*I'm Back!* We're getting married..at Disney World!!! Jeff & Kathy's PJ! UPDATE: Let's Party! (9/18)

Yay wedding trip!!! I've kind of fallen off the forum thanks to my crazy job, but I promise I'm along for the ride! (Even if I go quietly hahaha)
Yay wedding trip!!! I've kind of fallen off the forum thanks to my crazy job, but I promise I'm along for the ride! (Even if I go quietly hahaha)

Oh I have kinda fallen off too! That's why we are almost at 2 month since the wedding and I have just now started to post. And I don't have stuff typed up ready to go. I'm working on that during my prep time at work now that I feel like I'm caught up there haha ;)

Yay! You're back and can't wait to hear more!!!

I am working on more. There is some interesting drama that happened! So stay tuned!
Awwww your wedding pictures are so beautiful! Can't wait to read about the recaps!!

FYI-- the foodie pics are making me hungry.

We had FINALLY made it into a park! I was so happy to be back in my happy place to get married! We decided to grab a few bites before heading to our fastpasses, and here is where I admit, the first couple hours...we failed miserably at taking pictures of our food!! I know we stopped at Canada because it was on our way and got a couple filet’s and cheddar cheese soup. We also stopped at Dominican Republic and choose to share the Lechón asado: Roasted pork with mangú, pickled red onion and avocado, which after one bite we all knew it was a terrible idea to share one between four people! It was so yummy! Sadly, we never ended up going back to get another one.

Then it was off to The Land for our Soarin’ fastpass. We love this ride, but I can’t wait to see the new movie for it! I think it will be really cool! And hopefully it’ll get rid of the LA at night part that I hate! It really messes with my eyes haha!

After arriving back from California, we headed over to the festival center. My dad and I had read that if you have an annual pass, and visit the festival on 3 different days and check in at a certain location to get your ‘passport’ stamped, you will get a commemorative 20th anniversary port wine glass! So we went into the festival center to see where we needed to go, and to pick up passports. We looked around for a minute or 2 and then headed on our way! We knew it was in one of the Innoventions building but weren’t sure which one. Hint, we went through both because we went to the wrong one first! But we got our passports stamped and were ⅓ of the way to getting a wine glass!

When we were in Disney for the planning session, my dad left his Tables in Wonderland card somewhere, and since it would have expired soon anyway, he just decided to get a new one. So he was headed to Guest Relations to get a new one. Mary, Jeff, and I decided to look around the Art of Disney store. Of course we saw lots of pretty things, but we didn’t buy anything. Then we decided to head back to the room to change for dinner. We were headed to Downtown Disney for a new restaurant!!

We haven’t found parking at Downtown Disney to be too bad. This time it said the parking garage was full. But we got turned around and ended up going in anyway. The nice thing about this parking garage is it tells you what levels have open spots and how many there are. I also think some of the rows have the lights on the ceiling over parking spaces that light up green if their free, and are red if their taken. So you can just look down the row for a red light. We ended up going down a row and seeing someone pull out! Perfect timing!

We walked around the shops for a bit before heading to dinner. DH Jeff is a HUGE soccer fan and there is a new soccer store at Downtown Disney. We saw their temporary stand when we were there in June and he was so excited to check out the new store. It turned out to be an awesome store! They had a lot of different jersey’s and you can get names printed on them in store if you want. We went back after dinner and he bought a PSG (Paris Saint Germain) jersey. It wasn’t originally one he was looking at, he had been debating since we left the store the first time between USA, Barcelona, and Orland FC...then kept changing. He was going to get Orlando but they ended up being like crazy expensive!

After killing some time walking around, it was finally almost time to check in for dinner, so we made our way to our next destination!

Mary was very excited to eat here, as was my dad! I was excited to try it but not quite as much as them. This restaurant was right up Mary’s alley. She loves places like this! My dad went to check us in and we were quickly seated. We had a lovely view!

We started out with some bread while we perused the menu and made our drink choices.

For drinks, my dad and sister chose to share a bottle of Merlot. I am not a huge red wine fan, I tend to prefer white wine so I decided to get my own glass.

I can’t remember what kind I got. I have a feeling it was the Conundrum. On our PS trip in June, I had it at Be Our Guest and really liked it, so I’ve gotten it since then when it is on the menu.

And not to leave my future hubby out of pictures, I took one of him with his diet coke. We made our dinner selections, and Mary decided she wanted to get some oysters. This girl loves her some good oysters!


They actually didn’t end up coming out when they were supposed to for some reason (idk if they ended up at another table or what). They arrived only minutes before our meal came.

DH ( smiley I love that I can tag that now) is not a fan of fish, so he decided to go with a burger. He thought it was a delicious burger.

I chose the crab cake. I wasn’t sure what I felt like having but when I saw the crab cake on the menu it sounded really good! I enjoy a good crab cake, and this was a delicious crab cake! Thankfully it was bigger than I expected, and what I usually see with crab cakes. It was also very filling, I didn’t quite finish the whole thing.


My dad and sister decided to get fancy! They got a chef’s special: The Boathouse Surf & Turf. A 24 oz dry aged Tomahawk rib chop and 1 ¼ lb. whole Maine lobster. They REALLY enjoyed this! The meat is very tender, almost like a filet. I’m not a huge fan of lobster but they really enjoyed it. It was the perfect meal for the two of them to split! If you like surf and turf, I would definitely recommend this one!

We also decided to share a couple sides since 2 of the 3 meals didn’t really come with sides. We chose the truffle fries which were very good. I thought the regular fries were just as good though (I stole a few from Jeff’s plate). And we forgot to picture is, but we also shared a roasted corn. We asked our waiter how the corn was. We are big corn fans and know good corn coming from corn country! It was pretty good, but not as good as we can get at home.

We decided to pass on dessert, as we were too full. We finished our drinks and did a little bit more shopping. Then we headed back to the resort. But we weren’t staying, we were just dropping our bags off. We decided at dinner that we wanted dessert, we just didn’t think anything at The Boathouse sounded appealing. So we made our way around the boardwalk towards the Yacht and Beach Club. We were headed to Beaches and Cream!

We were hoping to be able to get a seat inside, but they couldn’t get us a table for another hour or so! So instead we went over to the walk up window and ordered a couple sundaes to share, to go.


My dad and sister chose the No Way Jose: vanilla ice cream with peanut butter and hot fudge. This usually comes with a scoop of chocolate too but they opted for just vanilla. They thought this was really good! How could you go wrong with chocolate and peanut butter?! Unless you’re not a big peanut butter fan like me, then you opt for my favorite!


Jeff and I shared the Milky Way sundae: vanilla ice cream with caramel and hot fudge. I love this combination! It is so yummy! It even came with a couple fun size Milky Way bars. But by the time we finished the ice cream they were cold and hard to bite into.

With our bellies sufficiently full, we made our way back around the lake to the Boardwalk. Some wedding guests would be arriving the next day along with Jeff’s mom and sister. So we went back to the room to rest up for the excitement of the next day!
Yum...all that food looked so good! Especially the crab cake and the sundaes :) Loving your TR so far!
Food posts are the best posts!! You're making me miss Food & Wine so badly!

Glad everyone enjoyed the Boathouse - it really does seem like your dad & Mary had an amazing meal there!! Has it warranted a repeat visit?
Hooray for starting your wedding trip recap! We ate our first No Way Jose on the first Saturday of the trip we just got back from and holy Toledo it was worth all of the hype! Fortunately I had been able to snag a last minute reservation, so we ate lunch as well.
Wednesday October 7th: Part 1

Our plan for the day was set. We had decided to head over to Hollywood Studios. But first, we needed to get some breakfast. After some debate about where to eat, we decided to just grab a bite at the bakery. This is where we discovered what would be our breakfast just about every morning! In fact, the morning after the wedding I changed my order and instantly regretted it!

This time, my sister and I decided to try the breakfast sandwiches. It comes with 3 different options for the bread: a butter roll, a croissant, and a bagel. On this day, we actually chose a bagel and a croissant contrary to what the picture shows. We both decided the sandwich was really good but wanted to try it on the roll.

Again we forgot to get pictures (hey our vacations was just beginning, we were getting back into the swing haha!) but my dad got a cinnamon roll, and Jeff I believe chose a raspberry cheese danish. He really enjoyed this, and got it most days. My dad liked the cinnamon roll, it’s hard to go wrong with a cinnamon roll at Disney.

Once we finished our food, we made our way over to Hollywood Studios. When we stay at the Boardwalk we like to take the walking path. So we had a nice leisurely stroll over. Sadly, we were unable to score a TSMM fp+ for a time that worked for us. One of Jeff’s favorite rides is Rockin Rollercoaster, so we chose that fp instead.

We walked through the gates and enjoyed the beautiful, unobstructed view of the Chinese Theater. I was not a fan of that hat, sorry those of you who were! We continued our way straight through to the Theater! Our first stop was The Great Movie Ride. We enjoy this ride and like most of the changes made. I must say though, I’m not a fan of the recording during the ride. A little here and there wouldn’t be bad, but leave the script to the cast members!

Then we went over and waited in the single rider line for Rockin. Our fp time wasn’t up yet so we figured we could all ride by ourselves. Jeff was sat in front of a young girl who was not a fan of the ride, and was screaming at the top of her lungs. Jeff found this hilarious :rotfl2: By the time we got off Rockin, our fp was up so we walked back around and rode again. It’s been a little while now so I don’t really remember but we rode Tower of Terror at least once at some point.

After a few rides we were done at HS and decided to make our way over to Epcot for our lunch. When we go for F&W festival, we pretty much always plan to visit the booths for lunch. They tend to have shorter lines and it gives us lots of options of what we want to eat! So we started to leave HS but got distracted for a bit by some street performers!

My sister LOVES to watch the street performers. They are pretty funny! My dad was lucky enough one time to get picked! Then we decided to make one more pit stop on our way out. We had to get a little something to keep for a snack, the delicious carrot cake cookie!

We were headed back to the room to get our passports, so we could get them stamped for our second day! So after a quick stop by the room, we headed into Epcot and tried to decide which direction we wanted to go. We decided to turn left and go toward the UK.

Since we had already eaten at Canada, we decided to bypass that booth. Our first stop was at Hawaii.

We decided to share a couple Kalua pork sliders, and I believe my dad and sister shared a glass of the Kona Brewing Company Pipeline Porter.

Apparently, according to the picture we stopped at the Pub in the UK for a drink first! I forgot about that :rotfl: We really enjoy the pork sliders, they are always a must for us. The flavors with the pineapple chutney and the mayo is so good. We get at least one when we visit. We downed those quickly and made our way towards our next stop. This time I had a cider flight I wanted to try at the Farm Fresh Booth.

I love cider’s and several of the flavors sounded really good. There was a raspberry, dry pear, elderberry, and pumpkin. I wanted to try the pumpkin, but not being a big pumpkin fan I wasn’t sure how much I would like it. So the flight allowed me to try it without the possibility of throwing away most of it if I didn’t like it. My favorite ended up being the Elderberry. It was really good and had a subtle flavor. Next would probably be the raspberry, then the dry pear. The pumpkin was pretty good, and I think if you are a pumpkin fan you would enjoy it. But I was glad I didn’t get a whole glass of it.

Since I was getting a flight, we also decided to get the bacon mac n cheese, and the yard bird.

You can kinda see the mac n cheese in the background. Both were pretty good. The yard bird was just like chicken. Nothing real special about it.

Our next stops were at Australia and Patagonia for a couple other staples of F&W festival for us. I stopped and got a beef skewer from Patagonia.

The grilled beef skewer with chimichurri sauce and boniato puree. This is one of my absolute favorites from F&W! I love it so much! In fact, it would be making an appearance at our reception! But I knew they would be at the cocktail hour and we wouldn’t be partaking in the cocktail hour food, so I had to get one of my own. And it did not disappoint! It was so good! While I got that, my dad and sister went over to get our other staple from Australia.

The grilled lamb chop with mint pesto and potato crunchies. We love the lamb chop. Something about the mint pesto and the crunchies with the warm lamb, is just too yummy! Our final stop for the moment was at the Mexico booth where Mary got yet another shrimp taco! We also decided to try one of the other offerings at the Mexico booth.

Chilaquiles de pollo: Corn chips layered with seasoned chicken, queso fresco, sour cream and cilantro. This was good, but I think we all expected it to be a bit more crunchy than it was. It was good but not necessarily something we would get again.

After our bellies we sufficiently full, we decided to head into Future World to get our passports stamped. We decided to take a ride through our history first. Jeff and I were a bit silly :)

After getting our second stamp, we headed back around the countries and I think went in a few. We were all getting a bit tired and decided to make our way out of Epcot. Jeff’s mom and sister had arrived at the resort and we knew we wanted to rest up a bit before heading to dinner. On our way out, Mary and I decided to make a quick stop and the France booth.

We both got a Ice Pop Pomme: Apple juice, vodka, and St. Germain liqueur. We definitely could have just shared one. These were VERY strong. Mary wasn’t a big fan of the flavor, I thought it was pretty good but probably not something I would get again. It was bigger than we thought it would be, and it melted really quickly. I felt like a little kid eating a melting ice cream cone! We had to stop at the bathroom right at the international gateway to wash up! Then we made our way back to the rooms.
I'm so sorry it has taken me so long to get some updates done! I had every intention of writing a bunch over my break from school but Mary came home and I just didn't have the motivation to get it done! BUT I have several updates typed up now so I should be able to post a couple soon.

Yum...all that food looked so good! Especially the crab cake and the sundaes :) Loving your TR so far!

Thank you! The food was all really good! I really enjoyed my crab cake. I was glad to see it was so big when it came out, I was worried I wouldn't have enough to eat haha!

Food posts are the best posts!! You're making me miss Food & Wine so badly!

Glad everyone enjoyed the Boathouse - it really does seem like your dad & Mary had an amazing meal there!! Has it warranted a repeat visit?

I LOVE Food and Wine, we are going back again this year for the Wine and Dine half marathon! I'm excited I won't have to miss it! We will definitely be back to The Boathouse for a repeat visit. In fact, my dad said just the other day he wanted to go to the Boathouse. My sister was like yeah it was good we can go again. He was like no I want to go right now! :rotfl:

Hooray for starting your wedding trip recap! We ate our first No Way Jose on the first Saturday of the trip we just got back from and holy Toledo it was worth all of the hype! Fortunately I had been able to snag a last minute reservation, so we ate lunch as well.

It has taken me a while to get into the swing of writing some posts, I feel terrible. But I have several posts written now so I just have to get to posting them. The sundaes were so good! Definitely worth a stop!
Wednesday October 7th: Part 2

As we made our way back to the room, the first of MANY occurrences happened. We ran into one of my aunt’s and uncle’s who had just arrived today. And as we were talking and catching up by the Bellevue Lounge, my cousin, his wife, and their son’s (the ring bearers) came walking up the stairs. They had also arrived that day, and my cousin was being silly and giving my sister a play by play of what they were doing haha!

We all stood there and talked for a little while before we parted ways so we could relax for a little while before dinner. We stopped by Jeff’s mom’s room to see what it looked like. Their room was HUGE. It had so much space. We debating having the girls get ready in her room but I thought it would be easier having 2 rooms than using just her room. So instead the boys would be getting ready in her room.

Our dinner reservations for the night were at a favorite of mine. I knew for my wedding trip I HAD to eat at the Hoop De Doo Revue! We have been going to this show for a long time. For a while, Mary and I could quote almost the entire show! We haven’t been in a while so we weren’t quite as good this time, but we still cracked up at all the jokes! We hadn't gotten to take Jeff to the show yet, I thought he would enjoy all the corny jokes. So at about 4:30 we made our way to the bus stop to go to MK and then take a boat from there to Fort Wilderness.

While we were waiting for the bus, I called Carolyn Allens and Beaute Speciale to make sure we were all set with the payments and everything. While I was on the phone, I noticed Jeff got a phone call, it was his friend Bob who is a groomsman. This is where our evening became a bit….crazy. Bob was calling to let Jeff know that he may not be able to make it to the wedding. His wife’s best friend’s mom was very ill and it was not looking good. He said he would let us know later that night if he would be able to make it. On the bus and waiting in line for the boat we started discussing our options. It was a little stressful but since we didn’t know what would be happening yet, I tried not to stress out yet. Jeff and I remained very calm and just started discussing a plan B.

Jeff had another really good friend who was coming to the wedding so Jeff let him know what was going on and asked if he would be willing to step in and take Bob’s place, in the event that Bob wouldn’t be able to make it. So with our backup plan figured out, we were on our way to enjoy the show!

We waited in line for them to open the doors, and then we were lead inside to our table. Cornbread and salad were sitting on the table for us, and not long after our waiter came to take our drink order.

Most of us decided to have a beer or sangria...of course Jeff decided to have a Diet Coke (haha!). As we were sitting down, Mary and I thought that we may be sitting at a special table. You’ll find out soon if we were right or not :)

Soon after, the show started and then food arrived. Sadly, we weren’t very good about taking food pics yet so here is the sad food picture you get.

Sorry!!! The food was just so good we wanted to dig in! I will say it was very good! As we were eating, the performers came around and sang their songs. They asked about birthdays and then asked if anyone was celebrating their anniversary or were on their honeymoon. I thought we were in the clear because we had not yet gotten married so we didn’t fall into either of those categories. I was wrong! My dad decided to let one of the performers know that we were getting married on Saturday!

Their a bit blurry, sorry! After they find out who all is celebrating, those who are celebrating are supposed to get up and dance. We didn’t want to but we started to get up to dance, when Jeff noticed NO ONE else was dancing! We promptly sat back down haha!

The performers went back on stage and began to prepare for their big show. And this was when mine and Mary’s thoughts were CONFIRMED! We were sitting at a special table...mainly for my dad. He was in….the toot seat!!

For those of you who haven’t been to the show, there is a part in the show where they split the room in half and have them do things such as stomp your feet or clap your hands. At one point, they have you toot like a horn. Then Dolly picks out an older man that she says she likes the way he toots. It’s always an older man, in the area that our seat was! So he got picked! Mary and I were dying of laughter! It was definitely the highlight of the night!

After the show ended, we headed to the dock to catch our boat back to MK and then bus back to the Boardwalk. As we were waiting, we got the confirmation that Bob wouldn’t be able to make it for the wedding. I started freaking out just a little bit internally but was pretty calm about it. I looked up on my phone the number for Men’s Wearhouse to see what our options were. I ended up calling the wrong store and the right store was closed already so I would have to wait to figure out the suit until the morning. Jeff had already talked to the replacement groomsmen, AJ, who we would from then on refer to as Groomsmen 2.0! AJ owned a gray suit so is worse came to worse, he planned to pack his suit. So we were set with another backup plan.

Everyone with us was impressed with how cool Jeff and I were about the whole thing. We are both very laid back and don’t let things get to us much. Mary even pointed out when I do get stressed out it’s pretty funny because I freak out for about 5 minutes and then I’m all good. This is very true. I knew there was nothing I could do until the Men’s Wearhouse opened in the morning so there was no reason to freak out now.

We arrived back at the resort and went to our room to get our refillable mugs to get a drink and relax on the boardwalk for a bit. We ran into some family on the Boardwalk so we all grabbed a table and then my dad, Jeff, and I went into the bakery to fill up our mugs. I turned around and was surprised to see another one of my cousins! One of my dad’s sisters had arrived a few hours before (he thought she was arriving the next day), so we were pleasantly surprised to see them! So this was our second sighting of wedding guests in 1 day, and only a few had arrived! While we sat near the water catching up, Jeff got a little hungry looking at my cousin’s snacks so he went to fill up his cup and get himself a treat.

He opted for a cheesecake brownie. He loves chocolate and cheesecake so this was perfect for him! I had a bite or 2 and it was so good! Definitely a treat worth getting again! A little while after he finished our group started breaking up to head to bed, so the 4 of us headed up as well. We discussed what we wanted to do the next morning, then went our separate ways.
Good for you handling the stress so well! I only hope that I can be that calm before our wedding. Hoop Dee Doo looks like a hoot! How fun for your Dad to be part of the show.
Good for you handling the stress so well! I only hope that I can be that calm before our wedding. Hoop Dee Doo looks like a hoot! How fun for your Dad to be part of the show.

Trust me, in my head I was thinking some very not nice things! But I knew it was out of our control. And really if worse came to worse, we'd just have 3 groomsmen instead of 4. I think only thing I can say to try to help keep you calm before your wedding would be just think "all that matters at the end of the day is that your married to your best friend" any problems don't matter.
Wasn't it so fun to run in to your friends and family at the resort? That was probably my favorite part about the entire trip. I can't imagine having as many people as you did though! So fun.
Cornbread and salad were sitting on the table for us, and not long after our waiter came to take our drink order.

I would be happy with just that cornbread and salad as my meal lol...I loved that salad so much - it reminded me of Olive Garden salad (but I love that lol)

So glad that you managed to not get too worked up over the groomsmen issues.
Wasn't it so fun to run in to your friends and family at the resort? That was probably my favorite part about the entire trip. I can't imagine having as many people as you did though! So fun.

It was! It was probably one of the best parts of the whole weekend. We were lucky enough to have just about everyone in our room block in on hallway. We were constantly running into people either in the hallway or on the boardwalk. It was so fun! Its going to be weird when we go back and aren't running into people we know haha!

I would be happy with just that cornbread and salad as my meal lol...I loved that salad so much - it reminded me of Olive Garden salad (but I love that lol)

So glad that you managed to not get too worked up over the groomsmen issues.

I would be happy with just the cornbread too! We actually found a recipe on the disney food blog for the cornbread and made it last week. It was so good!!! Just like theirs!

Thank you! I really don't get too worked up over much, and neither does DH so that helps. I wasn't quite as composed in my head the whole time. But I wasn't about to let it ruin my beloved Hoop De Doo! Haha
Thursday October 8th: Part 1

Our plan for this morning was to head to Animal Kingdom. When trying to figure out our suit situation last night, I knew that the Men’s Wearhouse I needed to call wasn’t open until 10:00 so we had a few hours to kill before I needed to stop and make a phone call. But first, we needed to get some breakfast. We went down to the bakery. This time Mary and I tried the breakfast sandwich on the roll, and it was delicious! At this point, I can’t remember what my dad had, he may have had a breakfast sandwich as well. Jeff got 2 raspberry cheese danishes. He loved these! He got them for almost every breakfast.

After we were finished, we headed to AK. Once we got there we headed toward Expedition Everest and rode it a couple times. I can’t remember if we were able to get on Kilimanjaro Safari this day or not. I don’t think we did, we decided to make our way over to my favorite show at Disney, The Festival of the Lion King! We got there not long before it started so we were in the Giraffe section.

I could watch this show all day long! It’s such a great show and one we never miss. The timing of the show worked out perfectly, once it was over we went to the Dawa Bar area to grab a seat so I could call Men’s Wearhouse. I was able to talk to Julie who is in charge of the Disney wedding’s division. She asked if there was any way to get the new groomsman measured and said she would do what she could to refund our other groomsman some of his money. Jeff called his friend AJ to see if he would be able to get to a Men’s Wearhouse before noon. Luckily, there was a Men’s Wearhouse near AJ and he works with his dad so he was able to leave for a little bit to get measured. My dad, Jeff, and his uncle who was marrying us had all tried on their suits already. Julie asked how their suits fit and the sleeves on my dads jacket were a little short. So she was able to get him a new jacket that would arrive with the new suit on Friday. While we were trying to sort everything out, Mary was walking around and looked at the Dawa Bar menu. She came back and said she almost brought me a drink. I was like well umm why didn’t you?! Haha! We were still waiting on a phone call back from Julie so she went over and got us a couple drinks.

My dad went over with her to get the drinks. She got a Watermelon Mimosa for herself and one for me.

These were really good. While I wasn’t really stressing out, because like I’ve said before I don’t really stress too much, this was a nice relaxer. My dad decided to get a drink as well.

My dad chose the Bloody Mary. He thought this was really good. So we sat and finished our drinks, and got our phone calls all sorted out. I had also emailed our planner Carol the night before to let her know, so while we sat I emailed her again to let her know what was going on. Then we made our way over to our next destination, Dinosaur!

Mary used to work at this ride so it is a must ride for us every trip. It’s a fun ride, we always enjoy going on it. Mary also likes to see how many people she still knows who work there (there’s not very many haha). We were trying to figure out what to do next, we weren’t quite ready for lunch yet, but we always have lunch at the same place at AK. So we decided to go watch the Finding Nemo show in the meantime. This show is really cute but I still like the Lion King show better. But it was the perfect amount of time to “waste”. By the time it was over, we were ready for some lunch. We went to Flame Tree Bar-be-que.

For lunch, I chose the half chicken. I really like their chicken but was having trouble deciding between the chicken and the pork. I was very happy with my choice. It was juicy and had good flavor as always!

Jeff and my dad both had the pulled pork. They thought it was really good. Jeff let me have a few bites of his pork (part of why I chose the chicken lol) and it was very yummy.

Mary chose the turkey sandwich. She thought it was very good, and a great healthy alternative to some of the other choices. We also got a couple fries and an order of onion rings to share between the 4 of us. Once we were done eating lunch, we decided to head back to the resort to relax a little bit and get ready. We had tickets to the Halloween party tonight! We made our way out, but had to make a quick stop before we left.

This is another tradition for us. We always stop at this cart before leaving the park to get our Mickey bars. It’s an easy way for us to know we’ll get a must have treat, without having to plan out all of our snacks ahead of time.

They were very yummy! And it was a warm day so they were melting very quickly! I got chocolate all over my shirt :( lol. That’s ok though since I would be changing for the party!
Thursday October 8th: Part 2

We had every intention of taking a nap while we were back in the room, but I don’t think either of us fell asleep. But we did relax in the room for a little while. We knew a lot of people were arriving today, so we were just waiting for the craziness to start. At one point we ran into my dad’s other sister in the hallway! This again was not an unusual occurrence. I think in all the time we walked down that hallway from Thursday until Sunday I can count the times we didn’t see someone we knew on one hand! It was crazy but so much fun!

While we were relaxing, my dad had decided to go get a drink at the ESPN club. We eventually went down to join him and my sister. When we got there, we saw one of my cousins finishing up their lunch. We went over to talk to them for a little bit. Slowly more and more people started to show up so we decided to get a big table that everyone could sit and more people could join if they wanted. We had quite the group!

It was so much fun! Everyone started to disperse, at this point it was after 4:00 so anyone with Halloween Party tickets could get into the park. My dad was texting with his brother and knew they were almost to the resort, so we decided to go up to the lobby to say hi to them, then head to MK.

Our plan was to walk through Epcot and take the monorail to the TTC then hop the monorail to the MK. And since we were walking through Epcot, we had to grab a little something to prepare us for the party!

We made our way to the front of the park, knowing we couldn’t leave with our drinks but we also knew we would be able to see the monorail coming and could throw them away before making our way out of the park. While we waited we decided to get a couple pictures with the photopass photographer

We also had to take a few selfies!

Then all the sudden we look up and see the monorail coming into the station! We had distracted ourselves enough that we didn’t see the monorail making its turn around Spaceship Earth. So we quickly finished what was left of our drinks and then ran to the monorail. We made it!

I’m not too sure what Jeff is doing in that last picture haha, but we were having a good time on the monorail. My dad was texting with his friend who’s entire family was at the Halloween Party, so we made a plan to go meet up with them once we got into the park.

We have arrived! We made our way through the crowds leaving the park toward Tomorrowland where our family friends were finishing up their dinner. We visited with them for a little while, and gave them a couple suggestions of what they should do.

How cute is he!!!

They decided to go to the Trick or Treat Trail, and convinced my dad and Mary to show them where it was haha! I had been texting with one of our friends who was on their way to the Halloween Party. We told my dad and sister that we were going to wait for our friends and meet up with them later. We had to get a picture together to show off our awesome “costumes”.

We were the Blue Barracudas and the Purple Parrots from Legends of the Hidden Temple! We got a lot of comments on our shirts! It was a lot of fun and a great idea (DH Jeff had the idea). We decided to start going on a few rides and made our way over to Space Mountain. We were about to get on when my sister was texting me and asked where we were. Turns out they were in line for Space Mountain too!

We waited for them to get off the ride and decided to hang out together for a bit. We also met up with one of my cousins and went on a couple rides. I know for sure we went on Haunted Mansion and Splash Mountain. We got pretty wet on Splash but it was perfect because there was 8 of us that went on the ride so we filled 1 raft. Jeff and I had fun tricking our friends who didn’t know when the big drop was haha! We also found Jeff’s mom and sister who were at the party with a couple of his cousins and their kids. It was so much fun to keep running into people we knew in the park! Then we headed towards the hub to wait for the Celebrate the Magic show.

There was a person sitting with a balloon near us that didn’t really pull the balloon down, which was kind of annoying. But it was really only near me and I’ve seen the show before so I tried not to let it bother me too much. Everyone really enjoyed the show. They thought it was really cool how they projected onto the castle. Once that was over we decided to just go ahead and find our spot for the parade. We walked just a little farther down Main St. and found a good area for all of us near Casey’s. Which was good because I started to get hungry before the parade, and was able to get a hot dog to eat. It was good but I forgot to take a picture of my food. And soon after we finished the parade was starting!

I love these guys!

My other favorite! They are so cool!

I absolutely love this parade. If you remember, when Mary and I were here for the Halloween Party last year the parade got rained out and I was SSOOOOOO disappointed. It was fantastic and I got to watch it with my soon-to-be hubby and some great family and friends. After the parade we were all getting tired and it was getting late so we decided to head back to our resorts.

I was super tired and ready to go to sleep, but Jeff had been in contact with his best man who’s flight had landed and was just waiting for the Magical Express to leave. So he wanted to try to stay up to greet them. I wanted to greet them as well but I was tired so I wasn’t sure I would make it. But I think between 12:30-1:00 their bus was pulling up. We made our way to the lobby. We also knew that Groomsman 2.0 was getting in late and was probably on the same bus. So we were able to see both of them! It was great to see them and we found out they were both right near our room. Once they both checked in, we all made our way to our rooms because everyone was exhausted! Tomorrow was a big day, we had our rehearsal and dessert party!


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