Sorry to hear the girls are not feeling well. :sick: I really hope they are already feeling much better, and well on the road to being 100% again soon! :hug: pixiedust:

Thoughts and prayers being sent!!! :goodvibes

I've been keeping up, but usually on my DISboards app on my phone, so I typically can't see the pictures. I had to stop by and check everything out. Movie night looked like a huge success, and the creative food ideas was a definite :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2

What a wonderful idea to make the countdown fun (and hopefully not seem so long). :banana:
I hope your girls are on the mend today. So sorry they are under the weather again!

I worked this morning, and now we are chilling out here at home. I should be cleaning my house, but I'm feeling pretty lazy at the moment, probably from the unusual heat. We are hoping to meet up with some friends tomorrow at a park with a stream for the kids to splash in. Haven't seen them in months even though they are only one town over, so we are all looking forward to it. Oh, and I got great news - my Grandmother is coming for a visit at the end of the month for my cousin's wedding and she is going to stay with us for a few days! I haven't seen her in over a year and she has promised to give Elisabeth and me a few knitting lessons, so we are excited about that!
Hi Judy, sorry to hear the girls aren't feeling well. Prayers for them!
I sent you an e-mail when you get a chance to check.
Praying the girls feel better very soon.

We got back from our fourth of July trip just yesterday and got a surprise today that will take us out of town again on Friday. Don't worry though it was a good surprise. I told you that Jenna and Jonnie got into Camp Corral, well Tess has been bummed that she is too old to go as a camper this year and we weren't able to figure out how to get her in as a counselor in time. Or so I thought. Today I was talking to the camp director about Jonnies medical needs and somehow I mentioned Tess wanting to be a counselor and he told me it was a great coincidence (I would call it something else) that he had just got off the phone with a counselor that had to back out at the last moment. So now Tess is Camp Corrals newest junior counselor but she has to be there before the campers so my MIL offered to get a us a hotel with her points so we could take her up (4 hours away) and just stay there for a few days until its time for the younger ones to go. One of the best things about this is that it will give Jonnie a chance to see the camp before having to go there as a camper. I really feel this was an answer to many prayers as I feel a great relief knowing Tessa will be there to help calm Jonnie if he has any medical issues. Before I knew that Tessa would be there John and I had actually booked a hotel for Sunday and Monday night figuring that if anything were to happen it would likely happen in the first day or two because of stress. We can't cancel that booking so this little jaunt has turned into a 4 night trip. We will go down on Friday, drop Tessa off really early Saturday. Spend the day with Jenna Jonnie and Paige (maybe a zoo). Sunday afternoon we check the kids into camp and then we will spend a few days just hanging out. Paige want's to go to the lake so I think we might do that. I think it will be good for Paige she really has been dealing with a lot and she's a lot of fun for me to hang out with so I will have company when John needs to rest. It should be fun but I still don't have everything put away from the last trip.

Quick update before the day begins. Rachel is improving, PTL. Lisa still has a wicked cough and fatigue, although it is better. She did pick up some of the GI stuff Rachel had, in spite of keeping the girls in separate rooms.

Yesterday was a day of celebration and reminiscing. 17 years ago our home burned to the ground. Sometimes it seems as if it happened yesterday, other times it seems it happened to someone else. I still go in search of items destroyed in the fire and I guess I always will. Thankfully, it was just things.

The BIGGER news for July 9 is that Lisa had her third open heart surgery nine years ago! Since she was five, we have been told surgery #4 and #5 was imminent. Thankfully, God has had other plans!!!

BUSY, news filled day today. Rachel should find out when her braces will come off, Christian sees his MD and my Dad has chemo and gets the results of his latest PET scan. Please keep us in prayer.

I DO have pics of our latest movie night, I just need time and a cooperating Internet to get them posted! THANK YOU to those who continue to leave us messages, even in my absence. I hope to sit down and post/respond soon!
I am so thankful the girls are improving, I hope that continues. Prayers for good news about your Dad.

July 9 is a memory filled day at your house and shows the power of God. Thanks for sharing with us. :goodvibes
So happy to hear the girls are doing better. Sorry Lisa got the stomach bug too. It's hard to prevent things even with separation. The impaired immunity really makes it tough. I hope the boys have been able to stay away from both the respiratory and GI illnesses.

Anniversaries of life changing dates are definitely emotional times. ((hugs)). Praying Lisa continues to not need surgery for a long time.

Praying for you all.
Here are some of our countdown dinners from a few years ago:
Bugs Life


We had picnic food-Kentucky Fried Chicken. I got the tablecloth at the dollar store. We got ant stickers at Michael's and made a line to the food with the ants. You can't have a picnic without ants. We made Perler Bead bugs for the craft.

This is our Dinosaur dinner. I got the volcano craft at Michael's. We used this for the centerpiece. We also played Dinosaur Monopoly that I got at a consignment shop for next to nothing. The dino hats and blow up dinosaurs were bought at the dollar store.

Here is one of our EPCOT dinners. This was a simple one. We dressed Mickey in a toga and made homemade pizzas.


101 Dalmations night
I got a white tablecloth from the dollar store and had the kids draw black spots on it. I also bought some dog bowls, pooper scoopers, and dog toys from the dollar store. They ate out of the bowls and we served the food with the pooper scoopers. As gross as that sounds, the boys got a kick out of that. All the food had spots- Pepperoni pizza, chocolate chip cookies, etc.

Sorry, I don't know why the pictures are showing up twice when I view it on my phone. On the laptop, the pictures are only showing once. I don't know what happened. I am not very computer savvy so I don't know if I could attempt to correct it.
Sorry, I don't know why the pictures are showing up twice when I view it on my phone. On the laptop, the pictures are only showing once. I don't know what happened. I am not very computer savvy so I don't know if I could attempt to correct it.

I only see the pictures once. :confused3 They look like you had lots of fun. :goodvibes
Judy, glad the girls are both doing better, sorry that Lisa got sick too. I hope that they both continue to improve and that everything goes okay at all the doctors appointments today. Hopefully they will be able to figure out what the internet issue is soon. I don't know what I would do without mine especially since I take classes online a lot. Hope that it is a quite a while before Lisa needs another surgery and she keeps continuing to surprise the doctors.

Thoughts and prayers to all that need them.
Judy, glad to hear the girls are feeling better.

The best thing is to remember that it was only things, and not you or your children harmed in the fire.

Hope all get good reports today.
Judy, so sorry to hear that Lisa got Rachel's bug. Hope they are both on the mend very soon! I also hope you get good news at all the doctor appointments today.
Here is one of our EPCOT dinners. This was a simple one. We dressed Mickey in a toga and made homemade pizzas.


101 Dalmations night
I got a white tablecloth from the dollar store and had the kids draw black spots on it. I also bought some dog bowls, pooper scoopers, and dog toys from the dollar store. They ate out of the bowls and we served the food with the pooper scoopers. As gross as that sounds, the boys got a kick out of that. All the food had spots- Pepperoni pizza, chocolate chip cookies, etc.


Way too cute!!! Thanks for sharing all the pics :)

JUDY -- the best news of all is that Lisa hasn't needed any further heart surgery and I now know she's tall enough to be "adult sized" so when it's time for her next surgery she will be in great shape. Praying everyone feels better soonest. I am slowly on the mend but dh is sick now. Had f/u w/ ortho today and will start PT as soon as referral gets processed since my ROM only went up 5%. I only have pain with overdoing it though and am sleeping better.

More later... must run. Hopefully I can share some vaca pics later this week or next.
Glad the girls are on the mend. Hope they are 100% soon!!

Hugs for the emotional day! Thank goodness that Lisa hasn't had to have those next surgeries yet.

Continued prayers for you and your family. My next appointment is July 17. I'll let you know how it goes.


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