Need prayers and good thoughts for Kevin's Mom today * Update 5/8/11*

Kevin, I'm SO glad that all of the happiness, joy and laughter that you've given to so many others just by being you has come back around and given you this precious gift.

Karma works in mysterious ways.

I'd tell you to cherish every moment of this time in your life, but you already know this to be true.

I would, however, like to be compensated for the box of Kleenex my Mom and I have gone through in the past few days. :tilt: (I've been sharing this thread with her, somehow it seemed like the right thing to do...) Those Puffs are pricey.

May this roller coaster you've been on finally settle down into something that more resembles smooth sailing, and may your Mom continue to improve as the days pass by...

She has a LOT to live for, most notably a loving family and a son that brings comfort and happiness to more people than he realizes.
We had three wonderful days with my grandfather near the end of his life when he "woke up" from unresponsive. We talked and talked and listened to his stories for three days. He died about two weeks later. I treasure greatly the gift of those days.

I wish you all the best in whatever time you have left with your mother; may it be a long and full time of sharing your love with each other.
Kevin you and your mom are in my thoughts and prayers and I hope she continues to improve.Enjoy your time together stay well my friend :hug:
Kevin that is wonderful news about your mom, you have been given a wonderful gift.

I will continue to keep you and your mom in my thoughts and prayers. :grouphug:
Kevin, I'm glad to hear the good news. I hope your Mom has more good days than bad. I will continue to pray for you and your family.
Hi Folks...

I swear that what I am going to type is true.

I swear.

My Mom's health has been declining for a while now and it seemed to be getting much worse last Friday.

For most of the weekend, she was non-responsive.

Her DR. suggested that we speak with the Hospice DR, who is good at handling these things.

After speaking with him yesterday, he suggested that my Mom would not make it through the night. After conferring with everyone else (and it seems like I talked to everyone), the decision was made to unhook all of the IVs and other things and to let my my Mom pass peacefully.

We left the hospital and stated making arrangements.

I went to bed last night with every phone in the house in the bed with me. I didnt want to miss a call.

At 8:30 this morning, my sister-in-law calls and says "you are NOT going to believe this......your Mom is sitting up in bed and talking to me and asking where everyone is."

Shortly there brother calls and says "this is incredible. Mom is better. Her blood pressure is almost normal. Her vitals are good and Hospice doesnt think she actually needs Hospice.

Upon arrival at the hospital, I find my Mom awake, talking, smiling.....while she is not the picture of health, she is isnt the non-responsive person that I began making arrangements for last night.

While my Mom has huge, life threatening health issues, her DRs have suggested that we hook the IVs and drugs back up and see where this goes.

We have been warned that that we should not take this as a recovery. There are still huge hurdles to overcome and that just as this changed over night, it could change back just as quickly.

What ever happens, I feel as if I have been given an enormous gift today.

I got to spend a day with my Mom and to tell her how much she means to me and for that I feel like I have been blessed. Last night I was sure that that would never happen again.

Yesterday and today have been a roller coaster of emotions. I do not know what tomorrow will bring or where we will stand.

All I know is that no one knows what tomorrow will bring.

Tell the people that you love that you love them.

Thank you for all of the encouragement and support and for keeping my family in your thoughts and prayers.

Its stories like these that renew my faith and give me hope :goodvibes

I really hope your Mom gets better and is able to come home.
I'm so glad you've received the gift of more time , even if its only a little , its an amazing gift.

God Bless you & your family :grouphug:
Kevin our prayers and good thoughts are with Mom and your family. Amy and I hope this turn for the better :) Will be thinking about you guys aways :)
Just got back from a short vacation and read through these posts - Kevin and John you are in our thoughts and prayers. I am glad you had that moment with your mom, and I am glad she had that moment with you and your family. You have been through a lot, and deserved a blessing like that time.
Kevin. I'm thinking if you and your family. Amazing how the body works and I'm so glad you were able to tell your mom how much she means to you. Take care of yourself in all of this too. I know it's hard to think about yourself while others are in need.

Thinking you you and your family.

How wonderful for you and you mom! I'm happy that you get spend more time with her, enjoy!
Kevin I cried with delight at this wonderful gift.
I know you will make the most of ever moment with those you love and cherish.
Thank you for shining so bright in these difficult circumstances .
That is wonderful Kevin! You really have been given a gift and you are just the person to receive it since you clearly appreciate it.

I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers. It obviously is working!!
This is wonderful news, I am so happy you get to spend some more precious time with your Mom. My Mom has been going through some major health issues too and I know how scary it can be to be where you were just a short while ago :hug:. Blessings to you and your loved ones :hug:!
Hi I am a lurker & a long time podcast listener. Wow that’s amazing that you will have more time with your mom. My thoughts & prayers are with you & your family.

Kevin, I am so happy to hear this.

It's also brought some clarity to my own situation. My dad, who is only 54 years old, was diagnosed out of the blue on Friday with stage 4 stomach cancer, which has metastasized to his liver. To say we are devastated is the understatement of the century. He was the picture of health, complained of a stomach ache, went to the doctor, and now we are faced with making decisions we never wanted to make. We are heartbroken.

Your message today has filled me with hope - not that we will get a miraculous recovery, though we would love it if did, but that we still have time, and that we still have memories to make and things to say to each other. I pray that I am able to handle the coming months with even a portion of the grace that you have shown in facing this situation with your mom.

My thoughts and prayers are with you - and we'd appreciate any you could send our way too. :grouphug:

Kevin along with golden2323, your message has filled me with hope too. In November of last year my family found out that my dad has multiple myeloma cancer. Yesterday my dad had a stem cell transplant. We are patiently waiting to see if this will give us more time with him.

Thanks again for giving me hope.

golden2323 my thoughts & prayer are with you also.
Kevin, your story brought years to my eyes. God Bless you & your family. I wish you all the best & know that your DIS friends are praying for you!

That is really awesome news. I hope she continues to make progress by leaps and bounds.


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