My 19 mo old son broke his tooth last night


Been there - done that
Feb 28, 2000
He was riding his toy zebra (push toy you can sit on with wheels) and he fell off and must have fallen right on one of his front teeth. The dentist says some of it is broken off and the rest is cracked and pushed up into his gum. What a mess! He looks terrible (missing tooth and swollen face). However he slept well last night and today has been normal for him for the most part. The dentist says he is fine to travel.

My question is about requesting the fridge. I didn't pay attention to those threads before cause we didn't have meds for them and will be using a cooler for what we want to keep cold. However I would like the security of having his meds in the fridge. The thread I read talked about seeing the fridge on the confirmation letter. Since we leave this Friday...should I call now and request one and explain or wait until I fax the room controller later this week? I don't mind the size of the fridge as long as his med bottle fits in there. Do you think we will get charged? Otherwise would they keep his bottle of meds elsewhere for us?

I wish I could call and request a new tooth as the rest of his will be pulled out the day after we get home (they don't want to do it now to give the swelling time to go down and be less sensitive) and he will have a big hole there until his permanent tooth grows in about 5 years from now :(
I would call now and request it. Let them know why you need it, I believe if it is for medicine they usually waive the charge, but I think it's discretionary

The poor little guy had to have his tooth out today because it started to hurt and he didn't want to eat. He still is on his medication to prevent an infection. This has been such a traumatic thing...considering it is just a tooth! I will send a fax tomorrow or Weds and request a safe place for his meds.

A nurse friend advised us to give our DS as many frozen treats as he would eat to help with swelling when he ripped his lip open at age 2. He also pushed three teeth up into his gums at 1 1/2, with one ending up being pulled. Later, people thought he was older due to the missing front tooth!
Good luck and have a great trip!
while this is traumatic...luckily, it is just a baby tooth and not a permanemt one. It will be much harder on you until he's older and the gap looks "appropriate"

my oldest lost his 2 front teeth in a car accident at age 8--he now wears a "flipper". I am thankful for the dental technology, but it still stinks. 5 years later. luckily, he will have the best smile that other driver's money can buy :teeth:


have a great trip!
Our DS (22 months old at the time) fell and chipped his front tooth in front of our longhouse at the Poly last November after having had a wonderful time at the Volcano pool! I was more distraught than he was--I was literally hysterical for most of the night. By morning I accepted the situation and after the dentist filed it down, the tooth didn't end up looking too bad. As my DH likes to say, "It added some character."

Hope your DS is feeling better and have a great trip!
My daughter broke her front upper tooth out falling on the sidewalk when she was two. I felt traumatized, but she took it like a trooper, and her grin was actually quite cute without the tooth!

That wasn't nearly as traumatizing, though, as my 1 year son having his finger amputated in the hinges of the bathroom door a few year later. (Big sister was trying to prevent him from playing in the toilet.) Luckily it was reattached and looks pretty normal now. I just counted my blessings because some people aren't so lucky.
Originally posted by indyanna
My daughter broke her front upper tooth out falling on the sidewalk when she was two. I felt traumatized, but she took it like a trooper, and her grin was actually quite cute without the tooth!

That wasn't nearly as traumatizing, though, as my 1 year son having his finger amputated in the hinges of the bathroom door a few year later. (Big sister was trying to prevent him from playing in the toilet.) Luckily it was reattached and looks pretty normal now. I just counted my blessings because some people aren't so lucky.

Oh my the poor little guy. I know you must have freaked big time.
Im so glad they were able to reattach it.
Selket--So sorry about your ds tooth. When my ds #3 was was tiny, about 13 months he was was walking around with his sippy cup and didnt notice it was time to step down into the living room and he chipped the corner off of his tooth--no other damage thank god!


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