Kids missing school

Originally posted by sarahandhannahsmom
I too, am pulling my dd who is starting kindergarten out for 7 school days.

i talked with the school administration as well and her teacher and had everyone's blessing.

The teacher is going to give us all the assignments she will miss and we'll work on them during the long drive.

We are also making a memories book with pictures, autographs, and special moments of our trip. She is going to take the book to school and share it with her friends.

I struggled at first with taking her out. I'm not sure I'll do it as she gets older, but then is so short I feel like we need to live it.

I'm not saying Disney is more important than school, but I do think that special family time together (at Disney or elsewhere) is as important as education.

Jumping off soapbox now....sorry.

Go, have a great time. Your child wont miss much at all.

ive been struggling with this very DD 5 will be starting K in the fall....and we are planning a 11\3-11\10 stay with 2 days driving before and its bordering on 2 weeks (10 school days) that she will miss. had the fairytale package not been so irrisistable (sp?) we would never have considered doing this... but for the price it just makes sense financially to go on those days.

while i really REALLY wanna take just not real sure about pulling her out for that long....

thanks for putting up with my first post...

Go on the trip. We are also taking advantage of the FTP. You are right. It's a great deal.

Your daughter will have been in school for a couple of months by the time you go. I think it will be easier then. You'll know what to expect and what your child's teacher expects.

She will very likely learn more on her trip than at school, especially if she is already doing a lot of the things they are covering. (Counting, colors, allphabet, etc).

Take the trip. Have a blast. My brother died a couple of years ago and he had two daughters. then another brother was nearly killed during 9/11. I truly believe in living life. Living it now, not on some school time line. Spend time together as a family. You never know what tomorrow holds.

Sorry I'm on that soapbox again. Ever since my losses and near losses, I do as much as I can with my family. Even if its a trip to the movies or to get ice cream, or watching corny cartoons together. Go Go Go! You wont have one regret by the time you get back.
Our high school has block scheduling so missing 5 days is really like missing 10 days. That makes a difference for me for pulling kids out of school.


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