - you would have no trouble at all on it. I am the world's worst ride chicken- I survived a brain anyurism and hate spinning. I have
no problem at all on spiderman or transformers- I love the latter. I CAN NOT do the mummy or MIB- they terrify me. Tell your hubby Cat in the Hat is no
problem at all- I kind of find it boring now that they took so much of the spinning off.

On another note - you should try St Augustine sometime. We are 30 minutes away and still find new things to do there. We are going for a three day
week-end for our son's upcoming birthday.

Can't wait to read more.....
Hi Gina!!

So excited to read another report from you- your reports are my absolute favorite!

Regarding Spiderman - you would have no trouble at all on it. I am the world's worst ride chicken- I survived a brain anyurism and hate spinning. I have
no problem at all on spiderman or transformers- I love the latter. I CAN NOT do the mummy or MIB- they terrify me. Tell your hubby Cat in the Hat is no
problem at all- I kind of find it boring now that they took so much of the spinning off.

On another note - you should try St Augustine sometime. We are 30 minutes away and still find new things to do there. We are going for a three day
week-end for our son's upcoming birthday.

Can't wait to read more.....

Thank you dsmom!! :goodvibes

I am so encouraged to read your comments on Spiderman and Transformers.....especially when I can do MIB with no problems, and that's one of your no-go's. Have you rode Escape from Gringott's yet? If so, how did you find that one?

I have no doubt that Steve will fare A-OK on Cat in the Hat :rotfl: ... I always remind him how ridiculous it is that he will ride Hulk without batting an eyelash but Cat in the Hat terrifies him!! I rode it in May and was pleasantly surprised at how much tamer the spinning is since we last experienced it in 2012. Definitely a change for the better in my opinion.

St. Augustine is definitely on our to-do list for a future trip. It looks soooo beautiful! (and perfect for a couples getaway.....it just has an aura of romance and charm). I had almost considered it for next April, when we have an extra two days to fill on top of our week at the Vistana, but with an early flight home I don't want to be so far from MCO. But we will get there someday.....I assure you!
Gina, I would ride Spiderman before Transformers if you can. I find Spiderman to be much smoother and the music isn't annoying, it's kind of fun. Transformers is worth a try too, but for some reason, I find the soundtrack very, very loud and irritating, a lot of metal-on-metal sounds.

I just wouldn't want you to try Transformers first and not like it and then not try Spidey!

Steve is cracking me up with avoiding the Cat in the Hat but he will ride Hulk! :)
Gina, I would ride Spiderman before Transformers if you can. I find Spiderman to be much smoother and the music isn't annoying, it's kind of fun. Transformers is worth a try too, but for some reason, I find the soundtrack very, very loud and irritating, a lot of metal-on-metal sounds.

I just wouldn't want you to try Transformers first and not like it and then not try Spidey!

Steve is cracking me up with avoiding the Cat in the Hat but he will ride Hulk! :)

Thanks so much for the insider tip on Spiderman versus Transformers. We're actually planning on doing our first full day in October a IOA, so that suggestion will be easy to implement! :thumbsup2

Would you (or anyone else) happen to know....in comparison to Despicable Me: Minion Mayhem, how "rough" or "thrilling" are Spiderman and Transformers?
Thanks so much for the insider tip on Spiderman versus Transformers. We're actually planning on doing our first full day in October a IOA, so that suggestion will be easy to implement! :thumbsup2

Would you (or anyone else) happen to know....in comparison to Despicable Me: Minion Mayhem, how "rough" or "thrilling" are Spiderman and Transformers?

I'd say Despicable Me is way less thrilling. It's hard to say because they are so different since Despicable Me is a big theatre essentially and SM and Transformers have ride vehicles and all that.

The one simulator I cannot and will not ever do again is Simpsons though. Ugh!
I'd say Despicable Me is way less thrilling. It's hard to say because they are so different since Despicable Me is a big theatre essentially and SM and Transformers have ride vehicles and all that.

The one simulator I cannot and will not ever do again is Simpsons though. Ugh!

I bet I would find DM worse on my head, then, than Spiderman. At times, it was that HUGE screen (and our proximity to it) that was almost dizzying.

Steve and Jake both did Simpsons when we visited in 2012, and while they thought the ride was well done, both were visibly "off" for hours afterward. the motion really bothered them. Steve has vowed never again. He'd rather win me more toys at the Sledgehomer game and top it off with a Flaming Moe and a ride on the Twirl 'n Hurl :laughing: .


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