I'm back! Family trip with DDE, Aug 13-20! Pics included, of course! updated 11/2

Hey Marcia! I just got back from vacation and noticed you started your dining reviews - I loved your last ones so I'm on board for this too!:thumbsup2
You and your brother look so much alike - especially around the eyes.

I loooooove the Tune In Lounge (we stop there EVERY trip) and I recognize Dave. I had no idea he was a Jersey boy! I'm a Jersey girl, born and raised -- will definitely bring that up next time. And I'll be sure to let him know that I learned that fact from you!
Looks like you had a great time so far! Waiting for more!

thanks, it really was a blast!

thanks for the great reviews! Just wondering....were you able to use the DDE for your afternoon tea? And can you describe the french toast loaf from the main st bakery? Does it have a filling or syrup or some other coating on it?

yes, they let us use the DDE at the tea! i was thrilled! hmm, french toast loaf...how to describe it?? i think what they do is layer bread soaked in egg mixture (like reg french toast), then they bake it, and cut it into slices, so you get layers of deliciousness! there's cinnamon and stuff, but no filling or syrup or anything. i don't know, it's just really good!

Hey Marcia! I just got back from vacation and noticed you started your dining reviews - I loved your last ones so I'm on board for this too!:thumbsup2
You and your brother look so much alike - especially around the eyes.

I loooooove the Tune In Lounge (we stop there EVERY trip) and I recognize Dave. I had no idea he was a Jersey boy! I'm a Jersey girl, born and raised -- will definitely bring that up next time. And I'll be sure to let him know that I learned that fact from you!

welcome back!!! so good to hear from you again :). oh yeah, and that david is NOT the nj one...my david is from wisconsin. the *other* david is from lodi nj. there will be pics of him in my reg trip report :thumbsup2

Thanks for all the reviews. Your smile just beams in every picture.Cute!
Keep 'em coming

aw thank you so much, you are too sweet!

Thanks for the reviews. Looks like the DDE card saved you some $$.

you're welcome! and it sure did...and it doesn't expire til the end of the year...i think a week in november is calling my name...more on that later!

Thanks for taking the time to do this. It's great

no problem! glad you're enjoying!

next installment about to be typed up.
50's Prime Time Cafe, lunch, 8.15.08

The boys arrived after me and my mom today, and they stopped off in Starring Rolls Bakery for breakfast. I think they got a muffin and cinnamon roll. Or something. I got no pics, cause I was off getting FP's while they ate. But they liked them. Anyway...

So after a morning in MGM (yes that's what I will always call it!), we headed over for our early lunch ADR at my favorite place...50's Prime Time Cafe! Of course, I asked for my favorite waiter, Richard, but alas, he was not working. I was saddened, but asked to have a very interactive server in his place. We were given Brenda, and she was wonderful! I made sure to set the table right away and warned my brothers not to put their elbows on the table...but they did anyway and got scolded! Yes!

Ok, on to the food! That's the important part anyway! My brothers decided to split the Crab Cake for an appetizer. They really liked it! Full of crab, not really filler. And I got to eat the lima beans and stuff underneath, cause they don't like that kinda stuff. Yum!

Of course, we ordered drinks. Pretty sure this is a Long Island Iced Tea, probably the ultimate.

Mom and I each got a Picnic Punch again, with glow cubes :thumbsup2

And the brother that didn't get the Long Island got the Ultimate Margarita. It was probably Chris with the Long Island and Stephen with the Margarita, but I don't remember! Either way they both liked their choices

For main meals, the boys both ordered the Chicken Sandwich, and each personalized it. It's different than the one on allears, I think it's now chicken, cheddar or american cheese (it's yellow), bbq sauce, and onions w/lettuce and tomato. Stephen got it with no veggies

Chris got it with no BBQ sauce

Ah, and you can see the Margarita in Chris's pic, so I guess I was wrong! Switch who had which drink! Oops ;)

They both gave the sandwich two thumbs up :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2

My mom got the Old Fashioned Pot Roast

She licked her plate clean, and really liked her meal. So far, we're 3 for 3!

And for my meal, I got the Chicken Caesar Salad. With the Citrus Vinaigrette on the side. Anyone remember last time I tried to order a different dressing with this salad? If you have no idea what I'm talking about, check out my dining report from May! It was hysterical. But I just told Brenda I would prefer the Citrus dressing, and it was no problem at all!

Yum yum, I'm a salad girl :). What can I say, it hit the spot :thumbsup2

We were all too full to order dessert, but my mom was given a free birthday cupcake anyway!

After wiping off the icing (as she would do with every cupcake she was given!) she enjoyed the cakey part. She also got a card signed by our server. Thanks Brenda!

France Kiosk

Later in the day, my mom and I stopped by our favorite kiosks in Epcot, the one that has the slushies, and the one that makes the crepes! I sent my mom for the drinks, and I picked up the crepe. She wanted the one with strawberry.

She loves this stuff. I had a couple bites and liked it too. Nothing new, we've had and enjoyed this before. It's good stuff :thumbsup2

For her drink, my mom got Champagne

And I got the Grey Goose Lemon Citron Slush, of course!

Delish! Here's the whole spread

Okay, that's all I have for now. I may try to come back later and write up another, but I may start my regular trippie instead. We shall see!

Next up: Tutto Italia dinner!
I'm waiting for your Tutto Italia review, I'll be going there in December.:goodvibes
Just found your reviews and am really enjoying. I hope you get to Fulton's before we leave this Monday (Labor Day) as we are having our 25th anniversary dinner there and we haven't been in five years.
Yum, Grey Goose Lemon Slush :thumbsup2 Despite all the lovely food pics in the last couple of updates, this is the one that has my heart doing pitty-pats - can't wait to get another of these babies next visit (without the MIL nagging me about drinking during the day :rolleyes: )

P.S. And it will always be MGM to me too :thumbsup2
Marcia! You're back!! :goodvibes I loved your last round of dining reviews and am loving this so far.

The pictures of Stephen at the tea are hysterical. He's a trooper for sitting through it. What a good brother/son!

BBQ sauce on a cheeseburger :scared: Just kidding- we all have our weird food combos -- mayo and fries for me. Yum!!

I am planning on hitting the Tune In Lounge in October -- mostly at your suggestion from your solo TR-- and I will keep an eye out for David and tell him you said hello. I will also remember the citrus dressing on the side!

Mama Melrose looks pretty good. Not on my list for Oct but there is always the next trip!

Can't wait for more! popcorn:: Heading over to your "regular" TR now :)
Marcia, I love your trip/dining reports! Looking forward to the Tutto and San Angel report. Looks like you guys had a great time!
I'm really enjoying reading your reviews!! My DH and I love the Tune In Lounge also. Sounds like you had a lot of fun!! Thanks for sharing.
Love your reviews--glad to be reading another one!
The tea looks wonderful, I have a reservation for my daughter and myself she will have a blast!!!
Marcia - Thanks for clearing up the confusion regarding the bartending "Daves" at the Tune In Lounge - you saved me some embarassment!:laughing:

Looking forward to more!

PS - LOVE those Grey Goose Slushies!


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