I love credit cards so much!

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Has anyone else used the Walmart grocery pick up discount? For your first pick up you can get $10 off. I think you have to spend $50 to get it. We’ve used it like 6 times by using different email accounts. We just got a card in the mail from Walmart for another $10 off addressed to the “grocery hero”

I did the grocery pickup once with the $10 discount and loved it! I need to go that with using other emails. I hadn't thought about that. I'll at least do DH's and kids emails!
Seems to be a common opinion for non NE with the no love for the Pats. I actually dislike Tom Brady. Respect him as a player but I’ve heard one too many stories about how arrogant he is IRL
I think it’s that and Inflategate. Not my faves. And after we explained that they got fined for cheating, DS will cheer against Pats every time.
Lol DH just leaves it all to me at this point. I don't think he knows how many cards we have... it's all right there in YNAB if he wants to see it, and I update everything every day because I'm obsessive about it (and I enjoy it). But I'm honestly not sure when the last time is that he looked at it.
The answer for my DH would be never. I’m pretty sure he hasn’t looked at our checkbook or bank balance in 20+ years.
I just checked the website and didn't see anything.
I think her last one came in right before the new year...it may have been targeted through the end of 2018. They seem to run promos back and forth between their 4 main cards.
Okay so I'm back and not even going to try reading all the back pages. I was dealt QUITE the blow Saturday. My BF of 21 mos decided to end it. Initially he was supposed to be moving here this weekend, and at the very least before mid-Feb. In December he came to visit and played house with me and my kids, and they were so excited for him to move up here. So it wasn't me just dealt this blow. I kinda got into the game to be able to do all the last minute flights down to him, and hotel visits.

The perk is I've been waiting FOREVER to plan vacations and what not waiting for him to get his butt here. So now I'm trying to decide where I want to go for my Feb break and where i might want to take the kids for spring break. Time to start living my best life and move on. Got dealt an extra low blow yesterday. He told me it was because he wants kids of his own now and I can't have them anymore, I had issues after my youngest and had a few surgeries. I told him we could go the surrogate route and he said no. Then yesterday I see him posting a trashier older looking version of me on his instagram. He claims she's younger (I'm 42, he's 32). He gushed about how she makes him so happy. So when I confronted and asked if she makes him happier, he said happy, yes...happier...IDK. What? When we said goodbye he added "I love you". Really?!?!?

Anyways, I'm focusing on me. I'm purging my house. Getting my finances in order and starting to move on. It hurts to go from planning a future together to being blind-sided. I know people say you can never know what is going on in a LDR, but we literally talked 24/7, facetimed for hours, etc. I have no idea when this happened. He passed it off as that it literally just happened. I don't know how you go from, "let's get married" to "oh, I ran into this chick and she's makes me so happy". I'm thinking cold feet. Whatever. This will make be better :)

Wow, what a loser. Liking because thankfully you avoided ending up with this guy, and you're ready to move on and live your best life.
:offtopic: Those that use, or are, TAs, what is the typical turnaround time for a client request? I had a couple questions I sent in yesterday and still no response. Last time it took 3 business days.
Okay so I'm back and not even going to try reading all the back pages. I was dealt QUITE the blow Saturday. My BF of 21 mos decided to end it. Initially he was supposed to be moving here this weekend, and at the very least before mid-Feb. In December he came to visit and played house with me and my kids, and they were so excited for him to move up here. So it wasn't me just dealt this blow. I kinda got into the game to be able to do all the last minute flights down to him, and hotel visits.

The perk is I've been waiting FOREVER to plan vacations and what not waiting for him to get his butt here. So now I'm trying to decide where I want to go for my Feb break and where i might want to take the kids for spring break. Time to start living my best life and move on. Got dealt an extra low blow yesterday. He told me it was because he wants kids of his own now and I can't have them anymore, I had issues after my youngest and had a few surgeries. I told him we could go the surrogate route and he said no. Then yesterday I see him posting a trashier older looking version of me on his instagram. He claims she's younger (I'm 42, he's 32). He gushed about how she makes him so happy. So when I confronted and asked if she makes him happier, he said happy, yes...happier...IDK. What? When we said goodbye he added "I love you". Really?!?!?

Anyways, I'm focusing on me. I'm purging my house. Getting my finances in order and starting to move on. It hurts to go from planning a future together to being blind-sided. I know people say you can never know what is going on in a LDR, but we literally talked 24/7, facetimed for hours, etc. I have no idea when this happened. He passed it off as that it literally just happened. I don't know how you go from, "let's get married" to "oh, I ran into this chick and she's makes me so happy". I'm thinking cold feet. Whatever. This will make be better :)
I’m so sorry. That sucks, especially with kids involved. Like your great attitude! You go girl!
Okay so I'm back and not even going to try reading all the back pages. I was dealt QUITE the blow Saturday. My BF of 21 mos decided to end it. Initially he was supposed to be moving here this weekend, and at the very least before mid-Feb. In December he came to visit and played house with me and my kids, and they were so excited for him to move up here. So it wasn't me just dealt this blow. I kinda got into the game to be able to do all the last minute flights down to him, and hotel visits.

The perk is I've been waiting FOREVER to plan vacations and what not waiting for him to get his butt here. So now I'm trying to decide where I want to go for my Feb break and where i might want to take the kids for spring break. Time to start living my best life and move on. Got dealt an extra low blow yesterday. He told me it was because he wants kids of his own now and I can't have them anymore, I had issues after my youngest and had a few surgeries. I told him we could go the surrogate route and he said no. Then yesterday I see him posting a trashier older looking version of me on his instagram. He claims she's younger (I'm 42, he's 32). He gushed about how she makes him so happy. So when I confronted and asked if she makes him happier, he said happy, yes...happier...IDK. What? When we said goodbye he added "I love you". Really?!?!?

Anyways, I'm focusing on me. I'm purging my house. Getting my finances in order and starting to move on. It hurts to go from planning a future together to being blind-sided. I know people say you can never know what is going on in a LDR, but we literally talked 24/7, facetimed for hours, etc. I have no idea when this happened. He passed it off as that it literally just happened. I don't know how you go from, "let's get married" to "oh, I ran into this chick and she's makes me so happy". I'm thinking cold feet. Whatever. This will make be better :)
Wow he's definitely not worth your time anyway. Sounds like a total jerk and pretty selfish IMO.
I think No Way Jose is my favorite but the last time I ate at B&C it was the whole family (all 8 of us-parents, DH, DD, DB, SIL, DN) and we demolished the Chocolate Kitchen Sink. Even with mom and SIL abstaining by delicately eating their vanilla scoops the 6 of us had the sink cleaned in probably 10 minutes.
Three of us finished it off in 10 minutes. :rolleyes1 Repeat performance planned for March. DS has also vowed to conquer the Vanellope sundae as well.
I did the grocery pickup once with the $10 discount and loved it! I need to go that with using other emails. I hadn't thought about that. I'll at least do DH's and kids emails!
Dh has like 5 email addresses that he uses. I have 3, but Dh went and made me a new google one to get another $10 discount lol
:offtopic: Those that use, or are, TAs, what is the typical turnaround time for a client request? I had a couple questions I sent in yesterday and still no response. Last time it took 3 business days.
My TA normally got back to me within a day, sometimes more often than that
So back in December I had Chase offers for both 10% and 30% off at Staples on 3 cards. I used the offer on all three cards (2 mine, 1 DHs). Got 10% credited on each card. I SMd on my account and was told it can take 15 business days to post so contact them again after that long. I SMd again this week and they said they escalated it. Today I got a message that they are crediting another $12 on each card (spent $60 on each, already got $6 )
Yay! Instead of SMing on DHs card, I think I’ll just buy a $50 Disney GC and some actual supplies needed to use the 30% offer.
I’ve adopted this exact strategy with my BGR. I could have easily hit the $5k MSR in one month, but I’ve distributed that spend across my other Amex cards, and added Amex Offers to use on my lesser used cards, to even out my spend on the MSR card and across my Amex portfolio. (I’ve got 9 open Amex cards, and I’m putting some spend on my wife’s 2 Amexes too. It’s become a real pain managing all these cards, being careful not to overspend on any, and it kills me a little to use an Amex for something when there’s a better bonus category on one of our Chase cards.) So instead of my BGR statements looking like $5k in a month with a steep drop off, it’s more like $800, $2,100, $1,400, $700+... Of course this means putting off the bonus posting, if it does at all because you never know these days. I’m a bit nervous. When I finally hit MSR on my BGR later this month, I should have at least put several thousand $ of spend on my other non-MSR Amexes. Fingers crossed that’s enough to keep Amex happy and get me the 50k MR.

With everything we’re learning about Amex, I’ve become very reluctant to recommend their cards to anyone who isn’t planning to continue spending on their Amex, even if there are better bonus categories on other cards and big signup bonuses on new cards; or is planning to cancel the card after just one year to avoid AFs.

I’m really feeling @GlamMistress’s earlier post, almost like I’m a captive in Amex’s ecosystem. There are several more Amex bonuses that I want, so I’ll play their game a little while longer. I’m putting most of our spend on our Amex cards when not working on MSR. There could be worse currencies to be earning than MRs, Marriott, and Hilton, all of which I have plans to use, but there are so many opportunities lost if you want to keep on Amex’s good list.

I agree. It's a pain to spread the spending out just to please AMEX. It's one thing when I'm trying to remember which card gives bonus points for which category, but trying to remember what needs some spend now is annoying. And every time we add a card it makes it harder. I guess that's their point, but yuck.

This is me now. I have 19 cc's with payments due this month. If my dh knew, he would croak. And I do feel like I am spending more to keep Amex happy and use offers that are, many times for me, something I would not have purchased if not for the offer and my desire to use the offer plus put spend on the card. I need to back off a bit on my spend and I will be in a cancelling frenzy for the next 8 mos with Amex cards, with the exception of the couple I will keep. So, I may never get another Amex again after that as they will put me on their naughty list.

Yikes! 19! And here I am complaining about something like 10 cards. Still a bit daunting, though.

The cm told me to back up a little so baymax could reinflate himself lol. I’ll always remember it. Another time we met him and I had my pin lanyard on. The cm asked me to take them off and all I could think about was the part in the movie where he tapes himself lol.

I completely agree about meeting face characters. I feel super awkward meeting face characters but the ones in costumes are amazing! I love the gestures they make and they get really into it if you have a stuffed animal

LOL - I love that part of the movie! So funny!

Well we decided....we are going to keep our yc club level room. We were really excited to try club level and had an Epcot day planned plus a day to walk to Fantasia putt putt and use the little sea raycers if the weather is nice. We used our CSR to book so we will get 3x points for it being travel. We aren’t breaking the budget or anything by spending $900 more and we were already okay spending that much in the first place. Thanks everyone for your inputs. I’ve started getting really excited about the festival of the arts!

Yay! I'm glad you are staying where you really want to stay. YC was my first WDW resort and I've stayed many times since that first trip. There is a little ice cream freezer up in the lounge, BTW. :cloud9: We have found that a good CL breakfast gets us through to lunch (which we eat in a park usually), and those evening appetizers carry us through for a few hours, when we tend to pick something light up in a park. So, fewer sit down meals, and more convenience for us. I know it doesn't work that way for everyone, but it's my preferred way to stay at WDW. Best thing is how you don't have to line up at the buses or monorail to get back to your room at night. Enjoy!
I agree. It's a pain to spread the spending out just to please AMEX. It's one thing when I'm trying to remember which card gives bonus points for which category, but trying to remember what needs some spend now is annoying. And every time we add a card it makes it harder. I guess that's their point, but yuck.

Yikes! 19! And here I am complaining about something like 10 cards. Still a bit daunting, though.

LOL - I love that part of the movie! So funny!

Yay! I'm glad you are staying where you really want to stay. YC was my first WDW resort and I've stayed many times since that first trip. There is a little ice cream freezer up in the lounge, BTW. :cloud9: We have found that a good CL breakfast gets us through to lunch (which we eat in a park usually), and those evening appetizers carry us through for a few hours, when we tend to pick something light up in a park. So, fewer sit down meals, and more convenience for us. I know it doesn't work that way for everyone, but it's my preferred way to stay at WDW. Best thing is how you don't have to line up at the buses or monorail to get back to your room at night. Enjoy!
I'm not sure we will use the ice cream freezer much, but if I'm being honest I can never have too many ice cream treats lol. I especially LOVE the Olaf bars!!! They are so refreshing. We probably won't use the appetizers much except for our one resort day, but I'm still interested to at least check them out. I'm really happy we will be able to walk to Epcot. The day we are going it has EMH from 9-11 pm so it'll be nice to walk straight to our room after. We have a Standard room booked, but I'm hoping we still get a decent view.
I'm not sure we will use the ice cream freezer much, but if I'm being honest I can never have too many ice cream treats lol. I especially LOVE the Olaf bars!!! They are so refreshing. We probably won't use the appetizers much except for our one resort day, but I'm still interested to at least check them out. I'm really happy we will be able to walk to Epcot. The day we are going it has EMH from 9-11 pm so it'll be nice to walk straight to our room after. We have a Standard room booked, but I'm hoping we still get a decent view.

Most (or all) of the standard rooms are facing the parking area. You could call/email the concierge team (it was called IPO but now it's DSS I think?) requesting things like a nice view, close to lounge, quiet area, etc. if you want.
40k my friend, 40k.

I was there in 2018 also- it's incredible. Not a "churning" destination as only the Marriott in Anchorage is points friendly (but who wants to stay in anchorage for more than a day or 2?). But still worth a trip for sure.

We went to Alaska in 2017, and we were able to get free flights with Alaska Airlines points and we reserved on points at the Holiday Inn Express in Anchorage at the beginning and end of our trip (technically we stayed at the Hyatt house at the beginning, but we were walked from the HIE and it didn't end up costing us anything). We stayed at Best Westerns in Homer and Seward, so those could probably be found on something like the UR portal or other flexible points currencies. In Girdwood we stayed at the Alyeska (sp?), which I got a pretty good price on on Hotwire. We rented a car and drove ourselves around for two weeks, going from Anchorage to Homer to Seward to Girdwood to Denali and then back to Anchorage. I saw the ABD group in Girdwood, so looked up their trip out of curiosity and we did most of what they did and more, and had a longer trip for a lot cheaper. It was an amazing trip!
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