June, July, August PLANNING thread

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As much as I hate snow days...when they cancel the night before it makes it a bit better. Usually I'm up already and dressed when they call it off.

I sent you the newsletters :goodvibes
EE22: Thanks:thumbsup2

I agree about the heads up the night before. We let the girls out of bed to watch a movie.:goodvibes

Thanks so much for the newsletters. Gives me something to do tonight and tomorrow.:yay: :yay: :yay:
ps...your mbts will look great with capris! I wore them with capris in December. Happy Feet are a must!!

You sure? I was worried that [since, I hardly ever wear capris] you had to wear sandles, fancy flats, or keds. I have the 3, but can't walk for any extended time in them. Ok, for dinner or a movie but not park walking.;)

EE22, Have you gotten any new mbts? I bought one the same size 7.5 and they felt smaller and tighter, narrower? So, I bought another as an 8 thinking they ran small, now. >> But, my heel started hurting with the larger. And feels "normal" in the smaller. Maybe cause it is holding it tighter?

TP2, have a nice "extended weekend" with the girls. Sorry about the snow. Wow, snow in atlanta. That is some storm.

MKY: I think the "Disney" fashion rule is comfort.;) Everyone goes for what feels best on the feet. Save the sandels for dinner at Victoria and Alberts. :idea: Otherwise, wear what is most comfortable. I remember buying new sneakers and not breaking them in before the trip.:headache: What a nightmare. Never again.
Well everyone :confused3 I am not even going to start to consider packing. My Dear FIL is not doing well. We are being told it could be only a matter of days.

DH flew out on Saturday afternoon to be with him before it is too late and did get there in time. He is hanging on but not out of the woods yet. He is due to return on Thursday night but can change the ticket if he needs to stay a bit longer.

They live a 12 hour drive from here but I will go if something happens, especially because the kids will want to go.

I will have to work my butt off at work this week to get everything done in case I have to take off...

:sad2: :sad2: :sad2: :sad2: :sad2: :sad2: :sad2:

I am just so sad right now.....please send pixie dust that everything will work out okay.
You sure? I was worried that [since, I hardly ever wear capris] you had to wear sandles, fancy flats, or keds. I have the 3, but can't walk for any extended time in them. Ok, for dinner or a movie but not park walking.;)

EE22, Have you gotten any new mbts? I bought one the same size 7.5 and they felt smaller and tighter, narrower? So, I bought another as an 8 thinking they ran small, now. >> But, my heel started hurting with the larger. And feels "normal" in the smaller. Maybe cause it is holding it tighter?

TP2, have a nice "extended weekend" with the girls. Sorry about the snow. Wow, snow in atlanta. That is some storm.


I think you can wear what ever makes your feet feel good at WDW. I wore my mbts with my capris
:goodvibes It's all about the feet!!

I bought a new pair last summer and they do feel tighter than my old ones...perhaps to break them in they stretch a bit. And yes, it does help to have my shoes tight around my foot to make my toe feel better or a great pillow feel like in my crocs...otherwise forget it!
Well everyone :confused3 I am not even going to start to consider packing. My Dear FIL is not doing well. We are being told it could be only a matter of days.

DH flew out on Saturday afternoon to be with him before it is too late and did get there in time. He is hanging on but not out of the woods yet. He is due to return on Thursday night but can change the ticket if he needs to stay a bit longer.

They live a 12 hour drive from here but I will go if something happens, especially because the kids will want to go.

I will have to work my butt off at work this week to get everything done in case I have to take off...

:sad2: :sad2: :sad2: :sad2: :sad2: :sad2: :sad2:

I am just so sad right now.....please send pixie dust that everything will work out okay.

Candi...I hope things work out for him. That is sad:sad2:
Hi Guys :grouphug:
Sorry I haven`t been posting much this last week....I so wanted to be routing for you (MKY, Bug, and Candi) for your upcoming trips...and Candi....I just read about your FIL....I am soooooo sorry:sad2: .....we are going through a similar situation right now with my Mother....we call her "Nana" ...she lives out in California now...( I have 4 brothers ...3 of whom live out there).....and she has been deteriated ....not in her physical health (but this last week ...yes...because she was hospitalized with a very bad bladder infection)....but..... she`s getting very bad "Dementia".....I am actually a "Long Distance Caregiver" and it is a very daunting task as of right now....
My DSILs are there with her as she was released from the hospital yesterday.... I spoke to the doctor and he told me that Nana may have taken a hit ...mentally...from the high fevers of the infection.....I am now in the process of trying to get her a home health care assistant ....and it`s not as easy as it sounds....alot of red tape ....:sad2:
I know how your DH must be feeling Candi...and you as well :angel: ....I would certainly have to fly out to Cali if Nana took a turn for the worse.......:sad1: ......
I actually feel that I am loosing my mother as we speak ...because she remembers less and less every day....and it may come to the time where she forgets who "we" are also....:sad1: That will certainly break my heart all the more :sad1:....Sometimes I wonder what is worse....being phsically ill....or lossing your ability to function mentally in life......its very sad...:sad1:
Im sorry to say also.....On another sad note.....we are getting hammered today with a horrible snow storm:scared: ....New Jersey has gotten a foot of snow since last night and its still comeing down....I just can`t believe what`s happening !! :sad2:
Thanks for the good wishes everyone. DFIL is still holding on but not sure for how much longer. DH will come home on Thursday if things stay the way they are and we will have to talk about what he wants to do.

I think the girls and I will go but he may choose to stay closer to home but nothing is decided right at this moment. I am determined to get to Orlando for March 13th so I can meet up with Bug and MKY.

Tomar - we lost dear Gram to Alzheimers. It is far worse. She held on for a very long time after she was not really there any more. She died on the Saturday of Easter weekend 5 years ago and it finally felt like I could morn a loss that I have lost 5 years before then. It was very difficult to watch her fade like she did.

Better get the kids to bed. :grouphug:

Thanks everyone.
Tomar...so sorry about Nana. That is not easy to deal with. Pixie dust and prayers coming your way. I am not sure which is easier to deal with either. My grandfather was as sharp as a tack, but phyically went downhill. Of course, he was 94, but it was still hard to let him go after so many years with him.

Candi...more prayers coming your way too. I hope things work out for your FIL and DH.
TP2: Are you off again on Tuesday? :confused3 Whenever we have those big storms, we always have at least two days off. It's hard to clean away that much snow. Of course, with the fields here, we get lots of drifting too which closes the roads again and we have a lot of gravel roads too in our district. Enjoy if you do planning:surfweb:
Tomar and Candi::grouphug: Not really too much to say. Prayers.

EE22: Still not sure about tomorrow. For now it is business as usual so all the girls are in bed but they are talking frozen roads.:eek: DH tried to return a movie to Hollywood Video and one of the major highways was still not plowed. That never happens. They declared a snow emergency where we live which means you are only allowed on the roads for official business. Don't think returning a movie is considered official business but you try telling DH that!:rotfl: I would think a 2 hour delay for the morning but that is just a guess. We shall see. The kids have ride on toys in the backyard that are completely covered. I thought winter was over.:headache:
Evening everyone,

Candi, so sorry about your FIL. And Tomar, your dear mother, I am sending prayers. :grouphug:

On top of everything else, you guys on the east coast really got hammered with snow. TP2, hope your daughter's aren't too upset about missing school. How is DD doing?

Hopefully, things will start looking up. hang in there everyone. mky:cutie:
Okay - if all goes as planned...we will be all packed one week from today. I need to be ready to leave before I go to work on Thursday next week.

MKY - I called the Nickelodeon (I did not know that they require wrist bands be worn) to make sure we can meet up there and guess what?????? I am allowed up to six wrist bands for the room I booked. You and Bug can each have one so we can hang out at the pool and what ever else that is included with the room. So bring your suit and we will use their towels for the afternoon.

My DH is going to come home tomorrow and then we can talk about if he wants to come on the trip or if he wants to stay home to be close in case something happens.
Hiya everyone, 1 week to go!:wizard:

EE22, thanks for the shoe advise. :thumbsup2 Your right, will wear what works.

Candi, hope things are looking up a little.pixiedust: :grouphug: Continued thoughts. I have been checking the weather looks like 70 not sure if that is swimming weather. :scratchin We will have to see. I am interested in seeing the nick resort. It always looks so interesting. Of course, being from the north >> we all believe that is swimming weather.:rolleyes1 We will probably plan to go to the tea at 2pm, and meet up afterward? Is that time frame ok with you, or do you have plans that afternoon?

Tomar, :grouphug: Hope things are working out. Long distance plans are really hard, to do. :idea: The hospital, should of helped you do arrangements. That is part of the "home" planning >> we are all required to do. If your still having problems, feel free to contact the "social service" department [also know as case management]. {Social workers & case management rn's} They should still assist you, since they discharge her without proper arrangements. At the very least, they should know of reputable agencies, that can supply personnel for "nana". Hope this helps alittle.

TP2, How is the snow situation doing. Are you dug out yet? Kids back in school?

Planning news, bug got the day off now, when we fly out. She was planning on working a half day, but we can leave a little earlier, and not worry about traffic as much. Midway, is kinda a scary airport. [not sure if you agree, ee22]. The have short runways, so you take off and land really quick. It is on the southside of chicago, so a lot closer to the "city" than o'hare. It makes me nervous.:upsidedow

Happy Wednesday, mky:cutie:
Tomar and Candi...I hope things improve for your mom and fil.
TP2: I hope the snow melts fast.

mky: the area around midway is very scary:scared1: especially for someone from the corn. We don't have icky parts around here.

I am use to short runways since our airport is small...however, flying into all the houses, etc is a bit tense I would agree...not a lot of extra stopping room.

You'll be fine. SW was awesome. Remember when we got there...the line was so long to check our bags...it zigged and zagged and went back around the corner!!! But, we were checked in (bags) and through security 20 minutes after we arrived so don't let it scare you.

Remember to check in online 24 hours ahead. REFRESH EXACTLY 24 hours ahead of time!!!

You can print your boarding pass too. At WDW if you can't get your boarding passes printed you can still check in online and have those printed at MCO...they had printing stations for people with no bags.
MKY - guest services let our friends check in at DHS and print boarding passes. It made the day more enjoyable when they were not thinking about getting seats while at the park.

Also, the time frame works perfectly for us. We are going to leave the hotel near the airport by 11am and then head to the Nik hotel. DH (if he comes) wants to hit the flee market and pick up a set of Dominos as well as a new back pack.

The last one we bought in 1995 is finally on it's last leg. I think I was mad at him because he spent $15 on it and I thought that was way too much. :rotfl:

It is my travel and baseball back pack and is low maintenance with only a small pocket on the outside front and one big pocket to STUFF with a single zipper. Otherwise I can never remember which pocket I put the stuff in and then it takes me more time not less. Plus I can get a lot more in one pocket than a bunch of little ones.

I on the other had don't care if I don't leave the property until we check out on Saturday morning.

We will either eat at the hotel or at the Ponderosa near the hotel. The kids love the buffet there. We have a $50 food voucher for use at the hotel, so I am easy either way. You might not be hungery at dinner time after your tea. But if we are having fun :rolleyes1 we can always decide to eat together. I am not sure what Bug needs to consider when it comes to food but I don't mind planning around that.

I think I am feeling better tonight since DH is coming home tomorrow. It makes me feel like things may work out okay but I am still working out a plan B in case we need it. My mom will come with us again if Ward does not but airline tickets and insurance would have to be worked out if she does.

The run way length does not bother me so much as the deicing proces....that makes me a bit jumpy if we wait at all before taking off.

Tomar - My prayers are with you for your mom. I can't imagine how hard being so far away is for you. :grouphug:

Thanks for the group hugs everyone. It did make me feel better.
Hi guys :angel:
Wanted to let you all know how much I appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers for Nana ...and especially for me :flower3: ....You are all so very special to my heart :angel: .....:hug:
MKY- thank you for the heads up about the Social Workers and Case management people at the hospital....One of the gals and I are already on a first name basis :angel: .....she has already sent a visiting nurse to Nana once...and is going to send a visiting social worker to assess Nana`s situation.....she has given me a list of home health caregivers...my Brothers and I are in the process of looking into the best possible senario for her at this time.....it is very hard :sad2: The paper work is phenominal...and Im not sure if all this is going to drain us all financially either...but we will do what we must for our Mother :angel: ....I feel so very helpless at times when Nana gets out of sorts in her mind....for instance...yesterday...she didn`t even want the nurse at the house...and was yelling about it to me on the phone to tell the nurse not to visit with her.....Mr.Tomar spoke to her and she then gave in.....it just breaks my heart because I know it really isn`t her at all doing these things....:sad1:
Candi- my thoughts and prayers are for your FIL also at this time.....:angel:

On a better note :cloud9: .....MKY , Bug and Candi... you are leaving soon !! WHOO HOO !!!
I Know you guys are gunna have a wonderful time !!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
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