Mucous Cyst on finger - Experience/feedback

Not sure if it's the same thing I have, but I have one on the first knuckle of my index finger. It is small though, so I've let it go. Don't want to deal with that surgery on my hand. I did see an ortho about it and there are a few things they can do to see if it will go away on its own (bracing your finger and a cortisone shot) but mostly I've heard that surgery is required.
Probably the same thing. It comes from Osteoarthritis. I had my x-ray this morning. Hurts like crazy as soon as I accidentally touch something/bang into something. It's in a bad spot too and can't always avoid it. Scheduled surgery. Just hoping won't need therapy.
Not on my finger but my toe. Podiatrist numbed my toe, cut open & squeezed all the goo out, and shot something (cortisone maybe?) in it. He said if it came back I could have surgery to remove it, but luckily it didn't come back.
I accidentally hit mine and busted it. Of course I did see the stars. It happened once before and it filled up again. This time it has not filled up. It has actually shrunk almost flat/even with my finger but I can still see the area/circle where it was and it hurts like crazy every time I hit it on something/touch something. It's in a bad spot - middle finger/right hand/a little below the nail. Just hoping it won't bee too bad/painful.

Thank you.
Have had surgery three times, once was two fingers. At least once there was also a bone spur to grind down.

It's not too bad, the worst is if it's your dominant hand, just not being able to use it for a bit. I was out of work about 2-1/2 to 3 weeks, but my job requires intensive use of my hands, so you may be able to go back sooner. If you have any specific questions I'm happy to try to answer them!
It is my dominant hand and I use my hands at work - a lot. It's all I do. I managed last week with a bad wrist.........I am hoping not to be out more than two weeks and hopefully no therapy either. I also hope it's not too painful after surgery. I am not one who likes to take pills and would rather put up with the pain (up to a certain point of course). Hopefully it's not as painful as when I hear bunion surgery. Just got my call for pre-op. Surgery is not until first week of Feb. Was not expecting a pre-op date just yet.

Thank you..
I didn't need therapy, so that was good. It is painful for a few days, but I'm also one who can't take pain meds. They just make me too nauseous. So I do the alternating Tylenol/Advil thing (you may want to ask about that if you don't want pain meds). It takes the edge off enough to make it tolerable. I'll take the pain over the nausea any day! The hardest part is getting comfortable to sleep. Just be sure to keep it elevated as much as you can to keep the swelling to a minimum. After the first two or three days it's not bad, just a pain keeping it dry in the shower!

I have a strong feeling I'll be doing this again at some point ;-) Best of luck to you -- I'd love to hear how it goes!
One last question for now - were you sedated (light) and also given a local? This is what my dr. is doing. I probably would have been fine with just local. I have had a lipoma on back removed with just local. I have been given in the past Tylenol with Codeine. I did fill the prescription "just in case" but I never took them.
Will definitely look up this thread and tell you how it went.
I hope you do not need anymore and I hope I also do not get any in any other fingers :(

Thank you again.
The first one was a local (can't remember if I had light sedation, but I actually watched the procedure). The second and third I had general anesthesia. I'm not sure why the difference, except a different practice did my first as opposed to the next two. And my third surgery was two fingers, so that may have made a difference. I'm always fine with general, so I didn't ask if we could just do local ;-)
Okay, now I am debating the surgery. The cyst/lump itself on fingers is almost gone. You see it some when I bend the finger. But it also doe not hurt when I accidentally hit something. I am purposely hitting/tapping the finger (not too hard) and there is no pain/screaming ouch.............every time I have pain, shoulder, knee, wrist, I wait forever to make an appointment. Each time, I have been lucky, just before making appointment, it mysteriously goes away. This time, I had it for months - bad spot, finally make appointment, x-ray, schedule pre-op and surgery and now it's not bad at all. Had it been like this, two months ago, I would never have even called the dr.

Even though I can cancel up to the day before pre-op, I really want to decide by Tuesday or Thursday (when the doctor is in the office). I can ask the office how the x-ray was too. Decisions, decisions....
Well, I avoid surgery at all costs.

As I said upthread, I have one on my index finger. It has never burst like yours, but it's no longer painful or as noticeable as when I first got it. To me, mine is really more cosmetic at this point. I was not interested at age 50 in anesthia and a round of antibiotics. But if I was in pain with it, I probably would have done it.
Well, I avoid surgery at all costs.

As I said upthread, I have one on my index finger. It has never burst like yours, but it's no longer painful or as noticeable as when I first got it. To me, mine is really more cosmetic at this point. I was not interested at age 50 in anesthia and a round of antibiotics. But if I was in pain with it, I probably would have done it.

I hear you..........not a fan either. If not necessary, don't touch it!
I agree, I'd only do the surgery if it's really necessary. I've had a couple that have sort of resolved on their own, at least gotten small enough that they weren't causing any pain or problems. I have one now that I'm keeping an eye on, and I won't have surgery unless I absolutely have to. Good luck!
Okay, I went ahead and just cancelled. Like I said, I barely see anything and does not hurt nothing like it did before. I asked the office how the X-ray looked and she said, nothing unusual/out of the ordinary. ???? So what would they have done???????

Thank you so much everyone!!!! and let's hope we don't get any more flare ups!!!
I had two. One on a toe which I squeezed until is disappeared. One on my thumb, back of joint.. I used a sonic massage instrument on it a few times and it went away. Maybe a coincidence because I had left it for 5 months.


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