Kinda Hot In These Rhinos... an August 2019 TR (updated 1/21)


DIS Veteran
Sep 26, 2016
Welcome, welcome everyone!

This is my third trip report here and while I still consider myself somewhat of a newbie on the boards, I feel like these are getting easier to write and I hope anyone out there reading will enjoy it, so let's do the doing.

This TR will be totally different than my last TR's because I went with a totally different group of people. My last two trips have been with my DH and our two boys. This trip was girls-only, adults-only, and led to a much different touring style. Did I mention there were no kids? NO KIDS! This was also my first time staying at a value resort, first time with park hoppers, and the first time going in the summer, so I was very interested to see how different the experience would be.

But before we get into too many details, let me introduce some people! And for no reason in particular, let's do it oldest to youngest!

First up is my older sister, who I will refer to as Big Sister.



Big Sister is an elementary school teacher. She travels a lot with her husband and loves scuba diving. We share a deep love of coffee. She is only 16 months older than me so we have always been super close. Big Sister has not been to WDW since we were in our teens, so a lot has changed since then.

Favorite characters: Ariel & Buzz
Favorite park: Animal Kingdom
Favorite ride: Flight of Passage

Next up is my Sister-in-Law, referred to as SIL.

I will not be sharing any pictures of SIL as she is very private and does not use social media at all, so I will be using this Mulan emoji to represent her. SIL is my husband's sister and one of my best friends. She is a stay-at-home mom with two boys and has watched my boys since they were babies. SIL visited Animal Kingdom in 2016 with her kids but has not been to the other Disney parks except Epcot as a child.

Favorite character: Mulan
Favorite park: Animal Kingdom
Favorite ride: Soarin'

Next up is me - Aimee, your writer and trip planner.


I am a government professional and mother of two boys who are ages 5 and 7. I love Netflix, coffee, and Instagram. I've planned two trips with my DH and our boys in 2016 and this past January. Before that I made trips to WDW with my high school marching band and with a friend in college.

Favorite character: Cinderella
Favorite park: Magic Kingdom
Favorite ride: tie between Space Mountain and Flight of Passage

Last but not least is Little Sister.


Little sister is our drinks captain. (True story she forgot a backpack and a water bottle for the parks but did bring four mini bottles of rum for the plane and three bottles of wine in her suitcase :laughing:) She is a veterinary nurse and mom to the sweetest six month old little girl.

Favorite characters: Belle and Tigger
Favorite park: Animal Kingdom
Favorite ride: Expedition Everest


Four nights at Pop Century (August 17-21) with a free Quick Service dining plan. I hadn't stayed in a value resort before, but I know Pop has a lot of fans so I was excited to give it a try. We booked this literally hours before the Free Dining offer expired in February.


If you read my last report, you may remember that my mom passed away last November. Even though it was the worst time in my life, it brought me so much closer with my sisters (who I was already super close with anyway), and we realized we hadn't done anything just for us without husbands or kids in a very, very long time, so a sister's trip to a happy place seemed like just what we needed, and then I invited SIL along since she has spent the last five years looking after four small boys and if anyone deserves a vacation, it's her.


Lastly, before I wrap up this introduction, let me explain my title. Little Sister and I spent several years of our early 20's working together, living together, and shared a group of friends. One thing we did a lot was watch a ton of movies and we have a lot of inside jokes where we quote a movie line applicable to a situation we're in and the other person has to name the movie it's from. It's actually very annoying to people who are not in on the joke. So as we're waiting in the sun in the security line for our first park, Little Sister leans over and says:


(which is from the second Ace Ventura movie and one of our favorites), and it became our motto whenever we were somewhere hot. Which is many places in Orlando in August. And it never got less funny, no matter how tired Big Sis and SIL got of hearing it. :laughing:

We had lots and lots of fun and I can't wait to share all of it!
Joining in! My hubby and I were there at the same time ---Pop from August 17 -23. We had a wonderful time. Can't wait to read all about your girls trip!
Popping over from your other report. Looking forward to reading more about your girls only adventures.
** editing to add responses

Joining in! Can't wait to hear about your girls trip!!
So glad you're here!

Joining in!


Yay!! So happy to see you!

Joining in! My hubby and I were there at the same time ---Pop from August 17 -23. We had a wonderful time. Can't wait to read all about your girls trip!


So fun! Maybe we saw each other!

Joining in! Girls trips are the best.


It was the best time!

Popping over from your other report. Looking forward to reading more about your girls only adventures.

So glad you're here!
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Joining in. As soon as I saw your title I was trying to figure out the Ace Ventura reference. DBF and I do the same thing with movie quotes, makes total sense to me.
Joining in!

:welcome: Glad to have you!

:welcome: Yay!

Joining in. As soon as I saw your title I was trying to figure out the Ace Ventura reference. DBF and I do the same thing with movie quotes, makes total sense to me.

:welcome: hahaha yess! Well then you would have been entertained by Little Sister and I in lines, which is more than I can say for the other girls we were with ;)

We also did this almost daily with our sliding bathroom door, which was also not as appreciated as I thought it should have been.



Thanks to everyone who's followed already! I will endeavor to get the first part up before the weekend! :D
Saturday, August 17 - Travel Day

I'm going to start this TR as any good one does with the how we got to Florida:

We flew. The end. Have a nice weekend!

Okay, okay, okay. I guess I could provide a few more details.

When we booked the trip, we knew it couldn't be super long, what with all the kids and families and jobs and what not, so we decided to really maximize our time there and take the 6:00 AM flight to Orlando, which was scheduled to land around 8:30 AM, figured we would be in our first park by 11:00. Perfect.

Until you do the backwards math that comes with flying. A 6:00 departure means you should be at the airport by 4:00. The airport is a 30-45 minute drive from where we live, so we should be on the road by 3:00, just in case! We were meeting up at my sister's house and I was picking up my SIL on the way, which meant I should leave my house by 2:30. Slowly that 6:00 AM departure wasn't looking so great, but these are the sacrifices we make for Disney, right?

I worked a full day Friday, and I mean a FULL DAY. I don't know how, but I always end up with the very busiest days before I leave for vacation. I was hoping to leave a little early, but I ended up staying a bit later than I do on normal days.

I just love that feeling of walking out of work when you are heading for vacation - it is just the best!

I made my long train ride home, picked up my kids, and headed to Target and Kohls. I needed a few last minute things for the trip and I knew we were low on a few things at home so I wanted to do that shopping for DH before I left.

I went to Kohl's because I wanted just one more top for the trip and ended up with three.


While I was shopping, DH called to say he was on the way home and we decided to meet up for dinner at a restaurant near our house that we really like. I guess we were in vacation mode as we ended up sharing 2 appetizers and 2 entrees between DH and myself and he even ordered a special lemonade for the kids (they usually only get milk or water).

Once we got home, it was way after the kid's bedtime, but I was feeling the mom guilt about leaving them and let them take a bath in my big tub with a bath bomb, which is a special treat for them. (Big tub pictured during house construction because I love this thing like one of my children)


After the kids were out of the tub, I let them help me pack for their trip to Great Wolf Lodge by picking out the outfits they wanted to bring, which helped them get excited for their trip.

Finally, it was nearly 11:00 and we could not put off bedtime any longer. DS2 fell asleep almost immediately but DS1 was upset that I was going to be gone when he woke up and tried his very hardest to stay awake but eventually got to sleep. Which meant I could finally start packing for my trip! at 11:30 PM! Three hours before I needed to leave! At this point, I realized there was not much hope left of getting any sleep.

I was running about 15 minutes late to pick up SIL, but Little Sister was not ready to go at all, so it really didn't matter that I was late because I was not the most late. Finally, we were all in the car and on our way around 3:30 and at the airport a few minutes after 4:00 because we were the only car on the road.

When we arrived, the Southwest counter was not even open yet, so we killed time by comparing our vacation manicures.

(clockwise from top - SIL, Little Sis, Me, Big Sis)

Finally, the Southwest counter opened and we got our bags checked. There was no security line, so we were through to our gate in no time at all. Big Sis and I made a beeline for coffee - at 5am and hour 23 of being awake, it was really funny that mine was so small that it was only a DNKN',


We boarded and took off right on time - just as the sun came up.




The flight from DC to Orlando is pretty short. It's usually scheduled for about 2 1/2 hours but it's more like just 2 hours most of the time. So you're up in the air long enough to watch a movie (or in my case, a couple episodes of Criminal Minds), eat some early morning pretzels, and then you're in Florida. I tried my hardest to get some sleep and I might have dozed for about 20 minutes, but not as much as I wanted.

Soon we were in Florida and it was time to Magic Band it up


(again, clockwise from top - Little Sis, SIL, me, Big Sis)

And head down to the Magical Express! The Disney Store was still behind walls under construction and I missed seeing it.



Our bus filled up quickly and we were on the way - first we stopped at AoA, then onto Pop!


Our room wasn't ready yet (because it was 9:30 in the morning), so we shifted some things around and left our carry-ons with Bell Services - which looked mobbed, but had very organized and efficient CM's so it didn't take long at all before we were in line for our first bus to Epcot!


Up next - our first park day!
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I just love that feeling of walking out of work when you are heading for vacation - it is just the best!

It's the Vacation Strut!

I was running about 15 minutes late to pick up SIL, but Little Sister was not ready to go at all, so it really didn't matter that I was late because I was not the most late


What a great start, in spite of not sleeping at all!
I’m joining in

It sure was hot down there!

Sorry we didn’t run into each other, it sounds like a fun trip!


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