Is This Trip Really Special For Anyone?

Hugs to all of you who have experienced loss and are celebrating life in Disney World! :grouphug:

This trip is special because we are celebrating my dh's 40th birthday. Our best friends and their boys are coming with us, so it should be fun!

The neatest part is that none of our kids know we are going, and we leave in less than 24 hours! :rotfl:

Enjoy your trips...for special reasons or is so short!!
My best friend that I have known since I was 3 years old was killed in a car wreck on 7-13-05. Our birthdays are one day apart and I will be celebrating my birthday at Disney. Not only will her birthday happen while at Disney but the 3 month anniversary of her death will also.
My grandmother passed away at Christmas time and she always loved "it's a small world" so even though I don't like that ride we have to ride it in her memory.
I need this vacation- Disney is my happy place and hopefully it will be 2 weeks that I can be happy and let me worries be replaced by happy memories.
I would like to do something to honor Rebecca's memory while at Disney either on her birthday or the anniversary. I thought of releasing a balloon or maybe leave a legacy tile.
During our last trip to Disney (January), my FIL died. We found out while we were standing in the American Pavillion (good thing I never liked that one much anyway). We had to fly home and cut the trip short.

This trip will be difficult for my husband, but he wants to go because he loves it so much. We also have decided that this when we will be trying for our first baby - hoping to bring home a special souvinier :blush:
Life is too short, so don't let it pass you by.

I realized that when my father passed away suddenly and violently at the age of 50....I was 32, and hadn't had nearly enough time to know him as an adult. I was comforted by the knowledge that we had a good relationship, saw each other often, and told each other how much we loved each other. So in that respect, I have no regrets.

I insisted that my mother and I take a trip together after my father died. She and I had never travelled together alone as adults (though we've spent countless hours together with spouses, children, extended family)....and after Dad died, I just knew that I shouldn't put off ANYTHING for later, because you cannot see the future and you just might regret not having done something. And guess where we went??!!? To Disney World, of course. It was her first was the two year anniversary of my father's death....and we had a magical, wonderful trip that we both will always treasure.

My father died 5 years ago. My mother, young also at 50, was blessed to find another wonderful man and remarried quickly. He's never been to Disney World either. Our family (me, husband, four kids) are taking him and my mother to the "Most Magical Place on Earth" this October. It's been a difficult journey for my family, but each year gets easier. I still miss Dad....but now when I think of him, I am not sad, but happy, for I remember all of the wonderful things that made him special to me.

So go ~ and have a wonderful time. Be at peace knowing that your mother is with you in spirit, and she is smiling down on you as you are making new memories. Be happy; life is short.

I lost my maternal grandfather to cancer on December 11, 2004. 13 days later my dad dropped dead of a heart attack on christmas eve. Planning this trip has been the only thing keeping me going the last 9 months. Without this to look forward to, I think the depression would've swallowed me up.

I have wonderful memories of my father and WDW. It will be bittersweet this trip...
I'm sorry for your loss and prayers for your MIL. You definitely need the trip. I'm thinking maybe dh shouldn't take vacations with me anymore. ;) Last week we were at Boardwalk Inn for our 25th wedding anniversary. We were supposed to be there the 19th-23. Well we cut it short by almost 2 days b/c we live in Houston and had to get back before Hurricane Rita. (everything is fine). But before that trip the last vacation dh took was 5 years ago for our 20th anniversary (workaholic he is) and his Dad died right after we got back. We made the decision both times to take the trips and never regretted it although right now I wish we were back at DW finishing out the vacation-oh well. :grouphug: to you and yours
My next trip will be a special one for my friend and her two daughters who are coming with us. She lost her DH to cancer in April of 2004. Her first trip was with my family in January 2004. She wanted her DH to come but he decided to go to his sister's house in Illinois instead. He died three months after that trip and I know she is so sad that they never got to go to WDW together as a family. I went last February with just my kids and I felt guilty that she couldn't go. It will be almost two years since Joe passed away when we go to WDW in February and I know it will be bittersweet because as much as she loves Disney there is always a part of her that wishes he had gone with them to WDW. I think it will be a good carefree week for her and the girls though and hopefully somewhat healing for them. They really need that time to act silly and wear goofy hats and just be happy in a magical place.

To everyone who has lost someone, I am so sorry for your loss and I hope your trip can be healing as well in some small way. I lost my dad 10 years ago when I was 22 and I still miss him but it does get better. :grouphug:
Diseny is the perfect place to go to heal. After my husband died several months later my sisters and I took our families to WDW. To see the look on my kids faces when they entered the park was priceless. The weight of the world was lifted off my shoulders for that week. It gave me the chance to forget about things for awhile.

Reality will be back in your life before you know it. Go and have a wonderful time. It is what she would have wanted for you.


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