(Inspired by Beanie) Have you ever gotten some kind of Employee Award??

I gift certificate to a restaurant and a peice of paper with something on it, but I was :mad: about something and tore up the paper and gave them their certificate back.
I have not, a huge miscarriage of justice
If you give us the name, e-mail address and cell phone number of your boss I'm sure a few of us here would be happy to put in a good word for you. :wave2:
Nope! I get letters and emails from clients, and appropriate gifts from them from time to time, but nothing from my employer. My husband's team won a huge award last year and I was so proud of him. We were tasked with coming up with a plan to try and save $1mil using new and creative practices and he won! He got a lovely plaque, a fancy dinner with our fun and super nice executive team member, and awesome tickets to a Laker's game.
I used to work as a service advisor at a car dealership. I won Employee of the Month. The prize was a brand new car to drive for a month with all gas provided and a primo parking spot.
I won volunteer of the year at my old job (in banking), it came with a little 4" glass plaque for my desk and $400. At that time I volunteered for hospice, my kids schools, and a community fund raiser for nearly 100 people who became homeless after an apartment fire.

Earlier in the year everybody had to list all of their volunteer activities, and just a couple weeks before that I was asked to come to work on my day off by my teller supervisor because they were going to be short handed. I did, but the bank said the hours were not approved by the bank manager so I wouldn't get paid. I was pissed, but there was nothing I could do. I almost listed those hours on my form as volunteer hours.
I have quite a few, usually accompanied by some big object to "display" showing my award. Ugh. Now, I've got this pile of crap in my basement storage room that I don't really want to display, and feel bad throwing out. LOL.

The best one was an award I got as part of a team of 4 that I was on. We got a very nice trip to an Arizona resort for the team member and guest to "receive" the award. The trip was awesome. I don't even remember the name of the award.
I won associate of the month three times in one year, which led to me being associate of the year. It was a good year for me.
My current company doesn't have any form of recognition for mid level managers, we just get heaped with abuse :scared:
In a 23-year career with "the gummint," I was fortunate to work for managers who appreciated their staffs and made the effort to see that our above-and-beyond achievements were recognized. I received performance awards in each of my different assignments, and in one 3-year assignment I received six cash awards of $2,000 each and a promotion to the next grade. That was my favorite assignment, and I'm not sure if it was because of the awards, or if the awards were because I truly LOVED the work and I really put my heart and soul into it.
In a 23-year career with "the gummint," I was fortunate to work for managers who appreciated their staffs and made the effort to see that our above-and-beyond achievements were recognized. I received performance awards in each of my different assignments, and in one 3-year assignment I received six cash awards of $2,000 each and a promotion to the next grade. That was my favorite assignment, and I'm not sure if it was because of the awards, or if the awards were because I truly LOVED the work and I really put my heart and soul into it.

LOL - I award the impromptu "employee of the week" :woohoo: to the staff member of mine that ends up being stuck with the suckiest last-minute, unexpected, emergency task (sometimes employee of the month if it's really, really bad:scared:). It's just kind of a light-hearted thing we do amongst ourselves as there is no formal recognition or awards of any kind at our company but I also have the latitude to slide an employee an extra paid day off here and there, which I happily do to reward a job well done.
I got an "Above and Beyond" award once for taking on extra for a month or so when a coworker had an emergency. There was a luncheon (several winners in a large company) and I also received a calculator in a fancy wooden case.
I was breast feeding champion of the month once! Go figure out how I won that!:faint:
Performance bonuses, yes. Awards, no.

Did get $100 in the monthly safety drawing one time, but that was a random name from a hat type of thing.
The company's first Employee of the Year. At my acceptance I asked they split the $100.00 award between 2 co-workers, one with Crohn's and the other whose wife had lung cancer. Following my request the plant supervisor said the company would match my offer.
You know, like Emplyee of the Month or Year or something like that??

Years and years ago I actually got a Super Sacker award when I sacked groceries!!!:o :o

My DH gets Safety Awards at the factory he works but that's about it for us!:p

I received second place for Administrative Assistant of the year for the company I used to work for. It came with a $1,000 savings bond. That came as a complete surprise. I was only with the company as a permanent employee for a year. But it showed me that I had grown a lot. I used to lose a lot of the jobs I had due to my own mistakes, so my self esteem was pretty low. That changed when I joined that company. I learned and grew a lot. Sadly the location I worked in closed it's doors back in 2007. I still miss that job and my former co-workers.


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