Losers Check In Here!

Loser here too (with my finger and thumb in the shape of an "L" on my forehead)!!:rotfl:

After getting 2 postcards back, I've been writing my info by turning the postcard 1/4 turn and haven't gotten any of those returned yet. So just to not get rejected makes me feel like a winner!:thumbsup2
Just checking in before I go and color my hair..need to look my best when I head out in -20 degree windchill to mail our cards!

Braving that kind of weather -- you definitely deserve some kind of prize! Are we going with Ariel Red today or Sleeping Beauty Blonde?
Todays selection would be "Brunette Belle"...unless it ends up Brunette Beast...(which has been known to happen:scared: )
I tend to reserve Sleeping Beauty Blonde for the upcoming summer months, or at least the non-wind chill factor months!
I may REALLY need those YOAMD ears....depending on what happens with my roots!

Can I join, big LOSER here!! I've sent in 10 postcards & received, NADA, ZIP, ZERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cmon' Mick, share the love!

Good luck to all my fellow losers, that you will win and be promoted out the of club!

Of course you can join...but I feel I must point out that you are only an "amateur" loser with just 10 postcards under your belt. I don't think it would be going out on a limb to say some of us "seasoned veteran" losers have sent in 10 times that amount with no love from Mickey. Would it be wrong to hijack a mail truck? :teeth:

Pam: However the color turns out...let's hope it's not a tribute to Cruella!!! :rotfl:
:lmao: :rotfl2: :rotfl
Dodged the Cruella look, :thumbsup2
Mailed todays cards...and I'm feeling lucky...Just qualified for a food survey taste testing salad kits by EMERIL....BAM! And the best part? I'm going to get paid $100 to eat salad and chat about it for 2 hours ( AKA: avoiding housework) with 6 other poeple! YES!!!!!!!!!!!
I have not had a paid study for over a year....kept "not qualifying" for one reason or another...
C'mon Disney, my kids need a new pair of ears! Seriously, they do....DS has safety pins holding the ears to the hat part of his. He won't part with them.

Mailed two cards today. Two more are ready to be mailed tomorrow!
well, down to about 12 cards left from my initial investment of $26 for 100 pre paid post cards....what to do, what to do.....maybe get one more batch...but I don't think I am going to invest more that $50 into this...
what is everyone elses limit?

I've been trying to decide the same thing. Initially I had planned on sending one in everyday the promo was running (well, 6 days out of 7 anyway). I was really pumped up when people were posting about receiving 2-3-4 prizes in the mail on the same day. But with my current run of bad luck, my lack of enthusiasm seems to be dwindling about the same rate as my stack of postcards ready to be mailed. Can I replenished them both? I guess only time will tell!
Filling out my cards....so hard knowing the drawing isn't for another 8 days, then notification 2 months after that....who here is sending their cards in just around the drawing dates?
Haven't read all of the posts, but how do you know which days they are drawing on? I have just been sending cards out once or twice a week. I guess if it meant to be, it will be. But it would be nice to know when the big drawings are. Info please?
On the "official rules" listing , it is stated that the drawings will be on the 20th of each month, and winners will be notified 55 days after that. It sure feels like a long time from now!

There certainly has been a sharp decline in the number of people posting about being a mail-in winner. I'm thinking things should be starting up again pretty quick. As for me...well, I'm still a loser and pretty darn proud of it! :woohoo:
Well, DH is longer a loser -- he got ears yesterday.

How is it that *I* am doing all of the post cards, and DD and DH have both won and I have not, lol!

It's fun, though... It's become such a habit to mail the cards, I don't know what I will do when this over!
O.K. So the snow storm coverage has been all over the news...did it keep me from mailing our daily cards? NOPE! My back is killing me from shoveling, but I had to get to the Post Office! I owuld just put our cards in the mailbox for the mailman to pick up...but he is not trustworthy...no one gets the correct mail here, stuff missing ALL the time ( including our mtg 3 different times..thankfully that is on auto pay)the entire neighborhood hass complained about this guy :confused3 but I guess he still gets to keep his job no matter how lousy he is at it! I digress...
I sure wish the drawings were say....weekly instead of monthly, on that note, off to fill out my last few cards, I know I am gonna cave and buy another 50!

Im confused, the YOAMD rules state that they had to be in earlier... Can you show me where to submit them??


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