My Mom Died This Morning

It's been 12 years since my mom passed. It is truly the hardest thing I have ever been through.But time helped, one day I realized that I hadn't thought her all day. One day I went to church and didn't cry when they sang her favorite song. I will miss my mom until the day I die but life does go on and it does get easier. Hang in there!
Age doesn't matter. You only get one mom. There is no "handling it better." She is special and one of a kind, and can never, ever be replaced.

I'm not going to tell you to try to focus on the happy things. Instead, I encourage you to embrace the feelings as they come.

When my dad died in March this year, every day was different. Inconsolable pain. Seething rage where every tiny thing infuriated me. Uncontrollable laughter that devolved into uncontrollable sobbing for no reason. Nauseating anxiety and dread (of what? I have no idea.) Complete numbness.

None of these, or anything else you might feel, is wrong. Happiness and peace will come in time. Embrace all of the feelings, because they are unique to you and your relationship with your mother. Even negative feelings are worth feeling, because they are part of loving someone. You can't have stars without darkness.

Much love to you.
Dear OP

Several months have passed since you lost your mother. I hope that you are beginning to feel more comforted by memories of her and have more good days than sorrowful ones. Time will pass but that does not mean that the loss of your mother will stop. Hold on to your memories of her and the strength she shared with you.

My sympathy for the loss of your mother. As others here posted, you will have days when you struggle to cope and others when you can think of her and smile and even laugh. Seek out others to share little memories of your mother, or to share a favorite movie or book. Know that you will always be connected to her and feel her with you.

And call someone or a hotline if you feel unable to cope with things.
katmigordon, I missed this a few months back, but did want to extend my condolences to you, your family, your friends and those of your mom. Hoping you are doing a little bit better today, and will feel better in the days and time ahead. Grief is different for everybody. You grieve in a way best for you. You have memories of your mom that will be with you for a lifetime, and beyond. Treasure those.

God bless you, God speed for your mom.
I just now am seeing your post. I want to say losing my mother was so sad and I seemed to only be able to remember the times I was not so patient with her. I had to train myself to replace a good memory with the not so good memories. I feel her holding my hand very often . She was my best friend forever I still tell ner to buckle the seatbelt We’re going to DisneyWorld!
I am so very sorry for your loss. I lost my mom this past summer as well and while I am ten years younger than you, I know that age probably has no factor in how great a loss can be felt. There truly cannot be a right or better way to handle such a traumatic loss in your life. However you are dealing is the right way for you, so be forgiving of yourself, however you choose and whatever you choose to do to get through.

In dealing with my mom's loss, I am trying to remember to honor her and live my life how she would want me to do so. Right now, I am overwhelmed by the thought of spending Christmas without her, but I know that I need to honor her and if you believe like I do, that she is all around you still, she will be with you. So sorry again for your loss for you and your family.


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