In light of all the medical posts...

I always charge the $20.00 to $35.00 DIS Co-pay before giving advice! How else am I going to pay for my Disney addiction? :rolleyes:
:rotfl2: I hardly think that anyone who can't breathe and is about to drop dead is going to crawl over to their computer to ask Disers what they think before calling 911.

I'd venture a guess and say that no Diser has ever forgone medical care because of the Dis. If someone has, they must still be in the hospital, because I've never seen a thead describing that here.:sick: :laughing:

It makes people feel better to talk about what ails them, and we all learn from it. Right, Mayl?

I am far from an expert but I have been an EMT for 18 years so I do have some background.

I have seen some very horrible "advice" more times then I can count on these boards for people posting about medical concerns. If the person did half of these things, they would be in worse shape.

While there can be some solid tips, advice etc, the poster does not know what is good, bad and some harmful. Do you open your car window and yell to random people and ask for medical advice? No different then posting here when a medical issue crops up.
I am far from an expert but I have been an EMT for 18 years so I do have some background.

I have seen some very horrible "advice" more times then I can count on these boards for people posting about medical concerns. If the person did half of these things, they would be in worse shape.

While there can be some solid tips, advice etc, the poster does not know what is good, bad and some harmful. Do you open your car window and yell to random people and ask for medical advice? No different then posting here when a medical issue crops up.

Just because you feel that people are getting bad advice doesn't mean that people are running out and trying everything that is suggested. You seem to think that all the posters are complete morons. If I am talking to people online about a medical issue, I take everything with a grain of salt. I think a lot of the time it's less the "tips" that people want, and more just a feeling that someone else may have been through the same thing.

If you don't like reading it, then my "tip" would be not to read it, and not to assume that you know exactly why people are seeking out other's information, or what they are doing with the information once they receive it.

Just because you feel that people are getting bad advice doesn't mean that people are running out and trying everything that is suggested. You seem to think that all the posters are complete morons. If I am talking to people online about a medical issue, I take everything with a grain of salt. I think a lot of the time it's less the "tips" that people want, and more just a feeling that someone else may have been through the same thing.

If you don't like reading it, then my "tip" would be not to read it, and not to assume that you know exactly why people are seeking out other's information, or what they are doing with the information once they receive it.
Things that ok to do on the DISboards:

look for other people with your medical condition
ask for people's experiences with the diagnostic process
ask for advice to supplement dr's advice for dealing with minor problems (such as, "does anyone have suggestions for how to relieve pain of a sprained ankle" or "does anyone else get an upset stomach from advil") - advice should not be used in lieu of a dr's advice
learn about other people's medical conditions.

I have several chronic health problems at age 23, and I just want to say I owe one of my diagnoses SOLELY to the DISboards!!! Someone else here had EDS, and I read about it and it sounded like me. sure enough, i found a specialist in it, asked her, and I have it! so i am all for informational discussions, but i do worry when people ask questions about things which could be considered emergencies
also, my neuro problems have been misdiagnosed and undiagnosed for SEVEN years, so quite frankyl i will take all the ideas i can get, no matter who they are from.

of course, i take the ideas and go to my dr with them, not just try them on my own. i guess common sense is a good thing, eh??
Though I somewhat agree with Mayl I believe the internet has replaced the "watercooler" when it comes to advice and information.

People, under medical advice or whatever, sometimes want to know how someone else has tackled a medical problem.

The best advice I EVER got was from a co worker's sister....after I had every possible medical test with NO diagnosis. The world of medicine is far from flawless, but we must always use common sense.
When I had my heart attack it presented very differently from what one would typically think is a heart attack. I did go to the ER (no stop on the DIS for me first). After I was released I shared my experience here. 3 people that I know of remembered my story when they were having issues. One of them ended up needing additional tests and because of this may have prevented something from happening.
I would never had thought at first that my pain was caused by my heart. But I tell ya what, if someone comes on here with the same symptoms I will tell them to go the ER. I thought all I had done at first was twist my back.
Yes everyone is different and everyone has different medical issues but coming here to discuss them while waiting to hear back from a DR or just to get a little reassurance is really no big deal. Heck it may keep someone from truly freaking out.
Apparently you think the majority of Disers are bumbling idiots who can't function on their own.
One of my co-workers just left the bathroom and walked directly to my desk and asked if colonics are covered by our insurance plan because he thinks he just passed a worm :rolleyes1 My response.... what exactly have you been eating
One of my co-workers just left the bathroom and walked directly to my desk and asked if colonics are covered by our insurance plan because he thinks he just passed a worm :rolleyes1 My response.... what exactly have you been eating

Rut Roh, tell him that his DIS co-pay will be $50.00 for an emergency! :lmao:
Most of the time when I answer those types of posts, I say talk to your doctor.

I actually was able to figure out why I wasn't getting pregnant through the old "Newsgroups." (Am I the only person who knows what I am talking about?)

It is nice to be able to reach out when you have minor questions or want to comiserate with someone who understands.

One of my co-workers just left the bathroom and walked directly to my desk and asked if colonics are covered by our insurance plan because he thinks he just passed a worm :rolleyes1 My response.... what exactly have you been eating

t....M......IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.... :faint:
I work in drs office and I can tell you I have to tell a lot of people that state I need an appt today because I'm having chest pain. When I tell them "If you are having chest pain you need to go to the emergency room!" Some are not happy that I will not book an appt for them. There is nothing we can do for you here and you may be wasting valuable time!

Well, chest pain isn't always a heart attack. Although, if it's something you've never had before, definitely go to the emergency room.

But, in the emergency room, all they will do is check for a heart attack or do a couple of x-rays to check your lungs. If it's not a problem with either, then they send you home with little or no explanation.

It took four trips to the emergency room before I got any real explanation about my pains.

Just because a person may be seeing a doctor, it doesn't mean they're seeing the right doctor, either. Many doctors these days will not look beyond what they themselves know extensively and deal with. Then the person sits and waits for the wrong treatment to work before the doctor finally figures out that it's not working.

If we'd had the internet 28 years ago, maybe my mom wouldn't have had to wait 2 years to finally be diagnosed with her disease and could have been treated accordingly in the meantime.
OP, I can't believe you think you have the right to tell people what they can or can't post. This is a DIScussion board, and they want to discuss their medical problem. Why is it bothering you?:confused3


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