Make a Wish (and other organizations) ~ Wish Trippers UNITE! Volume FOUR!

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Hey everyone..

Just popping in here quickly to:

1) Welcome all the newcomers! :wave2:
2) Wish everyone leaving soon wonderful, magical trips! pixiedust:pixiedust:
3) Let you know I haven't fallen off the planet. ;)

I think I've come down with a touch of PDD. (post Disney depression) I think it set in once I was done writing our TR.:confused3 I have also been super busy the last few days as well. I hope everyone is doing well, and I'll talk to you soon.


Hi Tim! :wave2: I even have a little PDD since your TR has ended. It was an AMAZING journey you weaved for us to read and I am looking forward to your next TR on your latest adventure. Life does have a way of stopping us from DIS'ing as much as we want, doesn't it?!? I just wanted to let you know we appreciate all of the wonderful info you share always and for being there for so many. :flower3:
The magical lighting is on late, creating a beautiful settings for evening strolls. Even though the pool and such are open until 9, most parents conk out early as well. The theme parks are very physically demanding. My favorite attraction as the village was the whirlpool bath in our villa for my poor sore feet. They worked magic.

It has been a while since I have read any Crocs promotion here so I will put in my pitch. I was sold on getting Crocs for our trip from what I read on the boards (even though I had thought they were kind of dorky). They were so easy on our feet at Disney that I now wear a pair for walking all summer.

As much as I love my crocs, I have switched to Teva Mush and will never go back!!! Last year I read about them on here, ordered some and now they are all I wear all summer long. Never hurt a second in any park!!
I am back!!!!!

I had the most AMAZING weekend at a retreat and got back late Sunday evening - but work was ::jester:: yesterday and I had no time to DIS. :rolleyes1

I am going to get caught up on this thread and try to catch any pretrippies and trippies that have started since I was away! It seems like I have not been here in a month and it has only been a few days. :faint:
I am back!!!!!

I had the most AMAZING weekend at a retreat and got back late Sunday evening - but work was ::jester:: yesterday and I had no time to DIS. :rolleyes1

I am going to get caught up on this thread and try to catch any pretrippies and trippies that have started since I was away! It seems like I have not been here in a month and it has only been a few days. :faint:

Welcome back!! Time away does wonders for oneself!! :cloud9:
I haven't been on in a few days, so I missed your birthday Maroo. Better late then never though. ;)

Thank you so much! After this weekend, I feel like my birthday was a week long celebration. :goodvibes I don't usually "do" much for my birthday, so that was extra special!

Maroo's advice is great...!

You are so sweet! Sorry I have been gone so much lately!

Judy, these are amazing!

Maroo, perhaps you can add this to your FAQ page for other wish families to see?

Yes! I have opened it up so that I can link it! I never did find my pictures of it. :upsidedow

We were told by a Disney CM that they are even starting to sell the GKTW buttons on 192, so some cast members may ask to see your button + GAC and or the photopass.

All the CM's were REALLY REALLY nice and went out of their way to make sure we saw all the characters we wanted to see. Several CM's lead us by the hand to see several in a row. One even went to Eeor's stable to get an autograph for us.

One visitor had a hissy fit when we broke line and a CM politely told him to "step off". My dad was near by and almost punched the guy. My dad went up to the CM a few minutes later and thanked him for stepping in and taking care of the situation.

Ok...I have NO patience for that junk. I am not sure what I would do if I saw that happen??

I do think that someone that would want to BUY a GKTW button may mess up when they actually get to the parks. I would assume that they would put the button on a child - and I know many of our kids don't "look" sick - but you can usually sort of tell when the family is on a wish trip with all of the buttons and such - JUST having a GKTW button is not going to do as much for them as they may think. And if they get caught........I bet Disney would kick them out of the park. The CM's get TICKED about junk like that. :furious:

If you are watching your diet, you just have to continue to eat moderately and make good choices... You can gain plenty of weight at DW even though you are walking.... one mile of continuous walking burns approx 100 calories + or - depending on your weight. so if you walk 5 miles it's approx 500 calories but you can eat an extra 500 cal in one or two snacks poorly chosen... and 1 meal can easily be 1000+ calories or more too!... The best best it to pick on or two special things or time you want to eat whatever and be careful the rest....

This is good advice and makes sense if you don't want to gain any weight while you are gone.

I am so happy it helped. :goodvibes We have had some amazing families give some WONDERFUL TR's, both in words and pictures and their stories all make me smile (and cry)...I would like to coax any past MAW families who haven't finished thier TR's to think about doing that...the moderators can unlock the TR to make that possible. I understand (not from experience; but, from reading) that returning from a Wish Trip can be VERY hard on some families and they can't finish at the time they get back. I say even if it has been a long while since your trip, if it is something you want to do...PLEASE do...You will have many greatful readers, I promise! :flower3:

Totally agree with this! :flower3:

I'm glad to hear that the CM stepped in to quell the scenario. I've been wondering about how other people would react when wish kids and their families skip ahead lines or rides or are given any kind of 'special' treatment. I think most people would be understanding and accepting of the situation, but there is always someone who needs to act like a child!

I can only imagine how annoyed your dad would have been! :)

Usually the CM asks the family waiting if they mind if a wish family goes before them. We did have one family say no - and I don't know why, but maybe they were late for an ADR or something? :laughing:

By FAR the most reactions you will get are families that may look at you with pity and think to themselves that they are so glad they are not on a wish trip. And a few people will be overjoyed for you guys and really enjoy seeing the characters interact with your family. I just LOVE to have wish families break in front of me in line because the characters are usually over the top with the families and it is fun and very heartwarming to watch!

Excellent Advice Brooke...:goodvibes :flower3:

As most of you know if you look at my Ticker, I have lost a substantial amount of weight, with a few more pounds to go. :faint: I PROMISE YOU, when we FINALLY get to go on this WISH TRIP, I am going to eat what I want and stop when I am full. This is a TRIP OF a LIFETIME and I am going to enjoy myself...and if the scales creep up a bit that week...I will tackle it the next! (Somebody remind me of that when I am complaining my clothes don't fit). :lmao::rotfl2:

Yes!! Please - don't worry AT ALL about food on this trip. You have done an amazing job losing the weight. I am sure that your body now craves food that is better for you and I think you will probably make more wise choices than you may think - and there should be plenty of wise choices to choose from in Disney.

But you are on your wish trip! Say YES and go for it here. You have the discipline to jump right back into the weight loss when you get back.

This past trip I lost quite a bit of weight. I ate pretty bad, too. But the walking isn't the only thing that burns the calories - the heat, drinking lots and lots of water, carrying luggage, carrying kids, transferring on and off rides...etc, etc...all the things you do in the parks and all the things you do as you go burn calories.

Have a blast on this trip! You deseve it!

I must say that of all the lines that we were ushered ahead, there was only one person who had a fit. Every other family was just fine with letting a Wish Family go ahead of them. Some even took pictures of us, and wished us to have a good trip.

This has been my or two people that seem ticked at the world and the vast majority are awesome!
As much as I love my crocs, I have switched to Teva Mush and will never go back!!! Last year I read about them on here, ordered some and now they are all I wear all summer long. Never hurt a second in any park!!
Christy, we love our Teva Mush as well...the support for my old feet is amazing! (Crocs hurt me...I have plantar fasciitis and achilles tendonitis from years of being a nurse on my feet, they need comfort). My FAVORITE tennis shoes are New Balance Toners, although they can be difficult to find. Most comfortable Tennis shoes I have EVER worn.

I can't believe you leave TOMORROW!!!!

I am back!!!!!
WELCOME BACK!!!! You were missed, as always!
I had the most AMAZING weekend at a retreat and got back late Sunday evening - but work was ::jester:: yesterday and I had no time to DIS. :rolleyes1
The weekend sounds like heaven!
I am going to get caught up on this thread and try to catch any pretrippies and trippies that have started since I was away! It seems like I have not been here in a month and it has only been a few days. :faint:
It was a busy board! :goodvibes
Has anyone ever shipped anything down to GKTW so it is there when they arrive? My MAW Chapter wanted me to purchase Evas pediasure at Walmart but she has the 1.5 calorie count with added fiber....Cant buy that!! Also it would take so much out of our expenses!!! I was thinking of sending it in a couple of flat rate boxes....:confused3

I would call the MAW chapter and make sure they know that you can't buy it at the Walmart down there - then they may have an alternate plan?

I think it's cheaper just putting them in a suitcase and bring them with you. The airline doesn't charge you to bring medical formula. We had 2 suitcases full of formula, Pedialyte, and prune juice plus all supplies that go with tube feeding.

And this will work, too! :)

I emailed GKTW a couple of days ago regarding sending medical stuff ahead either by ourselves or by our DME company, and here was their response:

[FONT=&quot]You can absolutely ship your supplies down to Give Kids The World ahead of time. Just give us a call and let us know what to expect and when. I suggest asking for someone in Support Services – they receive all medical. Be sure it is addressed to the Wish Child as well. Apria delivers to us daily, so now worries on that. Be certain your wish-granting organization is aware of your medical needs as they can assist you with this process. [FONT=&quot][/FONT][/FONT]


I got a call from our MAW volunteer, and there was a minor change in the dates.

Instead of 4/23 to 4/29, we are going down for 4/24 to 4/30.

HOWEVER, she offered us a late evening flight on the 23rd (which would bring us in around 12:30 am) so that we can spend all day on 4/24 there instead of flying in late night on 4/24!

This flight would be MUCH better for Hannah because she will likely sleep since it would be early evening for us, and we can all sleep in on the 24th (a mom can dream)! We probably will just stay at GKTW that day, relax, play, and explore there and get ready for Disney on the 25th! That gives us FIVE full days of WDW/Univ/SW fun before we have to leave :)(

That is FANTASTIC!!! An extra day!

I do think I would do a park that first day, though. You will have orientation at 9AM to get your tickets and then could head out. After a couple of days of parks, you will probably want a "down" day where you can enjoy GKTW and sleep in some.

We are scheduled for GKTW June 8-14. We are driving over from Louisiana and will probably arrive in Orlando late on the 7th, find a hotel then go over to GKTW early on the 8th for the early orientation. I'm aware that our room may not be ready and that's fine with us, we will just go hit a park or play around at GKTW until later in the day.

What is the closest hotel? Thanks!!

I would check to find a hotel that will be right for you.

On 192 there are a bunch of hotels...but depending on what you consider "nice" or "ok" you may find some hotels that I would not consider "nice" enough to sleep in.

I would check Trip Advisor and go with the hotels that have the best recommendations for the price you are looking for and hopefully you will have a good experience! :)

Glad to hear most people were encouraging and understanding! Especially since a person never knows the story behind another person or his or her's situation. I've always tried to behave that way and am trying to teach my children to do the same. Still had me wondering though--especially as B doesn't look overtly 'ill'--besides the shaved head (which some people either think is a personal choice or that she is a boy! LOL!! As if she could ever be!) and some scars, no one would be able to tell what trials she faced this year.

Love that response. I will definitely use it should anyone question the privilege! (But, from the response here--the questions are minimal. :). Thanks again!

I seems like the questioning looks from people are probably not an issue if you have a child that is obviously ill or disabled. If you have a child that looks typical then more people may just wonder what is going with the child or they may not realize that you are on a wish trip and wonder why you are "skipping" the line. :upsidedow

The rides are not really an issue because you usually use the fastpass line if you have the special GKTW GAC and button and they won't really know that you don't just have a regular fastpass.

The character lines are the main place where you might encounter someone that is confused as to why you broke in line.

On our trip two weeks ago, they pulled Lauren from the line and sent her the back way to meet Tinkerbell. We had waited in the regular line for Tink for a while and a CM just came and grabbed her and took her through the exit. The family that was next was fine to let Lauren go (and her friend Jessica also uses a wheelchair - manual one). So it is possible to have this happen and not even be a wish family. But I would think it is pretty rare.

I am new to the board and I do not fully understand the concept. However, I thought this forum would be a great resource so I am making an attempt.:) We received a call on Monday that my daughter was going to get a wish from Make a Wish. We were surprised as she was referred in October by her teacher and we did not hear anything else and then received the call on Monday that she is going to get a wish. She is to determine a wish. When I told her about it on Monday she ended up getting a migraine(she has an inoperable, unradiatable benign brain tumor) and went to bed. Tuesday she woke up stating "I want to go see Lilo and stitch at Lilo's house". She also state she wanted a few days on a cruise (no surprise, been asking for this for a couple years) and a few days at Disney world. Is this even possible?

Thanks for any information you provide.

Mom to 4
Adrianna (11), Caleb (10), DeAnna (8 - getting the wish) and Levi (3).

:welcome: to the DIS!!

The MAW wish granters will do a great job in helping her figure out what her true wish is.

As far as logistics...A Disney trip through GKTW is a once in a lifetime sort of thing that comes with more benefits that we don't usually address here on the DIS (you can go back for years to come to visit GKTW, for example). So...I would lean toward the Disney World wish...

But the Cruise is a lot more expensive to pay for out of it may not be possible for her to do a cruise.

A MAW Cruise is awesome - you get a button there, too and I am sure they treat you like royalty - but they don't have any different things to do on a MAW cruise than a regular cruise.

i am new to the site. my son E is 6 and has cp. we are going on a wish trip to WDW in may. i noticed most of the posts on here are from folks who are staying at GKTW. has anyone ever had a sunshine foundation trip or stayed in their dream village. just kind of wondering what to expect there. thanks so much!


I had NO idea that place even existed!!!!!

Please write a pre-trippie and TR for us so that we can see the place! How cool! I had no idea that there was another place where kids can stay!

thanks so much. i will. if i post a PRT will it wind up in this thread?

It will! :yay:
Morning all!

Now that we are just a few weeks away, my mind is going crazy with questions!

Looks like a lot of these have been answered...but I didn't read all the answers, so I am going to just answer them as I go... :)

1. Hannah sleeps in a regular bed with about 5 or 6 pillows around her (too big for a crib) and a bed rail. Can we request that at GKTW or should we let our MAW coordinator know?

Let them know you need a bed rail and they can certainly arrange that. And I am sure they have extra pillows!

2. I posted a question on the main DISabilities board regarding leaving diaper bags and bringing suction bags on rides if you can help me out (here it is).

No clue on this one! I hope someone over there had a clue!

3. We have a Nevada permanent disability hanging car placard. Can we use that in Florida?

Yes! Make sure you bring it...since that is used all the time and just left in the car, I bet it would be easy to forget.

4. We are going to request a letter/rx from our pediatrician listing all of Hannah's meds for the flight (since they are all liquid). Do I need to have her add that we need to have an ice pack as well since one of them are medicated and we have to put it in a little cooler?

I think if they say "refrigerated" that it will be fine. And I don't think you have to have a letter...but it will help, especially if you have things on there like juice and such that is not by prescription but is used as medical (prune juice and such).

5. I was reading up on collector pins vs scrapper pins on the board, and my mind is like "huh?" If I bought a lot of pins on ebay that are very likely "scrapper" pins, can the kids still trade them with CMs at WDW or do they have to be official pins? I don't care about the collectibility long-term, I just want the kids to enjoy the trading of pins.

They can totally trade them! The "real" pin traders know the difference and the CM's at the parks are trading for fun. They even trade some plastic ones that are obviously not "real" - Lauren got on just the other day from a CM that was plastic!

6. Has anyone else's brain gone into super planning overdrive with amazing enthusiastic excitement this far out before the trip? Is there a recovery program for after we return?

Well....I think I am still IN the recovery program....7000+ posts later......:rolleyes1

i have been reading PRT's and getting teary at almost every one. planning to update evan's this evening while watching dwts. i want to include his birth story and some of the plans we have so far.

i know that so far i have not met anyone who went to wdw as guests of the sunshine foundation, but are there any other moms/dads on here with kids who have quadriplegic cp? evan uses a wheelchair to get around, and has some limited functional use of his hands. my biggest concerns about our trips are transfers onto rides, and if we will be able to get a GAC if we are not staying at GKTW. my friend said all i needed to do was push him up to guest relations in his chair and it should not be a problem. does anyone know for sure if that is true?

I don't know of any other family that went as guests of the sunshine foundation!

You WILL be able to get a GAC regardless of your affiliation with any wish organization. Even if you go back for a trip later, you can get a GAC. The GAC will not be the one issued by GKTW (which has a special stamp), but you can get one issued by Guest Services in the first park you visit.

The only thing that may be different on your trip as opposed to the GKTW trip is that they don't usually allow non-GKTW families to break character lines.

Wishes granted by the Sunshine Foundation, from what I understand, are given to children with chronic (non-life threatening) illnesses and even abused children - which is different from the "life threatening" wish granted by a wish organization through GKTW. GKTW only allows families with the life threatening wishes and the life threatening nature of the condition is what basically gives these kids the option to skip the character lines.

But you guys will be able to get a GAC that should help you with the lines that you can get at the Guest Services at the park. If you have any paperwork from the wish granting organization, bring that and they *may* put the wish trip stamp on there - but there are no guarantees on that - I would imagine it would be CM discretion and that it would depend on what is written on any paperwork you may have.

Hi.............I'm a lurker here but did have a neighbors child do the trip thru the sunshine foundation and they stayed at GKTW and on their website GKTW is a sponser still.........where are you staying??

Sunshine Foundation DOES send kids to GKTW. I think the difference is that they stay at the Dream Village if the condition is not considered life threatening and stay at GKTW (or on Disney property through GKTW) if it is considered life threatening.

We have had a few wishes granted on here that were not through GKTW that were given to families with chronically ill children.

We just heard from MAW and we can have dates of May 5-11th:cool1:. Should we take them? Are we going to be dying of heat exhaustion(keeping in mind I hate the heat)?

I'm debating between that and early December since it will be cooler and DD will be closer to 2 and might have more fun.

Also how many days would you add on if you could? I'm thinking 2-3 but I'm wondering if we'll still feel like we need more.

I am so hoping you guys go for December! :thumbsup2

I sat down with my 8 year old daughter so she can think about her wish tells me her first wish "a few days on a Disney cruise and a few days in Disney and to meet Lilo and Stitch". So I talked to her about a 2nd wish. It was "a cruise with Lilo and Stitch". Thinking okay these are basically the same thing I asked what about a third with her response "Disney World with Lilo and Stitch". So I asked her what about time. Does she want the Disney Cruise so much that she is willing to wait for it until availability is there. Shockingly and very seriously she replied "I can't wait too long or I might be dead". I thought I was protecting her from knowing this. My daughter has an inoperable, unradiatable brain tumor. They are doing treatments that will buy her some time.

I am going to do my best to try to make her have an amazing trip. If she can only get her cruise without the Disney then we will pay to get extra days. We are also exploring ideas to finance a cruise if she cannot get that wish. I have heard that GKTW is such and amazing trip that maybe she should ask for that and we add on the cruise. Suggestions?

Mom to an amazing little girl who needs an amazing trip.

Awwww.... That is heartbreaking!

I hope she gets the wish she wants! Whatever she decides! :)

Hey everyone..

Just popping in here quickly to:

1) Welcome all the newcomers! :wave2:
2) Wish everyone leaving soon wonderful, magical trips! pixiedust:pixiedust:
3) Let you know I haven't fallen off the planet. ;)

I think I've come down with a touch of PDD. (post Disney depression) I think it set in once I was done writing our TR.:confused3 I have also been super busy the last few days as well. I hope everyone is doing well, and I'll talk to you soon.


I definitely had PDD again after I finished writing Lauren's is like you are reliving the trip as you write and when it is over the trip seems finally "over"... :( I gotta read the last of your TR! I have missed parts!! :blush:

It was a busy board! :goodvibes

It was! It has gotten busy lately! :surfweb: Which is a great thing!

This past weekend was completely amazing! Really as close to heaven as I am going to get in this world, I think. :angel:
oh dear...i feel really embarassed. it looks like i have not found exactly the right place to post about evan's trip..i did not realize that this thread was pretty specifically GKTW. but i really appreciate all you kind words and help. evan's condition is not life threatening. it is chronic, and difficult, but certainly not as tough as some of the things that folks on this thread are facing. i may try to start a sunshine foundation thread under disAbilities:) and for any of you who were reading our PRT and upcoming TR, i will keep posting there!:love:
oh dear...i feel really embarassed. it looks like i have not found exactly the right place to post about evan's trip..i did not realize that this thread was pretty specifically GKTW. but i really appreciate all you kind words and help. evan's condition is not life threatening. it is chronic, and difficult, but certainly not as tough as some of the things that folks on this thread are facing. i may try to start a sunshine foundation thread under disAbilities:) and for any of you who were reading our PRT and upcoming TR, i will keep posting there!:love:

PLEASE don't be embarrassed. I have to run, so this will be short but....FROM THE FIRST PAGE of this thread: This thread is devoted to families that are planning and going on Wish Trips! This thread is designed to be a place where you can ask questions about your wish trips, get some information about wish trips and gain general support from some Mom's and Dad's that really understand what life with a special needs child is like.
Chronic illness is HORRIBLE, I have that within our family as well...I for one, hope you stay and maybe other Sunshine Foundation members will come out from lurking. :flower3: Special needs are difficult and I am THRILLED there is something for your family to look forward to. :hug::grouphug::hug: Evan IS going on a Wish Trip!
PLEASE don't be embarrassed. FROM THE FIRST PAGE: This thread is devoted to families that are planning and going on Wish Trips! This thread is designed to be a place where you can ask questions about your wish trips, get some information about wish trips and gain general support from some Mom's and Dad's that really understand what life with a special needs child is like.
Chronic illness is HORRIBLE, I have that within our family as well...I for one, hope you stay and maybe other Sunshine Foundation members will come out from lurking. :flower3: Special needs are difficult and I am THRILLED there is something for your family to look forward to. :hugs:

I completely and totally agree. Nothing to be embarrassed about at all. I hope you stay.:love:

We asked DS if he would rather go on his trip sooner or wait until Christmas when it's cooler out and see the decorations and he chose to wait. So we talked to MAW yesterday and she said early December wouldn't be a problem.:yay: So early December it is! I'm so excited.:dance3: She said she will contact us in the middle of September to confirm and book our flights. Now hopefully whatever job DH gets will be cooperative.
oh dear...i feel really embarassed. it looks like i have not found exactly the right place to post about evan's trip..i did not realize that this thread was pretty specifically GKTW. but i really appreciate all you kind words and help. evan's condition is not life threatening. it is chronic, and difficult, but certainly not as tough as some of the things that folks on this thread are facing. i may try to start a sunshine foundation thread under disAbilities:) and for any of you who were reading our PRT and upcoming TR, i will keep posting there!:love:

Why would you feel embarrassed?! Each child here has earned their "ears" and the right to have a time to forget about the doctors therapists medications hospitals procedures and the basic stress of their daily life. I have gained more support here in the past week than I have had for the past several months...I am hoping that once our trip is complete I can pay it foward and bless someone else with what I have received here!! PLEASE DONT FEEL YOU NEED TO LEAVE!!!:hug:
Wondering how it works if you need to put off wish....Long story short how long is the consent good for...Eva's dad is causing a lot of problems (child support wise) and I am thinking that this may not be the time to go.....:sad2:

This one is a hard decision since my son knows...he is NOT going to understand. Eva still is in the dark...I think! How sad that this has to cloud a good thing for gets me so angry!!
Wondering how it works if you need to put off wish....Long story short how long is the consent good for...Eva's dad is causing a lot of problems (child support wise) and I am thinking that this may not be the time to go.....:sad2:

This one is a hard decision since my son knows...he is NOT going to understand. Eva still is in the dark...I think! How sad that this has to cloud a good thing for gets me so angry!!

We have had to put off Lisa's MAW trip since March 2010 due to health/medical needs. :eek: MAW has been wonderful. :goodvibes Lisa has a life threatening illness and that will not change no matter how long she lives. If Eva qualifies now, she will qualify when you are able to go. I am SO SORRY :hug::grouphug::hug: you have to deal with this! Praying things work out for the best. We have looked at our two delays as God making the perfect time for us to take this trip. :goodvibes Our wish granters are coming APRIL 30!!!!!
We have had to put off Lisa's MAW trip since March 2010 due to health/medical needs. :eek: MAW has been wonderful. :goodvibes Lisa has a life threatening illness and that will not change no matter how long she lives. If Eva qualifies now, she will qualify when you are able to go. I am SO SORRY :hug::grouphug::hug: you have to deal with this! Pryaing things work out for the best. We have looked at our two delays as God making the perfect time for us to take this trip. :goodvibes Our wish granters are coming APRIL 30!!!!!

Thanks...I so appreciate it...April 30 is when Eva is having her reveal party...
My mom is telling me to just keep moving forward and that he is just looking to spoil it (sour grapes) how sad is it that he would do this to Eva!! She also reminded me that the papers were signed already and that he cant possibly do anything to ruin it unless I let him! :headache: TRUE TRUE!!!
Why would you feel embarrassed?! Each child here has earned their "ears" and the right to have a time to forget about the doctors therapists medications hospitals procedures and the basic stress of their daily life. I have gained more support here in the past week than I have had for the past several months...I am hoping that once our trip is complete I can pay it foward and bless someone else with what I have received here!! PLEASE DONT FEEL YOU NEED TO LEAVE!!!:hug:

Ditto! Angie said what I was thinking perfectly :)
oh dear...i feel really embarassed. it looks like i have not found exactly the right place to post about evan's trip..i did not realize that this thread was pretty specifically GKTW. but i really appreciate all you kind words and help. evan's condition is not life threatening. it is chronic, and difficult, but certainly not as tough as some of the things that folks on this thread are facing. i may try to start a sunshine foundation thread under disAbilities:) and for any of you who were reading our PRT and upcoming TR, i will keep posting there!:love:

Please don't feel embarassed! You are just forging a path for Sunshine Foundation wish kids!

I think that the purpose of this thread is to offer support and information for all wish kids--MAW, Children's Wish Foundation, Starlight, Rainbow Society and others. I think you just happen to be the first one who's posted with a Sunshine Foundation wish kid.

Some info might not apply to your situation since you guys aren't staying at GKTW, but that's what's so great about your being here. You learn, we learn and in turn, future parents of Sunshine kids will learn too! We need your experience on this thread!!

Especially about staying at the Dream Village. I had never heard of it before and frankly, I'm sure future visitors might not have either, so when they do a google search for 'wish trip at Sunshine Foundation's Dream Village' and this wishtrippers thread comes up--your thread will be very important in helping other parents plan their children's trips. It will help others, I guarantee you!

I think I join the others in 'begging' :worship: you to stay!
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