(Inspired by Beanie) Have you ever gotten some kind of Employee Award??

Kitty 34

Hums in her sleep
Feb 16, 2000
You know, like Emplyee of the Month or Year or something like that??

Years and years ago I actually got a Super Sacker award when I sacked groceries!!!:o :o

My DH gets Safety Awards at the factory he works but that's about it for us!:p
I got Programmer of the Year when I was an RA in college.

Chris got an award and the company flew us to Paris to get it. That was very exciting and fun....:D
I got an award for taking a volunteer to his doctor's appt. on my own time.
The closest to an award I have ever gotten was being nominated for assoc of the month. In a 2000 employee hotel, winning was a little tough.

DH on the other hand has gotton lots of merits awards, recognition from the city etc... for his police work.
I won an award a few years ago through my company. They nominated people all throughout the year for various awards in the areas of quality, teamwork, innovation, and "best cost" philosphy, and at the end of the year they picked who they considered the most deserving in each category. I won for innovation. I was so surprised, but very embarrassed. I hated that feeling, getting an award for something I was paid to do anyway. I didn't mind the $5000 they gave me to go with it though! :) It paid for our first trip to WDW, 10 days at the Poly. :)
dh has gotten tons (maybe 8 or 10) of these recognition stars in his company (they are called Star Employees or something like that) There are 40K employees, so I guess to get 10 of them, it is pretty good.

I have gotten some nice emails.. One letter was written to the Dean, and cited me and my boss in the email. I took a copy of that email, and sent it to HR!
In 10 years at my company, I have received 6 monthly awards, and been nominated a whole bunch of times.

*toot* *toot*
Wow, I want Snoops award instead of mine! I was employee of the month in May, it was a new award program, I was second to receive it. I was awarded with a 50 dollar gift certificate to a good restaurant, and for a trophy I received a nintendo64 controller:confused: . I do believe since I was promoted to management last month, I am no longer eligable for the award again.
I got one once..
Of course Uncle Sam took his 40 % of it..:mad:
I was teacher of the year for the Austin Community Schools program (the program offers adult education taught at night on public school campuses) in 1989. I used to teach introductory computor courses a couple nights a week as a way to help out with my tuition while I finished my CS degree. I got a plaque.
Oh yeah, I forgot, I got a $10 mall gC once, and I just got a GC for a local sporting goods store....

Snoops, I want your reward!
Gosh you guys!!! Some of you (Snoopy comes to mind!!;) ) get some NICE rewards!!! I just got a piece of paper and my DH got a $10 Gift Certificate for Meijers!!!:D
I have won the"Telephone Counselor of the Month" 3 times in my 6 years @ AAA. They give you a trophy and a bonus check (usually around $40) and a letter in your file.
I know, $5000 is amazing, isn't it? I had NO idea, they handed me this plaque, and I thought, "well this is nice". But then they handed me this envelope and I assumed it was a gift certificate. My friend who worked in HR was dying, I caught her eye and she was motioning to me to open the envelope. I waited until I got out of the spotlight and I opened the thing and almost fell out. My HR friend was rolling on the floor laughing, she knew I'd be surprised.

I guess I should also mention that I took $1000 of the top of that money (which I only saw about 50% of after Uncle Sam got done with it) and donated it to my favorite charity, Make A Wish. I always do this when I get money unexpectedly. I figure what goes around comes around, and that philosophy has proved to be very true in my life.
I've gotten three "Employee of the Month" plagues, back when they gave it to EVERYBODY... :rolleyes:

I also got 6 performance rewards, between $1000 and $10,000. That's disappeared when we were eaten up by the "unnamed" corporate giant!
i've won a number of production awards that were cash. I also won $1800 gift certificate from a raffle based on previous awards.
I've received a few but my favorite one was 50,000 frequent flyer miles. Guess where we went on them? ;)
I received the Nightingale Award from local Visiting Nurse Association. A nurse working in any type of nursing is eligible if nominated by boss. My DH received an excellence award at his job for $500.00. Did we pay bills with it?? No way, it led us to plan our latest WDW trip!:earsgirl: :earsboy: :earsboy:
I got the Team Work Award of the quarter and got my name on a plaque at work and a pin to wear on my name tag.


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