Make a Wish (and other organizations) ~ Wish Trippers UNITE! Volume FOUR!

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I am leaving town at 3:30 today and won't be back until Sunday.

I am going on a retreat, which is going to be way out in the middle of nowhere and I am not sure I can much cell coverage at all, certainly not enough to use the internet - so I won't be on the DIS again until Monday.

I am going to clean out my PM box some so that you guys can PM me if you need wish trip links added and such and I will try to catch back up on Monday evening!

Have a great time Maroo!
I haven't been on in a few days, so I missed your birthday Maroo. Better late then never though. ;)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, I hope you had an AMAZING DAY!!!

I just got the call! It is official!

Hannah's wish was approved, and we are going to WDW and GKTW from 4/23 to 4/29!!! Let the planning begin!!!

:yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :love: :love:

You'll be leaving just as we get there. Have a GREAT time, and yay on getting your dates!!! :yay:

Just a question about how much trip planning the wish grantors take care of. If part of the wish is to meet a specific character, do the wish grantors take care of making reservations to ensure that part of the request is filled (in Brooke's case, meeting Ariel), or are the parents responsible for organizing dining reservations, BBB or Pirate's League reservations, etc.? I have no problem doing it all myself should we get the wish granted, but just curious.

Our Wish co-ordinator booked BBB for our daughter, as we knew that was something our daughter would go nuts over. Her Wish was to go to Disney to meet the Princesses, Mickey & Minnie. We knew she could/would (hopefully), meet all of them on our travels, so we thought the BBB would be a great thing (shes a little Princess at heart ;)). As for the meals, that is something you book yourself, which is easy to do - and you can make the reservations online, as well as cancell them if you need to.

:offtopic:about disney. Kaitlyn had her 9month old check up today..They want to send her to allergist/immunologist dr. Haves anybody took their kid to one? They want to allergy testing on her. Haves anybody kids had allergy testing? if yes, what do they do?Right now, we can't give her strawberries and she can't wear bandaid. Her dr. changed her formula again today. They think she has a milk allergy too. She had a VERY VERY bad reaction to bandaids. They think it could been the adhesive. Any info will help!!

Peaut sees an Immunologist, but for her its more related to her Immune system, as its very weak. And she is IGA deficient, which makes it harder for her to fight off infections. As for allergies, she did have testing done when she was around a year old. For her though, she was tested for specific things - milk and soy (as those were ones that were being questioned), and other highly allergenic things. She did have the pin pricks on her back, and she had to sit on my lap facing me, with her back to the nurse. It wasn't too bad, but the itching was really hard. She also had blood work done (which was also repeated by her Immunologist).

Anyone who sent Caden a card in the card shower- thank you. You helped make his life a little brighter. He passed this morning at 1:40 am. He fought hard and earned his wings. :littleangel:

So incredibly heartbreaking. :( My thoughts are with Caden's family. Fly high with the angels sweet, Caden.

Our chapter asked if we would a stroller and ordered us a double one, to be ready in our room when we arrive. You may want to check with them first.

Yep, ours did this too. They are arranging for a double stroller, IV pole and are sending up her formula too so we don't have to travel with it (which is good, as we need a decent amount and being liquid formula, its heavy).

Just heard the you can get $125 in Disney g/c ( 5/$25 gift cards) for $100 at Sam's Club!!!! Thought that I'd pass it on!

Wow, great deal. Thanks for sharing. :)
I am sure this has been asked but.....:confused3

1. Can you bring unopened Pediasure in the plane? I know there is that thing about liquids...What about liquid meds?

2. What is the weight limit per bag (50?)

3. What about extra bags? Does MAW incur the cost or should I be prepared to pay this?

I am trying to pack light but with the feed pump and g tube supplies and meds not to mention MY apnea machine...I am already off to a lot of stuff!!

I am planning on getting diapers and wipes at Walmart (luckily she still wears Pampers!) along with snacks and water.

TYIA!!!! ;)
I am sure this has been asked but.....:confused3

1. Can you bring unopened Pediasure in the plane? I know there is that thing about liquids...What about liquid meds?
I believe yes

2. What is the weight limit per bag (50?)
each airline is probably different, but I know Southwest is 50 pounds

3. What about extra bags? Does MAW incur the cost or should I be prepared to pay this?
Some airlines charge bag fees, if they do MAW will include the cost of that in your expense check. Southwest allows 2 bags per person and then charges for more than that.

I am trying to pack light but with the feed pump and g tube supplies and meds not to mention MY apnea machine...I am already off to a lot of stuff!!
You can pack a carry-on medical bag for free.

I am planning on getting diapers and wipes at Walmart (luckily she still wears Pampers!) along with snacks and water.
Make A Wish asked us if we needed diapers or pullups and will have them in the room for us.

TYIA!!!! ;)

silly requirements made me type here
Hey Brooke, I just wanted to thank you again for the countdown calendar! We have it on our fridge, and I am going out this afternoon to get stickers for it. The kids love it!

I'm glad that you like it. My kids are loving putting stickers on it...and can't wait... it has even helping me get them up for school! :)
I am sure this has been asked but.....:confused3

1. Can you bring unopened Pediasure in the plane? I know there is that thing about liquids...What about liquid meds?
yes.. we just got back from our MAW trip and my youngest has a feeding tube. You can have a suitcase with just all medical supplies that you can carry on plane and they won't charge you for it. . We actually had to have 2 suitcases full of medical supplies.We had a letter from Ped stating all formula, Pedialyte, and prune juice was a medical needed item. Just make sure you get to airport a little early. Delta had to swip all the Neocate Splash boxes and Pedialyte. My daughter also wore her feeding backpack on plane and they just swipped the backpack and she was good to go on plane.
2. What is the weight limit per bag (50?)
Check in bag was 50lbs on Delta
3. What about extra bags? Does MAW incur the cost or should I be prepared to pay this?
We had to pay for all checked in luggage. We just checked in our bathroom stuff and everyone carried on their on suitcases. Ended up they checked in our stuff anyways because of the flight being full and no room on airplane, so we didn't have to pay for those.
I am trying to pack light but with the feed pump and g tube supplies and meds not to mention MY apnea machine...I am already off to a lot of stuff!!
I know MAW says they put expense money for your luggage, but it would of cost us $470 round trip to check in our luggage and that would of took a huge chuck out of our expense money. we wouldn't of made it all week with food.
I am planning on getting diapers and wipes at Walmart (luckily she still wears Pampers!) along with snacks and water.

TYIA!!!! ;)

Getting the diapers and wipes at Walmart is a good idea. You can also call your HHC and see if they can send all your medical stuff to GKTW ahead of time. Our HHC couldn't do it, but I know alot of people did it this way. MAW can also rent you an Apnea machine so you don't have to drag the machine with you.
I am sure this has been asked but.....:confused3

1. Can you bring unopened Pediasure in the plane? I know there is that thing about liquids...What about liquid meds?
You can definitely bring liquid meds - but bring a little extra with you (for several reasons, since you never know when your plane will be delayed), but also because they may ask you to open one to test it? They made me do that at one point with medication. They have some thing that you put a drop of it on and they make sure it isn't something it shouldn't be.

2. What is the weight limit per bag (50?)
Usually 50 pounds per bag - but there is NO limit on the number of bags of medical supplies you can bring. If you have a bag (or 2 or 3) that have ONLY medical supplies - then that doesn't count. If you pack some clothes and some med supplies, then you may have issues - but if all the bag has in it is medical, then it doesn't count against your carry ons and they won't charge you if you check it. Just make sure they know so that in the confusion of checking in they don't accidently charge ya.

3. What about extra bags? Does MAW incur the cost or should I be prepared to pay this?
The chapter should include this in your expense check, unless they can confirm with the airline that you don't have to pay. It does not hurt to ask in advance if you can have a break on fees and doesn't hurt to ask when you check in either - some airlines/airports/nice people checking you in will waive the fees for you.

I am trying to pack light but with the feed pump and g tube supplies and meds not to mention MY apnea machine...I am already off to a lot of stuff!!
I would totally put this all in a few bags - just so it will be easy to carry - or maybe one really big suitcase that can roll - and have it be all medical - so that you don't have to pay for it. Or ship it. We shipped Rachel's medical supplies and it made it a lot easier on us to not have to worry about it on the trip down.

I am planning on getting diapers and wipes at Walmart (luckily she still wears Pampers!) along with snacks and water.

TYIA!!!! ;)

Diapers, wipes, etc are perfect for a walmart run! (We did this, too!) And the more snacks and water you can purchase there, the better off you will be on your expense check. :)
If it something bulky/heavy that can be bought at Walmart there, then only take what you need while flying and buy what you need for your stay at Walmart. It is more expensive to carry it with you than to buy it there when you consider the costs of luggage and arm strength!
As previously stated many MAW chapters will arrange for things to be there for you, so ask about it....sometimes they don't know everything you need and should be informed to best serve you. Or even you med supply co. If we were still on Kaleb's dialysis, we could have his dialysate and machine sent to GKTW, and to tell you the truth, there is no way we could have hauled it... one 6 liter bag a night is what he used x that by 7 (account for something to happen).... and I would have had to have a hand cart just for the liquids.... and the machine was a bear, plus all the tubing etc.... I always hated having to haul it to Omaha for an overnight non-hospital stay... So depending on you rmachines, etc.. there might be help with the company that serves you.

Maroo's advice is great...!
WE have been visited by some hitchhiking ghosts and pin traders courtesy of the Big Give so come on over and check them out!
I just found out that Disney has a Wish Lounge. Has anyone used it? This would be a godsend for us since we were planning to break up our Disney days into 3-hour blocks and then head back to GKTW (Hannah gets tired easily).

For those who have been in there, do you have any pics? (I found some promo ones online). Also, is there a place for a toddler to lie down and take a nap (like a couch or something?)
The Wish Lounge is at the First Aid Station by the Crystal Palace in MK. It is about the size of a living room and has a television, bottled water and a bean bag chair for naps. The staff there are there only for Wish Families so take advantage of their help. They will be thrilled to see you.
This may sound like I'm being picky but I am hoping that this will help me be prepared. How are the beds at GKTW? Are they soft and comfy or will we be looking forward to getting back to our own beds? Also I am planning on a vacation from my diet while we are there but I don't want to way overdo it (icecream and pizza are major weaknesses for me) Does GKTW have salads? or other healthy food choices everyday? Do you control the air condition in your villa? And of course the million dollar question :rolleyes1 .... how's the toilet paper? Should we stop by walmart and pick some up or is it atleast average? :confused3 I feel like I'm being petty but I think I have stayed in many really cheap hotels so I have had some bad experiences so I like to be prepared. Thanks for any info you can give me.
The Wish Lounge is at the First Aid Station by the Crystal Palace in MK. It is about the size of a living room and has a television, bottled water and a bean bag chair for naps. The staff there are there only for Wish Families so take advantage of their help. They will be thrilled to see you.

This is incredibly helpful and sounds perfect! Hannah needs to fall asleep on someone most of the time anyway, so I can just picture kicking back in the bean bag while she is sleeping on me (my favorite time anyway!).
This may sound like I'm being picky but I am hoping that this will help me be prepared. How are the beds at GKTW? Are they soft and comfy or will we be looking forward to getting back to our own beds? Also I am planning on a vacation from my diet while we are there but I don't want to way overdo it (icecream and pizza are major weaknesses for me) Does GKTW have salads? or other healthy food choices everyday? Do you control the air condition in your villa? And of course the million dollar question :rolleyes1 .... how's the toilet paper? Should we stop by walmart and pick some up or is it atleast average? :confused3 I feel like I'm being petty but I think I have stayed in many really cheap hotels so I have had some bad experiences so I like to be prepared. Thanks for any info you can give me.

Makes me think of two more questions... How is the rollaway bed? One of my kids will get the rollaway or the sleeper sofa. Are there a lot of pillows there? My dh needs 3 to be happy! I was thinking of grabbing some cheap ones at Walmart when we arrive, unless there are plenty there.
Tim had great photos of the Wish Lounge at Epcot...I don't think anyone posted any of the lounge at MK. This is from yingyanggirls report...she did a great job photographing it...It looks AMAZING!!!! If someone else has already posted this, I apologize. :flower3:

Tim had great photos of the Wish Lounge at Epcot...I don't think anyone posted any of the lounge at MK. This is from yingyanggirls report...she did a great job photographing it...It looks AMAZING!!!! If someone else has already posted this, I apologize. :flower3:


Judy, these are amazing!

Maroo, perhaps you can add this to your FAQ page for other wish families to see?
This may sound like I'm being picky but I am hoping that this will help me be prepared. How are the beds at GKTW? Are they soft and comfy or will we be looking forward to getting back to our own beds? Also I am planning on a vacation from my diet while we are there but I don't want to way overdo it (icecream and pizza are major weaknesses for me) Does GKTW have salads? or other healthy food choices everyday? Do you control the air condition in your villa? And of course the million dollar question :rolleyes1 .... how's the toilet paper? Should we stop by walmart and pick some up or is it atleast average? :confused3 I feel like I'm being petty but I think I have stayed in many really cheap hotels so I have had some bad experiences so I like to be prepared. Thanks for any info you can give me.

Oh Boy some of these questions are a bit hard to answer but I will try my best. Are the beds comfortable...Such personal preference but I thought they were a bit more comfortable then our beds at the Animal Kingdom Lodge we went to after. We were beat at the end of the day so I don't know if I really thought much about the bed as I fell asleep when my head hit the pillow:).

GKTW had salad available with every dinner I ate at the Gingerbread house and lots of fresh fruit at breakfast...not so much so from Katie's Kitchen as it was just sides from Boston Market menu (yummy but probably not to calorie friendly);). You control the temp in your villa but I do think they ask you to not keep it too cold all day while you will be gone...I can't totally remember however about that.

As for the TP I think it was fine since I don't remember it at all and I think I might have if it was horrible. :rotfl: As a side note we only stopped at Walmart once to pick up some beer for my husband and I to enjoy on the front porch after the kids were asleep. We mainly ate breakfast at the Gingerbread house, lunch at the park we were at, afternoon snack at the park (I think we all shared a popcorn everyday), Dinner back at GKTW and ice cream before bed everynight . I did not really feel like we needed much more so we did not need to get snacks etc.

At no point did I feel like I was staying at a really cheap motel while at GKTW. We were really comfortable and enjoyed our stay there. It was not the fanciest place I have ever been but our kids refered to it as our "vacation home" the entire stay...I think we all loved our stay and I hope you will too!

Hope the info helps!
This may sound like I'm being picky but I am hoping that this will help me be prepared. How are the beds at GKTW? Are they soft and comfy or will we be looking forward to getting back to our own beds? Also I am planning on a vacation from my diet while we are there but I don't want to way overdo it (icecream and pizza are major weaknesses for me) Does GKTW have salads? or other healthy food choices everyday? Do you control the air condition in your villa? And of course the million dollar question :rolleyes1 .... how's the toilet paper? Should we stop by walmart and pick some up or is it atleast average? :confused3 I feel like I'm being petty but I think I have stayed in many really cheap hotels so I have had some bad experiences so I like to be prepared. Thanks for any info you can give me.

I'm on diet too. I have the book Eat this, Not that Restaurant Survival guide
Boston Market: Dinner time between Rotisserie Chicken or Meatloaf,It's Rotisserie Chicken. I just use the book if we are out and we eat somewhere. I count calories, but just remember you will be walking A LOT!!! Average 9miles a day.
This may sound like I'm being picky but I am hoping that this will help me be prepared. How are the beds at GKTW? Are they soft and comfy or will we be looking forward to getting back to our own beds? Also I am planning on a vacation from my diet while we are there but I don't want to way overdo it (icecream and pizza are major weaknesses for me) Does GKTW have salads? or other healthy food choices everyday? Do you control the air condition in your villa? And of course the million dollar question :rolleyes1 .... how's the toilet paper? Should we stop by walmart and pick some up or is it atleast average? :confused3 I feel like I'm being petty but I think I have stayed in many really cheap hotels so I have had some bad experiences so I like to be prepared. Thanks for any info you can give me.

The beds were really comfortable...either that I was so tired it didn't matter.

We only ate dinner once at the Gingerbread house and they had a salad available(only a few toppings). We ate breakfast every morning and they had fresh fruit. Really...we walked so much that I'm sure I lost weight..even though eating bad.

Yes... you control the temp, but they do ask if you are gone all day to please turn it down.

The TP we had was Charmin.
Makes me think of two more questions... How is the rollaway bed? One of my kids will get the rollaway or the sleeper sofa. Are there a lot of pillows there? My dh needs 3 to be happy! I was thinking of grabbing some cheap ones at Walmart when we arrive, unless there are plenty there.

Steven and Kylee slept on the sleeper sofa and he said it was hard. He laid a blanket down and said it was better. The rollaway bed really didn't look to comfortable. Poor Ashlee slept on that. It sank in the middle. She called it her posterpedic bed. I normally sleep with 6 pillows, but i only had 2 there. I'm sure you can ask for more. I was so tired after all the parks that I didn't care.
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