I need some opinions, please... update with reply last page...

I can't wait to hear their reply! I think your email was a good one, but DH should have handled it with his Aunt and Uncle.
I don't think the e-mail will create more problems but I have a suggestion for "next time". Run the e-mail by the crowd here before sending it. Or even just write it and sit on it for a day or two before pressing send.

I know it must be annoying that the children are now talking about how they can avoid going to WDW rather than how much fun it will be. But, if you can bear with it, I'm sure it'll all be forgotten about 10 minutes after you arrive at WDW. AahMom already made that point.

Also, the uncle may have already forgotten the remarks he made and wonder what the e-mail is all about. I would avoid letting that spiral into any long-standing feud. I don't think it should but you never know. Look how people take things the wrong way on these boards from time to time.
I don't have kids, but I can tell you how my mother would have handled this.

"Patty and Bobby, there will be no more discussion about vacation. We are going to Disneyworld, period. We are not going to visit Aunt mary and Uncle Billin the Adirondacks. The next time I hear either of you mention the Adirondacks, you will be in your room for the rest of the day. That will continue to happen each time you mention the Adirondacks, and if you spend the next 2 months until we go on vacation in your bedroom, that will be fine with me."

BTW, there was no TV, Playstation, stereo, or any other type of electronic amusement in my room, so spending 2 months in there would not have been fun.

There would have been no discussion with the aunt and uncle, since setting limits on children's behavior is not their job, it is the job of the parent.
I'm so sorry. Kids can really hang onto things like that, can't they? I wonder what some adults are thinking sometimes.

Hope things start looking up soon. I'm anxious to hear the answer to your email.
You asked for opinions....mine may not be popular so take it with a grain of salt...

I think I would be more upset about the fact that the kids are being disrespectful to you than anything. Outside sources shouldn't dictate the atmosphere of the family, period. The uncle is a jerk, but IMO, the children should understand that the parents make the decisions and that is the end of it. Honestly, the day my kids whine about a family vacation to WDW is the day I realize they have been overindulged. Instead of an email to the uncle (who you have no authority over), I would sit the kids down and talk about authority, priorities, expectations and respect. JMHO
Well, no reply back from the relatives yet, but dh did agree and support the email. His Aunt and Uncle aren't one to take offense at anything, so I know that is not the issue. I also know that he didn't do it on purpose, that he was just talking out his nose, so to speak, so hopefully we can resolve this.

A couple of points I would like to clarify... we LOVE to visit their place, hike, fish, etc... so we WILL go later on in the summer. We live in the country on 4 acres so the kids get plenty of hiking, froggin' and muddin' every day (lol). I think they are overindulged since this is their 4th trip in 18 months :o so you know THAT is coming to an end!!

When I picked dd up from school, I asked her if she had made a decision (whether to go to Disney with the family or stay with her grandparents) and she said she did. I asked what it was. She said with a big smile, "Disney with you guys." That made me feel better. :p Of course her brother, pouted it later. "Disney" sounded like "Alcatraz for life". :rolleyes: lol

Karen (sick of the Disney poopoo heads in her life)
Originally posted by clutter
Shoot, I would have sent them an email telling them what time to expect me dropping off the kids.

"Since they absolutely REFUSE to come with us, knowing that they can spend the week with you two insead, we'll be there at such a time. Unfortunately, due to the hectic nature of our schedule, it will have to be the weekend before we actually leave, so you will have the kids for two weeks. While we will miss our children on our vacation, we will rest well knowing that they will be better taken care of physically, spiritually and intellectually, than we sould have done at Disney. Thank you for your kind offer so my husband and I can share this special time together."

I'm with you That probally would have scared the H*%^ out of them and made them think twice before doing it again!!

Do you have the vacation planning video??? Let the kids watch it and tell them to make a list of the things they want to do!!!
Here is their answer...

Dear Karen,

I don't recall telling Zack and Ellie that they would have more fun at our place than at Disney. I probably said this to you, but knew it would fall on deaf ears. They must have heard.

I think that you underestimate your children. Could it be that they are tired of Disney and its artificiality and have come to appreciate the real world? I am sure that they have spent more time at Disney than at our house if you total up the hours in the last 3 yrs.

Please don't blame me for a single statement that I made for your children's rebellion. I love you guys too much to intentionally cause a problem.


Boy, there are a lot of slaps in there, isn't there? The one comment about spending more time at Disney than their house is funny to me since whenever we ASKto come, they are always busy or it isn't a good time...

So, basically, no apology, no calling my kids, whatever. It'll pass. :(


PS... I've got Zak and Ellie excited again anyways... :Pinkbounc
Poor you. I guess you'll just have to ignore it and move on. It's too bad inlaws just don't let their kids live their own lives.
I guess telling them to kiss you where the sun doesn't shine would be out of the question? :rolleyes:
Originally posted by zakatak
I think that you underestimate your children. Could it be that they are tired of Disney and its artificiality and have come to appreciate the real world? I am sure that they have spent more time at Disney than at our house if you total up the hours in the last 3 yrs.

Just a random thought from someone who tries to find a learning situation anywhere. I don't think children are capable of being tired of artificiality. But if it were my family, I'd kindly point out to my relatives that living on a 200 acre spread is, to many, many people, more unrealistic than occasional trips to Disney. Most people can't afford that. To me, 200 acres in the mountains would be fabulous, but due to the costs of purchase and upkeep with taxes, to me that's hardly "the real world." A little bit of the pot calling the kettle black.

Sorry to see a post like this. I hope you don't feel affected by your family. Only you can raise your kids. Good luck!

Wow. What a reply they gave. I agree with you, that this will pass. Probably best to drop it, even if it is a BIG invitation for a come back. It would be good to rise above it.

I'm glad your kids are excited about going to Disney again. That's what counts. Your family vacation and the memories you make.

**** I do think it's rather strange for the relatives to state their (unsolicited & opposite) opinion, in front of the kids and knowing the plans have been made. And I think the underestimating is from the relatives. They underestimated the impact of their voiced disapproval of Disney. I'd let it go. BUT in the future, when they start on the topic (which they undoubtedly will) I'd just cut them off at the pass and change the subject. If they persist, I'd just state the topic isn't up for discussion, smile and leave it at that. It's none of their business where you and your family choose to vacation!!!

But you weren't really surprised by their response, now were you? :confused: I think you saw it coming. :(

I wouldn't even bother to respond except maybe to send pictures of the kids having a ball at WDW. :p
I would let it drop with the aunt and uncle.

I would tell the kids - Disney is our family vacation. We have planned and saved and that is where we are going. Maybe another time we will go to the Aunt & Uncles for a visit.

In the future, I would try to avoid all discussions relating to WDW with the Aunt and Uncle. You will never agree, they will never understand your side of things, so just don't go there. If they bring it up, simply state, "We are going to have to agree to disagree on this one". Some people like skiing, some like camping, some like cruises, some like Europe, ... and some like Disney. Your money, your vacation, your family, your decision.


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