Moms of Liberty - Hypocrisy at its worst

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Well there's another big "Families Values" gun-tootin' Gal...from Colorado, who is BIG on keeping this "filth" out of schools....letting parents deal with "sex ed" at home.
Hmmm ... didn't her 17 year old son just become a father in June with his 15 year old girlfriend? That's exactly what happens when sex ed is taught at home or learned on the "street".
First of all, there are allegations that some of it isn't between consenting adults. Not her part mind you. But let's see where that goes. In any case, she is allegedly involved in a relationship she's advocating against. She got caught being a complete hypocrite. She's getting her just deserts. Shame away I say. And this is the same group that claimed they only wanted to empower parents. That worked for a time. Who wouldn't want to empower parents right? They didn't that's who. In fact they wanted to disempower parents by banning books and allowing discrimination against those that weren't like them. I guess she was fine with the discrimination and the power advocating it brought her all the while she was not subject to the hatred because she was able to hide it. And this isn't Mom's for liberty's first go around with shadiness either. A chapter got caught quoting Hitler, multiple times. Ties to the proud boys. Ties to white nationalists. Ties to anti Semitic literature and groups. The truth is coming out.

Ironic that Moms for Liberty are accusing others of smear campaigns when in fact that's what Mom's for Liberty does. To start with they call those that disagree with them groomers. They succeeded for a time, wrapping up the usual turd of bigotry and hate in a nice box with beautiful wrapping paper and a nice bow and wrote Mom's for Liberty family values on the package. America initially accepted it. And they made some gains. But as it turns out, America smelled a weird smell coming from the package, has now opened it, and now we all know it's a turd. The vast majority of parents want well run schools with a safe, loving and inviting learning environment in their schools, where their kids of all types can learn and broaden their horizons, not some cultural injustice warrior's censorship, rancor, deliberate disturbance of the peace at meetings and on school grounds, and fear mongering for political theater.

Things will be fine for all kids if the state’s involvement in intimate sexual details and education is limited. It’s going to be ok.
Conflating adult consensual behavior with positions on what the state can teach in schools.

Or are you saying we should be teaching kids how to do what she did in a theater?

I'm not sure.....maybe we should ask her? Although...she's probably busy working on her Christmas Card....with her children all holding AR-15s....more family values to be proud of.
Hmmm ... didn't her 17 year old son just become a father in June with his 15 year old girlfriend? That's exactly what happens when sex ed is taught at home or learned on the "street".

Yup. But those things do happen, whether the sex ed is taught at home or in the school system. Unless you're a Duggar and things go super sideways. Or even the Plath family where the adult children speak openly about receiving *zero* sex education....none....zilch.

It shouldn't be seen as such a shameful thing and the girl/young woman who is carrying the child should have the ultimate say about how to move forward. But we know that's not what happens in families like that.
Well there's another big "Families Values" gun-tootin' Gal...from Colorado, who is BIG on keeping this "filth" out of schools....letting parents deal with "sex ed" at home. And then she and her date hit the theater in Boulder, Colorado and well, put on a show of their own. Seems hypocritical based on the "show" she and her date put on for anyone around them to see.
It was actually in downtown Denver, but same point! I was there only a couple days prior for a memorial and it was odd seeing them twirl in the same place I had stood for such a somber event.

I always love whenever this type of scandal happens, they say "Do you know who I AM!?!?" lol.... I think it would be in your best interest for people to NOT know who you are in these types of situations.
Just so everyone knows, there’s a member here who will be reporting every post here to the moderators. Because that’s what they do when things do go their way. I know who it is.
Bridget Ziegler has made it her focus to ban teachers from speaking about LBGTQ issues in schools and to remove LBGTQ books from Florida schools. I find it ironic that she has been in relationship with a woman while actively dismantling support for LBGTQ students in her county and state. Rules for thee, but not for me.
This is the Way….
Just so everyone knows, there’s a member here who will be reporting every post here to the moderators. Because that’s what they do when things do go their way. I know who it is.
That is kind of unfortunate, isn't it? Maybe they should become a moderator or direct their energy into something constructive.
Just so everyone knows, there’s a member here who will be reporting every post here to the moderators. Because that’s what they do when things do go their way. I know who it is.
A Ziegler fan? How quaint. Lol.
Because generations of kids never learned about sex "on the streets" because parents didn't want to have to do it. We had sex education in 7th and 8th grades, part of PE. Not one parent complained about it then.
Learned it starting in 3rd here. At a Catholic school. No complaints. 🤷‍♀️
Yup. But those things do happen, whether the sex ed is taught at home or in the school system. Unless you're a Duggar and things go super sideways. Or even the Plath family where the adult children speak openly about receiving *zero* sex education....none....zilch.

It shouldn't be seen as such a shameful thing and the girl/young woman who is carrying the child should have the ultimate say about how to move forward. But we know that's not what happens in families like that.
While it can happen, teen pregnancy sees significantly higher rates in certain states. Not hard to connect the dots on what these states have in common...

Poor education system?

How’s that “parental teaching“ going there?
Sure, but poverty often leads to poor education systems, which lead to more poverty. Schools get a lot of their funding from property taxes, so poor areas tend to have poor schools. It's a hard cycle to break.

You can see a few typically Republican states on that map that don't do too badly (UT, ID) and at least one typically Democratic state (NM) that doesn't do very well. It's not all about the extremist religious parents and "parents' rights" and all that, though those things don't help.
Sure, but poverty often leads to poor education systems, which lead to more poverty. Schools get a lot of their funding from property taxes, so poor areas tend to have poor schools. It's a hard cycle to break.

You can see a few typically Republican states on that map that don't do too badly (UT, ID) and at least one typically Democratic state (NM) that doesn't do very well. It's not all about the extremist religious parents and "parents' rights" and all that, though those things don't help.
Of course quality education is tied to financially strong systems. But UT and ID have about 19 residents. (Exaggerating, of course.) My point was that the almighty “parental control” of what a kid is ”allowed” to learn doesn’t seem to be working in those particular poor education states. Teen pregnancy is more of a way of life there than in the lower rate states, so the parents aren’t really doing a great job of educating them on their own, and the kids can’t rely on their poor school systems to teach them either.
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