Lets talk about our teenagers!

Explain to me please the whole weighted GPA thing. My DD15 is basically in (almost) all honors classes so her weighted GPA is considerably higher than raw GPA. In the mean time she is freaking out because she "will never get into a college; ok, never get into a good college; will have to go to community college and never do well in life" :confused3 (Do we have a hitting head against wall smilie?)

Punkin, if your DD is in mostly honors courses, she is probably headed to good colleges. Especially coming out of Montgomery County. But, of course, you know that. It's convincing her that's the hard part. :hug:

Here's what I found about Montgomery's GPA and WGPA scales: http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/departments/policy/pdf/ikcra.pdf I was intrigued to see how you have Advanced Placement (AP, possible college credit) and Advanced Level (no college credit) on the same scale. You also have Honors, but only A's and B's in honors earn extra weight.

Here in Carroll County, we don't have Advance Level, but our AP scale matches yours. Our honors scale is A 4.5, B 3.5, C 2.5, D 1.

All I know is that after the grades come out each quarter, the report card shows the WGPA and raw GPA for the quarter. Then, right below that is the cumulative WGPA and cum raw GPA.

According to DS's guidance counselor, colleges consider it all. But, a raw GPA of 3.0 in difficult classes is more impressive than a 4.0 in grade-level classes.

Good luck and hang in there. It will all be over before we know it. Just in time to start again with the next one. ;)
My son is quite the wooer. He bought his gf a dozen white roses, a necklace, card and a box of chocolates and his taking her out to dinner for Valentines day. Next week is her birthday and he bought her tickets for Rent. Not bad for a 16 year old with a part time job. It's really nice to see that he cares about her and takes the time to plan things.
My son is quite the wooer. He bought his gf a dozen white roses, a necklace, card and a box of chocolates and his taking her out to dinner for Valentines day. Next week is her birthday and he bought her tickets for Rent. Not bad for a 16 year old with a part time job. It's really nice to see that he cares about her and takes the time to plan things.

Ohhhhh, He sounds like a sweetie!

My DD left home with baited breath today. Her BF has been refusing to even drop a hint all week about what he got her for Valentines Day.

I do know that he really impressed my husband last week. Twice. We often take them out with us - dinner, a movie, a ball game, etc. Sarah's BF will be 16 in April so he can't drive yet and we enjoy having them with us. DH or I just pay without thinking about it. We have had teen boys of our own and know their money is limited.

The first time we were going to a HS basketball game. BF made a real effort to be in front when we went in the door to pay. When DH and I got there and DH tried to pay we were told that our tickets had already been paid for. Nice, he found something he could afford to do and just did it.

Then, last weekend, BF hauled and stacked almost a thousand bales of hay to have Valentine money. Mind you, DD didn't ask for or expect him to do anything like that. She would be happy with a card and a single flower or something simple as long as it came from him.

Sarah has made up a gift basket with candy, a Hollister T-shirt, and a framed picture of the two of them to give BF.

Young love, as long as it is innocent it is very sweet.

Hey I'm glad to see this thread back again (yes, I know it didn't go anywhere, I was just too lazy to search for it. I am subscribing now.)

Was thinking about posting this here last weekend.

Picked DS (15) up from the mall on Friday night. Had a van-load of his friends along and they were all very quiet as I dropped each one off at his house.

When it was just DS and I left in the van, he says, very quietly, "Don't be mad, but I pierced my lip."


Pull in the driveway and I finally see that he has a SAFETY PIN poked through his lower lip. Apparantly he didn't even take the time to do it professionally, just went into the mall bathroom with some ice and the pin.

I just laughed and said, ok, hope you enjoyed that, now take it out.

"why why why?" He says, to which I didn't respond. Because this is one of those "because I said so" moments.

Finally....because he needed a dam reason so badly I said "because I am unable to even look at you. And if I'm going to feed, clothe, and house you, I need to be able to look at you."

He is SOOOO stubborn. I wouldn't let him in the house til he took it out. Took a him a while to take no for an answer - that is how he is. Makes me NUTS!!!!!
Hey I'm glad to see this thread back again (yes, I know it didn't go anywhere, I was just too lazy to search for it. I am subscribing now.)

Was thinking about posting this here last weekend.

Picked DS (15) up from the mall on Friday night. Had a van-load of his friends along and they were all very quiet as I dropped each one off at his house.

When it was just DS and I left in the van, he says, very quietly, "Don't be mad, but I pierced my lip."


Pull in the driveway and I finally see that he has a SAFETY PIN poked through his lower lip. Apparantly he didn't even take the time to do it professionally, just went into the mall bathroom with some ice and the pin.

I just laughed and said, ok, hope you enjoyed that, now take it out.

"why why why?" He says, to which I didn't respond. Because this is one of those "because I said so" moments.

Finally....because he needed a dam reason so badly I said "because I am unable to even look at you. And if I'm going to feed, clothe, and house you, I need to be able to look at you."

He is SOOOO stubborn. I wouldn't let him in the house til he took it out. Took a him a while to take no for an answer - that is how he is. Makes me NUTS!!!!!

Wow! That had to hurt to stick a pin through your lip. Amazing isn't it? The things that are attractive to teens. The one that gets me right now is splitting their tongues. That just blows my mind.

Good luck.

My son is quite the wooer. He bought his gf a dozen white roses, a necklace, card and a box of chocolates and his taking her out to dinner for Valentines day. Next week is her birthday and he bought her tickets for Rent. Not bad for a 16 year old with a part time job. It's really nice to see that he cares about her and takes the time to plan things.

ahhh what a sweetie:lovestruc :lovestruc What a thoughtful young man you've raised.

After the last break-up I added to what I would like to see in a guy for Cassidy. I added that it would be nice if the boy actually took her out on a real date sometime. She answered "Yeah, I am pretty cheap to date aren't I":rotfl: I also added that the boys name had to be not so odd that I giggled every time I heard it. (Last boyfriend was "Duck")

I've missed this thread....thanks for bumping it up!!!
Hey I'm glad to see this thread back again (yes, I know it didn't go anywhere, I was just too lazy to search for it. I am subscribing now.)

Was thinking about posting this here last weekend.

Picked DS (15) up from the mall on Friday night. Had a van-load of his friends along and they were all very quiet as I dropped each one off at his house.

When it was just DS and I left in the van, he says, very quietly, "Don't be mad, but I pierced my lip."


Pull in the driveway and I finally see that he has a SAFETY PIN poked through his lower lip. Apparantly he didn't even take the time to do it professionally, just went into the mall bathroom with some ice and the pin.

I just laughed and said, ok, hope you enjoyed that, now take it out.

"why why why?" He says, to which I didn't respond. Because this is one of those "because I said so" moments.

Finally....because he needed a dam reason so badly I said "because I am unable to even look at you. And if I'm going to feed, clothe, and house you, I need to be able to look at you."

He is SOOOO stubborn. I wouldn't let him in the house til he took it out. Took a him a while to take no for an answer - that is how he is. Makes me NUTS!!!!!

ouch!!!! My answer would have been something about risk of infection....not that I have to worry too much....Cassidy is so conservative about those things.

and I am subscribing now too!!
Wow! That had to hurt to stick a pin through your lip. Amazing isn't it? The things that are attractive to teens. The one that gets me right now is splitting their tongues. That just blows my mind.

Good luck.


Oh I think I am very glad I haven't seen that one yet:eek:
Wow! That had to hurt to stick a pin through your lip. Amazing isn't it? The things that are attractive to teens. The one that gets me right now is splitting their tongues. That just blows my mind.

Good luck.


I see lots of success and booming business for plastic surgeons in the next 10-20 years.

DS has a friend who puts those "gauges" in his ears (I think they're called that - the enormous plugs that stretch out the earlobe :sick: ) And I cannot succeed in explaining to DS just how much that boy will regret doing that one day.

I said, look, picture an older,professional business man with a big sagging hole in his earlobe. What does that look like to you? Doesn't get it still.

These kids....well, many of them....are just *live for the moment*. I try to remember that I was the same way - I really was.
We have started the process of looking at colleges.

Why is it one year all the teachers ask a kid to be in honors classes and she declines them (her choice....I did try and persuade her to do it) because she doesn't want all that homework and the next it's the exact opposite? In fact she has placed herself back on a higher track?? Not only that but she is going to try for section leader in marching band (again, something she should have done last year).

We got her placement in her class and although she has a solid B/B+ average she is smack dab in the middle of the class...because of the kids on the honors/IB track. I gotta say that I am so glad that the F she got in her first semester Freshman year has spurred her on. The F was in a class (math) that she aced before this teacher and is acing after this teacher...so while my daughter is to take some of the blame, I gotta think the teacher has to take some of it. Of course, he is the head of the dept. so my complaints would fall on deaf ears.
The prom thread got me thinking about this thread. It's time to revive it.

My dd(12) had a blast at gs camp this past weekend until she fell off of a horse and broke her wrist in two places. She has really been a trooper through all of this. I'm very proud of how well she has handled the pain and the difficulties of being in a cast.

My ds(16) bought his gf tickets to see Rent for her birthday. They went last night and she loved it. He had to admit it was not as bad as he thought it would be. His gf said that they need to do something that he will enjoy and that she will not care for. Great to see them compromise.

So, what have your teens been up to?
We spent last weekend at DS's chosen Univ. for Freshman Advisory (students and parents) the whole moving on to college thing is starting to sink in. DS got a look at the costs associated as he was choosing his classes the total due kept updating. :scared1: My DS finally understands college sticker shock! This was before Room and Board have been added in!

Prom is this weekend

Oh, for the first time since 3rd grade DS came home with straight A's on his report card...:cool1: ... of course he is a Sr. who is only taking 4 classes of which one is Aide:lmao:

Tonight we are off to the photographer for Senior portraits.

He and GF are still attached at the hip and there are no signs of that letting up.

I'm so sorry to hear about your DD, hope she heals up fast, summer is a coming!
Teenee, :hug: to you and your daughter. My girls are Scouts, too.:)

Our 2 oldest daughters are 16 and 13. My 16yo is about to work on a nearby base at the commissary - we are not military so I have to go through the visitor's gate each time. :headache: lol It's worth it, though, because they pay quite a bit more than minimum wage and one of her best friends works there. She is also doing well in school, has a boyfriend who is respectful and comes from an affluent family yet she makes me proud that she is so frugal (seriously!), just got her driver's permit, and is rejuvenating her modeling career.

My 13yo is active in drama and is a set designer to her middle school's production of Mulan. She tried out for one of the characters, but didn't make it. :guilty: It actually worked in her favor, though, because she really wanted to learn more about set design and working behind the scenes. She wants to become a director/cartoonist one day. Anyway, she has been working after school with the cast and crew and I love seeing passion in her eyes.

*sigh*...they really grow up way too fast....
Well, since the last time I posted on this thread we've had a few bits of news.

DD broker her collarbone in gym class on Feb 7. She's fully healed now. :) She also just found out that her 3Q report card will be straight A's, which gives her all-A's for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade (so far) and some sort of special recognition.

DS has been the busier of the 2. He did, in fact, make it into NHS. (I mentioned some doubt and frustration in earlier posts.) The induction was scheduled for April 9, but has been postponed due to the sudden, tragic death of another inductee. His classmate was killed in a car crash; her brother was the driver. :sad1: Tomorrow night DS will receive his black belt-2nd degree. A bittersweet occassion since the late classmate would have been there, too. Lastly, he made the track team for the first time and so far so good with that.

Teenee, sorry to hear about your DD's wrist. Sounds like it could have been much worse.
His classmate was killed in a car crash; her brother was the driver. :sad1: Tomorrow night DS will receive his black belt-2nd degree. A bittersweet occassion since the late classmate would have been there, too.
:sad1: If something were to happen to DD while DS was driving, he would never get over it.

Congrats on the A's and the NHS
Sounds like it's been a busy time in everybody's household.

Auditions for section leader for Cassidy is next week. She will turn 16 in less than a month...if she survives. We went through an episode last week...I caught her stealing, and lying about it. When I went to talk to her...she fought dirty. I ended up writing her a note about the loss of trust and the dirty pool. I know it's fairly normal teenage behavior but she isn't normal:rotfl2: . So, when I get a taste of the teenage medicine I feel doubly sorry for the parents who go through it all the time.

On a high note...she isn't going to prom:thumbsup2 . She is only a sophmore but this will only be the second missed formal dance. Right now she has a sophmore "boyfriend". But I only think he's a stop over until the Junior she's been crushing on all year notices her. :lovestruc

Gotta love the teenage soap opera!!
Lord help us, Do you suppose we'll survive until they grow up?

:sad1: If something were to happen to DD while DS was driving, he would never get over it.

Same with my kids. The accident hadn't hit home for DS until I put it in those terms. His face blanched upon making the realization of what Paul (the driver) is dealing with.
Same with my kids. The accident hadn't hit home for DS until I put it in those terms. His face blanched upon making the realization of what Paul (the driver) is dealing with.
We lost a kid at the high school in the fall due to a car accident (kid made a bad decision). While DS knew him, they were not in the same circles but had gone to school together since 3rd grade. I was very surprised at the lack of emotion on the part of the kids, mine included (us parents were all a mess) but the kids were very matter of fact, it was weird and eye opening for me.


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