I'm Ordering a big BLT for Thanksgiving 2010 NEW 12/3 started TR! see link

WOW!! Great list of WS Holiday Storytellers times!! This will really come in handy--thank you!! I'd love the link to the blog were you found this info!! :goodvibes
Phew, all caught up. Love the past pics of the kids at Epcot, fun to see them at different ages. Our kids love Epcot too, especially the countries which DH and I like too.

Looks like you're going a fab job with getting things on your 'to do' list checked off! It's going to be a great trip!
Hi all you can follow the link below to another thread of mine that is also attached in a Sticky on the disABILITIES board about the lates and newest version of a special guidebook I created for Nathan to help manage his ADHD and Aspergers while we are there....

You're amazing! :thumbsup2


That worked thanks! VERY cute clippies.... kinda wish I could wear them myself. :rolleyes1

Julie, your guidebook is just incredible. What a fantastic Mom you are. :goodvibes

Great tips from your Epcot lessons learned. I'm going to make sure we do Kim Possible early in the day so we can do more than one and it still stays fun.

Love your lookback pictures at Epcot... who's that rascal stealing the hat? What a hoot!

I've stolen your storytellers times listing as well. I think I'll let my gang pick out one for sure each that they want to see and then like you've said, any others seen will be a bonus. :thumbsup2
First off we had a wonderful birthday party for the girls yesterday transforming our dinning room into Wonderland :goodvibes I will post some pix tomorrow! have not accomplished much more on my to-do list...but it's coming along...can't believe this week we start our 10 day countdown :cool1:

please stay tuned...I should have lots to share and update on as the days countdown....

I keep forgetting how many days you'll be there! How great to be able to split the touring up EPCOT up like that so you don't have to "Do it All" in one day!

yes 10 days is the perfect amount IMHO...we have 3 non park days and still plenty of park fun spread out

I love love love Nathan's guidebook! How great it turned out! I think the attraction check off list is really great!

thanks...he really likes it too

All the pictures you must have! Keeping them organized alone is a challange! I love to watch the age progression!:)

I use the program Picasa (from Google) to keep all the pictures organized...love it!

I love the guidebook you made for Nathan.
So clever!
I think you should consider selling them on Etsy. I'm sure lots of moms would buy one :goodvibes

thanks Jen! even Nathan's doctor said the same thing :goodvibes I'd need to design my own backgrounds first...since I can't sell the DISigns in any way...but maybe I'll give it attempt :confused:

WOW!! Great list of WS Holiday Storytellers times!! This will really come in handy--thank you!! I'd love the link to the blog were you found this info!! :goodvibes

thanks...here is the link:


Phew, all caught up. Love the past pics of the kids at Epcot, fun to see them at different ages. Our kids love Epcot too, especially the countries which DH and I like too.

that is part of the fun going back yr after yr :thumbsup2
Looks like you're going a fab job with getting things on your 'to do' list checked off! It's going to be a great trip!

I truly hope so...we really need a break and some good family time!

You're amazing! :thumbsup2


aww...thanks Kathy :hug:

That worked thanks! VERY cute clippies.... kinda wish I could wear them myself. :rolleyes1

I know that is what I told Becky too

Julie, your guidebook is just incredible. What a fantastic Mom you are. :goodvibes

thanks...this was a fun one to make!

Great tips from your Epcot lessons learned. I'm going to make sure we do Kim Possible early in the day so we can do more than one and it still stays fun.

that is what I am hoping for...maybe we'll do 3...so each of the older 3 kids can have a turn as the phone holder....;)

Love your lookback pictures at Epcot... who's that rascal stealing the hat? What a hoot!

isn't that crazy...we told her to go stand by the "CM" and then poof in went her hat...it was quite funny...her expression was great...she was pretty nervous though to ask for it back

I've stolen your storytellers times listing as well. I think I'll let my gang pick out one for sure each that they want to see and then like you've said, any others seen will be a bonus. :thumbsup2

we'll have to compare notes later

I agree with that. What a wonder guide book. You really should market them. I would buy one.:worship:

:welcome: Carol....

thanks :hug:
Reading about your Epcot plans makes me want to go work on mine! :cool1:

The storytellers sound amazing!!

Can't wait to see birthday pictures!
It's no secret that Epcot is our family's favorite park! I love that you have so much time to enjoy all it has to offer. :thumbsup2

The storytelling sounds fantastic! What a great way to experience the countries!

As always.....love the throwback pics! ;)
Reading about your Epcot plans makes me want to go work on mine! :cool1:

The storytellers sound amazing!!

Can't wait to see birthday pictures!

It's no secret that Epcot is our family's favorite park! I love that you have so much time to enjoy all it has to offer. :thumbsup2

The storytelling sounds fantastic! What a great way to experience the countries!

As always.....love the throwback pics! ;)

Epcot is way more fun to plan when you can devote 2 + full days to it....I am really looking forward to having some flex time w/ this park and try and experience more of the extra stuff in stead of just rushing from one thing to the next...

Thank you so much for the link, Julie!! I cannot WAIT to see pics of the girls party!!! :goodvibes

coming up super soon...
Ok everyone...we are down to 11 days or 10 days depending on how you look at it...but since Disney didn't let me check in today...is still 11 ;)

Last night we placed our Garden Grocer order and changed up some stuff...

first off the new site...it's nice and it's :headache:...word to the wise...when ordering...there is 3 boxes to narrow your choices down...first is "asiles" 2nd is "brand" and 3rd has organic, gluten free, etc options to check.

now if you narrow down by brand you have to clear that back to "view all" before going into a new "asile" or using the search field....was frustrating me to the end of my wits last night...when all I wanted to do was watch the Chicago Blackhawks...but they lost...that is another :headache:

after my techinical difficulties :badpc: I go the order placed and checked that off my to-do list :banana:

so what did we need?

for 8 meals in the villa (6 breakfasts, 1 lunch and 1 dinner...3 breakfasts are for 8 of us)

I got:

4 pack of Activia yogurt
2 cans sliced pears
4 pack mandarin oranges (bowls)
3 boxes 10 ct of Eggo waffles
1 17 oz and 1 25.5 oz boxes of Honey Nut cheerios
12 oz bottle syrup
can of Maxwell House Coffee (for Matt's parents)
8 oz package of bologna
jar of strawberry jam
1 1/2 gallons of 1 % milk
pkg of store brand wheat bread
6 ct of Thomas Blueberry bagels
89 oz jug of OJ
small box of chicken nuggets
1 box of Vans wheat free blueberry waffles (they are not dairy/egg free...but they will do as long as we don't slip on any other foods for Naomi-Ruth)
3 cartons of soy milk
3 single serving cherry yogurt cups for Matt

food total was $93.13
delievery was $12.00
sales tax $6.52
Gratuity (split 3 ways) $15.00

grand whopping total :scared: $126.65

Matt parents portion is $35.00...leaving our's at $91


what we changed was our dinner option, got some canned fruit instead of fresh, didn't get apple/fruit juice and nixed get a 12 pack of Dr Pepper for Matt at a whopping $6.00 for him to buy a refillable mug...at $13.00...seemed to make more sense.

Food bringing from home (from packing list)

small jar PB
mac/cheese box
lemonade mix
fruit snacks
microwave popcorn
NR-cake mix, bread, sunbutter, snacks, noodles, and grated cheese

the meals broken down:

B- cereal x 3
waffles x 2
bagels x 1

L- PB J sandwiches

D- mac/cheese and nuggets for kids plus 2 t/o meals from the Wave (leftover TS credits from MP's)


other things scratched off the list:

* my travel binder is getting closer to being ready

* emailed Special Diets this morning

* gave Matt's Dad the Welcome Folder...he liked it, especially the Abbreviation or "code" sheet

* almost all my money is in order have to set aside $ for bell services at POP/BLT, money for TS tips, and determine rest of souviner budget/spending...the girls each got g/c from my parents and sister for their birthdays plus Rachel got another 1 form a friend and I am getting together w/ my BFF next week and she will be giving the girls g/c too...plus the twins have g/c from the same friend we have been saving since thier b-day last May and my parents gave them early Christmas present of g/c too....sweet :cheer2:....

here is a quick recap of our spending money...

$7.00 for DME tips...$2 departure, $5 arrival

$10 airhop at Chicago

$100 for OOP food on Day 1/morning day 2 before DDP is up

$30 for taxi on Day 2 to CR

$28 for Mousekeeping $8 for Pop 2 rooms 1 night, $20 for BLT 1 full cleaning and 1 trash pick up (Matt's parents will contribute to full cleaning too)

$40 10 per child toward Mouse Gear purchase

$40 for Nathan PL appt

$160 for 3 girls BBB appts

each one of those is bundled, paperclip w/ a sticky note too :rolleyes1

approx bell services budget is $32 gratuity for TS meals is $87..plus maybe additional 20 for tip at the PL/BBB

get back to you on Souviner stuff...

* I have also pulled some more clothing items to the suitcases....

the to-do goals for this week....

* Have Matt finish binding the travel journals at wk

* finish Nathan's maps

* still some misc project stuff needs to be done

* more packing, clothes, misc things and get the kids carry-on bags situated

* arrange parking at airport

* 10 day check-in POP/BLT

* cancel mail

* finish getting my phone updated (lists, memory card, music)

* finish filling out CS dinning sheets

* re-load Disney rewards card

* pre-order Photopass CD

* finalize Dis meets

* get house in order: ie put away birthday party stuff...pack up halloween and fall items...take down/move things around in prep for Christmas decorating once home

* Get ready for our Pre-Disney Christmas this weekend...(tree, ornaments...:santa:)

* PTR posts....:faint:

and oh yeah..normal life stuff too:rolleyes:

stay tuned!

Reading your GG list makes me want to start my grocery list for our Feb trip! I need to be more organized about tip money and whatnot...

You are celebrating Christmas this weekend? :confused3 Or did you mean Thanksgiving? :confused3
You're getting the list knocked out! :thumbsup2

I've been debating on getting our Christmas stuff out so I won't have to worry about it when we get home. I usually start decorating the day/weekend after Thanksgiving.

I had to laugh at the 11 days because Disney didn't let you check in today. I tried to do the same thing! LOL
You are almost to on-line check-in!! That is so exciting, but I'm sure it's stressful to you with the amount of things you need to accomplish! You've done so much already, if you don't get a pat on the back from DH or the kids, I'm giving you a great big one right now! As a mom, I am starting to realize that we don't get thanked for the little things we do, and sometimes it's really nice to hear it!:worship:

I already feel so behind in planning our anniversary trip in April. I just booked it on Friday, and we're within our ADR window already! Also, it's the first time I've been during F&G, I'm overwhelmed.......I need to start searching the boards.

Hurray for almost ten days!!!
Reading your GG list makes me want to start my grocery list for our Feb trip! I need to be more organized about tip money and whatnot...

It's good to have a pre-planned list before you actually need to order I am sure I did my first run of food 6 months ago when I was figuring out the DDP plan....yes I'm not sure if I tip correctly but I always want to make sure it is pre-counted out...so I never have to worry about not having it :thumbsup2

You are celebrating Christmas this weekend? :confused3 Or did you mean Thanksgiving? :confused3

yes that is Christmas :rotfl: it is part of 10 day countdown...since the trip is so close...and several things we have bought for the trip will count as Christmas presents...we wanted to have a pre-Disney Christmas before we go...Matt and I decided the other day we might as well bring up our living room tree and go all out...more fun that way...and hey this way I'll be way ahead of the game when we get hm...(that and Matt and I will be out of town the 2 weekends before Christmas too...we'll be scrambling) now the kids don't know...so that is extra fun! a few days before we go we are having a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving...you know popcorn, toast, jelly beans, pretzels and ice cream sundaes....

You're getting the list knocked out! :thumbsup2

I am :rotfl:

I've been debating on getting our Christmas stuff out so I won't have to worry about it when we get home. I usually start decorating the day/weekend after Thanksgiving.

that is us too...

I had to laugh at the 11 days because Disney didn't let you check in today. I tried to do the same thing! LOL

worth a try right ;)

You are almost to on-line check-in!! That is so exciting, but I'm sure it's stressful to you with the amount of things you need to accomplish! You've done so much already, if you don't get a pat on the back from DH or the kids, I'm giving you a great big one right now! As a mom, I am starting to realize that we don't get thanked for the little things we do, and sometimes it's really nice to hear it!:worship:

aww thanks Sheresa

I already feel so behind in planning our anniversary trip in April. I just booked it on Friday, and we're within our ADR window already! Also, it's the first time I've been during F&G, I'm overwhelmed.......I need to start searching the boards.

Happy pre-Anniversary trip...we'll have to compare notes...I get into full swing on that after my Jan trip...we love F & G...you will love going during that time...plan lots of Epcot times!

Hurray for almost ten days!!!

Hi Julie
I have read your last 2 reports and lurked on here awhile ago I started re-reading tonight and used the links. Then I decided I was missing to much cool chatter and am reading everything :) I am on page 30 now but am getting there:yay: Love all your planning things,details etc. You are getting so close-must be doing this about now :banana::banana::banana:
The theme for the girls' pre-birthday party w/ their friends was an Alice in Wonderland Tea party...

as the girls arrived they went down the rabbit hole

pix coming

and then had to follow the directions to get into Wonderland...


and crawl through the tiny door




and what was on the other side, but the Mad Hatter's tea party...




the girls ate little cakes, cookies and cut up fruits, plus pink and yellow "tea"




we sang Happy Birthday



and played pin the smile on the Chesire Cat


(Matt made him btw)

and a few rounds of "Where's the doormouse?" think hot potato

after presents, the girls watched the animated version of the movie. It was a wonderful party and everyone had a great time. Each girl also got a goodie bag filled w/ special treats/prizes

Later in the afternoon, my parents and siblings came over to keep celerating and spend time together...since we all won't be together for T-giving (my siblings are w/ their inlaws and you know where we will be ;)) As well it was my sister's 40th...

the little girls had fun opening a few more gifts...



and we say Happy birthday to the Nov girls... :bday:


Hi Julie
I have read your last 2 reports and lurked on here awhile ago I started re-reading tonight and used the links. Then I decided I was missing to much cool chatter and am reading everything :) I am on page 30 now but am getting there:yay: Love all your planning things,details etc. You are getting so close-must be doing this about now :banana::banana::banana:

Hi MaryAz and :welcome: back....thanks for popping in to say hi....that is so fun you are going back through to read everything :goodvibes

enjoy...hopefully you'll be all caught up before we leave next week :thumbsup2
On Friday, Nov. 19th

we will be waking up bright and early and heading out to the airport...probably around 5 am.

We will park and ride at Chicago Midway airport...and if all goes well be taking off for the HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH around 8:20 am (CST)...

After landing in MCO, we'll find the Red carpet and board our DME bus to POP



we'll spend our FIRST day get accumulated to the lovely FL weather (let's hope no rain)...check out Everything Pop f/c and have lunch.


If the weather cooperates we'll check out the pools


and even do a Scavenger Hunt around the Resort.


Once we are settled in our rooms


Matt and I will head off to the MarketPlace for some dinner and shopping, plus pick up our all important pre-paid AP's :thumbsup2



I hope to score some great ornaments from here


check out Trend D


and just enjoy a little alone time and a huge sigh of relief...."we are here!"

Looks like a perfect start to a great 10 days....

Up NEXT: our 10 days till Disney countdown celebration and day 2....

thanks for reading,

What a fun party! Love all the teapots and china!

It's getting so close!!!!!!!!!!!!! :banana: :banana: :banana: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

I got your PM and just need to check our itinerary but right now it looks like our best bet on meeting is going to be the 21st at AK. :goodvibes


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