*I'm Back!* We're getting married..at Disney World!!! Jeff & Kathy's PJ! UPDATE: Let's Party! (9/18)

Love your hair and makeup! You look amazing!! I wasn't able to get a trial done because they weren't available any days. I hope I don't regret it.
Yayyyyyy so much amazing food!! I have to admit even the chocolate stuff looks pretty tantalizing (though not so much for me ;) )

You absolutely picked the most perfect hairstyle for yourself. It's lovely! Good call about moving the bun to the side, it looks sooooo good that way.
You are going to have a beautiful wedding! I love everything you have planned. Did you notice on your engagement picture, the one with the ring on the berries, that three of the berries sort of form an upside down Mickey? Maybe that's a stretch, but I thought it was kind of fun.

Thank you so much! I am looking forward to it :) I can't wait to see how everything comes together. I never noticed that but it totally does look like an upside down Mickey!

Your hair and makeup trial turned out beautifully!! The hair is especially stunning. I love the Mickey Pants sundae. :) We got one on our PS trip too, and the bowl is now my candy dish in my office. Haha.

Thank you! I am very excited about my hair and make up! I really love the hair :) That is a great use of the Mickey pants bowl! I might have to do that after our wedding!

Pants on the hub grass! Glad you finally got your treat! And I love the hair and makeup trial!

I might have to get another one when we are there in October! It's just so cute and was so yummy! Thank you!

Love your hair and makeup! You look amazing!! I wasn't able to get a trial done because they weren't available any days. I hope I don't regret it.

Thank you :) You could always do a trial at a salon near you to see how it would look on you.

Yayyyyyy so much amazing food!! I have to admit even the chocolate stuff looks pretty tantalizing (though not so much for me ;) )

You absolutely picked the most perfect hairstyle for yourself. It's lovely! Good call about moving the bun to the side, it looks sooooo good that way.

I can't wait for all the food! Thank you so much! :) I am really happy with how the hair looks! I got the idea to move the bun to the side from a family friend who's sister had a side bun hairstyle. It looked really cute.
It has a very similar flavor to the Polynesian Pearl at Trader Sam’s.

Yum...that sounded so good and looked good too!! I will have to try to remember that one!

I LOVE caramel so this is always a must stop for me.

I'm so with you...I just wish it wasn't so hard on the teeth!

the rest of us enjoyed a small scoop as our “dinner”

Nothing wrong with that!!

Mary enjoyed the lemon with crispy meringue

Totally with her on that...anything lemon is mine!!

I’m not sure about the lipstick though, I might want to go a bit lighter.

I really like that lipstick. I think totally understand the desire to use light and natural - but in pictures sometimes it is good to have a bit darker than you'd normally wear? Just my two cents :)

Your hair was amazing!! Also - if it lasted through a day at AK...and the makeup too...that's pretty impressive!
Love your hair & make up! And love that shade of lipstick on you. I think if you went lighter it might be too light?
And I want that Mickey Pants bowl! too cute!
Yum...that sounded so good and looked good too!! I will have to try to remember that one!

I'm so with you...I just wish it wasn't so hard on the teeth!

Nothing wrong with that!!

Totally with her on that...anything lemon is mine!!

I really like that lipstick. I think totally understand the desire to use light and natural - but in pictures sometimes it is good to have a bit darker than you'd normally wear? Just my two cents :)

Your hair was amazing!! Also - if it lasted through a day at AK...and the makeup too...that's pretty impressive!

Thanks! That is something to think about for the lipstick! Yeah it survived pretty well through Everest and Dinosaur, some started to fall out just a little bit. Just need to load up on the hairspray on the day of!

Love your hair & make up! And love that shade of lipstick on you. I think if you went lighter it might be too light?
And I want that Mickey Pants bowl! too cute!

Thanks! I love it too :) it is something to think about with the lipstick! I love our Mickey pants bowl, it's so cute :)
I'm sorry I have been sorta MIA lately! Starting my new position at work has been very busy and crazy! I promise to try to get a couple updates done soon and posted! Just a few things to update on before then though! First.....

30 days till our wedding!!! :jumping1:

I can't wait! It's getting so close now! It's getting to crunch time! I think work should die down a bit now so that will help.

Next, we just got an email last night from our DJ. We got DJ Charles Miles! I'm so excited :) we didn't request anyone and got one of the best! Maybe Carol is looking out for us? Haha!

We have also decided and ordered our guest book (finally!) I think it's going to be cool.


This will of course be a J and a K, those will be in Teal and the & will be a light gray color. We plan to just have guests sign the & and keep the letters plain but we'll see when it arrives. I also finally picked my shoes.


They match really well to my dress and aren't too high! I really like them!

We've gone from expecting 110-120, to having 106 guests. I think it will be a good number! We are very excited! I will try to update more soon!
Ummmm holy crap, 30 days already?! Where the heck is time going!! I'm so excited for you!

I know!! It's crazy! It's gotten here so quickly! I felt like it was so far away and now we're so close! I've told Jeff several times what we're doing each weekend before the wedding and he's like wait that's it until the wedding?! Thanks! I'm really excited too!
Dinner with a view!

It was another hot day at Disney so we decided to head back to the resort and relax for a little while. We decided it would be nice to cool off in the pool for a while. I even convinced DF Jeff to come down! He’s not a fan of pool’s, a bad experience and also got a bad burn when he was younger. We were able to find a nice shady spot in the pool and were able to relax for a while. He ended up going back to the room for a nap after a while but it was nice getting him out there for a bit! And he didn’t get lost going back to the room! Yay!! My dad enjoyed a drink, but Mary and I had something else in mind.

After the rest of us had had enough of the pool, we decided to head back to the room to get ready for dinner. Mary and I also had our minds set on another Polynesian treat before we left. So we got ready and made our way to the Great Ceremonial House and luckily found 4 seats, we were headed to the Tambu Lounge!

Jeff had said earlier in the trip he wanted the pineapple drink (Lapu Lapu) he saw someone with. When we got there though, he didn’t end up ordering one! Mary and I both decided to have one so he got to try it.

Instead, he chose to order a captain and diet coke. My dad decided to try the sangria.

We sat and enjoyed our drinks for a little bit before it was time for us to make our way to our dinner location. So we settled the bill and hopped on the monorail. Our next stop, Contemporary! We were headed to special celebratory dinner at

This was Jeff’s first time at California Grill and I was excited for him to experience it. We checked in and directed over to the elevator.

We didn’t wait too long before we were seated. I only had a minute or two to show Jeff the open kitchen and sushi bar before we called.

Ironically, we got the same table we had last time. But we had a different server this time. This time we had a server named Chris. I will say, both times we had a great server!

I love this picture of Jeff and I :) We decided to start off with some drinks

I got a martini drink. I can't remember what it is but I believe it has sake and is very tasty.

My dad and sister decided to share a bottle of wine. They picked a Silverado Cabernet Sauvingnon.

And Jeff sad with his plain diet coke.

While perusing the menu, we decided on a couple appetizers to try. Jeff and I decided to share one.

We chose the Three-meat signature meatballs. These had chimichurri sauce on them and that is one thing that always gets me! I thought these were very good, but the sauce on the bottom did add a bit of a kick to them which I wasn’t expecting. Mary had a different appetizer in mind.

She chose the Sonoma Goat Cheese Ravioli. She thought this was delicious! I tried a bite and it was really good. It has somewhat of a cult following over on the dining thread and Mary thinks it’s well deserved.

Not too long after finishing our appetizers, our main courses arrived. Mary and Jeff chose the same entree.

They both chose the pork two ways. Pork tenderloin and pork belly with goat cheese polenta and applesauce. Jeff thought this was really good. Mary also had this dish the last time we were here and enjoyed it so much she got it again. She enjoyed it so much she ate the entire thing!

I also got the same thing I did last time, so I can’t really say much. But this time it was slightly different. California Grill changes their menu often to seasonal flavors, and this was one dish they did that with.

This was the Oak Fired Filet of Beef, this time it was served with a sweet corn risotto. Being a true Midwesterner this was perfect for me! I LOVE sweet corn and this dish did not let me down. It was so delicious! I ate the entire thing as well but there’s no photographic evidence of mine.

My dad chose the bison strip loin. This was served with olive oil potatoes, asparagus two ways, cherrywood bacon, and huckleberry veal jus. He really enjoyed his dish as well. 2 delicious courses down!

We decided to take a look at the dessert menu. It didn’t take long for me to see a perfect dessert for myself. We decided on 2 desserts. First,

We chose the warm homemade fritters. Banana-stuffed, cinnamon dusted fritters with 3 dipping sauces: peanut butter, chocolate, and caramel. These were good, I especially enjoyed them with the caramel but were not my favorite dessert of the night. That belonged to our next dessert.

This was the California Strawberry Shortcake. Strawberry-glazed house made donut, macerated strawberries and basil, fresh whipped cream, and strawberry milk. OH...MY….GOSH!! I absolutely LOVE strawberries so this dessert was perfect for me! It was so delicious!

Even though we had a relatively early reservation (7:00 something) for fireworks viewing, my family has an ability to drag out a meal. I can’t remember but I think we actually enjoyed our dessert AFTER the fireworks.

My dad ordered an amaretto to enjoy with his dessert. After trying it, my sister decided to order one of her own. We really enjoyed our meal. We have eaten at California Grill twice since the rehab and have enjoyed our meal both times. We have had great service, our servers have been helpful and nice. We don’t mind our server leaving us to enjoy ourselves, so if we don’t see them a lot during the meal we’re alright with it. Chris had the right balance of attentiveness for us.

Afterwards, we walked over to MK to ride a few more rides. The drinks we had were making us feel very silly. The proof is in this pic

We went on several rides and then somehow….I’m not sure how, we found some room in our bellies for a must have snack for our family.

Jeff and I shared one, and Mary and my dad shared one. I don’t think either of us finished quite the whole thing, but 1 for 4 of us would not have been quite enough for us. We made our way to the front of the park and back on the monorail to head back to room to pack and head for bed :( But we were still feeling a bit goofy

I feel so bad I haven't updated in a while! Things have been super busy at work and getting wedding stuff done I haven't had time!

We are on our way to Disney now! I'm so excited! I can't believe I can count on 1 hand the days until we are married! Hopefully I will have more time when I get back to report on the whole trip.

Tonight we have reservations at The Boathouse which I'm super excited about! Although I think my sister is more excited than I am! Jeff's excited to go find the new soccer store :rotfl: Tomorrow we are going to one of my all time favorites, the hoop de doo revue!! I love the cheesiness so much! I can't wait for Jeff to experience it! Then Thursday is the Halloween party! We are going as players on Legends of the Hidden Temple with another couple. We're not going full out but we've got the shirts! Friday is our rehearsal and the dessert party!! We had to move it back 30 minutes because they changed the Hallowishes time this year! How rude of them! Then Saturday is the big day!! Hair and make up will be there at 8:15 so not terrible. I'm so excited!! Finally Sunday we move over to the Polynesian for a night and have dinner reservations at California Grill!

I only got like 4 hours of sleep last night and I'm too excited to get more on the plane. I keep messing with Jeff ;) I think he's starting to wish I would just take a nap haha!

I will try to update as soon as we get back if not sooner!
I feel so bad I haven't updated in a while! Things have been super busy at work and getting wedding stuff done I haven't had time!

We are on our way to Disney now! I'm so excited! I can't believe I can count on 1 hand the days until we are married! Hopefully I will have more time when I get back to report on the whole trip.

Tonight we have reservations at The Boathouse which I'm super excited about! Although I think my sister is more excited than I am! Jeff's excited to go find the new soccer store :rotfl: Tomorrow we are going to one of my all time favorites, the hoop de doo revue!! I love the cheesiness so much! I can't wait for Jeff to experience it! Then Thursday is the Halloween party! We are going as players on Legends of the Hidden Temple with another couple. We're not going full out but we've got the shirts! Friday is our rehearsal and the dessert party!! We had to move it back 30 minutes because they changed the Hallowishes time this year! How rude of them! Then Saturday is the big day!! Hair and make up will be there at 8:15 so not terrible. I'm so excited!! Finally Sunday we move over to the Polynesian for a night and have dinner reservations at California Grill!

I only got like 4 hours of sleep last night and I'm too excited to get more on the plane. I keep messing with Jeff ;) I think he's starting to wish I would just take a nap haha!

I will try to update as soon as we get back if not sooner!

Yay yay yay!!!! I've been waiting for this post. :) Have a magical, fantastic wedding and trip! Looking forward to seeing how everything comes together. :dancer:
Yay yay yay!!!! I've been waiting for this post. :) Have a magical, fantastic wedding and trip! Looking forward to seeing how everything comes together. :dancer:

Thank you!! The wedding was fantastic!!! Even though it rained!! We got the ceremony started and then it started to rain pretty good. No one cared though! I would have rather had it outside and rainy than in a ballroom.

Have a wonderful wedding trip! Looking forward to reading about it!

Thank you! We had a fabulous day in the rain :) everyone loved it, thought it as the best wedding EVER!! I would have to agree with them but I may be a little biased ;) lol
Congrats Kathy!! The Roots instagram looked amazing. I was wondering how you got away with having a rainy outdoor ceremony - I guess they won't stop your ceremony if it rains in the middle! Enjoy married life and can't wait to hear all about it.
So happy your big day has come! I look forward to more when you get settled in as an old married lady ;)
Congrats Kathy!! The Roots instagram looked amazing. I was wondering how you got away with having a rainy outdoor ceremony - I guess they won't stop your ceremony if it rains in the middle! Enjoy married life and can't wait to hear all about it.

Thanks Jenn!! I love The Roots picture too! The day was gorgeous! Except the 20 minutes during our ceremony. I guess they won't stop it either, but I'm definitely ok with it :) none of the guests complained, in fact I think they were happy because it cooled everyone off a bit. My sister even pointed out this morning, the ONLY time it rained our entire time here was the 20 minutes during/after the wedding.

So happy your big day has come! I look forward to more when you get settled in as an old married lady ;)

Thank you! It was so much fun, everyone had a great time! I hope to get started on my report pretty quick :)
Just caught up on everything and loved every second! Congratulations, can't wait to read your TR - we also have Carol as our planner and we love her! We are also using the Roots too, yay! Can't wait for more x
Just caught up on everything and loved every second! Congratulations, can't wait to read your TR - we also have Carol as our planner and we love her! We are also using the Roots too, yay! Can't wait for more x

Omg Carol is amazing! We absolutely adored her! I will definitely be keeping in touch with her. We saw her the next day in the lobby and were so excited to see her again! She is truly amazing! The Roots were equally as amazing! I can't wait till we get out pictures back! They gave us a couple of their favorite shots that I'll post this weekend and I am so in love with all of them already! You are in great hands for your special day!


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