I Sneezed My Ears Off! An April TR (Finished 09/04)


DIS Veteran
Jul 22, 2009
Hello all, and welcome! :)

For those of me who don't know me, I'm Elle!

I'm 28 years old, a 7th grade ELA teacher from Massachusetts and a long-time Disney fan. My favorite Disney characters are Daisy, Tiana, and Nick Wilde. My favorite ride is Star Tours, though Indiana Jones has stolen bits of my heart.

My longtime Disney partner in crime is Jey:

Jey is only two weeks younger than me, and has been my best friend since high school. She does something similar to accounting (there's a specific, different title that I honestly don't remember) for a small company in Boston. Her favorite ride is probably Haunted Mansion, Star Tours, and Big Thunder all tied together. She loves Cinderella, Alice, and Rapunzel but I'm pretty sure Judy has inched her way up into the top five too.

We'd been planning this trip since last April, when we realized just how much we missed the Flower and Garden Festival and how much we didn't want to go to Florida during my summer vacation again like we did in 2014. We skipped our annual WDW trip last year for DL so we had a lot of planning time for this trip! It went through a lot of changes (which I'll talk about throughout this TR) an ultimately culminated in our 8 day trip that ended last night!

So, here's the lowdown:

When: April 15-23, 2016
Where: Port Orleans Riverside, French Quarter

So strap in and enjoy the ride!
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Doing That Disney Dash!

If any of you have read my previous 3 trip reports, you know that I have a pretty basic formula for my Disney travel days: leave as early as possible to get there as early as possible to play in the parks! Normally that means I leave at like 3 in the morning from my house for a 6 am flight.

This time things were a little bit different.

I got up at 6 am and after finishing my morning routine I had this conversation:

Going to Disney in April, while so much less stressful and far more wonderful weather-wise than July or August, means that I still have to work the day before vacation starts!

Originally it was a non-issue. We were leaving Saturday, early morning, as per usual.

Until we went to get the plane tickets.

What happens the first weekend of April Break in Boston guys? You know, the big thing that happens on a Monday in April every year? The thing that bumps all the prices of everything in and out of Boston up 120% price-wise?

Yeah, the marathon. And not just the marathon. Our plans meant we were leaving marathon weekend and coming back PAX East weekend. Not the best timing. Not at all.

So we had to replan.

We decided to just leave as late as possible Friday evening and just get an extra night added to our package. It wasn't in the cards for us. We had already changed hotels in Disney once this trip - we were originally booked at All Star Sports, but I....really don't think I can go back to the Values after staying Deluxe and Moderate. So I paid for the upgrade to French Quarter. But by the time we decided to add on one more night, French Quarter was already booked up, so I had to make a room only reservation at Riverside. Since I was the one booking the extra night I figured that either Riverside was the easiest choice.

So, anyway, back to the 15th!

Because I'm an adult, I had to work the day we left. This was not good, because I was totally in Disney mode! I got up a half hour earlier than normal to finish any last minute packing of things I needed that morning (my makeup, my face stuff, my toothpaste, etc.) then hit the road. I actually thought I had left with so much time and was doing so well I stopped for coffee!

Which made me "late" for work. Womp. By "late" I mean I wasn't actually late-late. I was on time by work standards, but since I normally get to work 15 minutes earlier than I need to I felt like I was rushing in. My coworkers teased me about it all day, thinking I was going to find a way to skip out and just go to Disney instead.


On Jey's side of the coin, she had shifted her schedule around. She normally works a standard 9-5 Monday thru Friday at her office, and Fridays are her most crucial day of the week so she couldn't really miss two in a row. So she just headed in early and worked 7:30-3:30 instead.

We spent all day texting with a countdown and kind of cheering each other on every time we had a chance to. The day felt like it was dragging. My students all know how much of a Disney nerd I am and every class was asking me my countdown and so on. It was kind of adorable.

Finally it was 3 pm! I dashed out of work as fast as I could (seriously - I had my coat on and my bags ready to go at quarter of when my last student left on their bus and was just waiting for the last few buses to get there so it would be easier to leave) and hurried home.

I changed into a light sweatshirt I bought from Myrtle Beach last year and a pair of running leggings that on anyone else are capris but on me are peddle pushers, and packed up the car. My dad was driving to the airport because we switch off - he picks me up then I pick him up next time he needs it. We stopped in one of the suburbs of Boston to pick Jey up, then headed to Logan.

The traffic was honestly not as bad as I thought it would be. We were stuck in the tunnel for close to ten minutes (which was not my favorite thing in the world - it creeps me out) but other than that traffic hadn't gotten bad yet. Even security at the airport wasn't bad yet. We were there by 6 and had about an hour and a half to find food and our gate.

I snagged this picture:

Then we made our way through to one of the "healthier" options in our terminal. We each got this:

This is technically our first meal of the trip so I had to take a picture of it! It's a turkey sandwich of naan with a diet coke. It was....subpar at best. Mine barely had any turkey on it and the naan was more a pita pocket that hadn't been cut open than anything else.

Our flight was uneventful and we were soon in Florida!

Hello, Disney!

Except it was 11 at night, so we had to go to claim our own baggage. Womp.

Like usual our bags were some of the last out so but we managed to get them both easily and were soon booking it from Terminal A to Terminal B to get to the Magical Express. I posted on Twitter that we had our bags at 11:30 and were seated on the bus by 11:36 so we were really going fast - Jey just wanted to get out of the airport and into bed so she was going as fast as she possibly could and I was just scooting on behind her!

I had had a little bit of trepidation going to the Magical Express check in because last time we went together in 2014 we had done as we had this time - originally we had booked a Value resort then switched a few months before to a Moderate resort (in that case it was ASMu to CBR). That time they had sent us DME info - twice - both of which said ASMu and when I had called a CM had assured me that everything was fine. the DME CMs that time were great and made our changes easily but it meant having to go through some hoops to get our luggage and even though this time we didn't have to worry about luggage I just kept worrying.

But this time everything was fine! If, you know, you couldn't tell from our speed-walk onto the bus.

We got to the hotel and went to the front desk, as per instructions from the helpful text message I had gotten just as I was leaving for the airport. A very nice CM named Maria gave us our room in Alligator Bayou, building 18, and a map with how to get there. We asked her the best way to deal with our luggage in the morning and thanked her and walked out.

Now, it was past midnight at this point and we had both been up since 6 am and had both worked 8 hour days before our flight, and Maria had given us too many rights vs. lefts but we left the lobby and everything looks so different in darkness than it does on a map. We started out towards what we felt was the right way, but ended up in the Magnolia Bend area. We quickly realized that the map Maria had given us only had the Alligator Bayou side of things on it, so we back tracked.

And ended up turning right too quickly and ended up on Ol' Man Island. Next to what looked like a dead end.

So we turned back around and finally figured out what Maria's instructions meant when she said "walk past ALL the dining options" and found building 14 and, finally, building 18.

Of course we were on the back end of 18, and you'd have thought I'd write down our room number but it was so late at night I didn't even think to - it was one of 5 pool view rooms so that narrows it down at least! Jey dipped her feet in the pool after showering while on the phone and I took a few pictures:

I was so in love with all the Princess and the Frog stuff in here but I couldn't full appreciate it because we were beat. Jey showered and then we set the alarm for 7:30 and were both asleep by 2 am.
Wow, I don't think I've ever been first to follow a TR - it's my lucky night :banana: I've seen the Murphy bed but never pictures of the AB rooms at Riverside - so cute!
Look forward to reading more :)
following! we were down at the same time and at the same resort! it's a small world!
Love your school kids counting down. I co-teach ELA and Math with my GT clusters (6-8 building) and my students are counting down for me too. In fact, as we prepare for testing in math, I'm theming each day based on which Disney bow I borrow from my daughter. We have calculated the probability of finding snakes in Woody's boots, how many eggs Gaston has eaten, how fast the stork would have to fly to catch up to Casey Jr, and how many poor unfortunate souls are looking for their poor unfortunate soul mates using ratios, among many other equally goofy things. It is definitely making testing review less tedious, and counting down go more quickly! Looking forward to hearing about your trip- we are staying in PO-Riverside in 19 days and I'm loving your pictures!
Looking forward to your trip report! We just got back from a 4 day stay at French Quarter and loved it. :)
Wow, I don't think I've ever been first to follow a TR - it's my lucky night :banana: I've seen the Murphy bed but never pictures of the AB rooms at Riverside - so cute!
Look forward to reading more :)

Woot! Welcome :) I have to admit the Murphy bed was the first thing I took a picture of, but then realized I should probably take some pictures of the rest of the room too. AB rooms are adorable! I'd love to see all the different variations of them sometime!

following! we were down at the same time and at the same resort! it's a small world!

Welcome! It really is a small world!

Love your school kids counting down. I co-teach ELA and Math with my GT clusters (6-8 building) and my students are counting down for me too. In fact, as we prepare for testing in math, I'm theming each day based on which Disney bow I borrow from my daughter. We have calculated the probability of finding snakes in Woody's boots, how many eggs Gaston has eaten, how fast the stork would have to fly to catch up to Casey Jr, and how many poor unfortunate souls are looking for their poor unfortunate soul mates using ratios, among many other equally goofy things. It is definitely making testing review less tedious, and counting down go more quickly! Looking forward to hearing about your trip- we are staying in PO-Riverside in 19 days and I'm loving your pictures!

Well, that's just adorable! Counting down with me totally backfired on them when they didn't want to do any work on Friday and I told them that if I had to do the work and I was going to Disney that night then they were doing work before vacation too. Welcome - I really liked Riverside for the small time we were there, hopefully you'll love it too :)

Looking forward to your trip report! We just got back from a 4 day stay at French Quarter and loved it. :)

Thanks! French Quarter's so pretty, I can't wait to go back!
Chapter One: Walkin' Right Down The Middle of Main Street, USA!

We were up by 7:30. Getting up that early was normal for a work day but oh, my goodness was I tired! I managed to get up earlier than Jey but only by a few minutes. I pulled my clothes out the night before so I was quick to get ready. It was Dapper Day so I decided to Disneybound as Merida!


After getting dressed and checking that we had all the things we had had to pull out the night before Jey called guest services and we were told that it would take about ten minutes for someone to come and collect our luggage to bring it over to French Quarter for us.

I took sneaky pictures of Jey on the phone.

It took barely five minutes for someone to show up. The man was very nice and helpful and we were out of the room and heading over to French Quarter to see if our room was ready yet or not. We were originally going to just take a boat over but the boat didn't start for another twenty minutes. After hatting with an older couple from Txas who pointed us on our way to the path towards French Quarter we headed out! I snapped pictures as we went:

While we were walking we saw quite a few people coming back from the morning's half marathon. The general atmosphere at both sides of Port Orleans is really relaxing and even the guests are friendly. I got many compliments on my outfit and everyone we spoke to.

Our room wasn't ready yet so we went out to wait for a bus to Magic Kingdom. The minute the bus pulled out of the parking lot we got the text message that our room was ready but it didn't matter to us at that point because we were on our way to the parks!

Security was quick, though I was "randomly selected." I say it like that because I stopped in front of the security guard and she just stared at me for a solid minute before giving her spiel.

Shockingly I didn't make it go off (at other times during the week a female guard told me the Alex & Ani bracelets bunched together have been known to set them off and sometimes the Magic Bands. I also have metal in my chest from surgery as a child that can sometimes set the metal detectors in airports off), so we were off and running to the biggest line in the Magic Kingdom!

No, not 7 Dwarves, Starbucks.

We were in line for about a half hour. It was incredibly buy because it was Dapper Day, but the CMs we me were into it. We walked out into the middle of Move It, Shake It so we stopped and watched it.


Part Two

After watching a little bit of Move It, Shake It we headed over to Adventureland we made a quick dinner reservation for later and tried to sneak a peek at the line for Aladdin and Jasmine but it was pretty long. Jey tried to sneak photographs (she's got an Instagram that's primarily character photos as they're her favorite) so I took a picture of the "new" Aloha Island building:

After that we headed on over to our first FP of the trip!

Pirates!!! Pirates is one of my top Disney rides (I don't want to admit to how many times we went on it in the three days we were in DLP) and last summer when I was in WDW Pirates was down for refurb so I was excited to ride my beloved ride in Florida again! Jey was a little leery. There's this running joke in my family - if you take Jey on a water ride, she'll be the only person to get wet. Two summers ago we went on Splash and Pirates in a row. I was bone dry and she was soaked by the end of the two rides.

So needless to say, she was worried we'd get wet again.

Well, since they fixed the boats, we didn't!

Pleasantly dry, we ventured off into the depths of the Magic Kingdom in search of something to eat. We ended up in Fantasyland after not really wanting anything from Columbia Harbor House or Pecos Bill's at the moment. We decided that, since we hadn't tried the flatbreads since they were introduced, we'd go to Pinocchio's.

Since it was around peak lunch time it was a pretty long wait I took the time to call my grandmother and wish her a happy birthday and let her know that we had gotten to Florida safely. After we ordered Jey grabbed a table so we didn't have to go searching or outside with lots of food and I waited for our order to be ready.

Jey got a caprese flatbread and a tiramisu gelato. She said the flatbread was good and ate most of the gelato, though we both agreed it tasted like cannoli more than tiramisu.

chicken parmesan sandwich and raspberry sorbet.

The chicken parm sandwich wasn't anything exciting but we hadn't eaten since the airport (neither of us are big breakfast people) but the raspberry sorbet was good! It hit the spot, though it wasn't all that hot out on Saturday.

Now that we had had food we headed back to Adventureland for our next FP - Jungle Cruise!


It rained a little while we were on the Jungle Cruise. Not enough to be a huge issue, but since we were the last two on we got a bit misty.

It was starting to get pretty crowded by this time so we headed back to Main Street to grab a drink and just relax before our next FP. There was a lolita in line a good ten or fifteen people behind us while we were waiting. It took us a couple of turns before I was close enough to get their attention but I complimented their bag - a Baby clock-face purse that I have never seen in person until then but am completely in love with. And why not spread a little Disney cheer to other people while there?

Jey and I talked about how awesome the bag was and the nice outfits we were seeing in general when we got our drinks - another coffee for her and a refresher for me. I used to drink refreshers getting ready for my teacher's tests but stopped drinking them until last summer in Disneyland when they were a welcome heat relief. We headed into the Hub. Jey hadn't seen the new Hub so we explored a little.

Once we were thoroughly sated with our castle pictures (for now) we decided to sit and relax on the Hub grass.

After lying around on the Hub grass for a while we decided it was probably time to head towards our next Fastpass. After snapping one last picture of the castle:

We were off to our last planned FP!
DH and I ate at Pinocchio's for the first time in years back in January and were pleasantly surprised. I had the caprese flatbread and really liked it! Didn't realize they had gelato - probably because the line was MAJORLY long and I was hangry and just trying not to kill anyone lol.
Love the diamond anniversary Minnie ears. I wore mine to WDW in November, and I had several CMs stop me to ask where I had gotten them.
DH and I ate at Pinocchio's for the first time in years back in January and were pleasantly surprised. I had the caprese flatbread and really liked it! Didn't realize they had gelato - probably because the line was MAJORLY long and I was hangry and just trying not to kill anyone lol.

I don't know if the gelato's new or not - I've never noticed it on the menu either. It was good, and would have definitely been a nice way to cool off on a hot day!

Joining in! So excited to hear more about your trip!

Thanks, welcome!

Love the diamond anniversary Minnie ears. I wore mine to WDW in November, and I had several CMs stop me to ask where I had gotten them.

Jey is absolutely obsessed with her diamond anniversary ears! They were part of a huge diamond anniversary haul (aka our entire August trip to California lol) and she wore them all week.
Part Three

It was getting to be crazy crowded at this point, as we headed into Tomorrowland. We made our way through the crowds and got to our next FP, which was for Space Mountain. While we were in line for Space Mountain we made a FP for Haunted Mansion, as the line had been really long all day.

Our picture disappeared from our Photopass. Not that it was a huge issue - we weren't buying them anyway, but oh well.

And can I just say, as part of my Disneybound I wore a wig that makes my hair longer and gave me a bit of a curl. I wear wigs sometimes, so I have a band that goes around my head that's soft so it doesn't pull but also keeps the wig on through all sorts of rough riding.

I have never been more worried on Space Mountain before, guys.

I kept thinking I was going to lose my hair.

Of course, the entire way up to the front of the line Jey was saying "we're going to be put in the back, I know we are" and she absolutely hates the back on Space Mountain because it's so jerky back there. And of course we got put in the last two seats because they needed a party of 2 to fill the train. We got on and I took the very back because I know how much she hates it and after the picture I just rode with my hand firmly on my head the rest of the time.

Once we got off Space Mountain, we stopped and watched the people riding the Tomorrowland Speedway while I fixed my bangs and pulled my hair up as it had gotten a bit hotter. After that we decided to head towards a perennial favorite:

It was surprisingly full all week whenever we went - which will come into play later in the week.

After learning that there is, in fact, a great big beautiful tomorrow shining at the end of every day we had some time so we headed towards Fantasyland and just enjoyed the ambiance.


Jey saw the Fairy Godmother so she did her thing and stalked. I just took pictures of the castle because you can never have enough castle pictures

While I was taking pictures another pair stopped these two awesome and adorable Dapper Day attendees. Since I had tried to sneak a picture of them earlier in the crowd that had come out in a truly awful way I had to grab a new one:

We walked through the castle (we did this a lot during the week - without DAWM it felt like a novelty, since it honestly felt like I was always walking around in that area during a DAWM show.

I think this was the moment when I was taking a picture of the crowd, turning quickly, and didn't realize there was a woman directly behind me. I nearly smashed into her! I apologized and she laughed it off but dang.


We headed on up Main Street and stopped in at the fire station

We grabbed some Sorcerer cards but none of them were ones we didn't already have. Our initial plan was to go back every day but we never actually remembered to do it after this time.

We had finally killed enough time so we headed on over to this beautiful sight:


And rode it. This was the first time we saw some of the new interactive features to the hitchhiking ghosts, getting the "Massachusetts or Bust" sign held up above us.

As we left a woman who happened to be sitting on the wall near the exit stopped and talked with us about the ride as she hadn't been on it before and had gotten cut off from her family when the doors closed so she was waiting for them. We encouraged her to go on if she got the chance and headed back out into the park to get ourselves some dinner!
Part Four

I left off with us headed to dinner.

Now, if you remember, back in like Part One or Two of this day, I had stopped to make an ADR. See, we had originally planned on getting to Florida on this day and hadn't planned on eating a TS meal. When we had to change our plans and come on Friday night, we had initially had a sit down the next Saturday at Liberty Tree. We decided last minute (like, while we were in Florida) to get rid of that one because we already knew that our last day, like usual, would be our parade day so we dropped it.

Anyway! Saturday, April 16. Where did we end up?

Well, the only logical answer is the only place we hadn't eaten in yet!

Skipper Canteen!

We checked in right at our time and were told they'd text me when our table was ready if we wanted to walk around Adventureland. We sat in the little waiting area they have set up outside and in about 5 or so minutes I received a text saying that they were ready for us. We headed on inside and were sat near a window in the mess hall.

we had a really great waitress, though I didn't take her name down! It was a fairly common name so I thought I would remember it but she was a little blonde woman from Austr(al)ia(?) I'm really good at remembering things I don't right down, obviously (ha). She was in character the entire time and was very efficient coming over and getting us refills, etc.


She brought us the bread service which was an African bread of some sort? Yup, I did well here, I swear. It came with a honey dip

I really liked it but I like bread and honey. It basically tasted like my normal bagel and honey go-to breakfast. Jey wasn't a huge fan of it but she also admitted it may have been because she's not a huge fan of honey. She just felt that it was a little dry.

For our meal Jey and I both got the the Mac and Cheese:

Both Jey and I really liked it - the flavor (for us) was nice and the beef underneath reminded us of Sloppy Joe - which could turn some people off - so the mixture was like the ultimate comfort food. It was exactly what we had needed after a long day in the parks, barely any sleep the night before, and a long day of work before travel. We basically wanted to lick our plates.

For dessert Jey got the Coconut Bar with Pineapple-Basil Compote and Vanilla Creme. It came with an edible African violet as a garnish

I got the Kungaloosh!

Both were good. I don't remember much about the Kungaloosh but it's chocolate and the ice cream was a nice flavor with it so I was satisfied. Jey liked her coconut bar, and said the basil really helped to cut the sweetness in a good way.

After eating we wandered the restaurant just to look around. These are my only two photos to come out:

After dinner the sun was dipping and the wind had picked up. We decided that since we hadn't been back to our room and wanted to get our bags before it got late. We headed out of the front of the park and out to the buses.
Part Five

When we got back to the hotel we stopped at Guest Service since we had to pick up our bags and there was no one at Baggage at the moment. One of the CMs took us over and got our bags. We headed out after that.

We were in Building 4 of French Quarter, on the first floor, 4106. I had paid for a Garden View room, mostly because it was the only thing available when I had changed our reservation. We did have a nice view of a small courtyard, we were only 3 rooms away from the parking lot/buses. It was a little loud in the early morning when the buses started running but it really didn't bother us much. It was "noise" but it wasn't "noisy" like it has been on a first floor room in a Value for us.

We changed and I changed my hair - I was just kind of playing around and also this one has combs so I didn't need the band on anymore.


My plan was to wear this with my dress the next day because the red in my hair and the red in the dress I was planning on wearing didn't match well. (Red head problems, womp.)

We headed over to the boat and grabbed one to Disney Springs since it was still only 7:30-8 pm. The boat was nice and relaxing and it was great to just let my mind wander. It was also really cool to see the treehouse bungalows. I could totally get used to taking that boat at night!

Jey and I had headed to Disney Springs partly because we hadn't planned on going at any point in the trip and it was nice to have the opportunity, and partly because Jey was looking for some things for her mum and we figured it made the most sense to check there before anywhere else. We wandered the stores, enjoying the things we found. The Disney Parks tsums had just come out and they were just so adorable when we found them! Somehow we managed to not buy them!


We walked all the way down to the West Side just to see what had changed then doubled back. We decided we wanted to have a drink to celebrate our first night on vacation.

We walked into the Hangar Bar and there was no place to sit and nobody telling us whether it was seat yourself or if there was more seating anywhere. After standing awkwardly for about five minutes a dude at the bar (not the bartender, just a random guy) came over and told us it was seat yourself and there was more seating outside and he had done the same thing when he came in, no worries. So thank you, random dude! We headed around the corner but the bar outside was completely full as well. We stood for another few minutes before snagging a table out there and just pushing the stuff left on the table to the side (they hadn't had the time to bus the table because we literally sat down the second they left).


Our waiter was very quick and jovial. He checked our IDs and we ordered.

I got the Cool Headed Monkey:

Which was nice and refreshing - a great summertime taste and a good start to the trip!

Jey got Reggie's Revenge. She said (and I concur) that it tasted like a pouch of Sunny D.

We both enjoyed our drinks but we had to drink them kind of quickly because we didn't want to miss the last boat back to the hotel. We made it just in time and got back to the hotel just at 11:30.

Since we hadn't picked up our mugs yet and they were part of our dining plan we stopped by Sassagoula Floatworks and picked them up. We filled them before we left - iced tea for Jey and Powerade for me. While we had meant to go to bed at a reasonable hour we were stepping into the hotel room by midnight. We decided to get up at 8 am to give us a bit of sleep in time (we'r normally the people up at 7-7:30 for Disney trips), took our showers, and went to bed.
The Skipper Canteen looks pretty good, I'll have to try and go there on my next trip

I really enjoyed it! As did Jey! My parents used a gift card that I had given them for their anniversary and had a meal there as well while they were down for my father's school's competition. My mother really liked it as well, but my father (who is a very meat-and-potatoes, picky eater) wasn't a huge fan of the mac and cheese. He's going to try and get it without the meat next time.
Grand and Miraculous!

Sunday the 17th we woke up early. I was up by 6:30 and getting dressed while Jey was not that far behind me at 7. We got up and out the door nice and early. I'm not really sure why we got up so early, since neither of us are really "breakfast" people but we were up and out the door by 8 am!

We hadn't realized that we were next to the buses yet so we walked down the lane and just enjoyed looking around at our own pace in the daytime. We also wanted to get some pictures of these bad boys:

We were really into this guy's sass:

Spoiler: we took more of them our last day too. We didn't want to say goodbye to sassigator.

Isn't this hotel beautiful?

This may be my absolute favorite hotel, though I do really like Wilderness Lodge as well. But all week we talked about how pretty and nice this hotel is.

Ah, I miss it already and it's only been a couple of weeks!

We got to the bus stop and waited.

And waited.

It took close to a half hour to get a bus, and finally got to Epcot by 8:45. For being 15 minutes before opening there was NO ONE there. Like seriously, we had our pick of baggage check guards. There were a few people waiting in line for the tapstiles to be open but we were like fourth or fifth in line for those. It was the birthday of a pair of little twin girls next to us. I know this because one of the two of them very boisterously went up to a CM there and told him. She couldn't have been older than 5. He got the whole crowd singing for the two of them.

I posted this picture at 8:44 am so apparently we were inside Epcot way before we thought we would be!


Like, seriously, this was what our walk was like:

See all those people? With the exception of the guy in green they're all custodial CMs. They were lined up saying good morning and one was pushing the trash can with bubbles coming out of it while another had Pinnifer the Pin trashcan out.

We walked over to Starbucks. It wasn't open yet but there was already a few people waiting so we stayed.

I took photos while I waited, because Disney.

We thought it wouldn't open until 9 but they saw that there were people waiting at the door so they let us in early!

Coffee in hand, we stepped outside to hear the Epcot opening ceremony. I've never heard the Epcot ceremony before so it was cool to see!

We watched the fountain as we drank our coffees, then headed away from the crowds who were still all headed to some disappointment once they got to the Land.

Instead, we went here:

Mission Space!

We had a FP for it, but we probably didn't need it since it was so early in the morning.

We were on with two young boys - around 10 and 12. Their parents stayed with them through the preshow but left them once it was time to ride.

Kids were fine, we had fun, and it was time for some more big Epcot thrills!

What big Epcot thrills, you ask?

Yup! Ellen!

We were actually going to go to Ellen first but by the time we finished our coffees it was time for our FP. We spent some time waiting for the next showing of Ellen and were able to sit on one of the benches and wait inside.

Jey got wet. Like usual. The dinosaur dripped on her.

Done with learning about energy we headed to our next big adventure:

Could it be building our own virtual rollercoaster? Perhaps a quick snack at Electric Umbrella?

Nah, we went to Colortopia.

Jey was really excited about it. She's a very visual, artistic person and the idea of Colortopia was really exciting to her.

There was a mother and daughter that were just leaving the little intro section and we were let in right afterwards.

We had some fun in this room:

And then we hopped into the coloring room with the mother and daughter.


After our trip around Innovations we used our last FP and went on Spaceship Earth.

Okay that's actually not true.

We had another FP, we just ended up not using it - it was for the Pixar shorts and we decided we'd rather be going to World Showcase.


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