New Reservations Cancellation Policy

. We have only had to cancel a reservation last minute when our son was sick with a stomach bug.

And when everyone starts cancelling claiming illness or whatever how long will charge exceptions be made?

If we know we are not feeling up to a restaurant or want to change our plans we have always done it in advance, credit card guarantee or not. It is common courtesy to others.
I think we all agree cancelling is common courtesy, requiring a day's notice to cancel is what seems to be the issue at a theme park.
The only time I cancelled last minute was after the marathon last January and they really wanted to charge me the fee. My sister called them and said, "Well, fine, we'll show up if it's going to cost us $20 but if she pukes all over your floor I'm going to say I told you so!" They kindly cancelled it without charging the fee.
It's not like I'm banking on being rude but sometimes things happen and not everything goes according to plan. I anticipate making fewer reservations.
I think it is a great policy and about time Disney implemented it.
I agree with previous posters, this type of intervention is the direct result of abuse of the system by many, many people.
Even here there are those still claiming they have a right to cancel last minute (or no show) becaue "they changed their mind". They don't see anything wrong with this attitude.
I think it's about time! So many guests used to make ADRs for Kona just to park at the Poly and then go to MK. The ADR list would be pages long and if any servers called out, deployment would be making phone calls to get servers in so they would be fully staffed. Then 1/4 of the ADRs would be no shows. Servers who rushed to get there just standing around making no money.
I was there for years and saw it happen constantly.
I think it's about time! So many guests used to make ADRs for Kona just to park at the Poly and then go to MK. The ADR list would be pages long and if any servers called out, deployment would be making phone calls to get servers in so they would be fully staffed. Then 1/4 of the ADRs would be no shows. Servers who rushed to get there just standing around making no money.
I was there for years and saw it happen constantly.

Then they should have just done it a restaurants like Kona.

No need to do it at EVERY restaurant.
They better update their app, currently you can not book TS that requires a credit card with it. So their app is useless for reservations starting Oct 31.
This should have been done years ago. I wish they actually charged more to push people away from possible not showing. I have had many a conversation with people saying. " oh I book breakfast at the koan everyday and just use the days I want". That ticks me off cause there there's me who deff knows I want to go a certain day but can't even get in at 180 cause of this above example.

I have been saying to change this for years.

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Then they should have just done it a restaurants like Kona. No need to do it at EVERY restaurant.

If it was working at certain restaurants they were testing it out on, the logical thing to do would be to put the policy across the board.
We never make ADR's for the day we come in anyway cause again if we r delayed we don't want to take a spot away from others. We wing it that day but usually have no issue getting in where we want if I go up to the podium when I get there to see about that night.

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1) G-R-E-A-T NEWS !!! 2) I have been waiting for the no-show penalty to be expanded. 3) Now, it goes to all TS eateries. 4) The policy should . . . reduce the number of double and triple bookings . . . reduce the numbers of no-shows 5) Hallelujah. 6) A special phone line that only handles dining cancellations is available for Guest convenience: 407-WDW-CNCL. 7) You can still cancel by calling 407-WDW-DINE.
tjats cool to know. Never knew that other number! Thanks!

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I've read through this thread but I'm still confused about one thing. I understand that our 5 current ADR's for non-signature meals during our November trip are "grandfathered" and we would not incur a no-show penalty if we have to cancel of the day of the reservation.

Here is my question: If I change one of those ADR's to a different non-signature TS dinner and do so prior to Oct. 31 would the new ADR fall under the new policy because the actual dining date is in November?
Look at it this way, food quality might improve.
Right now ADR numbers call the shots. If there are a lot of ADRs more staff is brought in, more food is ordered, walk ups are turned away. When ADRs are no shows staff is standing around, product gets spoiled and discarded and guests that were originally denied have gone elsewhere. If by charging for no shows puts guests in seats it's a win for everyone. Food costs might go down enough to justify bringing back the better cuts of meat and other ingredients that have been discontinued due to spoilage.
Just a thought
My thoughts exactly. I expect to be seated at my reservation time under this new policy. There is no restaurant anywhere else that has this type of policy that would expect you to wait to be seated. I'm ok with this policy if they step up the service. Not a chance I will wait 20 mins to be seated with CC secured reservation.
a lot of talk about waiting for tables with ADR's. I seriously have never waited longer than 5 mins for my table in the 15 plus years we have gone. The only place ever I waited longer is the castle. I think if u avoid the family places like in the park you don't have to deal with this. The sign places are never like this from what we have experienced.

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What will the cancellation policy be for same-day reservations? If you book after 11:59pm for the next day, will you still need a credit card guarantee?

DH and I are traveling in November and I have only a few TS ADR's made, including one at California Grill. I am not 100% sure that we are going to do all of them, in fact, two of them will be cancelled by the end of today. With just the two of us, I am hoping that we will have luck with walk-ups and/or making dinner ADR's in the morning.

I am also wondering how this will effect people who are thinking about the DDP. In order to make sure that all of their TS credits get used up, they will need ADR's. Many ADR's need to be made months in advance and now there will be a fee imposed for missing them. We don't use the DDP anymore simply because we no longer want to be tied down to eating X amount of TS meals and/or X amount of CS meals.

I can honestly say that this change really doesn't effect me too much because we keep our ADR's or have them changed/cancelled before we even arrive in Orlando. I think that once this is fully implemented, we will see a drop in ADR's and an increase in the number of walk-ups, resulting in LONG waits at TS restaurants, particularly at dinner. There are so many families with unpredictable children (and adults) who won't be willing to bet on where they will be or what condition they will be in for dinner each night. Knowing that they face a fee if they don't cancel the night before, I think that there will be a major decline in the number of dinner ADR's. People will then try for walk-ups which will result in excessive wait times which may ultimately result in folks just leaving and opting for CS or off-site options.

As I see it, Disney has implemented this plan to cut down on no-shows, presumably from people who made ADR's without a solid plan in place. This is supposedly causing restaurants to have empty tables. often do restaurants sit "empty" while there is a lobby full of guests waiting to be seated? Walking past almost every TS eatery during meal time, there is ALWAYS a wait to be seated. If Disney is having such a hard time with no-shows, why can't they seat those with ADR's (who do show up) in a timely manner? In addition, if they have an empty table and a family waiting without a reservation, SEAT THEM! If the family with the ADR is late, then they get put in the queue with everybody else. We had a 5pm dinner reservation at O'Hana for our party of 13. The restaurant OPENS at 5pm...we were finally seated at 5:30. Really? It takes 30 minutes to prepare a table at opening time? They knew 180 days in advance that we would be there:lmao:.

Our family is going next October and I don't think we will make more than one ADR. We always eat at Boma for breakfast on our departure day from AKV and that will not change:goodvibes. Other than that, we will take our chances with walk-ups because, although I like to plan ahead, I also like to be flexible and change plans. I think we will switch to making same-day dinner ADR's instead of same-day cancellations.
. . . I expect to be seated at my reservation time under this new policy. There is no restaurant anywhere else that has this type of policy that would expect you to wait to be seated . . .
. . . this is not everywhere else, this is Disney
. . . people frequently sit longer than expected due to A/C & cool-off or relaxing after walking
. . . these are not restaurant reservations
. . . these are ADR's, and when you make them you agree to the terms
. . . of course, you are free to patronize off-site eateries

This policy can and will be overruled if you pay enough for a room.We payed a thousand Dollar per night for a room and we could cancel when and whatever dinning reservation we made whiteout trouble or problems.
. . . it is good to think this way
. . . but, one needs to understand how the system works at WDW
. . . the penalty fee is NOT up to the resort
. . . the decision rests with the eatery manager, not hotel manager
. . . at the end of the restaurant day, the manager decides who gets charged
. . . the resort can talk to the eatery and ask for an exception for you
. . . but, the eatery manager has the final say
. . . the hotel manager may decide to pay the fee for you
. . . but, this comes from the hotel profit, not the restaurant
. . . the restaurant still gets its fee(s)

NOTE: There have been lots of conversation about the changes . . .
Everything from how-to-get-an-exception-if I-no-show-or-don't-cancel to
we-should-be-seated-at-the-ressie-time. The fact is that this is Disney and
they have made a policy: a) you get a penalty for not canceling on-time and
b) ressies are ADR's, so you get the next table of your size ressie when it is
available even if not on time, which has been in effect for YEARS. You have
the option of making ADR's and living with the policy or not making ADR's. It
is really that simple.
. . . this is not everywhere else, this is Disney
. . . people frequently sit longer than expected due to A/C & cool-off or relaxing after walking
. . . these are not restaurant reservations
. . . these are ADR's, and when you make them you agree to the terms
. . . of course, you are free to patronize off-site eateries

. . . it is good to think this way
. . . but, one needs to understand how the system works at WDW
. . . the penalty fee is NOT up to the resort
. . . the decision rests with the eatery manager, not hotel manager
. . . at the end of the restaurant day, the manager decides who gets charged
. . . the resort can talk to the eatery and ask for an exception for you
. . . but, the eatery manager has the final say
. . . the hotel manager may decide to pay the fee for you
. . . but, this comes from the hotel profit, not the restaurant
. . . the restaurant still gets its fee(s)

NOTE: There have been lots of conversation about the changes . . .
Everything from how-to-get-an-exception-if I-no-show-or-don't-cancel to
we-should-be-seated-at-the-ressie-time. The fact is that this is Disney and
they have made a policy: a) you get a penalty for not canceling on-time and
b) ressies are ADR's, so you get the next table of your size ressie when it is
available even if not on time, which has been in effect for YEARS. You have
the option of making ADR's and living with the policy or not making ADR's. It
is really that simple.

Ehhh no. My money talks and the more we pay the more credit we get.
This has nothing to do with the restaurants but whit our wishes.
Finally!!! And about time too! :thumbsup2

We stay off site and have been going to WDW since 1992. In the beginning you could get into pretty much any restaurant you wanted to the same day - mostly with walk ups but for the popular places you had to visit Guest Relations the same morning and book. With the introduction of prior booking 90 days out, followed by the start of DDP the chances of getting a same day booking have all but disappeared.

Some people like to book every meal months in advance but some of us like spontineity...this way caters for both!

It seems to me the ones most unhappy about it are more likely to be the ones who Disney are trying to put a halt to!
Believe it or not, during our 2008 trip to the Beach Club, we were actually offered 2 lunch res for Crystal Palace on our arrival day (Table For 10). When we arrived for the earlier of our 2 res, we cancelled the later. But, looking at how many people were standing around, hoping to get in, I was embarrassed by what we had done.

I am totally in favor of this policy. It forces people to think about what they are going to do.

I agree the day before thing seems a little harsh. But, look at it this way...

You wake up in the morning and decide you want to have dinner at Prime Time. You call and get a res at 6:30pm because someone else had to change their mind last night and cancel their dinner res to avoid the fee.
Or, they could cancel 2 hours ahead (without paying the fee) and you either take a chance on a walk up, or spend all day calling to see if anything opens up.

I understand things happen. But, as has been said by many PPs, some exceptions will be made. And, from what Rusty posted earlier, it appears you are less likely to be charged if you show up at the podium to plead your case. I would also offer, maybe you want to cancel your res on the new 800#, maybe you want to call the restaurant direct. I am betting the restaurant may be more accommodating. :scratchin

As for those of you tired of waiting an eternity to sit after your res time has passed... <SARCASM> Eat Faster!!! If you would all just eat a little faster and quit with the chit chat, my table would be ready for me sooner. While you are at it, stop enjoying the AC in the restaurant while I stand out here in the blazing sun. I know the restaurant looks totally amazing, and you want to enjoy the ambiance. However, I am stuck slowly starving while you sit at my table looking for hidden Mickey's in the table cloth. </SARCASM>

There are very few restaurants that I have eaten at where I have not had to wait for my table to be ready. My experience has been that the better the restaurant, the more people want to eat there, the longer the wait. Unless, of course, that restaurant greatly limits the number of reservations they allow or penalize people for not canceling their reservation.
. . . In the beginning you could get into pretty much any restaurant you wanted to the same day - mostly with walk ups but for the popular places you had to visit Guest Relations the same morning and book . . .

Do you remember the Dining Ressie kiosks in Epcot . . .
. . . you walked up to the screen
. . . you viewed open times and tables
. . . you made a ressie for the eatery/time you wanted
. . . even for the same day or future day
My thoughts exactly. I expect to be seated at my reservation time under this new policy. There is no restaurant anywhere else that has this type of policy that would expect you to wait to be seated. I'm ok with this policy if they step up the service. Not a chance I will wait 20 mins to be seated with CC secured reservation.

In a perfect world, you wouldn't have to wait. No matter how diligent and efficient a server is, there's no restaurant anywhere that would have a server come to your table and say, put your forks down, your time's up, leave now. Some people like to sit around and drink, talk, eat casually, wait for fireworks, wait for FP return times to get closer. Obviously, Disney has a no show problem that's not comparable with any other restaurants.


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