Makin' Memories... A PTR for a 2022 Thanksgiving Trip. (hopefully)

Finally caught up. I am sorry you are "postponing" (not canceling) your trip, but you have to do what you feel comfortable with. Our Babymoon over New Year's got cancelled, indirectly because of Covid. Our flight to Florida on Thursday night was cancelled. Hubby had to work Thursday day, so we could not do a day time flight, and the only other flight we could get was 8:50 PM on NYE. I looked at Andrew and said "honestly, what is the point? Let's just cancel." We were a bit bummed, we never got a babymoon with our first due to Covid, and were looking forward to some "us" time before baby #2 arrives. I am not comfortable traveling more than an hour from my hospital now as I am 30 weeks, so we are staying put. We said we would rather be stuck HERE than stuck in Florida as with my job I HAD to be at work today.
p. I am sorry you are "postponing" (not canceling) your trip, but you have to do what you feel comfortable with. Our Babymoon over New Year's got cancelled, indirectly because of Covid. Our flight to Florida on Thursday night was cancelled. Hubby had to work Thursday day, so we could not do a day time flight, and the only other flight we could get was 8:50 PM on NYE. I looked at Andrew and said "honestly, what is the point? Let's just cancel." We were a bit bummed, we never got a babymoon with our first due to Covid, and were looking forward to some "us" time before baby #2 arrives. I am not comfortable traveling more than an hour from my hospital now as I am 30 weeks, so we are staying put. We said we would rather be stuck HERE than stuck in Florida as with my job I HAD to be at work today.
Bummer on your trip! The news of the flight cancellation didn't help either. I would love to have a flight cancelled for snow not covid reasons...
So, first steps have been taken...

We decided on new dates for April.

We are now flying out Saturday before Easter @ 2:10 PM. We should arrive 4:10 PM. So, it will be a straight travel day.

And then we fly home Wednesday the 27th @ 7:50 AM. It will be a full week and change! It's only 1 extra full day but the flights should leave us less exhausted.

I modified our flights, and saved us $200 by flying can on a Wednesday.

I also modified out hotel reservations...

We are going to stick with 2 hotels, Coronado to Start and Yacht Club to finish up with.

Coronodo for (5) nights in the Tower and switch to Yacht Club for the next (6) nights!

Now the painful part.... Cancelling the Feb reservations....
Boooo for cancelling February, but April sounds great!! Did you already buy tickets or was it a package? If you don't have tickets yet, it sounds an awfully lot like you should do APs for April, Nov/Dec, and your beloved February, just 2023. ::yes::
Boooo for cancelling February, but April sounds great!! Did you already buy tickets or was it a package? If you don't have tickets yet, it sounds an awfully lot like you should do APs for April, Nov/Dec, and your beloved February, just 2023
Don't get me wrong, the idea has crossed my mind but if we go in Nov/Dec, then Feb will be out. Morgan will be in high school next year, and that Thanksgiving week, she will miss 2 full days and 2 half days, which is better than 5 full days. But I think that will be the limit for missing days for her. Plus Andy and I were talking about trying to schedule Hawaii for June/July of 2023... Which would include a couple days of Disneyland... we will see.
Morning Everyone!!!

102 Days!!!!

That is the new countdown! I have so many emotions... Part of me feels slightly relieved to have some extra time to plan. And to not have to worry about anyone getting Covid at the moment. We can just be. But I am also sad that we aren't going so soon. ;)

My brain is also swirling!!! So many things to figure out again!!! I have a month to figure things out before my new dinning reservation day. I have to cancel the Universal portion of the April trip. I need to do that today. We will have to venture to the dark side another trip!

When I started my new spread sheet, I realized that we will be at Coronado Wednesday, which assuming if Disney sticks with the Extended Evening Hours for Magic Kingdom, We would miss them by 1 day. Which is a slight bummer. I am trying to modify the Yacht Club reservation by a day but right now, it's not showing availability to add that 1 day. But I will keep trying here and there and see what I can get.

I am already also thinking of modifying our flight down. Right now it's 2:10 PM. I have visions of us sitting around in the morning just staring at each other, wondering why we didn't take an earlier flight!

And then, I want to grab some sort of reservation for a Nov/Dec trip. I looked briefly yesterday at options. I would LOVE to stay at Wilderness Lodge, it would be a perfect feel for the trip, but man alive Wilderness Lodge is $$$$ now!!!! So, I might book Caribbean Beach instead. We love Caribbean Beach, it's just not super Christmas-y. I mostly just want to get something booked, so it feels real. Is that weird?
So sorry to hear about the Feb. trip! I know that must have been a hard call to make, but I completely understand. To be honest, when we went back home last summer, I had several panic attacks about potentially testing positive and being unable to get back to the U.K. It's a lot of stress and does dig into your trip, distracting you from the fun. So if you think you'll be worried before your trip, might as well wait until you're more confident. No point spending all that money to not fully enjoy the Disney magic.
And a holiday trip! Such a special time to go.
So sorry to hear about the Feb. trip! I know that must have been a hard call to make, but I completely understand. To be honest, when we went back home last summer, I had several panic attacks about potentially testing positive and being unable to get back to the U.K. It's a lot of stress and does dig into your trip, distracting you from the fun. So if you think you'll be worried before your trip, might as well wait until you're more confident. No point spending all that money to not fully enjoy the Disney magic.
This literally is Andy's thinking. He really wants to enjoy the trip. I am just ready for this to be over!!! How are we STILL talking about these things!!!!
This literally is Andy's thinking. He really wants to enjoy the trip. I am just ready for this to be over!!! How are we STILL talking about these things!!!!

At this point, it's just exhausting.
Here in the U.K. they are now making everyone isolate and test before Day 2 upon entering the country again, and I'm not sure what it'll look like for mine or my parent's trip this summer. I think everyone has major covid fatigue now.
At this point, it's just exhausting.
Here in the U.K. they are now making everyone isolate and test before Day 2 upon entering the country again, and I'm not sure what it'll look like for mine or my parent's trip this summer. I think everyone has major covid fatigue now.
I really really hope by this summer we are headed in the right direction again. I mean I am hoping by April we are already working towards that! But I do think part of this surge is just everyone is so so so tired of the worry.

I hope things are less stressful for your trip! And you guys can enjoy it!
I'm so sad you had to cancel your trip :( We just finally got home from WDW. Southwest canceled our flights on Saturday, rebooked us to Monday, and then canceled those flights, too, forcing us to rent a car and drive 1170 miles home. NOT the way we planned to end the trip for sure!!

It was SUPER crowded, and while Disney is doing a good job reminding people to wear their masks properly, they are still "fill in all available space" and squishing people into crowded spaces, ahem, Haunted Mansion. We wore our masks everywhere, inside and outside, wherever there were people too close for our comfort. It will hopefully be less stressful for you a few months down the road!
I'm so sad you had to cancel your trip :( We just finally got home from WDW. Southwest canceled our flights on Saturday, rebooked us to Monday, and then canceled those flights, too, forcing us to rent a car and drive 1170 miles home. NOT the way we planned to end the trip for sure!!
Honestly, seeing your troubles getting home kind of swayed me into feeling ok pushing our trip back a bit.

It was SUPER crowded, and while Disney is doing a good job reminding people to wear their masks properly, they are still "fill in all available space" and squishing people into crowded spaces, ahem, Haunted Mansion. We wore our masks everywhere, inside and outside, wherever there were people too close for our comfort. It will hopefully be less stressful for you a few months down the road!
It's hard to believe they are still doing the whole fill in all available space. That should be words they never say again. But I fear that won't change unless they have a huge outbreak that they would prove came from a crowded line or area. which would be impossible!

I do hope that a month or 2 and things will settle down again... hopefully... I feel like it's a guessing game as to the best time to go now!
100 Days!

I am chipping away at things I need to do for this "new" trip.

I cancelled our resevation at the Hard Rock. And just called and cancelled our ticket to Universal. Thank Goodness they let me cancel them! I didn't realize that Universal tickets are technically non-refundable! I was firm but REALLY nice to the lady on the phone. She tried to get me to pick a new date. Which IF we had to, I would have gone with a date in Nov. But I didn't want to do that. Tickets being non-refundable as a standard doesn't give me the warm and fuzzies, either.... just makes me more meh on universal....

I keep checking to see if I can tack one more day onto the Yacht Club side of the reservation. But the "discount" that Disney released is making that harder! I checked yesterday to see if I could get anything good for either parts of the trip but no such luck. Not suprising, though. I might have to just accept that we are going to miss out on MK Evening hours... we will see.

I also changed our flight down from 2:10 PM to the 9:25 AM flight. I really think we would have been starving at each other waiting for time to go to the airport with the 2:10 flight. This will get us down there by noon-ish. We can either eat at 3 Bridges and swim or head to Disney Springs that day. It will be a nice way to kick off the trip!

Now, I have to really look at park reservations and new dinning options!
100 Days!

I am chipping away at things I need to do for this "new" trip.

I cancelled our resevation at the Hard Rock. And just called and cancelled our ticket to Universal. Thank Goodness they let me cancel them! I didn't realize that Universal tickets are technically non-refundable! I was firm but REALLY nice to the lady on the phone. She tried to get me to pick a new date. Which IF we had to, I would have gone with a date in Nov. But I didn't want to do that. Tickets being non-refundable as a standard doesn't give me the warm and fuzzies, either.... just makes me more meh on universal....

I keep checking to see if I can tack one more day onto the Yacht Club side of the reservation. But the "discount" that Disney released is making that harder! I checked yesterday to see if I could get anything good for either parts of the trip but no such luck. Not suprising, though. I might have to just accept that we are going to miss out on MK Evening hours... we will see.

I also changed our flight down from 2:10 PM to the 9:25 AM flight. I really think we would have been starving at each other waiting for time to go to the airport with the 2:10 flight. This will get us down there by noon-ish. We can either eat at 3 Bridges and swim or head to Disney Springs that day. It will be a nice way to kick off the trip!

Now, I have to really look at park reservations and new dinning options!
100 days out doesn’t seem long at all!! I like the idea of the earlier flight. Are your girls off school the whole week after Easter? We only get the Thursday and Friday before and the Monday after here in Central PA. And most years we only ended up with Friday off due to snow days. But now that remote learning is a thing, we get 5 flexible instruction days for snow/bad weather and then any additional days added to the end of the school year. I don’t know about you but I’m over the cold already. I think the mild fall really messed me up this year!
Your new plans sound great! I totally understand about wanting to book something for the Nov/Dec trip too!!
Thanks! I oddly can't seem to focus on deciding where we should stay for Nov/Dec. I think mostly because where I want to stay is just too $$$$

100 days out doesn’t seem long at all!!
Right! Seeing 99 days tomorrow will feel good.

Are your girls off school the whole week after Easter? We only get the Thursday and Friday before and the Monday after here in Central PA
So, the girls get a half day Thursday, off Good Friday and then the whole week after Easter. it's a fairly long spring break! And sometimes if Passover falls the week before, they would get Tuesday off as well. So, it was practically a 2 week break!

So, it is nice, they will miss 3 days of school for a nice long trip!

Where in Central PA are you? Do you get the first day of hunting season off? My mom grew up in a small town called Roaring Spring and I remember my cousin amazed that we didn't get the 1st day of hunting season off. I had to explain that for the most part we don't hunt in New Jersey.... ever...

I don’t know about you but I’m over the cold already. I think the mild fall really messed me up this year!
Yeah... Feb will be rough for me. It's why we like to go to Florida then. Break up the cold! We are to get 3 -6 inches of snow tonight. I don't mind it but Andy hates the snow.
We are going to stick with 2 hotels, Coronado to Start and Yacht Club to finish up with.

Coronodo for (5) nights in the Tower and switch to Yacht Club for the next (6) nights!

Now the painful part.... Cancelling the Feb reservations....
Gran Destino and Yacht Club are great choices! And 11 nights.....amazing!!
102 Days!!!!

That is the new countdown! I have so many emotions... Part of me feels slightly relieved to have some extra time to plan. And to not have to worry about anyone getting Covid at the moment. We can just be. But I am also sad that we aren't going so soon. ;)
It is bittersweet for sure. I think you made the right decision though.
And then, I want to grab some sort of reservation for a Nov/Dec trip. I looked briefly yesterday at options. I would LOVE to stay at Wilderness Lodge, it would be a perfect feel for the trip, but man alive Wilderness Lodge is $$$$ now!!!! So, I might book Caribbean Beach instead. We love Caribbean Beach, it's just not super Christmas-y. I mostly just want to get something booked, so it feels real. Is that weird?
Not at all! I will be doing the same thing on Sunday when my 11 month booking window opens for DVC.
'm so sad you had to cancel your trip :( We just finally got home from WDW. Southwest canceled our flights on Saturday, rebooked us to Monday, and then canceled those flights, too, forcing us to rent a car and drive 1170 miles home. NOT the way we planned to end the trip for sure!!
Oh my goodness! That is SO stressful!!
It was SUPER crowded, and while Disney is doing a good job reminding people to wear their masks properly, they are still "fill in all available space" and squishing people into crowded spaces, ahem, Haunted Mansion. We wore our masks everywhere, inside and outside, wherever there were people too close for our comfort. It will hopefully be less stressful for you a few months down the road!
We did the same this summer, well my 21 year old would not mask outside but I did. I was taking no chances testing positive and not being able to fly back to Canada.
I also changed our flight down from 2:10 PM to the 9:25 AM flight. I really think we would have been starving at each other waiting for time to go to the airport with the 2:10 flight. This will get us down there by noon-ish. We can either eat at 3 Bridges and swim or head to Disney Springs that day. It will be a nice way to kick off the trip!
Sounds absolutely perfect! Three Bridges is excellent, you can't go wrong there!
I'm glad they let you cancel your tickets for Universal. These days with everything uncertain as it is everywhere, it just isn't fair for things to be non-refundable with no flexibility!


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