New Seating Arrangements at Counter Service

I travel with 1 adult (myself) and two children in a double stroller. It is impossible to maneuver a double stroller while holding a tray of food. So I always seat the kids, then go get the food and condiments.

You seat 2 stroller aged kids and then go get the food and condiments. I would be apprehensive about leaving then alone at a table!
Hi all I was just appalled when I heard of the new quick service seating arrangements. I'm single and have no children but a regular traveler to the parks and many other crowded locations around the world. Parents need the ability to keep their children safe in busy food areas. Last year, I had the pleasure of attending Washington D.C. on the 4th of July. I went to a McDonald's for a quick drink turned around and had a toddler run into me. I dropped my supper sized coke on the toddlers head. I was horrified and the mother screamed at the kid, it was just the worst McDonald's experience. My concern is for the kids they are excited, overly tired and not watching what they are doing in a busy area. Having them seated really makes the most sense.
Good luck to the familys', I promise to hold my coca-cola high from now on!:flower3:

Thank you very well said. I just want to know who is pushing the strollers as the parents are now carrying trays of food. We don't all have a typical families. Sometimes there are reasons people are sitting as other gather the food for them that we are unaware of it's not just about saving the table. Time will tell how this works it's self out. :confused:
Next week we are all going down to the MK for my daughters wedding. There are about 30 in the "immediate family". My kids all voted on where we would meet and eat. Pecos Bill will be meeting up with ALL of us on sunday.

Normally, we wouldn't even try to sit together----just in the same area. Are the "seators" going to decide where we sit? What if I want to sit outside. or not near a bathroom, etc? Are they going to be able to keep my family "together"?

My other problem with this is I have a gait disorder. (walking difficulty) Personally, I don't want to stand in line with my 30 "kids" I don't want to STAND at all! I like having my DDH get the food for us and I get to sit. I'm old!!
If this rule extends beyond the Magic Kingdom and then is used at Epcot, Hollywood Studios and the Animal Kingdom, what will happen to the counter service locations at Downtown Disney and the resorts?

Since Earl of Sandwich, Wolfgang Puck Express, Ghirardelli Soda Fountain and Chocolate Shop, McDonald's and Cookes of Dublin are not owned and operated by WDW will they need to follow the rule about not saving tables or will they continue operating like they have been?

Also since the resort counter service locations are not usually as busy like the ones in the theme parks, will they need to add this rule?
Bumping up my question because I am curious to find out what the answer might be?
If a lot of guests complained to guest relations that they don't like the new seating arrangements, do you think WDW would consider getting rid of it?
If this rule extends beyond the Magic Kingdom and then is used at Epcot, Hollywood Studios and the Animal Kingdom, what will happen to the counter service locations at Downtown Disney and the resorts?

Since Earl of Sandwich, Wolfgang Puck Express, Ghirardelli Soda Fountain and Chocolate Shop, McDonald's and Cookes of Dublin are not owned and operated by WDW will they need to follow the rule about not saving tables or will they continue operating like they have been?

Also since the resort counter service locations are not usually as busy like the ones in the theme parks, will they need to add this rule?

I don't think it will affect the DTD restaurants since they are privately owned. And there isn't really anywhere for all of those people to stand and wait for their orders at EOS. And a waiter brings your ice cream treats to you at Ghiradelli and WPE. So unless they change their entire restaurant layouts and procedures most likely won't happen at DTD.
I don't think it will affect the DTD restaurants since they are privately owned. And there isn't really anywhere for all of those people to stand and wait for their orders at EOS. And a waiter brings your ice cream treats to you at Ghiradelli and WPE. So unless they change their entire restaurant layouts and procedures most likely won't happen at DTD.
Thanks for your response and that's good to know because Earl of Sandwich and Ghirardelli are the only locations where we actually save a table before ordering, since they are always busy. Plus since Ghirardelli is actually a small location it makes a lot of sense to save a table because after ordering they give you a number to place on your table so the waiter knows which orders go where, so if you don't have a table how are they supposed to bring you everything?
I've already decided to avoid any CS restaurants that are doing this -- it just sounds like too much effort is involved. If I want to stand with my kids and wait for a table, I'll go to a TS restaurant. OR I'll pack a lunch and avoid the whole thing.
This policy was made by people without small children. If my little one needs to sit, Disney's table police won't be able to stop me.
This new restaurant plan will receive its true test the week of Christmas and New Years. That's when the park is at its busiest especially the Magic Kingdom. I think that it will fall apart during that time. Can you imagine the grumpyness on that day?
So you're not even allowed to pick where you would like to sit?For example I always like to sit upstairs at Columbia Harbor House,now I'm going to have someone tell me I can't.I think there's too many people around waiting for the food as it was before the change,now the whole family has to be there too.I think this should only be implemented possibly during peak,peak times,the rest of the year let people sit where,when or how they would like,it's always worked well enough for me in the past.
I think they are just opening a can of worms that doesnt need to be opened. What about sick kids will they have to show their GAC card to sit. It makes no sense. I have never had a problem finding someplace to sit. Maybe had to look around for a few minutes but I always found a spot.

The chair backs are really a bad idea. Wait until the first toddler goes headfirst on the concrete. I think this move was just all around dumb.

I know my son was to big for a high chair but could in no way balance on a stool. I can just imagine the number of children that will be eating in strollers.:eek: Talk about congestion.
This policy was made by people without small children. If my little one needs to sit, Disney's table police won't be able to stop me.

I agree. In April, we will be going for the first time without a stroller. My kids will be 7 and 5. (I may rethink this for the 5yo) In any case, I'd like to see a CM tell me my tired kids can't sit and wait for their food. Lots of times my DH will sit with the kids while I get the food. This system works for us and I plan on continuing the practice.
What would happen during a busy time like Christmas and New Years where the line up of people waiting for a table gets jammed and they are not able to be seated, because no tables are available. That would mean everyone waiting with trays of food will start getting cold, so I don't think WDW has really thought out this new policy very well.

I also believe they said you will be given a menu when you walk in so you know right away what you want, well how many people will actually read it if they are trying to deal with all their kids and etc. That means they will then have to decide when it's their turn to pay and it will cause an even longer wait.
The chair backs are really a bad idea. Wait until the first toddler goes headfirst on the concrete.

ITA! :thumbsup2

After the first dozen the backs will be put back on.

Also don't like to be told where to sit. It's CS for goodness sake! :sad2:

I feel sorry for the CMs. This is a guest relations nightmare waiting to happen.
So you're not even allowed to pick where you would like to sit? For example I always like to sit upstairs at Columbia Harbor House,now I'm going to have someone tell me I can't.I think there's too many people around waiting for the food as it was before the change,now the whole family has to be there too.I think this should only be implemented possibly during peak,peak times,the rest of the year let people sit where,when or how they would like,it's always worked well enough for me in the past.

Three adults including myself visited CHH for lunch on Thursday. I did not notice any of the new practices described. Deb was able to go upstairs and secure a table for all three of us while I got our food.
I just out about this and I have to say it upsets me...My children need a few minutes before their food comes to sit down and get ready to eat...That is what they are now programed to do...Also, I do not have them around the food lines...I rather them be at a table and away from trouble...DS gets a GAC for various issues...I wonder if I can use that for him to get a table when we arrive...Please no flames...My son has needs that we must deal with and Disney is one of those places that can get ugly quick for him if he is a crowded area for any length of time...I would not want him to ruin anyone elses experience either.
Doesn't matter to me either way. But I wonder if Disney's reasons also might have to do with the people that just come in to rest and are not ordering any food. I have seen this many times. Not that I have a problem with people taking a break. But you can do it elsewhere without taking tables people need to eat at. don't know if some already posted this I did not read entire thread.
I've already decided to avoid any CS restaurants that are doing this -- it just sounds like too much effort is involved. If I want to stand with my kids and wait for a table, I'll go to a TS restaurant. OR I'll pack a lunch and avoid the whole thing.

Agree, I don't usually do CS very often, but even at busy times (Xmas week) I have been able to find a seat somewhere.

This policy was made by people without small children. If my little one needs to sit, Disney's table police won't be able to stop me.

:worship: Exactly. Seems most of the people in favor are kidless or are no longer traveling with kids. Sure my kids wait in line for rides, but now its meal time and it sure is a lot nice to sit down and wait instead of standing in line to order food. I'm not sure how getting food equates to now getting a table. Once I walk in I am a customer. I've never been to any restaurant that required me to stand in line with everyone in my party before getting a seat.
Unless I am wrong didn't the article in the Orlando Sentinal say this rule about saving tables would only be done in the peak seasons? If so then I guess WDW doesn't care when guests do that during the non busy times and if it was so important to have this rule shouldn't they enforce it everyday of the year? So what's the point of having it for certin times of the year?


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