It's kinda fun to do the impossible -wd

you should totally check it out when you go! It never has a line, and if for some reason there is a line, it moves at the same rate as Its a Small World. So you can imagine how quickly that is....

I would imagine you already plan to go on Soarin', and they are both in The Land...

I know I've seen the entrance to it but I've never bothered with it. Maybe this trip!

Something I am looking forward to:


hahaha jk, well I seriously am looking forward to not doing homework BUT something Disney that I am looking forward to is:



The Mexico Pavillion in Epcot!!! Now while we don't have plans to eat here, I still love the feel of this place. This one has its own smell also lol. The lighting, the boat ride, the stores...:love:

I have to say though, I'm not a huge fan of what they have done with the ride, they have somewhat recently added the 3 amigos and donald duck, and I honestly prefer the old ride over the new additions. But its still a great pavillion! They also moved my favorite store across the pavillion and put a little bar where the store used to be. I was pretty upset until my mom and I discovered what wonderful beverages they serve at this new place...



Something JR will be super excited about (but doesnt know yet because its a surprise)



Yes, I am taking all of us to the Rainforest Cafe over T Rex, I keep hearing that its really loud, expensive, and the food is no bueno:sad2: I'm pretty dissappointed that we won't be trying it out on this trip but maybe next time;)

Can you believe that one week from today I will be arriving at Pop, checking in to stay for FIVE NIGHTS!!! I'm so stoked:cloud9:
Yes! And honestly I'm usually not a fan of shots, but these were SOOO good! The one on the very left was by far the best. It tasted like a sweet bloody mary

It's where exactly in the Mexican pavilion? :laughing: I'll have to keep an eye out for it.
It's where exactly in the Mexican pavilion? :laughing: I'll have to keep an eye out for it.

lol its well worth the lookout. I want to say when you walk in, go down the ramp or steps on the right hand side, and its the first little nook on the right.

Heres the link:

If you click on the drinks menu and scroll down to the bottom, there is a picture of that sampler with the exact shots that it comes with. :thumbsup2
COUNTDOWN: 6 DAYS!:banana::woohoo::banana::woohoo::banana:

Something I know my mom is always looking forward to is...



Her FAVORITE ride!! The Tower of Terror in MGM!! I think the best part of this ride is that you NEVER know the sequence it will drop you in. The computer decides each time. Not to mention all of the decorations, cobwebs, and the awesome cast that work at that ride.

Something that I love to do at Disney is...



And i am totally guilty of owning this shirt lol

Real quick life story: So remember that awesome Juicy Couture bag I bought on ebay? Yeah, not real, go figure. Shame on me for believing it was. But anyway, the day after I paid for the bag, the listing was removed from ebay because of some third party who accessed the sellers account:scared1: Two days later, I got the bag. I can't lie, I actually cried when I opened it. Dramatic? maybe. Already having a bad day and the bag was the cherry on top? DEFINITELY!
Anyway, the stitching was totally illegible (sp?), one letter was actually upside down. I was SO excited about this bag, and then it turned out to be fake, and I couldnt contact the seller because they were no longer a registered user on ebay. So their site had said they had a 7 day return policy. Therefore, I paid extra to ship it BACK within that 7 day time frame, and still have not gotten my money back. I contacted ebay customer service, and I'm sorry, but to call the person I spoke to a complete moron would be putting it lightly. They were NO help. And this was after waiting an hour to talk to someone, and talking for another hour. Finally today Paypal helped me, and I got a refund:worship:thank you so much paypal....I still am fuming at ebay though:mad: It's partially my own fault for trusting a listing on ebay, but i have made so many purchases that I never had issues with so I didn't think twice about the bag. oh well. The funny thing is, the seller rejected the package so its coming back to me. So now i have this fake bag and my money back :rotfl: stupid llntensell, your not a nice person.

Well thats my story, lesson learned: NEVER buy purses on ebay. EVER.
Thanks for the info for the Mexican pavilion! I'll definitely have to stop in there and check it out.

I'm with your Mom. I love ToT!

Ugh. Sorry the bag turned out to be fake. :( At least you got your money back. Sell the bag and you can make a profit. :laughing:

I'm still super excited but feel like dog poo today so i'm definitely not doing a 3 day dance, i'll need someone to jump in and do it for me.

I think its stress. I have a stat quiz today and i have no idea what i'm doing, my teacher is awful and the TA's aren't very helpful either. I also have a homework assignment due today and another on Wednesday. I have 2 homeworks due in my other psych class, and all of this needs to be done by wednesday night. OMG and I'm getting a rough draft back today in stat for a paper i wrote, and that final needs to be done by wednesday.

And I still need to get JR to pull our suitcases down from the attic so I can pack. Theres just not enough time in the day:sick:
3 day dance :banana:

Sorry you're so stressed. :hug: You'll get everything done. I know it seems like it's not possible right now but tackle things one at a time and you'll do it! And just think, after everything is done, you'll be in Disney World! :yay:
:banana::banana::banana: 3 days!! yah! i feel your pain i had a hemodynamic test today an ekg wed a vent test next monday and 2 papers due the day b4 we leave next wed but Im sure you will get it done and what better motivation than Disney!!!
3 day dance :banana:

Sorry you're so stressed. :hug: You'll get everything done. I know it seems like it's not possible right now but tackle things one at a time and you'll do it! And just think, after everything is done, you'll be in Disney World! :yay:

thanks, I think I was having a breakdown all day, luckily I'm pretty sure its over. thank goodness:worship: Thats what I told myself all day, that Disney is only a few days away and then i'll be in the happiest place on earth, who couldn't be cheered up by that thought?:rotfl:
:banana::banana::banana: 3 days!! yah! i feel your pain i had a hemodynamic test today an ekg wed a vent test next monday and 2 papers due the day b4 we leave next wed but Im sure you will get it done and what better motivation than Disney!!!

omg, how do you do it?! I'm only in two classes, and I'm dying. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have stat, I'm just terrible at math. My TA's told me I underestimate myself, but I don't think they realize how much I have to study and review this stuff beforehand. But yes, luckily we have Disney right around the corner. amen. :worship:
I'm so stressed I might pass out. Work is crazy. Life is crazy. AND I LEAVE TOMORROW! hopefully.

work: all of the reps seem to know i'm going to be gone for a whole 4 business days, end of the world as they know it:scared1: so they are ALL calling and calling. even my receptionist said i was on fire today, everyone thats been calling...katie katie give me katie. NO, i dont want you!! lol jk

life: bad things with my mom, dont really want to discuss right now, just hope for the best:sad1:

weather: yes WEATHER. apparently there is a hurricane in FL right now. so i freak out because i thought it would be bad while we were there....apparently the weather in florida is supposed to be beautiful tomorrow. BUT it is supposed to hit MD in the early morning hours with high winds and heavy rain. ***:mad: please please dont delay my flight

school: I did the stat quiz on monday, not terrible but definitely not 100 like my last quiz in that class. I turned in the homework on monday, didnt get the grade back yet. I finished the homework thats due today, and turned in hw for my other class yesterday. I have one more hw that I need to finnish on my lunch break. THE BAD NEWS: i asked on day one of stat if the TA's could work with me so i can turn in a paper early (its due mon the 4th and i wont be there) they said yeah sure no prob. Then when I turned in the draft for that paper last wedn, i reminded them of my absence and requested that they please please return the draft by monday (this past mon), so i could have enough time to make changes, etc. monday came, guess what? no feedback :mad: tuesday morning came, no feedback:mad: I finally got a response back last night at 8 pm with feedback, and the TA suggesting that I not rush through the paper to turn in tomorrow, and just turn it in on time. *** *** ***!!!! I hate them. I asked on day one if this would be ok and they said yes, now they say its not. After this email, they sent a mass email to the class repeating that due dates are strict and they will only work with excused absences. Well guess what TA's, I will be on a business trip for my company from the 30-5. ;) TRY to not excuse me, i dare you. I'm so angry I could scream, or cry. not sure which one.

VACATION: we are all packed, finally :goodvibes and im sure there is no way we forgot anything:lmao: JR had said his mom would take us to the airport tomorrow, but yesterday tells me, that she wants us to take a shuttle instead:mad: I have checked us into southwest and we are in group B, but that shouldnt matter because we are traveling with a child. Either way we should board ahead of everyone, I hope. Now I need to track down Conners birth certificate so I can get him a boarding pass...I have NO idea where i put it. I saw it recently and put it somewhere i would remember, which of course I have forgotten:rotfl:

everyone please do a dance for me today, I need the all of the hoorays I can get.
Sorry to hear about the trouble with your mom, whatever it is. :hug:

Fingers crossed that your flight doesn't get delayed or anything! They said we were supposed to get rain from Earl when that was the hurricane of the week and...nothing happened. So here's hoping that the forecast is way off! Seriously, how do you get paid to do a job where you're wrong 50% of the time??

I'm sure the school issues will work themselves out. They usually do.

You leave tomorrow!! :banana:
Last post before we leave! I'm desperately trying to calm myself down and keep it together. All of the excitement and school and work is just overwhelming me to no end.

To everyone that will be gone when I get back, I hope you have a blast!!!!

Thanks to everyone who followed through my PTR and shared my excitement through out the past few months!

Prepare for my TR link next week!!!


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