"I bet they get Charmin" A May 2014 Girls Trip **04/03 THE END**

Day 7, Part 6: "Who are we going to meet?"

We didn't actually tell the girls who we were going to meet, but instead just went ahead and got into line and told them to trust us.

I documented waiting in line, because as you all know, I enjoy documenting mundane tasks.


There was some chatting.


Plus Marie checking out the MDE app on her phone. (Special soutouts: the guy on his honeymoon and the guy with the OK shirt)

Soon enough, our chosen character came out and Traci was beyond excited because Alice was at the top of her list.


Hence: Solo picture.

There wasn't a photopass photographer, so I elected to skip this picture and just be the photographer.


Merranda is making a slight face here but the other one had people blinking so...


I captured Alice telling some stories.

Since we were already in the UK, we decided that we'd continue on with a much more important meet. I mean, at least to me.


Detail appreciation.


Back of the UK pavilion, which I always forget about.

Luckily, for our destination there was pretty much zero wait since so few people know that Pooh and friend meet back here. Usually that friend is Tigger and since Tigger is Eli's favorite, she was pretty pumped.

Unfortunately, for her, Tigger wasn't there. Instead Rabbit was there! Which was way more exciting for Marie and me because we've met Tigger before but never Rabbit.


As you can see, Eli was still pretty thrilled to meet the big bear himself. Even if he did try and steal food from us.

You know Pooh, he's always hungry that one.


Hugs were given and everyone was excited.


Pooh told us that Tigger was having a nap because he was too tired from bouncing. Makes sense, that Tigger bounces a lot.


Everyone was pretty happy with how things went down.

And I have to say two things. First, I love meeting Pooh here, not just because of the short waits but because Christopher Robin's room is just such an amazing backdrop. I mean, it's really well done.

Secondly, every single scary Easter bunny out there could learn from Rabbit. Look does Rabbit look like he's going to eat you alive? No, no he doesn't. Therefore it is possible to make non-scary bunny costumes. So get on that other bunnies.

A bathroom break was in order again after the meets, so we headed over to the bathrooms which were luckily very close.


Hello Croc.


Hello Mary.


Don't look at me like that guy, I'm just following Disney law and taking a picture of the fountain that I was next to.

Of course there was also a little bit of phone box fun for Traci and Eli.



Veronica and Merranda decided that they were in some need of scones, so they went to buy some while the rest of us waited.


Soon enough they returned. They had good things to say about them and did find them off.

With that finished we knew we wanted to make sure we hit up Tink's garden, so we started making our way out of the World Showcase.

I proceeded to take many more flower pictures because I enjoy them.




Sometimes I consider what would happen if Marie had the camera all the time. But even when she does have it, I tend to steal it so I can take pictures of the most random things.


I think this is my favorite of all my flower pictures. I just love this flower.


Though this one does have character too.


The large display at an angle.


A flower made up of flowers... hmmm.

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Could you have possibly stopped in... THE ENGLAND PAVILION?

I certainly hope that means there's a Mary, Winnie the Pooh, or Alice M&G involved within the next update! Even if there isn't, England is one of my favorite pavilions so as long as there's lots of photos I'll be content either way :goodvibes

More fantastic photos!!!

"Ooh" and "Ahh" to that Canadian Dream. I've never heard of that or the American one, but now I know what to try next time I'm in Epcot!

Your writing style is hilarious. I kept laughing throughout both updates, especially the part where you talk about "the majesty that is the American Adventure". I love the AA, so I'm in the same boat as you when it comes to people who dont :rotfl:

Great updates!!!

Or should that be the United Kingdom pavilion. Easy mistake to make given that it doesn't represent Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. In comparison to other pavilions it is pretty dull with no ride and not even a film. The fish and chips aren't bad and it can be a good spot to watch illuminations particularly when staying at an Epcot resort for a quick exit at the end.
looks like a fun meet with Alice, and how cool that Rabbit was meeting with Pooh - hardly ever see him in meets. And that setting of the bedroom is pretty darn cool.

And a flower made of flowers reminds me of a bad joke:

Q: Why can you never trust an atom?

A: Because they make up everything
Or should that be the United Kingdom pavilion. Easy mistake to make given that it doesn't represent Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. In comparison to other pavilions it is pretty dull with no ride and not even a film. The fish and chips aren't bad and it can be a good spot to watch illuminations particularly when staying at an Epcot resort for a quick exit at the end.

Thank you for correcting me!

Alice is so much fun, I can't believe I missed her in July!

But like also, YOU MET RABBIT. Doesn't rabbit not meet regularly? Pixie-dust to the max!!!

I agree. The other easter bunnies of the world can take some notes from Rabbit. Or at least just close their big-teethed mouths and shrink their giant eyes just a little bit.

The scones look yummy.

I loved this update!!! Yay for the UK pavilion!!! Yay for characters!!! YAY for this TR!!! :goodvibes
It's actually quite nice to see the Festival Center. I never spend any time fullly appreciating Flower and Garden outside of, IT'S SO PRETTY!!!

Awww... Norman.

AHHHH I didn't know there was a Canadian Dream.

Hmmm, thanks for mentioning Mo'Rockin. I still lament to demise of violin guy.

I really like Morocco too Marie. So underappreciated, but it really stands out when you go back through it. A fav for me as well.

Yay Alice. English accents rule!

I love the Pooh meet area in the UK. Just such a great backdrop. And super bonus meeting rabbit. That's so awesome.
looks like a fun meet with Alice, and how cool that Rabbit was meeting with Pooh - hardly ever see him in meets. And that setting of the bedroom is pretty darn cool.

And a flower made of flowers reminds me of a bad joke:

Q: Why can you never trust an atom?

A: Because they make up everything

I know, I was really excited to see Rabbit. The girls were all kinda meh about him but Marie and I were like, this is super awesome!

Oh Phil, you can tell you're a Dad ;) But never stop with the bad jokes, I actually genuinely enjoy them (Marie doesn't have as much appreciation for puns).


Alice is so much fun, I can't believe I missed her in July!

But like also, YOU MET RABBIT. Doesn't rabbit not meet regularly? Pixie-dust to the max!!!

I agree. The other easter bunnies of the world can take some notes from Rabbit. Or at least just close their big-teethed mouths and shrink their giant eyes just a little bit.

The scones look yummy.

I loved this update!!! Yay for the UK pavilion!!! Yay for characters!!! YAY for this TR!!! :goodvibes

You were right! Meets all around! :)

Alice is usaully pretty fun. I've met one that was more meh, but usually she's lots of fun. Gives you something to look forward to next time.

I don't know when Rabbit meets but I was excited that he was meeting with us. It was a special moment for sure and a character to cross off the list.

100% great advice. We should all just write letters and send a picture of Rabbit as an example of how to do it.

I didn't get a bite but I'm sure they were very yummy.

Kaitlyn, you're such a sweetie. I'm so glad you're here. That whole last line cheered me up. :hug:

It's actually quite nice to see the Festival Center. I never spend any time fullly appreciating Flower and Garden outside of, IT'S SO PRETTY!!!

Awww... Norman.

AHHHH I didn't know there was a Canadian Dream.

Hmmm, thanks for mentioning Mo'Rockin. I still lament to demise of violin guy.

I really like Morocco too Marie. So underappreciated, but it really stands out when you go back through it. A fav for me as well.

Yay Alice. English accents rule!

I love the Pooh meet area in the UK. Just such a great backdrop. And super bonus meeting rabbit. That's so awesome.

I loved going into the Festival Center. It's so cool in there that I wish it was open all the time. I mean, I'm sure there is a use for it.

Norman, everyone's favorite deer.

Marie makes it special. She just asks for double the red slush and no blue slush. Disney magic ;)

Yes, poor violin guy. He must be quite sad not to see you around anymore.

Morocco is goregous, that's true but the waterfall and gardens swing Canada into my favor.

I know, I wish I had an English accent.

We all know I'm always loving Pooh wherever I can meet him but UK is the top spot.
Day 7, Part 7: "Did we grab the wrong battery?"

Since we were already exploring through the land of flowers, we decided we might as well head toward the Butterfly Garden!

Along the way, Veronica spotted some flowers that she really liked - and recognized them by name, too, so that clarifies some more who's studying botany - and asked to get a picture with them.



We soon reached the Butterfly Garden, and were greeted by a familiar fairy.


Tinkerbell! Of course she would be there to greet us. Isn't she adorable?

We roamed around some, and were able to capture a few butterflies along the way.



And of course, again, a lot of very pretty flowers, and a few garden decorations.




At some point, we tried to get artsy.




At this point though, we were also trying to get as many pictures as possible in a time rush - because the camera battery was dying! Every Disney goer's nightmare when your day isn't over yet. Turns out, when we got up to get ready that morning, we took the charged battery out of the charger and put the second one in to start charging. And as it would happen, upon leaving the room, we forgot about the fully charged one, grabbed the half charged one from the charger and went on our merry way.



Thankfully, it did last us mostly until the end of the evening, though we kept having to turn it off and back on to get pretty much any shot.



The art and decorations in the garden were really pretty as well. Though, there weren't very many butterflies flying around, but I mean, I wouldn't want to be flying around that much either when crowded by a bunch of humans.



Random information: Those are probably nighttime butterflies (or moths if you'd rather) waiting to hatch. Butterfly cocoons are usually more of soft, light green, with golden veining. Moths hatch from the brown cocoons. Fascinating, right?


The more you know.


Once we were all satisfied with our butterfly encounter, we decided it was time to head out. We had one last FastPass to use that day, though there is no picture proof for that one. We headed over to the Land and went on our Soarin' ride!


Well, all of us but Eli. I think she thought we were planning on going standby for it, probably a confusion from the fact that we'd already ridden Test Track that day with one of our DVC tour FastPass, and she didn't feel like waiting, so instead she sat upstairs in the Land and charged her phone. When we got back out after our trip over California, she was confused to see us back out so soon, and then she realized we'd been using a FastPass.

She wasn't upset about it though, so we went back out and on our way to try and see if there was anything else to be done. We headed toward Figment, only to find that the ride was down and wasn't likely to open back up that night. I know, it's a travesty, but we all survived.

It was nearing 7 pm at that point, and most of the wait times were really long, so it ruled out anything else. We could probably had done Ellen's Energy Adventure with minimal wait, but somehow I don't think it would have turned out to be a favorite with the group.

Even Spaceship Earth was a longer than usual wait, and the World Showcase was still pretty crammed.

Ultimately, we decided to find a good spot for IllumiNations, get some food and relax for the rest of the evening. On the way there, Amber grabbed a pretzel, and I debated getting one as well, but ultimately passed up because I wasn't very hungry yet.

We elected to sit in Canada! We sat by the railing next to the rocks, so that we would be able to just stand and have an unobstructed view once the show started.

Some ducks and ducklings came along to greet us.



And then we pretty much just chilled, for the rest of the evening. Some people went in search of food, though not everyone came back around with their selection so we don't have pictures (I know, I know).

Eli didn't find anything she felt like having, so she passed up on dinner at that point. Instead she went off and charged her phone some more (her battery wasn't doing too well).

Traci got herself some chicken nuggets and fries, and she brought her food back so we did get a picture of her meal.


I was still not really into the idea of food - I was a bit tired, and possibly a little dehydrated as well, but Amber wanted me to eat something, and suggested going to get it. I asked if she could get me a pretzel as well, and she went off toward Future World. Unfortunately, the cart we'd passed not long before was closed by then, so she instead headed over to the Electric Umbrella and got me some mac and cheese off the kids' menu. I mostly pecked at it, but at least it got some food in me.

Veronica and Merranda decided to walk around the World Showcase and visit a few of the festival booths. They would obviously be the best partners at Food & Wine, they've already got some practice!

They were last to join us back, and by that time it was starting to get a bit dark. They had some goodies left, including a bag of caramel corn from Germany (which was delicious), and they settled down along the railing with us. Amber worked on the trip report journal some while listening to Off Kilter, and I sort of just rested while everyone else played on their phones. Tiredness was catching up with me at that point - we had gotten up pretty early - and I was admittedly probably a bit cranky, but mostly just quiet. Being sleepy, I also got really cold suddenly, and Traci was sweet enough to lend me her sweatshirt.

I was still very much looking forward to the fireworks, as was Amber obviously. Happy (if a bit sleepy) we-sie.


And seeing as we got our own picture, I decided I had to get one of the girls, too.


Veronica caught me before the first one went off and she was looking at the camera, so I took another one. Hence why she seems more aware than the rest of the group of what's going on.

Before too long, they were announcing ten minutes to IllumiNations, so we stood up and leaned against the railing while waiting for it to start. By then there were maybe two or three more rows of people behind us, so it was a good thing we'd gotten there early!

It was probably one of the best views we'd had of it thus far. There was a tree above us so sometimes it got in the way some, but for the most part, it was a very clear view, and it was wonderful as always. Amber cried as usual, I teared up some, and we powered through the smoke that came our way as the wind was lightly blowing in our direction.

By the time the fireworks were over, we were all more than ready to head back. After an early wake up call, a hot and busy day, and by then a week of running all over the place, we were pretty drained, so calling it for the night at nine was more than reasonable. Especially since we had an early wake up call again the next morning!

Crazily enough, we still managed to sit on the bus (which I was very thankful for) and sat quietly on the way back to the resort.

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Day 8, Part 1: "Oh my God, it's empty! I love it!"

Our very last day was our earliest wake up call of all! The alarm was set for six, and we may have snoozed a bit, but a lot of us had to shower that morning so we had to start getting ready before too long.

Which, by that point in the trip, admittedly had us fairly worried about Eli (she wasn't one for early rising throughout the most of the trip, and the mood was still a bit off at times because of our last Hollywood Studios day), but we decided not to worry too much about it.

Ultimately, there was no issue to be worried about. Magic of the last day? Maybe. She was last up, granted, but we were out of the door right about the time we wanted to get going, so that was a plus!

It probably helped that I made sure to specify we had a surprise planned for the girl that morning, and it was an early one - one that couldn't be moved, and without an early wake up call, it would be missed.

We were out the door at seven and headed over to the bus area. In the end, we could probably have taken our time some more, because although buses came by for other parks, it wasn't until seven thirty until one pulled up for the Magic Kingdom.

I was first on the bus, and that was when the surprise was mostly ruined. The bus driver was very insistant on reconfirming that the park wouldn't be open until nine, and apparently my assuring him that I was fully aware of that wasn't enough. He asked if we had a reservation in the park before opening, and what for, so I ended up having to tell him we did. Which, I can understand why he would want to make sure we knew what we were getting ourselves into, but I was still disappointed at that point because we'd managed to keep this secret from the girls the whole trip.

Thankfully, they still didn't know exactly what having breakfast in the park before opening meant, or what restaurant we were eating at - and some of them weren't entirely paying attention either, so it wasn't entirely ruined.

We soon arrived at the Magic Kingdom and went through an empty bag check line, and headed to the left entrance so that we could confirm we had a reservation before opening that morning. By eight, we were making our way in!


And the girls soon discovered what an empty (well, practically) Magic Kingdom looks like!


Eli was particularly excited about this.


She danced along the street as we walked over to Main Street, clearly enjoying herself.


As were some ducks.



Amber has a very strong love for empty Main Street (as would any logical person, right?) so she had a great time taking pictures all the way up the street.


The Emporium, looking very nice in the early morning light.



Proof of the early morning entrance!



Main Street is so gorgeous. As is the rest of the park, but I don't think anything could be better than this when entering the park. It sets the perfect mood. Walt clearly knew what he was doing.




Of course, there was no way we could not get a castle picture now that we were there, with hardly anybody around, so we did just that!



And by that point, we were clearly over instructions, as we were told to put one arm up toward the castle. This is the result.


Done. Yet, it's one of the best ones, don't you think?

We were not, however, nearing the castle any more than that. Our morning reservation was taking us in a slightly different direction!


How many times have you seen Casey's Corner this empty?

And as you'll surely have guessed by now - we were off to the Crystal Palace!




Trying to get a shot of the castle above the construction walls is only somewhat successful.


The Crystal Palace is so, so pretty.


No but really.


We checked in for breakfast, which if I remember correctly was around 8:20, and we sat to wait for our beeper to go off.


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I'm legitimately SO in love with all of your flower photos. Seriously, they're gorgeous.

It sounds like Illuminations is a very moving show. I need to see it next time I go!!!

I really can't wait to see your Crystal Palace photos and hear about your last Magic Kingdom day!!! At the same time, I'm so not looking forward to reading about your last MK day because this TR is just too fun for words :(

Can't wait to see what pixie dust you have in store for your last day :)
Yours is definitely not the first TR post about said garden that mentioned the lack of butterflies though. I do love the look and decorations in the butterfly garden - especially the faerie houses (ok, that was probably not the manliest thing I have ever typed)

Yea for Disney Ducklings! (ok, probably should just turn my man card in at this point)

Sorry you were feeling dehydrated and tired - understandable though as you all have been going quite a bit and it was hot and not a stress free trip. All-in-all just resting and chilling prior to Illuminations was probably a great call

Very nice we-sie of the two of you :goodvibes

Good job getting everyone out by 7am. And you know if you weren't that early an MK bus would have been there early and you would have missed it

Love those empty MK streets a pre-park opening ADR allows. Nice to see Eli enjoying the moment

Love your castle pics - they are all great! And it that last shot I counted 6 arms fully raised (granted, not one per person, but still ... I think it counts ;) )
I love that butterfly garden because, well, I love butterflies. So I guess it makes sense.

Oh no dying battery. That really is a nightmare. I had my phone drain something fierce one day. Turns out some program was running in the background. A quick reboot and all was well. Thank GOD!

I think that's my usual go to spot for Illuminatons as well. This is a time I really miss not having other people around to hold spots so food collection can happen. Or to just be able to wander a bit and have the spot held.

Oh dear, sometimes CM's (aka bus drivers) in all their effort to help actually end up having the opposite effect. Glad that the surprise wasn't completely ruined. Although it would take some Disney novices not to know what was happening, lol.
Same apology from the other TR, but I'm gradually getting used to replying on the new DIS, so yay for personal growth!

Love all the flower pictures, and yay for getting such good prices on the festival gear!!!

HA I love the fluffy purple thing. New trip mascot!

I LOVE the American Dream, but the Canadian Dream also looks delicious! I remember briefly panicking when it came off the menu for a bit as well. Thankfully it has been rightfully restored.

I'm actually crying laughing at the applesauce. I'm floored.

RABBIT?! I would have DIED. That's such a great character to meet!!! Plus he is so cute and completely non-threatening as you said.

"I'm just following Disney law and taking a picture of the fountain that I was next to." :lmao:You guys are KILLING ME with this update.

Ugh it's so disappointing when surprises are messed up like that. At 1900 Park Fare I ordered a cake for my mom as a surprise, and when we went to check in, OF COURSE they asked my mom about the cake on the reservation. Sigh.

Crystal Palace breakfast is my everything so I'm very excited to live vicariously!
I'm legitimately SO in love with all of your flower photos. Seriously, they're gorgeous.

It sounds like Illuminations is a very moving show. I need to see it next time I go!!!

I really can't wait to see your Crystal Palace photos and hear about your last Magic Kingdom day!!! At the same time, I'm so not looking forward to reading about your last MK day because this TR is just too fun for words :(

Can't wait to see what pixie dust you have in store for your last day :)

Thank you :) We love taking a bunch of pictures, so it's always nice when they come out good!

IllumiNations is definitely great, and it gets Amber crying every time. I'm more partial to Wishes, but it's her favorite firework show, and I do really love it too.

No worries, this one should be a fairly lengthy day, so there's at least that to make up for the fact that it's the last one! We do have our September one ongoing once this one is over, which isn't quite as near to being finished, so you can definitely hop on over there :P Although it may not be as entertaining without the other girls around. And then with our November trip coming up, that'll be another big one!

Next update is coming up soon ;)

Yours is definitely not the first TR post about said garden that mentioned the lack of butterflies though. I do love the look and decorations in the butterfly garden - especially the faerie houses (ok, that was probably not the manliest thing I have ever typed)

Yea for Disney Ducklings! (ok, probably should just turn my man card in at this point)

Sorry you were feeling dehydrated and tired - understandable though as you all have been going quite a bit and it was hot and not a stress free trip. All-in-all just resting and chilling prior to Illuminations was probably a great call

Very nice we-sie of the two of you :goodvibes

Good job getting everyone out by 7am. And you know if you weren't that early an MK bus would have been there early and you would have missed it

Love those empty MK streets a pre-park opening ADR allows. Nice to see Eli enjoying the moment

Love your castle pics - they are all great! And it that last shot I counted 6 arms fully raised (granted, not one per person, but still ... I think it counts ;) )

I think one of the reasons may be that it's not one hundred percent enclosed. I mean, it'd probably be hard to get out of for a butterfly, but we did see some out and about while we were making our way to the garden, so I'm sure by the end of the festival there had been a lot of escapees

No shame over Disney love or Disney ducklings! Your man card is safe with us ;)

It was getting pretty tiring at that point. It was the most heat we'd gotten up to date, too, although there was the one really chilly day, but otherwise it was pretty heavy so it got to me a bit more than normal. It was nice to rest and ensure having great spots for IllumiNations, though.

Thank you! Yay for we-sies (or us-sies, depending on who you're talking to)

It was less of a challenge than anticipated, but I'm glad it went great! And you're probably right, so it is a good thing we got out early.

Empty MK is just the best. We had an even emptier MK in September and that was just magical. I'm pretty much hooked now - we're trying to do the same for November because I don't know how we can pass it up anymore!

That is true, six arms up in the air makes it not a total failure. Maybe we could photoshop things around to make each girl have an arm up, too :P

I love that butterfly garden because, well, I love butterflies. So I guess it makes sense.

Oh no dying battery. That really is a nightmare. I had my phone drain something fierce one day. Turns out some program was running in the background. A quick reboot and all was well. Thank GOD!

I think that's my usual go to spot for Illuminatons as well. This is a time I really miss not having other people around to hold spots so food collection can happen. Or to just be able to wander a bit and have the spot held.

Oh dear, sometimes CM's (aka bus drivers) in all their effort to help actually end up having the opposite effect. Glad that the surprise wasn't completely ruined. Although it would take some Disney novices not to know what was happening, lol.

That is a very logical explanation, I don't think you need to further it :P Butterflies really are lovely. We saw one once in St. Thomas that had black and dark red wings, they looked like velvet!

I hate dying batteries, it's the worst! And we have two batteries for that very reason, but that morning, somehow, something went awry. Oh well, with our sitting around at least we didn't miss too much!

It is a pretty awesome spot! Really, any spot where we can sit while waiting for it to start and not have to worry about losing our good view is a good spot as far as I'm concerned :P But yeah, that is definitely one of the advantages of traveling with at least one more people. Pros and cons to everything ;)

I definitely understand why he would ask too, because obviously you don't want to get people complaining and whining because they're there so early and they can't go in. It was an hour and a half before park opening. At the same time, there are a lot of people that do like getting there early especially for the welcome show, not to mention people that use it as a transfer hub to get to one of the monorail resorts for other reservations, so if someone confirms that they do know the park is not opening for a while, just let them on.

Same apology from the other TR, but I'm gradually getting used to replying on the new DIS, so yay for personal growth!

Love all the flower pictures, and yay for getting such good prices on the festival gear!!!

HA I love the fluffy purple thing. New trip mascot!

I LOVE the American Dream, but the Canadian Dream also looks delicious! I remember briefly panicking when it came off the menu for a bit as well. Thankfully it has been rightfully restored.

I'm actually crying laughing at the applesauce. I'm floored.

RABBIT?! I would have DIED. That's such a great character to meet!!! Plus he is so cute and completely non-threatening as you said.

"I'm just following Disney law and taking a picture of the fountain that I was next to." :lmao:You guys are KILLING ME with this update.

Ugh it's so disappointing when surprises are messed up like that. At 1900 Park Fare I ordered a cake for my mom as a surprise, and when we went to check in, OF COURSE they asked my mom about the cake on the reservation. Sigh.

Crystal Palace breakfast is my everything so I'm very excited to live vicariously!

It's more than alright, I hear ya on the new site! Takes some adjusting to for sure. Especially when it'd just gone up and the picture/character limit per post went down, yikes!

They do have very nice flowers, we especially liked the ones over the water! And we're definitely hoping for a repeat of discounted festival merchandise for F&W when we go in November, since that should be toward the end of it!

It is such a cutie! Definitely my new favorite Epcot buddy! (Well, after Duffy)

For sure! I was so devastated in October when it wasn't on the menu, I pouted while sipping very unsatisfactory lemonade slushie. Not that it's not tasty, but you know, it's just not the same.

We, to this day, have no clue what that was all about. Apple sauce and alcoholic beverages don't really match up that well in my mind?

I know! I looove meeting rare characters. It was such a nice surprise, too! And he's definitely a perfect, non creepy bunny.

We do take our Disney laws very seriously! Take fountain pictures is at the top. We don't want to be kicked out!

I was actually thinking about you when I wrote that, though your situation sucked even more. At least we were lucky enough that the girls were only somewhat aware of what they were in for. It would have been so disappointing for the full surprise to be ruined so that was definitely bad.

Crystal Palace is definitely a favorite, and one of the few breakfast options Amber is all for with Pooh's puffed french toast! She's not one for breakfast much but that offering with the Pooh gang definitely sold her on it.
Real Life Update: Travels and More

As most of you have noticed there are two tickers currently in the signatures of my lovely wife and myself.

The first to appear was the countdown to our next Disney trip. It'll be taking place the 6th of November through the 15th. We're going to be staying at the All Star Sports for the Sunday to Sunday with Friday and Saturday at Pop Century because Marie and I are arriving before the rest of the group.

The group is my side of the family, including my Mom, Grandma, brother, Aunt Sarah, Uncle Butch and their three children who will be aged 9, 8, and 3. It's going to be an exciting trip but after this one I won't lie I'm a little stressed about the possibilities of drama. Luckily, I don't think that it will matter all too much, hopefully.

The second one is a countdown to a cruise! From June 8th to the 12th we'll be on the Norwegian Sky going to the Bahamas from Miami. We'll also spend a couple of days in Miami afterward. It is another girls trip so everyone in this TR will be there with the exception of Eli. We're pretty excited about doing something different with them.

Finally, on Tuesday I had a minor out patient surgery to fix my neck. As I'm sure you've all noticed there's a hole in my neck from when they had to put a tube in to allow me to breathe. It wasn't healing up properly so they went in to fix it. According to the doctor I should like my new scar a lot better and hopefully it'll be more like a line than a permanent hole in my neck (which I'm admittedly very excited about because I've been very self conscious about that hole).

So that's all that's been going on but I figured that I should update you all on the happenings that have been major. Thanks for sticking with us and don't worry, I wrote an actual update too ;)

- Amber
Day 8, Part 2: "Quick, eat all the bacon!"

It luckily wasn't too long before we were told that Winnie the Pooh had a table waiting for us, at which time pretty much everyone was excited to know that we were going to be dining with some characters!

We were lead inside by our waitress and taken to a table in the section that Marie and I ate in before.


View from our table.

Before our drinks even arrived our first guest was ready to visit!



Traci forgot to take off her ears so that's what Veronica is doing in the picture, just so you know.

Since Merranda hadn't gotten to meet anyone solo, she asked to have a solo picture with this adorable donkey.


They do look pretty cute together.


Drinks all around. Mostly apple juice but also some hot cocoa and chocolate milk.

Since no one else was around, we decided to go and hit up the buffet and between all of us, I think we got pretty much everything there was to offer.



My plates, which include the amazing puffed french toast which I could eat for days.


Veronica's plate.


Marie's plates.


Merranda's plates.


Traci's plates.


Eli's plate.

Everyone was really happy with the food, let me tell you. I don't think much went to waste if I remember correctly and everyone loved the puffed french toast.


The main bear himself was next to visit.

Veronica asked for a solo picture and I said yes, not knowing that Traci had asked for a solo picture too and Marie had said not to hold things up too much and that Merranda and Eli would be getting them because they hadn't had solo pictures.

Oops, apparently we need to work on communication.


But look how cute they are!


Marie's seconds, note that there is more puffed french toast.


Eli's seconds.

Tigger is Eli's absolute favorite, so when he started to get closer she got super excited.


She snapped some selfies too, but I took a regular picture as well.


It was decided that I should try and squat and make myself smaller. As you can see, it didn't go well and I was almost falling over.


So I just got down on my knees and things went better. Except for my knees which sort of hurt from how quickly I went to the floor.

Now, you can see Piglet in the background of this picture, getting closer to the table and Marie realized that she still had quite a pile of bacon sitting on the plate. Not wanting to offend the little guy, she knew she had to finish her bacon before he arrived.

And she did, she managed to chow down the last piece just as he was approaching the table. Mission accomplished.


He'd never know any better.

Also, shoutout to the photobomber in the right hand corner. How scandalous that a bunch of twenty somethings are meeting Piglet indeed.

By that point we'd all pretty much finished eating and it was getting fairly close to park opening, so we knew that we just had to wait for the bill before we'd be able to get going.


It arrived and we did what any normal people would do, take a picture with it.

Then, of course, we paid it so we'd be able to get going.

However, I had to stop and take some pictures of one of my favorite features of the Crystal Palace.


I mean


They're just


So very



Once I had captured the pictures, we were free to go and since the park had just opened a few minutes prior, we had the whole day ahead of us!

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Congrats on the new trips planned. I bet you will have a blast on that girls trip/cruise!

Hopefully the drama is kept to a minimum on the next Disney trip. Maybe you two can plan at least 1 date night or something to know you will have at least that time alone

According to the doctor I should like my new scar a lot better

I was thinking you were going to say that the new scare will be in the shape of a Mickey head ;) Hope everything went well with the surgery and it heals properly this time and you are happy with the result :goodvibes
great character photos form the CP breakfast ... even if some of them were apparently scandalous ;)

If it was possible I could probably eat puffed French Toast for about 50 meals straight - that stuff is so good!

Glad Marie finished the bacon - wost case probably would have been her still having a mouth full when he came over.


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