Mexican Riviera Cruise with WONDERful Souvenir in the Works! 6/7 PTR Link!

I just got a call from my mom saying that my baby cousin (10 months) got shot in the leg in a drive-by shooting last night and they are transporting her as we speak. My cousin was visiting her sister late last night and a car happened to drive by her sisters house and shoot 7 rounds into the house, hitting the baby and hitting a friend in the house. Both of my older cousins (the sisters) are safe and the friend will be fine, but the baby needs a lot of prayers right now.

Oh no!!! Praying for the baby!!!
Thanks everyone!

The baby is fine. Luckily the bullet went through the leg in a clean shot so she'll be okay in the long run. She was a preemie so she's very small for her age so I couldn't imagine if the bullet had been any higher, how much worse the damage could have potentially been.

Apparently, this was out of retaliation, from what my older cousin (the house this happened at) had said. Her baby's daddy shot and killed an 18 year old rivalry gang member a few months back and the rival gang was probably trying to get at her and her baby, not her younger sister and her baby. This whole thing is just plain STUPID! They've all made such stupid decisions in their life and this is what happens.

CPS was called to the hospital so that's pending as of now. I don't know what else is happening besides that. I'm just thankful that the baby will be okay.

Alison - yep this was in good ol' Tulare.

So again thanks everyone for your prayers!
Hi Lesha,

Sad to see your cruise TR come to an end.. but the countdown is now on for your baby and first DVC trip to Disney World! :wizard:

Thinking of you and your cousins :hug:

Emma princess: x
Glad to hear your baby cousin is going to be ok! Sounds like they still need prayers. Sending them your/their way! :hug:
Oh my goodness!!! I'm glad everything is going to be ok. What craziness!
So crazy about your cousin! I hope everything works out.

It's sad to see your trip report come to an end, but I can't wait to read about your adventures in WDW with a baby!

As far as carrying luggage off the ship, we've done it twice. If you do it that way you don't have to wait for a color/ character group, you are the first ones let off the ship after it has been cleared. It can be helpful if you have an early flight or if you just want to get off earlier, but I definitely don't recommend it to anyone who cannot carry their own luggage up and down the stairs, because the elevators are usually too packed to get in with your stuff. I also would advise to avoid it if you can't manage your luggage without hindering someone else. When we were disembarking the Wonder last week, there was a small boy responsible for pulling his own suitcase, which was almost as big as him. He couldn't manage it, it kept falling over and at one point a man tripped on it and nearly fell flat on his face. At that point I righted it for him and he went on his way. The whole time the mother was yelling at him and her other kids as if they were doing something wrong when in reality they were just trying to manage their way too big bags. :mad:

Are you planning to do a PTR so we can keep up on the baby and planning?
I am so glad to hear that your baby cousin is ok!!

I loved reading your cruise report, we are in double digits until the honeymoon cruise, I can't wait :cool1:

I LOVED the baby gender announcement video, I love the way you did it as a surprise with the cake, it was SO sweet!!!
I am so glad to hear that your baby cousin is ok!!

I loved reading your cruise report, we are in double digits until the honeymoon cruise, I can't wait :cool1:

I LOVED the baby gender announcement video, I love the way you did it as a surprise with the cake, it was SO sweet!!!

Wow! I can't believe your wedding is in 3 months! Time is flying! :banana:
Hi!!! I haven't been on the DIS since late April and I miss you! I was so busy at work and the school year ended last week, plus very busy at home. I can't believe you are just about 7 months pregnant already!! Congrats on a boy, they are truly wonderful and love their mommies! :goodvibes

So sorry to hear about your baby cousin too, hope everyone is doing all right. We're getting ready to leave for our road trip in 16 days, and checking in at BWV in 20 days! I can't believe it's here already. :banana:

I have to check out your PTR!
Hi!!! I haven't been on the DIS since late April and I miss you! I was so busy at work and the school year ended last week, plus very busy at home. I can't believe you are just about 7 months pregnant already!! Congrats on a boy, they are truly wonderful and love their mommies! :goodvibes

So sorry to hear about your baby cousin too, hope everyone is doing all right. We're getting ready to leave for our road trip in 16 days, and checking in at BWV in 20 days! I can't believe it's here already. :banana:

I have to check out your PTR!

Bonnie! :goodvibes:wave2: My goodness, I was just thinking about you the other day, hoping things were going good.

Your trip is in 2 weeks?! :banana: Time FLEW! I remember when you had just made ADR's and in no time you'll be sitting down to you ADR's!

Yep, I can't believe I already made it to my third trimester, and boy, am I feeling it. My back is absolutely killing me. My doc recommended a great chiropractor that works on pregnant women, and I really didn't want to go have to see him, but yesterday, I took a turn for the worse and made an appt for Thursday. Hopefully this will bring me some relief:sad1: Other than my back, everything is going along really well!


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