"I Don't Wanna Meet Mickey In a Frumpin' Poncho!" An August 2011 TR! COMPLETE 11/30

So many updates! Yay! :thumbsup2

I love the lobby of AKL! It's huge and just... breathtaking! Were yall in a 1BDR?

We've never seen Nemo. Do you think the kids would sit through it? I know it's longer than FoTLK, so I've been apprehensive.

Yak & Yeti looks delicious! I could go for some of those fried wontons right about now. YUMMM!

The Rapunzel meet & greet is too cute! She was an adorable Rapunzel, too! Too bad Flynn isn't there anymore :(
WOW!That's what I call some updates!!!!:)

You are so busy with "regular life;)",it is really nice of you to take time for updates!:)

Great report on Flame Tree!That is my fav CS on property!Back when DAK had Evening EMH,I always ate there-the view of EE from Flame Tree at night is amazing!:)

Thanks! I love writing them! I just wish I had more time to.

Thank you! It is one of the best for sure! That sounds awesome. I remember DAK EMH. :( I wish they still existed.​

The picture of the pasta drying is great!:)

Congratulations on your upcoming trip!How exciting!:)

My trip(December1-8)almost "runs into" your trip!I am beyond excited!:)

I will be sure to tell New Fantasyland that you are coming!!!!:)(I expect to be on a first-name basis with New Fantasyland by the end of my trip!;))

Thanks! I thought it was so clever.

I can't wait!!!! :banana:

Wow that's so soon! I bet you're beyond excited!! :yay:

Oh yes please do! I bet you will be!​

So many updates! Yay! :thumbsup2

I love the lobby of AKL! It's huge and just... breathtaking! Were yall in a 1BDR?

We've never seen Nemo. Do you think the kids would sit through it? I know it's longer than FoTLK, so I've been apprehensive.

Yak & Yeti looks delicious! I could go for some of those fried wontons right about now. YUMMM!

The Rapunzel meet & greet is too cute! She was an adorable Rapunzel, too! Too bad Flynn isn't there anymore :(

YAY! I'm back!

It's incredible! This was actually pre-DVC, so we were just in a regular room.

It's very entertaining for kids- it's immersive and there is a lot to look at all the time. I think they would be able to!

So could I! It was wonderful!

I loved it! I can't wait to hopefully meet Flynn at the Christmas Party! :santa:
Chapter 48- Italy, China, France, Japan, Germany...

August 26th, 2011

We woke up a little before 9 on this morning...ahh so late! Mom was feeling a little sick so she called her doctor, who prescribed some medicine for her. She had to go pick it up at Walgreens, but being the trooper that she is, decided to wait until later. We had a park to get to!

While they were on the phone with the doctor, Walgreens, and so on, I headed down to the Mara to pick up breakfast. They met me down there eventually.

I couldn't resist having one of these again:

They're so good!

Sarah and Scott went the healthier route and had some fruit:


It was really fresh and delicious! Sarah loooves caramel with apples.

Mom went with a yogurt parfait:

She loves these!

We headed up to the bus stop, and ended up getting to EPCOT a little before 11 A.M. Can you tell we're nearing the end of the trip? All those rope drops/last people out of the park have come to an end, I fear.

We wandered around Future World for a while, and then went to get Fastpasses for Mission: SPACE for later. Once again, our breakfast had gone straight through us and we were all hungry for an early lunch. Everyone wanted to go to Boulangerie Patisserie in France, but I was really craving Lotus Blossom Cafe in China. So we went our separate ways and decided to meet up near France a little later.

Hello, World Showcase!



I got to China and decided to browse through the House of Good Fortune for a while before lunch. There is so much cool stuff in there! Stuff that I would probably never need/use, but really awesome all the same. However, Mitsukoshi still wins for best giant World Showcase store any day.


I love the light fixtures in here. All the decor is so cool!

I decided on the Shrimp Fried Rice for my lunch. It even comes with an egg roll!

I love this stuff. It's always so hot and fresh. And the egg roll was perfectly crispy. YUM. Definitely one of my favorite World Showcase meals.

For dessert? Strawberry red bean ice cream, of course!

YUM! This is some of the best ice cream out there. It's so refreshing, and it doesn't melt as fast as other ice cream, which is nice because Lotus Blossom is NOT air conditioned.

As I was finishing my lunch, I got a call from my Mom. She told me that they were just getting in line to order lunch now. It turns out that they had been taking their time getting there...

Here's Scott leisurely enjoying Japan:

Sarah relaxing in Morocco:

They ended up spotting Belle out for meets in between Morocco and France, so they had to stop and say hello!


Sarah later informed me that they had been discussing their favorite books.


Oh look! They finally made it to France.


Sarah has to relax first, apparently.

They finally got in line at Boulangerie, which is when Mom called me. They ordered and got a seat in the little indoor nook inside the gift shoppe.

Scott had quiche and an almond pastry for dessert.


He LOVES anything almond, so I'm pretty sure that pastry was the highlight of his day.

Mom went with a ham and cheese croissant and a Napoleon for dessert.


She loved this! And of course, you simply CANNOT go wrong with a Napoleon from France. They're just so stinkin' delicious!

Sarah had a ham and cheese baguette sandwich for her meal.

These things area HUGE, but I was informed that she finished the entire thing. This is one of her absolute favorite things to eat in Disney. She loves it! She also loves the dessert she ordered here, which they didn't take a picture of, because she probably ate it too fast. Cheesecake. I'm not even kidding. The whole array of French pastries to choose from and she picks plain cheesecake. But she LOOOOVES it. Give her that and a French baguette sandwich and she's a happy camper.

Since they hadn't even ordered when Mom called me, and since I was already finished eating, I decided to take my time making my way over to France. I headed to Germany and looked around the shoppes. They definitely have some of the best selection of merchandise in World Showcase. And the U.K. Some good stuff in those stores!

Next up, my homeland!

Stay tuned!

Continued in Next Post
Chapter 49- Hello, Gorgeous!

August 26th, 2011​

I wandered through Italy for a little while...how I love it there.


Someone wanna take me to the real Italy? Thanks.

I passed by America on my way to Japan...

The Fife & Drum Corps was out and performing, so I stopped to watch for a couple minutes.


In Japan, there was a temporary kiosk because Katsura Grill (then Yakitori House) was going to be closed for renovations.

I went into Mitsukoshi for a little while, where I bought some mango gummies. Don't judge me y'all- they're delicious.

Hey there, Morocco!


Sadly, Aladdin wasn't out. ): So I made my way on to France!



Definitely the most beautiful World Showcase country. No contest.



Mom texted me to meet them in the wine shoppe, so I headed over there. As we all were leaving France, we saw Aurora out with no line! We walked right up and chatted a little bit. She was so sweet!


We said goodbye and headed to Morocco all together, where we actually walked around and explored. Morocco goes back a lot deeper than you would think. There are so many beautiful little courtyards and corners that you just don't see if you walk right by.

Next up was Japan! We all went in Mitsukoshi again, which was totally fine by me. I love that store!

Mom and Scott wanted to see the Fife & Drum Corps, so they headed on to America.



Sarah and I, however, had other plans.

I had heard people from the DIS talking about how refreshing Kaki Gori was, and since it was a hot afternoon, we decided to give it a try.

Sarah ordered just strawberry, but I ordered strawberry and melon.


Oh my gosh, was this ever good! The flavors weren't too sweet, and the whole thing cooled me right down. We sat on a bench in the shade and enjoyed these lovely concoctions, along with a nice breeze. It was perfect! I was outside, in World Showcase, in AUGUST, it was like 100 degrees, and I felt completely fine. LOVED IT.

I so recommend this to the entire universe. KAKI GORI, Y'ALL.

We met up with Mom and Scott after a while, and Scott and Sarah decided that they wanted to use their Mission: SPACE Fastpasses.


We decided to meet them in Mouse Gear a little later. We parted ways and Mom and I set off for Italy!

We browsed the shoppes, and Mom bought a couple of Fontanini Christmas decorations from the one.

As we were leaving one of the shoppes, I saw that the Ziti Sisters were out! I love them!

As I tried to take a picture over the crowd, some (incredibly good-looking) guy walked right in front of me and looked right at my camera. Check this out, y'all:

Is he videotaping me!? Ah well. Who cares? He was CUTE.

How's that for some creepin', Joni!?

After I was finished swooning, Mom and I headed to Germany.

We didn't stay long. The temptation of Karamell Kuche was getting stronger than usual and we simply HAD to resist.

We passed by the Outpost and China...

We even passed by Norway! No school bread today. ):

We headed over to Mexico, where the Mariachi band was playing! We decided to stop and watch.

After their set was over, we headed out of World Showcase.


We went over to Mouse Gear to meet up with Sarah and Scott.

Of course, we couldn't leave without buying something. Sarah just had to have a Dumbo stuffed animal that she saw, and of course my Mom gave in. It was too cute to say no to!

We left the park and I saw an AKL bus waiting from pretty far away, so I RAN.

No, not Iran. I RAN.

I know, it's really hard to believe.

Only in Disney.

We got on the bus and Sarah was just loving her new Dumbo.



Please excuse my expression in that last one. I was still recovering from running.

We got back to Jambo House at about 3, and Sarah and I headed into Zawadi to look around while Mom and Scott went to the car to drive to Walgreens.

King Pin was out so Sarah and I waited to trade with him. I got a Jasmine pin and a monorail! It was a good day.

We headed back up to room and I freshened up and rested on the balcony while Sarah had a snack and watched Disney channel.

Here was our view:

I love having a pool view at AKL because I can always check out the crowds before deciding whether or not to go down. I really wanted to that day, because it wasn't crowded at all, but Sarah didn't and I couldn't just leave her on her own. Wahh.

When the parental units got back, they freshened up and then we all headed to the bus stop. A bus for Magic Kingdom came in about 2 minutes, but once we got there, we headed straight for the monorail.

Where were we going? Is it dinnertime?

Stay tuned!

Continued in Next Post
Chapter 50- THE BREAD

August 26th, 2011​

We got to the monorail station, where Monorail Blue was waiting for us!

Hello, Magic Kingdom! You're looking dapper, as always.

Eeyore was checking out Bay Lake Tower. He approves.




We stopped at the Contemporary, but we stayed aboard!


TTC was next- not our stop.

Next up was the Polynesian...there we go!

We walked right up to the podium at Kona, where they gave us a buzzer.

However, as soon as we walked away, the buzzer went off!

We were seated at a half-booth on the left side of the restaurant, and Jackie from Atlantic City was our waitress.

She let Sarah and I get virgin daiquiris as part of the DDP, so she ordered strawberry:

And I ordered Pina Colada/Strawberry:


Next, she took our orders and brought us the absolute BEST PART of the meal.

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, I present to you:


Ohhhh the sweet, flaky, warm delicious goodnesss with epic macadamia nut butter from the gods.

Gracious, it's good.

We basically gobbled the whole thing up before she even walked away, so we just asked for another one while she was still there.


For our entrees, Sarah ordered the Pomegranate-glazed pork chop with roasted fingerling potatoes and swiss chard.

Everything about this meal were things that she liked, and she ate a lot of it! It was a pretty big portion.

Scott ordered the Panko-crusted shrimp and scallops, which are a Kona favorite for him. He loves it!

Mom and I both went with our Kona favorite, the Teriyaki-style New York Strip! It comes with Sticky Rice (Mom substituted mash in its place) and broccolini.


This is just sooo good. I'm a big fan of teriyaki anything, and this was cooked to perfection. I love the sticky rice with some of the sauce on it, and the broccolini was tender and fresh. YUM!

Once we were all sufficiently stuffed, we had to order dessert, of course!

Scott went with the pineapple upside down cake, which was good!

He thought the cake was a little dry, but the flavors were good and the sauces helped.

Mom went with the White Chocolate Cheesecake:

The presentation was beautiful, and the dessert itself was great! A nice, creamy cheesecake, and not too sweet.

Sarah knew what she wanted from the get-go. The Kona Kone, of course!

This is every kid's perfect dessert! Cotton candy, M&M's, and ice cream!? The child was in Heaven.

I was pretty full, so I decided on a lighter dessert. The chocolate fondue!

I know what you're thinking. How is that light? I mean, look at all the chocolate:

Well, I didn't drink the chocolate, I just used it for the fruit, and gave the macaroons to my Mom. She loved them! The chocolate was rich and just the right consistency, and the fruit was nice and fresh. It was perfect!

We were also given birthday cupcakes, but luckily they were little. I loved the Lilo and Stitch picture!

Happy birthday to us!

Once we finished eating and paid, we headed downstairs to the Wyland gallery. Mom still had her eye on a flower pendant that she had seen on the second day of our trip, and she finally talked herself into buying it!


She loves it! She wears it all the time.

We wandered outside for a few minutes, enjoying the scenery.


We went to Captain Cook's, refilled our mugs, and headed up to the monorail. We got to Magic Kingdom at around 8:15.


First, we headed to Adventureland! Sarah and I rode the Magic Carpets, and then we all went to the Tiki Room.

I only ever remembered watching the "Under New Management" version, so I was really excited to see Walt's original concept! It was perfect. I loved it. Even though I'm scared of birds, Walt's animatronic ones didn't bother me. I love this show in all of it's clever cheesiness, and I see it on almost every trip.

Next up was another clever and cheesy ride, and one of my all-time favorites. The Jungle Cruise! Our skipper was great and he told a couple of jokes that I hadn't heard before. I just love that ride so much.

Next up was Mom's favorite- Pirates! Then we headed to Frontierland and Big Thunder Mountain, where the posted wait was only 10 minutes!

However, when we walked up to the queue, the Cast Member said that the wait was actually 45 minutes, but their wait clock was malfunctioning.

Oh. That changes things. To Splash we go!

Splash Mountain was a walk-on. Sarah and I asked to be in the front and our wish was granted! YAY!


Just dancin' in the Briar Patch. No worries.

When I was taking a picture of the ride photo, the Cast Member told me to hand over my camera.

Uhhh...no way! He started laughing and messing with me.

What a flirt.

Guess he doesn't have much fun standing there watching absolutely no one buy a ride photo every day. Ah well.

Hashtag Cast Member Problems.

We met up with Mom and decided to head over to Tomorrowland! It was time for some Laugh Floor hilarity!


^^Illegal photo inside the Laugh Floor. RE! RE! RE!

The Cast Member standing near us in the little waiting room struck up a conversation with me, and I found out that it was his first day as a CM! He was doing a great job, and I told him so. His name was Ryan and he was so nice! Definitely Cast Member material. Good job, Disney!

After the Laugh Floor, everyone was feeling pretty tired. We decided to head out.

On the way out of the park, Mom and I got some Main Street popcorn to share:

There's nothing like this stuff. It's perfect.

We waited about 10 minutes for a bus to AKL. We got back, went for a quick swim to relax, and then it was lights out for us!

Coming up- some solo trekking and cupcake madness!

Continued in Next Post
Chapter 51- My Solo Hollywood Adventure

August 27th, 2011​

This morning I was awoken by my mother saying that the DVC van for the tour would be coming in just 15 minutes!!! :scared1: I still had to take a shower!

There was no way I was going to make it, so we agreed that I would just go to DHS and meet them there later. I relaxed on the balcony while they where running around like Kevin's family when they're late for a flight.

The pool was almost totally empty, and I was tempted to go down for a morning swim.


Their van picked them up to take them over to Kidani Village, and I hopped in the shower.

I left Jambo for DHS and got there at about 8:30.


Good morning, Hollywood!

It was such a beautiful day, and I actually loved having a few hours to myself. It was nice to just do whatever I wanted and take it all in.

I decided to hit up the single-rider line at Rock N' Roller Coaster!


I hopped right on the ride and sat with a kid who looked like he was terrified of me. Oh well. It was still fun!

Tower of Terror was only a ten minute wait, so I decided to do that too! The little girl I sat next to on the ride was so scared, and she kept digging her nails into my arm. I felt bad for her but man it was a painful visit to the Twilight Zone.

Next up, I decided to go to the Animation Building!


I wanted to do the drawing class, but there were still 30 minutes until the next one. So, I walked around and did the character quiz downstairs.


This is pretty accurate. I'm a sassy one.

I still didn't feel like waiting, so I decided to head for my favorite 3-D attraction and yours, Muppet Vision!


Welcome home, Kristen.


I sat in the front and center and soaked up all that Muppety goodness. Afterward, I headed up Commissary Lane and sang along with all the TV themes. I looked around the Hat store and some of the shoppes on Sunset Boulevard, and then decided that it was TIME.

Starring Rolls was calling my name, and there was a cupcake that I was DYING to try.


The Marble Cupcake!


I secured myself a nice table outside and sat down to enjoy this lovely creation. MAN IS THIS GOOD. The cake was moist and the filling was fudgy goodness like nothing else on earth. The frosting was absolutely perfect and the sprinkles were a nice touch. I LOVED IT! I'm really sad that it's not there anymore, but the carrot cake cupcake that replaced it is almost as good.

The cross-section:

While I was eating, I got a call from Mom saying that they were on their way to DHS, and that we had all received generic Fastpasses for doing the tour! YAY!

I told them where I was, and they joined me about 15 minutes later. Mom got a Marble Cupcake as well, and Scott just got a banana. Sarah also had a cupcake.


She decided on the Chocolate Peanut Butter Cupcake. She loved it! It was super rich, but the flavor was awesome! This is definitely a cupcake to share, though, because it is just SO rich. I could only have a couple bites and I was done.

They told me all about the tour while we ate. They were shown studios and -1-bedroom villas and they loved them! They had until Monday to decide, and things were looking up!

Mom and Scott really wanted to see the Indiana Jones Stunt Show, so they took Sarah to go line up and I went to grab us all Fastpasses for Rock N' Roller Coaster for later.

I stopped in the Villains in Vogue store on my way and a couple CM's in there saw my nails and started showing them to everyone that walked by. It was so cute!

I secured our Fastpasses and headed back toward Echo Lake.


I got to the Indiana Jones show and found my family (somehow) in the sea of people.


The show began, and I always think of Full House whenever I see it. I wanted to jump up and yell "STEVE!" just to see what would happen.


Afterwards, Scott and Sarah found these guys at a kiosk and were having WAYY too much fun:

We decided to cool off and finally do the drawing class! We didn't have to wait long, and we got to draw Goofy!

Here's my final product:

It was so fun! The drawing class is one of my favorite things to do at Disney. It's always something different!

Mom really wanted to see the Beauty and the Beast show, so we headed there next.


Mom was really excited.


The show was lovely, as always, and the Gaston was REALLY cute! Hello.





It started to get cloudy and gusty once the show got out, so we decided to take cover for lunch.

Continued in Next Post
Chapter 52- I Just Can't Stop Eating Disney Pizza

August 27th, 2011

We decided to go to Pizza Planet for lunch, because Sarah wanted to go there SO badly. I wasn't going to protest. I love me some Disney pizza!

Sarah and I both had pepperoni pizza and caesar salad:


Mom had a veggie pizza:

And Scott had the house salad:

This was huge and really fresh. He enjoyed it.

We all had this little beauty for dessert:

It's a Cappuccino Cupcake! It looked similar to the Red Velvet Cupcake from Starring Rolls, and tasted like choco-coffee goodness! It was huge and I couldn't finish it, but it was really good!

We got a nice window table upstairs, and we watched the rain and the poncho'd people running while we ate. Inside the restaurant, a little kid at a table near us dropped his pizza face down on the ground. His dad picked it up and made him eat it...EW.

After lunch, we decided to do the Great Movie Ride, as it was still raining.


We had the gangster, and I wrote in my trip journal: "When will I get the cowboy!?"

Since then, I have, so it's funny to go back and read those things!

It was POURING when our ride let out, so we ran to the Animation Building and did the drawing class again! This time, we drew the Aliens from Toy Story!

Here's mine:

On the way out of the (awesome) Animation Building art shoppe, I noticed this Annette doll from the Mickey Mouse Club!

So cute!

The rain had let up a little, so we went to use our Rock N' Roller Coaster Fastpasses.



After that ride, it was time to head over to our dinner reservation. We went to the Friendship Boat dock, where we saw this little guy:

A boat pulled up in a few minutes, and we hopped aboard!

We stopped at the Swan & Dolphin, and then I saw this beautiful sight:

We got off the boat at the Yacht Club dock. I'M HOME.


However, we didn't stop there. We kept on walkin'.



Here we go!



Cape May was our ADR that evening! We checked in and only waited a few minutes before we were seated near the buffet by Marie from Haiti. She brought our drinks quickly and we hit up the buffet!

I have no idea whose plate is whose, so just enjoy all of the food that we consumed. It's a lot. Aaaand go!







Up next, some epic desserts!

Continued in Next Post

August 27th, 2011

Once we were done stuffing our faces, it was DESSERT TIME.


Do you know what those are??


Yes. That would be an oreo base, cookies and cream mousse, and ganache.

I died. And went to oreo heaven. The view is nice from there.

We also had some other desserts, such as these:

Oh, looks like an oreo bon bon snuck onto that plate. It's because they're the best. No one's mad.

Happy family:

Just some character signatures:

We received some salt water taffy with our check!

After dinner, we explored the lobby of the beautiful Beach Club.



Sarah found a nice, comfy chair:

The classic Beach Club chairs:


We went to wash up in the bathroom, and I had forgotten how classy it was. They have this same setup at the Yacht Club:

Such a nice touch!

We headed outside and enjoyed the sunset by the Beach Club.



I just love the EPCOT resorts. They are my favorite. Ahhh :cloud9:




It's the Frump swing!

Beautiful Crescent Lake:

Sarah's dream resort! Little did she know that her dreams would be fulfilled a year later...

We made our way through International Gateway to head to the AKL bus stop, but we just couldn't leave without riding Spaceship Earth!


We're Frumps.


Goodnight, EPCOT!


When we got back to Jambo House, we went in Zawadi and I convinced myself to get this awesome Animal Kingdom crew neck:

I love it! Disney crew necks are the best.

Scott went to bed but Mom, Sarah and I decided to go swimming. They were playing UP by the pool so we watched it while we swam. That movie is simply perfect. Tears EVERY TIME.

Then we went in the hot tub for a little while, and we were all getting pretty tired, so we went upstairs to get ready for bed.

Coming up soon- our last full day in Disney! :sad:

Continued in Next Post
Kristen, I'm loving all these updates. You are an updating machine! -Amanda
That was amazing! So many updates! Go Kristen!

All these updates have made me so hungry too. So many food pictures, literally need Disney food right now.
I'm going to have to make a list of recommended foods from your trip reports for my trip!

Excited to
Dang girl, way to update! GET IT. :banana:

I don't even know what to say but I had a very nice time reading all your (13, I believe?) updates! And looking at all the food because DANG, I think all of those updates included food! I really, really want some Disney pizza now. :laughing: I think you can definitely finish this thing before heading back to Disney! You don't even know it yet but you will be head over heels in love with Bay Lake Tower in a couple weeks. Just thought you should know. ;)
Hey Kristen... WOW I'm finally done reading all your Oct and Nov updates! If I commented on everything, it would be seriously endless, but I just wanted to stop by and say how much I am still loving this report. Awesome job!! AND AHH you are going back so soon. You are so lucky. I miss Disney at Christmas! Why can't I just win the lottery and take off?? Le sigh. If I do, I'll see you there. ;)

One thing I noticed is that the Aurora you met in France was playing Belle last month when I met her, and the Jasmine you guys met is the same one I met as well. SHE'S PERFECT, she looks exactly like the real Jasmine and has the sassy attitude down. I loved her!

How many trips did you go on since this trip? Like 14? Are you doing TRs for all of them? You are going to be writing TRs until you're a grandma, seriously. I love it. Why can't we get paid for this??
That was amazing! So many updates! Go Kristen!

All these updates have made me so hungry too. So many food pictures, literally need Disney food right now.
I'm going to have to make a list of recommended foods from your trip reports for my trip!

Excited to

Thanks! I was on a roll.

Me too! I'm starving. Yes you definitely should! And of course I'll be happy to help as always! :goodvibes

Dang girl, way to update! GET IT. :banana:

I don't even know what to say but I had a very nice time reading all your (13, I believe?) updates! And looking at all the food because DANG, I think all of those updates included food! I really, really want some Disney pizza now. :laughing: I think you can definitely finish this thing before heading back to Disney! You don't even know it yet but you will be head over heels in love with Bay Lake Tower in a couple weeks. Just thought you should know. ;)

Hahaha thanks!

Oh yay I'm glad! So do I. YUM.

I hope I can finish it! AHHH I cannot WAIT to stay at Bay Lake Tower!!!!!!!! :yay: :woohoo:

Hey Kristen... WOW I'm finally done reading all your Oct and Nov updates! If I commented on everything, it would be seriously endless, but I just wanted to stop by and say how much I am still loving this report. Awesome job!! AND AHH you are going back so soon. You are so lucky. I miss Disney at Christmas! Why can't I just win the lottery and take off?? Le sigh. If I do, I'll see you there. ;)

One thing I noticed is that the Aurora you met in France was playing Belle last month when I met her, and the Jasmine you guys met is the same one I met as well. SHE'S PERFECT, she looks exactly like the real Jasmine and has the sassy attitude down. I loved her!

How many trips did you go on since this trip? Like 14? Are you doing TRs for all of them? You are going to be writing TRs until you're a grandma, seriously. I love it. Why can't we get paid for this??

Thanks so much girl! :hug: I seriously cannot wait to see Disney at Christmastime. I might pass out from sheer joy. :santa:

Was she really? That's awesome. I just want to be one princess, it must be amazing to be two or more. I agree though, that Jasmine was perfect! Loved her!

Hahaha I've gone on three since then, including the May one, with the trip report that is in progress with Jess. I am going to be writing TR's until the day I die though. Ah well.​
It was definitely a great year for Disney trips, and it's not over yet!

Were we really!? That's awesome! I would definitely love to meet up at some point! And feel free to say hello if you see me! Where do you work?​

Yeah We were... I work at Hollywood Studios as a Photopass Photographer!:goodvibes
TinkerbellinNY6 said:
Yeah We were... I work at Hollywood Studios as a Photopass Photographer!:goodvibes

Oh that's awesome! I'd love to say hello at some point! :goodvibes

Sent from my iPhone using DISBoards
Okay, I have a bone to pick with you little lady....you tell us how cute Gaston is, then don't take a picture of him??!! I've never seen the show...how am I supposed to picture him in my head with nothing to go on? Shame on you. And you call yourself a DISer. :sad2: You do such a wonderful job taking pictures of the yummy food....we need the yummy men too! :thumbsup2
Wow, just catching up after the last month! Great updates! I have to agree with you, sometimes it's so much fun to go on your own.

I think you and I took the same picture. Click on this link and scroll down to the 9th picture. I could not believe when I saw your picture.:rotfl:

Thanks! Yeah, it definitely is nice. I love it.

Oh my gosh we did! I love that turtle. :goodvibes

Okay, I have a bone to pick with you little lady....you tell us how cute Gaston is, then don't take a picture of him??!! I've never seen the show...how am I supposed to picture him in my head with nothing to go on? Shame on you. And you call yourself a DISer. :sad2: You do such a wonderful job taking pictures of the yummy food....we need the yummy men too! :thumbsup2

I know!! I guess I was so captivated by his gorgeousness that I forgot! :scared1: I'm sorry. ):​
:santa: Pre-Trip Report: Christmas/Graduation Girls Trip! :santa:

November 30th, 2012

Hi there everyone! I'm planning on finishing this Trip Report this weekend, so stay tuned for those last updates! Before I do that, though, I thought I'd do a little PTR post for my trip that is in exactly TEN DAYS!!!! :banana::yay::dance3::cool1::hyper:

First I thought I'd give y'all a little background on the trip's origin.

This trip came about as an idea that I had for quite a while. I always wanted to go to Disney World at Christmastime, for one thing. Christmastime is my absolute FAVORITE time of year, and to spend part of it in Disney World is a dream come true for me. :wizard:

Therefore, I thought that I would like to go on my Graduation trip in December. I wanted to take either Jess or Nat, but as they are both in college, our schedules didn't mesh well enough. ): So, I presented the idea to my mom of having a girls trip with the two of us and Sarah. She loved the idea! We ran it by my stepdad, and he said sure. So, two days after my birthday (June 16th) I went ahead and booked our flights!

Then came the resort changing.

If any of you know me, you know that I am a constant resort-changer, and so is my mother.

We were originally booked at Port Orleans- Riverside in a Royal Guest Room. Then, after our trip this past August, we decided to add on some DVC points to our contract. So we came home and checked DVC resort availability for December. We did not want to stay at AKV or OKW, because we are probably doing a split stay between those two next summer, and Saratoga Springs was the only other resort available! So we booked it!

Then, a couple months ago, I checked again and saw that BAY LAKE TOWER was available for our first three nights, so I snatched that up real quick! So, now the plan is to stay at BLT from December 10th-13th and The Springs at SSR from December 13th-17th, unless we can get something else for those last four nights!

I am totally happy with this arrangement, though. Not only do I LOVE Saratoga Springs, but it has been Sarah's and my DREAM to stay at Bay Lake since it first opened in 2009! I can't believe it's coming true!!! I can't wait!!

So there's the background. Now for the deets!

As I mentioned, our dates are December 10th-17th, and we're staying in a studio at Bay Lake Tower and Saratoga Springs.



Our flight should get us to MCO at about 10:30 A.M. on the 10th, so we'll have a full day of fun to look forward to! Our flight home (ew) is at about 2:30 on the 17th, so we'll basically only have the morning. That doesn't mean we don't have plans, though!

We are so excited about all the awesome holiday activities at WDW!

Here are the ones we are planning on participating in:
- Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party at MK on December 11th!
- The Candlelight Processional at EPCOT on December 13th with JODI BENSON, and on December 14th with LEA SALONGA. (That's right, TWO Disney Legends in 24 hours. I CAN'T EVEN WAIT. I love them both and look up to them so much.)
- The Osbourne Festival of Dancing Lights at DHS! (I am so excited to see these in person!)
- Mickey's Jingle Jungle Parade! (DAK love, y'all.)
- Resort decorations! (I have set aside time for us to see the decorations at every deluxe resort! I can't wait!)
- Holidays Around the World at EPCOT!

We also can't wait to see everything in NEW FANTASYLAND! That leads me to my next topic, ADR's!

Here is our current ADR list. It is constantly growing/changing, so this is definitely subject to alterations:

Monday, December 10th
- Raglan Road lunch at DTD
- Hoop-De-Doo Revue dinner at Fort Wilderness (my FAVORITE!)

Tuesday, December 11th
- Le Cellier lunch at EPCOT

Wednesday, December 12th
- 'Ohana dinner at the Poly

Thursday, December 13th
- Grand Floridian Cafe breakfast at the GF
- Rose & Crown dinner at EPCOT

Friday, December 14th
- Kouzzina breakfast on the Boardwalk
- Les Chefs de France dinner at EPCOT

Saturday, December 15th
- Sci-Fi lunch at DHS

Sunday, December 16th
- Crystal Palace breakfast at MK
- Grand Floridian Cafe dinner at the GF (we are obsessed with this place)

Monday, December 17th
- Kona Cafe breakfast at the Poly (wouldn't be a trip to Disney without it!!)

So that's the list for now! I have a feeling there may be some additions to it, though, because we are NOT DOING THE DDP on this trip! We have a lot more freedom with our ADR choices.

If any of you are going to be in Disney when I am or are a Cast Member, let me know! Leave a comment below or tweet me or comment on an Instagram pic (see below). I would love to say hello! And if you see me around, PLEASE don't hesitate to come up to me and say hello! I absolutely LOVE meeting fellow DISers! :goodvibes

For those of you who won't be in Disney, please follow me on Twitter (@disney_frump) and Instagram (disney_frump) for constant updates from The Most Magical Place On Earth! I will most definitely be doing a TR for this trip, so stay tuned for that as well. However, I will be doing a TR for my trip with Allie in July, as well as a Dining Review for my trip in August before then, so stay tuned for those as well! And keep reading Jess' and my May TR!

I will be hopefully able to finish this TR this weekend, and then my trip is just around the corner!! Once again, thank you so much, all of you, for being such loyal readers and commenters! And if you're a lurker, I appreciate you too! Just come out of hiding so I can tell ya! :laughing:

I am SO excited for this trip, and I can't wait to share it all with you! Merry Christmastime to you all! See ya real soon! :santa:



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